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4.4k · Dec 2015
There was a ship
cath Dec 2015
"There was a ship"
started !, as a stranger passed by

"There was a ship"
started I, yet to another guy

"There was a ship|"
started I, cuz I had to repent till I die...
*I was inspired by the poem "The Rime of the ancient Mariner" and wrote this* *little poem :) Hope you like it*
3.8k · Dec 2015
There was a ship
cath Dec 2015
"There was a ship"
started I, as a stranger passed by

"There was a ship"
started I, yet to another guy

"There was a ship"
started I, cuz I had to repent till I die...
I was inspired by the poem 'The Rime of the ancient Mariner' and wrote this little poem :) Hope you like it
2.2k · May 2015
cath May 2015
She waited long and wide
She waited a long time
someone might see her
But no, no one came
She knew that day, that very day
That there's no prince in shiny armor
That she's no damsel in distress
She knew that day, that very day
That no one's gonna come
That she's the one, who gotta spread
her wings  and flyaway
Save herself, help herself
Flyaway to the sky
Flyaway to her destiny
She's the one, who gotta spread
her wings and flyaway.
A poem written by my bestie Ghaz!
2.1k · Oct 2015
cath Oct 2015
Opportunity, it can happen
to anyone, anytime

Talent in one,
don't need preparation

A little courage and confidence
is all it takes

Once you give your best,
they might not care
but satisfied, should be you
your heart!
1.2k · Dec 2016
Brothers by choice
cath Dec 2016
Not bonded in any blood relation,
they were so close
Brothers by choice.
They shared the smallest of things
Thought, when they grey older,
ones life blossomed
and the others' doomed
He surrounded himself with pain
and darkness
Into a dark well, he fell deeper and deeper
Soon, he just breathed...
His betterhalf,
did every possible thing to bring hope
but there was no way out of the well
And so, he made him his favourite drink
and let him free.
He freed him
1.2k · May 2015
cath May 2015
Floating like a butterfly
I sting like a bee
Voice so quiet, I shout aloud
Being an obedient child
I break the rules
Don't judge me by what I wear,
or how I look
If I want I could shred you to pieces
Look who you mess with cuz I'm a fighter
I punch the living daylight, out of you
Don't mess with me cuz I'm a fighter!
Once again, a poem written by my bestie Ghaz!
859 · Sep 2015
Your Value
cath Sep 2015
We talked
enjoyed each others' company
and we talked more...

Later I got bored
and made excuses
to get away from you

I thought having you
in life
is a trouble

But you would
spend your life
talking to me

We got separated
I was finally relieved... I miss you
I now know your real value
      Forgive me....
827 · May 2015
She was gone
cath May 2015
There was once a girl,
sweet as a candy
Innocent as a butterfly

She existed like everyone else
Not a single soul disliked her
She realized the real meaning of life,
When she was in Love...
A girl, who everyone loved
was in love

Ready to do anything for him
Gave up everything for him
But... he never felt the same
Instead, he hated her
He treated her like she wasn't meant to live
She asked the reason why?
But he never replied...
Still for her, he was her prince

She asked herself "Don't I deserve love?"
None noticed her pain
One day she disappeared
with no clue left behind
None knew whether she was alive or dead
She came like an angel who made everyone smile
And was left with nothing
She was gone...
No one ever knew
#Love #Life #Hate #Pain
808 · Aug 2015
Heart hurts
cath Aug 2015
Heart might be at the left
but it's always right

Most of the time
heart is right,
at time you just can't go with it
and it hurts

When heart pains
you cry
when you cry,
someone who cares for you cries
then it hurts the most
and you don't feel alive
737 · Jun 2015
He loved her
cath Jun 2015
He asked her out
She dumped him

