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Big Virge Sep 2021
Now It Seems That Some Heads...
Sometimes DESERVE...
.... REAL CREDIT... !!!!!!
For Simply NOT ACCEPTING... !!!
Those Who Start Injecting...
A Need For THEIR Directives...
To Fulfil THEIR Objectives... !!!
Whilst Leaving Theirs...
.... UNPROTECTED.... !!!
Are NOT Part of Collectives...
Whose Movements Are PATHETIC... !!!
By Vaccines Now Suggested...
To Be What'll Give Protection...
Against This Virus Spreading...
That’s Caused Corona Infections... !!!
Now DON'T Think That I’m Saying...
That Such Actions Are... RIGHT... !!!
But Something Odd Is Playing...
In... Unapologetic Minds... !!!
As They’ve Done At Various Times...
Throughout My Years of Life... !!!
They STOOD TOUGH... !!!
In The Face of Mugs...
Who Were Quick To Run...
For Those In Governments...
Who... DON’T Apologise... ?!?
For How They Choose To LIE...
And Tie Up... Peoples Lives... !?!
Because APOLOGIES...
Are NOT Part of Their Policies...
When It Comes To Deals...
That Make THEM MONEY... !!!
Whilst Their Supporters Are Left...
... STARVING HUNGRY... !!!!!
It’s A Thing So DREAD...
That It Now INFECTS...
... Submissive Heads... !!!
Who Choose To Believe...
In Those Who Deceive...
And Claim To Lead...
These... GREAT Countries... !!!
To Make... APOLOGIES... !!!!!
For INDULGING In Things...
Like.... SLAVERY.... !?!
So To Be... UNAPOLOGETIC... !!!
ISN'T Always As Good...
As It May Seem... !!!
So Sometimes Needs...
..... CORRECTING..... !!!
When It Deals In BAD Deeds... !!!
That Then Are Claimed...
By Those In The Frame...
To Be... “ OKAY “... !!!
Because of Gains...
That Have Put In Place...
The Chains of Today...
That Come From Reigns...
of... Enslavement Campaigns... !!!
However Those I CREDIT...
With The Type of Ethics...
That Have Proven To Be...
In... POSITIVE Ways...  !!!
Are Those Who Choose To BREAK...
The Chains That ENSLAVE...
How It Is That They Think...
And Then In Turn... Behave...
So Are The Type of Names...
Than SUBMISSIVE Slaves... !!!!
Because It Takes A LOT of *****... !!!
And Walk Your Own Walk...
Whilst Running BIG TALK... !!!
When The Masses Make The Call...
For It To Be... Cut Short... !!!
These Heads Face Pitfalls...
That These People Were RIGHT... !!!
To Stand By Their Beliefs...
You See This Piece of Poetry...
Speaks On Something VERY DEEP... !!!
It’s Asking... WHAT You ARE...
One of The SHEOPLE’ Class... ?
Or Do You CHOOSE Your Path...
NO MATTER What It Charts... !?!
Because You WON'T CONCEDE...
Or Other Peoples Speech...
That Suggests That You Are WEAK... !!!
You’re NOT How THEY BE... !!!
THIS Piece of Poetry...  
Is One That Speaks...
On A Subject That’s...  
... REAL DEEP... !!!
In This New Age of Technology...
There’ll Be Things...
That’ll Make NO APOLOGY... !!!
For... How They Deal...
With Human Beings... !!!
And... In Society...
What We Now See...
Are... Policies...
And People Who Lead...
In Ways That Are YES...
In... What They Say...
HAS TO BE The Way... !!!
That People MOVE... !!!!
Are These Words NOT TRUE... ?
The Answer Is CLEARLY...
..... Down To YOU..... !!!
But THINK It Through...
BEFORE You Say... It’s Cool...
If You Know DEEP Down... !!!
You DON'T Believe That’s True...
It’s TRUE That I’m A Dude...
Who Holds Very Strong Views... !!!
That... MANY Would Say...
When I Merely Relay...
MY VERSION of The TRUTH... !!!
And Would Rather Be A Name...
Who Someday Gained Fame...
For The Use of MY BRAIN... !!!
In Ways That Displayed...
of... EVERY New Thing...
That Has Been Presented...
To Be What Was RIGHT...
For Me To Live MY LIFE...
In Ways That I WANTED TOO... !!!
Because I Think...
To ACT Like Everything’s Cool...
And To Then Become Submissive...
To A Way of Life... "Restricted"...
That Much Like Today's Thinking...
Is Basically PATHETIC...
That’s Right This Poem’s Said It... !!!
Because I’m...  
Not From These Collectives...
Who Seem Happy To Be Subjected...
To Having Their Thoughts SELECTED...  
By Fascists Or These Leftists... !!!
I’d Rather Be Accepted...
... The UNAPOLOGETIC... !!!
A group who are a very rare breed !
Crimsyy  Aug 2017
Crimsyy Aug 2017
She won't like
what I've got to say,
Well, should have
behaved a better way,
now I'm here,
feeling my best
and I have no regrets,
tell the girl bye
because I won't cry.

