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 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Joseph Miller
One glorious moment
God said to me
"I am here"

Tears of joy
washed away my fear
as God revealed
the essence of the universe
a cosmic Oneness
filled with love
beyond imagining
the mystic sees
the infinite connection
of the ultimate power

But I, a mortal being
consumed by form
it seems
God withdrew
left me standing there
in a world separate
where matter divides
and boundaries form
to close the mind
and hide the truth

Yet grateful I am
forever changed
to find myself
witness to God
doesnt feel real
never felt real
does this have to be real
can we talk one more time, please?
and i guess i am selfish. because i really, really want you to be happy, always. i wanna see that smile that made me fall so hard for you. but i dont wanna see you happy if its with another person. i dont want you happy holding someone elses hand. i dont want you happy celebrating an anniversary with someone else. and i definitely, definitely dont want you to be happy, in love with someone else. because i want to be enough for you, i want you to feel your most excitement and wholeness and inner peace with me. i want you to be in love with me. i cant just be all poetic and beautifully tragic about it. i cant just think "i want you to be happy, even if thats not with me," because its not true. i want you to be happy, and i want to be the person that makes you happy. its as simple and frustrating as that.
love is confusing.
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Emily P
Though my poetry might argue with me
I am quite calm, you see
I write my deepest fears and
Largest lies
All inside these little lines
Just to get them out of me
Release is supposed to be healthy
That is why I love poetry
Only a poet's soul can understand
All this written anxiety
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Emily P
I’m at a really vulnerable place in my life
I’m fragile and scared
Trying to figure what's there and where to go from here
My life is flashing before my eyes
20 something years have just flown by
And then I think of the life I've lived
And how it has taken much longer to become stronger
I’m still not as strong as i could be
There's room to improve me
God I hope I can always feel that way
I never want to stop growing
I want to be the best me
But sometimes you have subpar days
And that's okay, be patient
You're still blooming every day
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
When you finally
realize how heavy
a goodbye can feel;

only then, only just then,
will you understand
how no amount of hellos,

will ever once again
be real..

 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Deep Thought
We all want to be accepted and feel wanted. Whether by friend or that certain someone that floods your mind.

We all want to be chased. If you say you don’t you’re a liar. It’s never worth it when you’re the only one chasing.

Everyone is so caught up in their own selfishness then wonder why they’re loveless.

All of my life I have chased love, and it has never chased me once. Perhaps they wanted a different type of love. One that only holds when you ask them to or offers themselves up to be molded into someone they’re not.

We crave human attention, yet we can’t even look at each other in the eye when we pass by.
I was persuaded to post though, but it's good for me.
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Deep Thought
When waves crash against you, all you can do is lie still.
While currents keep pulling you further into the ocean.
You start to appear calm, given the distance from land.
Seconds after, you realize no one has taught you how to swim.

Sinking deeper and deeper in the blue abyss.
Sensing yourself physically drown as the water engulfs your lungs.
Pressure from the ocean begins to settle in.
Suddenly, a bright light starts shimmering through the ocean.
With every inch of strength left, I decided to start swimming towards the glistening light.
As the pressure subsides, I find myself floating above water again.

*Who said you can't teach yourself how to swim.
Debilitated, that's how I've been feeling.
You might this call drowning, others may call it depression or even anxiety
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Deep Thought
You folks wonder why no one wants to walk through your wooden doors.
You act like we’re all supposed to swear the same clothes, sing the same songs.
What if our doctrine didn’t line up?
Would you judge me for not agreeing?

Recently I’ve become increasingly sensitive and hyper aware of my surroundings.
Your church reminded me of middle school,
And I couldn’t stand middle school. Everyone was clicky and exclusive.
Since when is church about who’s wearing the best outfit?
When did we Christians become so shallow?
It’s amazing how people can judge you when you’re not like them,
Carving out an image of perfection that never existed in the first place,
Because when it gets down to it we’re all broken.
You are not entitled to people coming to your church when the feelings are not welcoming.
Except one, she gave me a free ticket to the Beautiful Eulogy show.
Sadly to say, she was the only light at your church while everyone was dead,
or just full of themselves.

*There are good reasons why churches across America are dying off.
Christians can behave worse than non-Christians, at times even more cruel and uncharitable.
This is for anyone who's been hurt by the church or Christians.
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
Deep Thought
This year I want to start a new tradition. One that's my own. At the end of each year I'd like to write what I've learned. No, this isn't another "New Year, New Me," poem, simply a fresh perspective.

Oh 2016, where do I even begin? This past year brought immense pain, yet so much clarity after the heartache subsided. I learned that you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Unfortunately, I lost that loved one before I could learn that lesson. Now that it's been taught, by the grace of God I am no longer lost.

2016 was the year I did it all on my own. Okay, who am I kidding I'm a millennial so my dad did help me along the road. 2016 was about choosing your battles while fighting the good fight. I also learned it's not always about you. In fact, it's safe to say it's never about you. We're merely just pieces in a big spiritual puzzle, and that truth will never be muzzled.

**Happy New Year & Cheers to 2017!
Wishing you blessings. Let's await and seee what this year has in store.
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