He loved her
She was faking it

He asked for one more chance
She denied

He waited
She never came

She returned apologizing
He denied
731 · May 2015
I waited
cath May 2015
I waited long,
In hope of hearing from her
just for once...
But she doesn't seem to care
left me long ago
all by myself
I was hurt, and
I was in pain
Love and faith in her
kept me alive
I waited,
even when the end was near
I waited,
till my last breath...
The feelings of a father, when his daughter left him alone
725 · May 2015
Memories stay unified
cath May 2015
I know we're not something great
we have made many mistakes
From the starting of grade 8
we've been baking all sorts of cakes

We laughed, we joked
we cried, we consouled
we were together in the worst and best
We'd never let anyone rest

We are naughty as hell
sometimes we'd stay in a  shell
Through thick and thin we survived
I hope our memories stay unified.
A poem written by my bestie... Mariya!
We are four bestfriends and the poem is just us :)
715 · Aug 2015
Footsteps Of Death
cath Aug 2015
Staring at the ceiling
I'm lying here numb
footsteps of her coming closer

Strange voices tearing my ears
She is coming to take me whole

I try telling the situation
but she's having hold

I see her right in front
to forever be gone
663 · Jun 2015
cath Jun 2015
I was awaken by those footsteps
which gave me shivers
I sat hugging my knees
in the dark silence
No source of light
That odor was everywhere which I breathed
poisoning me inside
Fiercing two eyes glared at me
and I was shaken by the sight
I pleaded everyday to free me
but no one ever replied
Not knowing my fault
I cried,
cried... till all the tears were dried
I was trapped in darkness
loosing myself to survive
I breathed hopeless
655 · Nov 2017
Far away
cath Nov 2017
Sitting in his armchair
Comforted by the thick woollen sweater
4:15, the clock shows
Sipping on his bittersweet coffee
He reads the same book for the tenth time.
Out of the window
He glances,
As if someone there awaits
Like always
A sweet face of a lady
Smiles at him
Into a million fireworks
His heart explodes
He laughs at himself
When the face disappears
Everyday repeats itself
same place, same coffee, same book
If only she lived,
Things would've felt a little less robotic
652 · May 2015
A piece of life
cath May 2015
I lay cold on the bed,
glucose dripping into me
white walls surrounding me
that beaping sound, broke the silence
I feel my heartbeat...
everything else numb

Some familiar faces appeared
It was my little family,
with teary eyes, forcing a smile
A fear in those eyes
made my heart sink

My little brother spoke,
but I couldn't hear a word
I saw their lips move
but was unable to respond

Something hit my heart inside,
beats getting slower
and slower, with every breath
Vision got blurry
everything was fading

