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18.3k · Jan 2015
She Paints A Pretty Picture
Oliver Grey Jan 2015
She paints a pretty picture
But the story has a twist
Her paintbrush was her razor
And her canvas was her wrist

She paints a pretty picture
In a color that's blood red
And using her sharp paintbrush
She ends up finally dead

Her pretty pictures fading
Quite slowly up her arm
Blood no longer flows through her
She can no longer do her harm

Yes, she painted a pretty picture
But the story has a twist
You see, her mind was just her razor
And her heart was just her wrist

- Unknown
I did not write this poem, and I cannot give credit since I do not know who the author is, but THIS IS NOT MY POEM.
5.3k · Sep 2014
Oliver Grey Sep 2014
His eyes were an abyss
That I couldn't help
But fall into them

The soft charcoal black
Rimmed by even darker lashes
A flirty smirk
A careful poke on the nose

Each smile from him
Pulling me in

He use to say he wanted me.
4.1k · Oct 2014
Oliver Grey Oct 2014
Dealing with depression
Feels like you're trapped
You always feel like you're in the dark
Doing everything wrong

Dealing with depression
Is like being trapped in a glass box
The world moves on around you
You see other people fall in love and achieve their life goals
But you're trapped
Unable to get out

Dealing with depression
Makes everything happy
Seem scary
You're so use to feeling low
That feeling anything else feels unnatural
But somehow
No one can understand that part

Dealing with depression
Is like constantly having a thorn in your side
Reminding you that life is terrible
And the sun with never come out

Depression is a ***** and many teenagers and adults live with it. Take some time out of your day, and just smile and someone who's looking down. It'll make their day.
Oliver Grey Sep 2014
You made me feel needed in all the ways you shouldn't have;
Wanted in all the most inspiring ways;
Special in all the lonely ways:
All the ways you

1.0k · Dec 2014
Alone, but not Lonely
Oliver Grey Dec 2014
I'm alone so much
Although I never realize it
Until I have no one else to turn to

Being alone is quiet fun
I don't mind the quiet or peace
The thoughtful thinking it invokes
Finding something new inside myself

Even though I'm alone quite a bit
I don't ever feel lonely
There are times I wish I had someone to talk to
Someone to cuddle with
But then I remember that I'm not good enough

Being alone isn't bad
It's when I get lonely
That the demons start to play
Emotions are like waves. Always changing but always there.
985 · Sep 2014
The Falling Sky
Oliver Grey Sep 2014
The wind blew softly
Wiping her hair in all different directions
Making her hair change colors
As the sun struck it at different places

The waves struck against the shore
Water splashing onto his shirt
Slowly soaking it to the bone
Causing him to shiver

The leaves fell slowly
Blurring together all the colors
Scarlet, blood orange, golden yellow, a dark green
They stood together
Watching as the sky they once knew
Fell to the ground

She smiled a sad smile
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders
Trying to keep her from falling like the sky

But no matter how hard he tried
She blew away with the wind
Disappeared like the waves
Fell from the sky like the leaves
Finding a final resting place
With her thoughts and feelings

Don't let them fall
823 · Oct 2014
Oliver Grey Oct 2014
You keep saying how you want me
But you stay with her
How you don't trust her
And how you trust me

You keep saying you'll feed my addictions
But can't you see
My addiction now is you

You keeping saying how I shouldn't put myself down
But here you are slicing yourself open

"You're so perfect."
"I'll never leave you"
"No matter what I'm here for you."
They all said the same thing
But where are they now?
Nowhere to be ******* seen

All these white lies
And small tricks
Are driving me insane
Wrapping me around your finger
Tighter and tighter then before
The noose wraps around my heart
And slowly chokes out the life in me

Just tell me how you honestly feel. Stop keeping me in the dark god ******
748 · Oct 2014
My Drug
Oliver Grey Oct 2014
No matter where I went
The taste of your lips followed me
Every corner
Every store
The very breeze whispering by
Reminded me of you

No matter what I ate
I still felt those pills
Traveling down my throat
Cold water trailing behind

No matter how many times I tried to think of someone else
I always thought of you
The way you laughed
How you smiled
Why you noticed me
How your sweatshirt outlined your muscles hiding underneath

You're forever on my mind
And I can't get you out
I guess I have to say

You are my drug

543 · Sep 2014
The Ward
Oliver Grey Sep 2014
The walls were a boring white
The floor a bland reflective green
Everyone was walking around like zombies

A scream broke the silence
Feet pounding on the floor
Fists flying
Blood dripping on the floor
Drip, drip, drip

Everyone is crazy
Everyone is lost
Nobody is happy
Everyone wants to die

The ward is an empty place
Full of hate and dread
She put me in here
Now, she's dead

This is for the ***** that called the cops on me and lied about a suicide attempt.
500 · Sep 2014
My Everything
Oliver Grey Sep 2014
Once upon a time
I used to treat you like you were my sun
My moon, my stars, my everything.
Then I realized that you were
More then that

This one goes to the person who captured my heart and then tore it apart
492 · Sep 2014
Oliver Grey Sep 2014
I'm scared you'll never come back
But I know someday you will
Be it this week
Or the next
As long as I can welcome you with open arms
And make you feel wanted

I'm sorry for being such a *****
Making it seem like I was mad at you
When really I wasn't

I'm going crazy with worry here
Wondering if you're okay
If you would want to see me
If you'll ever forgive me for all the ****

No matter what happens
I'll always try to be there for you
We've been through so much together
And I want to be able to stay with you
Until we're both laying in hospital beds
Blowing out candles at our 105th birthday parties
Where we can only eat jello
And drink apple juice

We still have to go to the park
Take funny pictures
Use Kavan as our model
Laugh over old stories
Climb strawberry hill once more
Go to England
Get our first tattoos
All of the plans we made
We still need to carry out

I love you

I love you Jordyn Spoo. You need to come back soon

— The End —