I'm unapologetic,
her act, so pathetic,
she messed with a bad *****,
turned apathetic I'm
moving on to ****,

And now she better
walk that other way,
better have nothing to say,
the tables have turned,
left her to burn.
You better walk that other way,
because there's nothing
left to salvage,
you messed with a savage *****
and I won't be
providing no bandage,
I've moved on, unapologetic.

- Crimsyy

**A/N: This is what occurs when someone messes with a savage poet. Here's a hint: you won't get away with it. Thankyou for reading! What do you think of this poem?
Rochelle R  Feb 2018
Rochelle R Feb 2018
The anguish in this alienating aloneness is alarmingly enlightening
I am aware as the colors of my aura
fade from vibrant to mute
A spiraling sense of self grasps at false promises of hope or help
Each face that shows itself as an ally is simply mirage or ghost
Or wisps of nothingness I probably hallucinated to cope
I am an anchor in a rushing tide
Life floods by with no more than a glance over the shoulder
Some collide from behind urging me to move on, frustrated when I don’t align with their idea of time
I need to be unapologetically ‘not ok’
Imagine my electric shock when I find that’s not an option
The anguish in this alienating aloneness is alarmingly enlightening
Aaron LaLux Apr 2018
Unapologetic Romantics

She broke my heart down,
or better yet she broke my heart open,
now I’m running around town,
searching for someone to place my hope in,

thinking every woman I meet might be my redemption,
regardless of the heartless nature of their intentions,
see I’m searching for healing because I’m way past prevention,
and I heard there’s a cure and so I’m seeking out the medicine,

but I haven’t found it yet,
and I’m surrounded by debt,
the emotional kind not the financial kind,
because I’ve got money but still feel desperate,

and yeah I cried today,
and no that’s not something I’m ashamed to admit,
see if you feel like letting your tears go,
then let them go because we all deserve to cleanse,

and most importantly,
please believe,

that you are beautiful,
because you are,
and yeah I see your wrists,
and yeah I see those scars,

and yeah I know you hurt a lot sometimes,
but that’s just the consequence of having an open heart,
it’s going to break occasionally because you love unconditionally,
but I’ll tell you right now that love you give is the most beautiful art,

and I love that you love so recklessly,
I have how we are both Unapologetic Romantics,
hopelessly addicted to that feeling of feeling another being,
and experiencing all of them with unconditional acceptance,

I accept you,
even if you’re not my redemption,
I love you,
regardless of your intentions,

and now love,
that I have your attention,
there’s one last thing,
I’d love to mention,

all of this pain and anguish and tension,
is nothing compared to the love of liberation,
so if you’re depressed let your self feel fully that depression,
and when you’re finally ready meet  me on the Road of Ascension,

because I told you before,
the Brightest Lights cast the Darkest Shadows,
so love your hate love your darkness love your pain,
love the scars that you’ve gained from these heartless battles,

you are a Love Warrior,
and I find your darkness magnificent,
so share with me your everything,
and I promise you I will be present,

because right now,
you are the only one in this entire world that matters,
you are the only one I can see and I see you entirely,
so come here let’s share dreams break patterns and make things better,

because this is our life and we’re all gonna die,
and there’s no need to rush a sure thing,
so put down the pills set down the knife,
and let’s get back to living,

and yeah you’ve been beat down and broken,
and yeah we’ve all been hurt,
but so what let’s dance sing and break free,
because in order to heal you must be heart first,

and maybe that’s why I say she broke my heart down,
or better yet she broke my heart open,
now I’m running around town,
searching for someone to place my hope in,

thinking every woman I meet might be my redemption,
regardless of the heartless nature of their intentions,
see I’m searching for healing because I’m way past prevention,
and I heard there’s a cure and so I’m seeking out the medicine…

∆ LaLux ∆
Not Lauren  Mar 2018
Not Lauren Mar 2018
I am unapologetic.