This can't be happening
not like this...
I want to live
and grab the stars
Hearing the last long beap,
everything went blank...
646 · May 2015
World, a stage (10W)
cath May 2015
World is a stage
You are a performer
perform well
619 · Apr 2016
Cry In The Rain
cath Apr 2016
I see him walk by the street
after he visits the stone
He holds a piece of paper out
and that's the moment of frown
Pressing it against his chest,
he cries...
He cries in the rain
A sight so awful
hurts me deep
Thinking no one's around
he cries to the fullest
But here I am sharing
a part of his grief
I watch him until he,
disappears in the rain
596 · Feb 2017
Did they know?
cath Feb 2017
I was thrown at the hard ground
encircled by furious faces
someone kicked
another punched
others followed the same
I rolled all around in pain
Like a ball,
I was passed to everyone
Finally, I was burned.
I cried and screamed
None came for help
Instead, they cheered
Not once was I given a chance
to explain myself
I killed him
because I was *****.
588 · May 2015
Being bullied
cath May 2015
Some enjoy doing it,
some suffer it
And others, just keep ignoring
Crying is their hobby
Pain is a normal feeling
Death is something they always wish for
Each day is a regret
Not a single moment spent without tears
They are just a toy
Always played with
And made fun of
Some end up coming over it
and some giving up their lives
They are only remembered,
when they die...
582 · May 2015
cath May 2015
Shadows come with the pain that you're running from
Isn't my work
481 · Apr 2020
A firecracker
cath Apr 2020
I am firecracker
Brought in by my parents
With basic needs and education
I was lit.
To tell you the truth
Im mostly burned out
No exquisite light whatsoever
Simply put,
The plan is to shoot high
And bright, at a pace of my own
Before the angel
Lights me out
Wrote this quickly for a competetion
447 · Feb 2016
Why would I?
cath Feb 2016
I've hurted you a lot...
I had no choice
but that made you strong
and able to make decisions
But why did you name it 'betrayal'?
Why would I betray 'you'?
If I had betrayed you,
destiny has betrayed me too...
438 · Nov 2017
Once here
cath Nov 2017
They come flooding your mind
with no warning
though, everyone appears
at different times
reminding you the days
of happiness, sadness
hardships, achievements
all with their little purpose
in your life
Somewhere in the world
but not a part in your life
Dead, some maybe
and always alive in your memories
390 · Dec 2015
It disappeared
cath Dec 2015
Slithering, slithering slowly
came the venomous creature
it looked like a beautiful pattern
Brownish-yellow scales
it's eyes fierce
Now, it rested in front of me,
all puffed up
I, horrified stood without movement
waiting for it to bite
it stood up, half my height
but, surprisingly it did not cause harm
and disappeared
366 · Feb 2016
Something missing...
cath Feb 2016
There was love
on both sides
Still, one side felt
something was missing
but couldn't figure out what...
something words can't tell...
That one side
sometimes struggled
and lost control,
which later turned into arguments
The other side was hurt
but handled everything
cuz this side loved none,
but only
the confused struggling side
342 · Feb 2016
Smiling, an Art
cath Feb 2016
Crying is a solution
to almost nothing
but a smile is!

One maybe
hurt inside
but, they might also know
the art of smiling

Cry and gain sympathy,
not something great
but smiling and facing it yourself
equal to a battle won

They will name you
heartless, careless human
cuz that's what the world's like
someday the same world
will realize
what you actually did
with a smile!
341 · May 2015
cath May 2015
See, the sand is moving
no bars in its way
and the nights passing
there you stay thinking

You wait for things to happen,
when the sand moves with same pace
then you regret, what could have happened
and there you are with a stained face

The sand is waiting for none
you waste time, instead cherish the moment
cause everything lasts for once
and there's no harm making it worth!
331 · May 2015
cath May 2015
Please...I want my dream to come true
don't stop me for doing
What I love.....plzz
326 · Feb 2016
Don't let me go
cath Feb 2016
Holding back the tears, I
collected my belongings
your belongings
My decision it was, to leave
I want you to stop me

At the door I stand
Arms folded,
out of the window, you gaze
I want you to look at me

I started to pace,
far from you
I would've stayed
*If you just stopped me once
321 · May 2015
Cruel enough?
cath May 2015
I know,
I believed whatever was said
good or bad, sweet or bitter
I accepted,
everything without any preconceptions
I thought,
you were a legend
but...all you did was destroy me

I wish they knew
what you had done to me
but now it's too late
and it's time to leave...
318 · Feb 2016
cath Feb 2016
In the night,
those shadows creep in
they haunt me whole
leaving a hollow body
Looking at myself
I shriek a little
cuz only I realize
their unseen existance
Clutching on the insides,
they scream
forcing me towards end
Sadly, they lose
and I continue to fight
317 · Jun 2015
Incomplete Words
cath Jun 2015
That girl spoke
but completed only few words
She stuck at some words
and it really annoyed others

Laughing at her
they made her feel unworthy
Made fun of her
without knowing her problem

She, sometimes cry
and lose strength
but, she's not someone weak
smiling gracefully she showed up again

