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1.1k · Feb 2021
Love oasis
keonah Feb 2021
I kinda hate the way your presence still taints my air
As if still reminding me of the very essence of you so I never forget.
Your final memoir to me so I won’t get over you.
Deep In your spell
Forever needing you
So you feel needed by me
Why me ?
Why rob anyone of love,
Leave a hopeless romantic in limbo?
Your selfishness and need to be accepted consumes you and is the reason for the end of our love oasis
Leaving me hopelessly in drought
Love oasis gone dry
895 · Dec 2019
keonah Dec 2019
Your hands are soft,
They grip firmly on my hips and
your eyes are fixated on my...
My everything
You move boundlessly and complete me effortlessly...
your groans give me certainty that your satisfaction is profound
And in my last gasp for air before I relinquish all the power from my body,
My nails dig into your back and my legs curl around your waist for support.
We are one.
801 · Nov 2019
Our fruitful energy
keonah Nov 2019
Our fruitful energy

I dream of a fruitful kind of love with you,
where we crave for each others sweet sappy bodies.

Where you bite my lip as if it were the freshest of strawberries your mouth has ever tasted,
where you **** on my ******* the same way you eat a ripe tender plum in the summer, and then watching me melt into my own nectarous juices.

A fruitful kind of love where you love the way my tongue dances on your neck all the way down to your torso, like you are a peach whose succulent flavour is dripping and I have to try with all my attentive mite to not waste a single drop.

Where in the end, we are left with sugary mouths and exhausted bodies but still having enough fruitful energy for another round.
392 · Nov 2019
till' our next life
keonah Nov 2019
To my soulmate

We might not meet in this lifetime.
My skin might not ever touch yours in this life,
and not only because our stars might have of crossed each other in this life but because this world has become a filthy deceitful place where love perishes,
but maybe we aren't ready for each other just yet,
and that's also okay because as our bodies will inevitably disappear into the rich soil, our souls will travel towards our next life over and over again,
in different forms but same souls for our delicous love story that we have craved so long for.
working progress. enjoy. any tips would be helpful :)
309 · Jun 2020
Our souls at night
keonah Jun 2020
Our souls at night.
They whisper in secret tongues of our midnight love affair.
Echoing desires.
Moaning to be heard.  
Yearning for satisfaction.
For relief,
For love,
For only your love.
256 · May 2020
keonah May 2020
The sun shall set and the moon will reign the night.
My celestial body will enfold in its presence.
I live and breathe with the same waters the moon reflects apon.
We dance ‘til dawn,
As you start to wane,
As your rays depart and;
As we give greetings to the morning sun.
a full moon is so overwhelming and glistening and I just wish to be connected to it some day. To be at peace with myself and in the world
246 · Apr 2020
keonah Apr 2020
I love you more than you know,
More than you will ever know
I love you more than I will ever be able to understand
Because, your love was temporary
But mine is timeless.
I miss you eveyday.
227 · Feb 2021
Dancing with death
keonah Feb 2021
The tango with death is a compilation of memories that have become the decider of my departure.
To be or to be non-existent?
If everything before this moment matters or if this moment is all that really matters,
That if you are even considering death,
Are those moments even worth staying for?
“You are the ultimate decider”,death whispered in my ear with a smirk.
A swift dance, twirling and spinning in my room with him clutching on my pain, your sadness.
The splits you open in your arm becomes your euphoric relief but the smell of blood and metal call him closer. You’re inches away from touching and minutes away from kissing
It is an enticing moment with death as you start romanticizing your end.

So am I truly the ultimate decider anymore when logic starts to mumble away and death keeps replaying and taunting, foundling and seducing me to his grip by using my own hopelessness dread and loneliness against me?
A poem about the temptations of non existence
212 · Dec 2019
Teenage fever p.1
keonah Dec 2019
My favourite part of the day is when the sun sets,
when the sky illuminates purple, pink and orange clouds filled with hopes and possibilities, the world becomes peaceful.
I feel most content for those few very brief minutes as the wind whistles a contented melody calling me to It's oasis of pure tranquility,
but then the sun goes down and the anxiety pumps right back into my veins and the pressure of my future is all i can think about again.
184 · Feb 2020
Tranquillity 🌱
keonah Feb 2020
Our souls have called for a truce
Your love rushes over me like water
My heart has revived  
My mind has renovated

The sun reminds me of you
Warm and comforting
Our beings intertwining and basking in it’s glory makes me forget all the bad memories that lingered before

Our love has rectified
The moon notices it too
So tonight it shines it’s luminous rays at us for the universe to know that our spirits are interconnected

We are at pure tranquility
122 · Feb 2020
keonah Feb 2020
Our love has rectified.
You finally see me and
The moon notices it too,
So tonight it shines it’s luminous rays on us for the universe to know that our spirits are interconnected once again.

I’ve missed you
Favourite but from my last poem
122 · Sep 2021
Romanticizing a toxic ex
keonah Sep 2021
It’s funny how my heart chooses to remember your love as if it was as sweet as honey when my head knows all the ways you deceived me
118 · Jan 2020
I miss you
keonah Jan 2020
Sometimes when the sun is out
I go outside, close my eyes and bathe in its warm and I imagine that it’s your embrace. Like you haven’t left yet...
83 · Sep 2020
keonah Sep 2020
Time slows down
It sort of melts away.
The sun burns alone


My soul it burns in the same way
Loves just as furiously
Just as rapidly
Just as constantly,
That if you dare come close
You’ll risk turning into ashes
Because my love is ultimately overpowering.
It’s more love than you can handle.
More love that you will ever comprehend

It’s love you can only lust for.
Only crave. Only nibble from.

Love that you will want to take whole bites of, love that you will want to fill your body with, selfishly eating as if I’m a buffet.

Using my inferno love, my inferno being, my inferno energy to make you feel less alone, less pathetic.      

“More manly”

Feeding your nutrients by stealing all of mine.  Falsely claiming me because your intentions were never truly pure.

Because I know how to love.
You can only mimic it,
Play pretend,
Fake true intentions
Mirror my fiery passion because the closest you can get to tasting my
Love is if you pretend I’m all you will want to eat.

— The End —