In the way I allow the universe to swallow me whole
In the way love's possession leaves me helpless
In the way my words are lost among yours
In the way I dream in poetics
In the way my raw emotions are truthfully expressed

I am apologetically unapologetic.
Sierra Scanlan Oct 2016
“Be gentle.”
The thing about being a woman
is that you are taught to be
but not how to navigate a world
that will NOT treat you gently.
I’ve spent my life being
Stepped all over
Like a **** doormat.
We’re taught
It’s weak and feminine
To be gentle.
The gentle ones
Are the ones we should truly applaud
For they have found ways
To love
In a world that
Can be
So ugly.
I once hated
How my heart feels
It’s as big as this planet
But I now realize
I can love in ways that
Others can not
And while I may
Have been hurt
Often because of
this, I will embrace it.
It’s a blessing,
Not a curse.

“Don’t raise your voice.”
On Saturday,
my coach told me he could hear me
from where he was standing
and he was feet away.
He meant it as a joke,
I even laughed to hide the hurt.
I’ve been told I’m loud
For most of my life
And everyone always thinks
It’s hilarious to point out
But it’s not.
It ******* hurts.
It gets old being told,
“Lower your voice”
“Be quiet”
“God, you’re so loud”
It’s like a broken record,
One I would like to never
Hear again.
My voice is a loud roar
And it’s powerful.
I won’t apologize
For the way in which
It rings through your ears.
I feel things strongly,
I express it through
My voice.
There is no mute button
And I will be heard.

“You should probably cover up.”
I was 13
The first time I was shamed
For the clothes I wore.
In middle school,
I was stuck in a classroom
With other girls in the school.
Because our shorts were too short.
I felt suffocated.
I wanted to cry.
The walls were bland and gray,
Why me?
There was just no way
I could be in the same space
As a boy
And him be able to control myself
While my legs were out in the open
For him to see.
Like, ****.  
My shirt couldn’t be slouched off my shoulder,
Because you know that’s what
Really gets boys GOING!
Legs and ******* shoulder blades,
For God’s sake.
We instill these expectations
Into young girl’s minds
Not realizing the damage,
The daggers were throwing
At their little hearts.
I grew older
And I was still being told what to wear.
“Are you sure you should wear that?”
I had to be careful what I wore out
Otherwise a guy may think of it as
Permission to ***** and grab.
I’m not a piece of meat,
I’m not YOUR girl,
I’m not anyone to you
But that doesn’t mean
You shouldn’t respect me
For who I am,
A human being
With feelings.

“Oh, honey… He’s just mean to you because he likes you.”
A boy threw sand at me when I was 7.
It got in my eyes
And all over my new pretty dress.
All I wanted to do was cry but
I was told he did it because he liked me.
We love those who hurt us
Because when we were young
We were told this meant they liked us.
It changes as we grow older,
It’s no longer thrown sand
And playful touches.
It becomes something bigger,
Something scarier than the
Monsters that you thought
Were under your bed.
Loud screams.
A black eye here,
A cut there.
You look in the mirror
And you swear you’ve
Never looked more terrible.
A lack of control.
A lack of sleep.
But, but,
He does this
Because he loves me.
Weak and trapped.
You can’t escape
Because he’s all you
Where do you go?
Love wasn’t supposed to feel like

“She was asking for it.”
She had a bit to drink.
She’s feeling loose and happy.
You complimented her and
Her eyes lit up.
She’s moving closer to you,
Trusting you.
One thing leads to another
And next thing you know,
There you are,
in the bedroom.
She’s not sure if she wants this
But her clothes come off
Quick like a glove.
You’ve got her right where
You want her.
You go with it
Because how could you resist
The twinkle in her eyes
And those thighs?
Things are a bit blurred
For her
And when she realizes what you’ve done,
She’ll feel cheated and robbed
For you stole something so valuable.
Before people
Ask why you did this to her,
They’ll ask what she was wearing
And what she had to drink.
Was her shirt cut low?
Was she drunk?
How unfortunate this is.
Her life will never be

I will unapologetically be the woman I am
I will be tough
I will raise my voice
I will wear what makes me love the skin I’m in
I will walk away
I will love myself
I will fight against **** culture
I recently revised this poem, so this is the updated version of my first draft of the poem.
Marisia Delafuga Nov 2014
Truth and Dare
Just Because I Do Care
Unapologetic ******* me
Like the Moon like The Sun
That Shine Unapologetic in Silence

Why compromise?
Why pretend?
Why Aiming Low?
Theres no freedom in self denial, no Authenticity.

Close your eyes
Do you Know Anyone in this World Exactly Like You?
So Shut the **** Up
You Weird and StarDusty nasty Individual!