Again they laughed at her
In front of them
stood her boldly
She sang, perfect
stuck at no word
finishing the song, she left
Sorry! I haven't been writing these days and not posting either...little busy
But here's a new work...hope you like it :)
316 · Dec 2016
cath Dec 2016
Grade eight,
new class, new classmates
Left out, I was
Hardly I talked to them.
She 'talked' to me
she made an effort
I liked her voice.
And we talked more...
Late night talking on phone
sharing of stories
Truth never hidden
A lie never told
My partner in crime, she is.
My poopmate.
Doesn't matter if this sounds cheesy
I love her.
A poem for my best friend! There are some words and lines which might  not make any sense to you...but don't mind them :P (It's our secret :D)
311 · May 2016
cath May 2016
The room smelled of her
Kept in a corner,
those little boxes which she loved
And many of her glasses
hung all around

Her diary, a grey coloured
formal one
a dove stuck on it
was filled with my name...
Every entry, each page,
I was there...
A button of my shirt
which I thought was lost
was between the pages...

I remember her hugging me
and saying, "I love you"
...I did not respond...
The last when I visited
she was here
but now, only her belongings...
288 · May 2015
cath May 2015
'Perfection' is not what I need
but little love is all I need
285 · Dec 2016
Keep moving
cath Dec 2016
Someone will always be
better than you,
and you will always be
better than someone
That is how it works
now keep moving.
275 · Sep 2016
She is funny..
cath Sep 2016
Half my body on her lap
my head scooped in her arms
She pleaded me to breathe
and do not let go...
I smiled,
she is funny, really
cause she poisoned me
and does not want me dead..?
273 · Dec 2016
cath Dec 2016
Why were you the one
who made me fit in?
Why were you the one
who helped me in everything?
Why were you the one
who made me smile unknowingly?
Why were you the one
who taught me to live life?
Why were you the one
who 'almost' loved me?
Why were you also the one
who shattered me whole?
And now you are the reason
for my unmoving body.
272 · May 2015
cath May 2015
This is a wonderful place
lovely people
I've never felt happier before
HP is amazing! you guys are amazing! Luv ya all :)
268 · Sep 2015
You better...
cath Sep 2015
You better lie
and comfort them
you better speak the truth
and break them
243 · May 2015
First one
cath May 2015
Who's gonna be
the first one
to say goodbye?
Isn't my work
243 · Jun 2016
An apology
cath Jun 2016
A stranger I met
the other day
was called a '******'
by me
silly me...
Though, it was a joke
Not everyone likes
and absolutely not
these kind
Well, I'm sorry, I did not mean it even a percent...I told you that I'm lame, and make no sense sometimes.
243 · Dec 2016
Someone I love
cath Dec 2016
A figure sat still
in a corner of the room
The room was quiet until,
the figure took uneasy breaths
I knew who this figure belonged to
I knew it at the first glance
but assured myself it wasn't,
it can't be...
It rose its head,
its hollow sockets met my eyes
My mother.
Her lips twitched a little
and that was all it took
to make everything go black.
242 · Feb 2016
A Night
cath Feb 2016
I lie wide awake
quarter past three in the morning
the clock shows

Some serial, watches my mum
in that space of hers

In the same room as mine
sleep my brothers
Quiet, it is
For thoughts, inspirations
I wait

I thought
when finally neared me
I had fallen asleep until then
A dream it turned out to be
Now, I can't recall a thing
235 · May 2016
cath May 2016
your pen starts speaking, when your mouth can't anymore
233 · Feb 2016
cath Feb 2016
I fear of getting lost in this world
190 · Apr 2020
My heart in your hands
cath Apr 2020
Please carry it gently
its been crushed, torn
and fixed
Yet again,
this is one of the
many times I trust
You might drop it too
and somebody else would
mend it their way
But none will be able to
piece it in the pattern
like it was when
first broken
166 · Feb 2020
cath Feb 2020
Be like snow
     beautiful to watch
                but hard to catch
145 · May 2020
cath May 2020
Can someone tell me how to write in bold and italics?
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