I watched her
open the mailbox.
she hesitated
before she did.
to anyone else,
this meant nothing.
they didn't know
that nine years ago,
she was standing
in the driveway
while her husband
was taken away.
under the glow of
red and blue lights,
she smiled thinking
that this was finally over.
there would be
no more bruises
and no more heartache.
she would finally be free.
she could finally breathe.
she had no idea that this
was only the beginning.
as the years went on,
the faith drained
from her body.
he was everywhere.
in her call log,
outside her window,
in her nightmares,
e v e r y w h e r e.
he wouldn't leave.
she didn't think that
she could ever be free.
but today,
I watched her stand
in her driveway
and open the mailbox
of her very own house
and read the letters
from the loved ones
that she was forced to
lose all those years ago.
the neighbors watched
as a random woman
opened her mailbox.
I watched as a woman
finally opened the
gate to freedom.