Dare Darling


Play The Game

Every lil thing counts
One step at a time
Baby steps and High Jumps
With Dignity and Grace
for your Soul's Embrace

Dare Darling

The World is in your Hands
Exciting Adventures for your
Body Spirit and Soul to Rise
Dive in
face your beautiful darkness
Release no judgment
and let your heart reborn with the Divine flame of compassion!

Unlock this brilliant forces
Bring Awareness
Your wisdom is a gift for you to release
In A mystic unique way
Get to Know your daimons
And Turn them into Diamonds
Turn your scarls into stars

No Rush Please!
Rush is Kind and Catalyst
But Not Always useful.

Notice your breathing

and Laughing At Life
Laughing at the Odds!
A New Perspective is Opening ..

And it's Blooming now Through you

The Trumpets following your Symphony of Love
Another Victory!


Cause no one ever told ya
That the ability to Reborn and Thrive is endless..

I trust you

Love you

But Dare

DARE Darling.

P.s: I DARE you..
eden halo  Feb 2014
eden halo Feb 2014
i’m sorry, i’m so sorry
please don’t worry
please don’t worry
it isn’t very much at all
i’m blue-
faced with apologies
and choked-up girl pathology
"i think i’m gonna hurl"
i scream, and taste
another “sorry”,
pressed like flowers,
blossomed in my throat.
speak softer, beg forgiveness,
my voice is not my business:
cut my tongue out,
make me kissable,
more easily dismissible
an echoing abyss for you to fill
with hot air, coffee breath
and sound bites
i don’t **** around,
i bite
and scratch and pound and shriek —
you will be sorry when i speak
you’re gonna look pathetic,
you’re emetic, here’s your drinks back
down your suit
i feel frenetic
i will puke, i ******* swear it,
if you call me unapologetic
like a compliment again.
not apologising
for myself
is women’s studies 101,
and i am done
with what a sorry state
you left my sisters in.
paternalistic praises
of our struggle for assertion
and insertion of your ego
into conversations
you were not invited to
is not the way to ladies’ hearts, though
we know how to get to yours:
open ribs, second ***** to the left
and straight on til morning
some things aren’t about you, little boy,
put up, grow up, shut up:
get your tongue out of my mouth.
feeling v feminist when i wrote this i dont wanna apologise for my gender guys stop telling me youre sad about sexism its pathetic
trashcanpoetry Dec 2017
dear me in the 8th grade-

you haven’t even realized you like like boys yet.
you haven’t realized that all of those gay jokes are about you
so they don’t hurt your feelings, yet.
you haven’t seen what it’s like to be labeled as something, and also that the same label happens to be what everyone will know you as.
you didn’t realize that accepting yourself a lot sooner would’ve saved you a lot of memories you’d prefer to forget.

dear me in the 11th grade-

you’ve realized that after dating so many girls,
something just wasn’t really right.
you couldn’t pin-point it so you just ignored it.
maybe you thought love just wasn’t for you.
it wasn’t until that car ride with dad that you understood why everything was so confusing.
“be honest with me kid, are you gay?”
“oh ****...”
it was something that hadn’t even crossed my mind.

dear me in my 3rd year of college-

you’re definitely gay.
you’re challenged by the fact that you can’t hold your boyfriends hand in public the same way that your sisters and their boyfriends can.
you hate that dating through apps like
grindr and tinder seem to be the
best way to find “love”.
however, you love the fact that you now know exactly who you are, and you are unapologetic.
mel  Jan 2018
mel Jan 2018
i radiate light
most of my hours
but that's not to say
i am always okay

day after day
everything changes
you, me, the trees
my mood + their leaves

the sky never hurries
the mountains don't try
the bees and the moss
without judgement
s u r v i v e

spinning, the earth
moves along

qualities i hope
we all can
take on
Lucanna  Aug 2013
Lucanna Aug 2013
I'm reckless
and wounded
and the most horrible part of it
is that I'm completely
about the raised
I've created
in your mind.
Simon Woodstock Mar 2018
Like an Olympic figure skater she elegantly twirls around the pole
her movements flow together like a rushing stream
However her presence is like that of a mountain
she climbs and twists on the pole as if it was and extra limb
telling the emotion of the song with such beauty
bearing a smile worth more than diamonds matched with a heart of gold
Shes eternally in love with herself so she moves without hesitation
Like a hurricane she crashes thru each movement  destroying any doubt or bad vibes
She is an elegant, unapologetic,  woman of class
spreading kindness to all she meets
loving every step of the way

— The End —