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Mar 2016 · 762
Forever in youth
Maha Salman Mar 2016
I grasp on to what is left of time
yet it dissipates elusively upon the hooks
of youth.
I wonder if I were to end it all,
perhaps I would be frozen in time;
a mere visage glancing upon the tendrils of adolescence
who claim to be "eminent for their age."
Feb 2016 · 626
Maha Salman Feb 2016
Outlined in the shadows of dawn,
the vista of ocean softly reveals
a repletion of reflection across the faint musk of light.
I ask myself again if I were able to write a sonnet within
the acres of crystalline perfection,
yet all I can do
is form a mere line
denting the shimmer
of sand.
Jan 2016 · 647
Thoughts for winter
Maha Salman Jan 2016
A recollection of images serenade their emotions,
Crafted by a crystaline pebble; bathed by the cold winter light
Whilst I ponder the existence of sensibility and rationality.
All I could focus on
Was the tranquility of how a dying light ,
Conformed to the winter solictice,
Can create the essence of luminosity
Kissing the gentle drops of condensation,
Like a rose brushing the tips of a child's fingers.
Jan 2016 · 5.5k
A feather
Maha Salman Jan 2016
A feather
gently pats the broken roof tops
in hopes of
Clinging to the suburban warmth
of illuminated glass.
I can see that this feather
(For a single second)
subtends by the chipped door
But even time is not strong enough,
For slowly that feather
falls prey to the enchantment of
A breeze.
Dec 2015 · 986
Nature is beautiful
Maha Salman Dec 2015
Weaving a dance within the melodic chaos of what we call music
is as if you ask
papers to rustle in synch with the deathly disposition of pollution.
It's easy to wreck this world with beauty
if one is able to entwine more trees across the strung cracks
of breaking twigs coated with spiders and
dead carcasses of honey bees battered to the ground.
Notions of spiders being artists are tossed with
disgust with the basis of a body
inked with obsidian tresses.
People forget that spiders create
webs painting the illusion of a dew dropped sky.
And bees fumble with honey
gorged within the melting ecstasy of sweetness.
may not seem capable of more than snapping in dying echoes,
but they are a part of nature.
Isn't nature considered
Dec 2015 · 648
Maha Salman Dec 2015
drops across the sliver panes of
a creaking window, sliding meticulously inside the
softened pores of my heart.
The droplets of the rain...graze my vision's confusion
for in one endless second
the oceanic clarity of a rain drop
spins its hidden secrets into
Nov 2015 · 891
Autumn flowers
Maha Salman Nov 2015
The golden tint of an autumn breeze
whispers its transcendence across the budding roses.
Isn't it rapturous in the way, beauteous death can easily
coil around a trembling form of birth?
It is one of many mysteries enticing the world,
in the way a dying leaf slowly brushes upon
a withered petal
of new life.
Nov 2015 · 479
A style of writing
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Oh how I wish I was one of those souls,
who could carve a sonnet
from their blood
using the  instrument of a pen
to elicit such tangible tastes of their soul.
Sadly I find that my blood
can only spray shades of ashen melancholy
to dust the unwanted corners of your imagination
or perhaps in simpler terms
writing with my blood is
like unfurling a broken rose
already buried within your hands.
What can I do apart from
creating clichés into my
or write poems
which are simply nonsensical.
I enjoy my style of writing but I just hope it will improve.
Nov 2015 · 744
Maha Salman Nov 2015







Nov 2015 · 1.4k
A mermaid's tears.
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Broken pieces slowly dance across the lake
hidden inside the melodies of a maiden mourning for
the loss of her roses.
Shrouded by a cloak of grief
inertly sunken inside the lake's reflection,
she heard her tears fall
from eyes glistening within the constellations
of the sky.
Why bother to watch the stars
collapse into the dying hues of the sun
when it is simply poisoned
by the blue light
of a mermaid's tears.
I don't understand what I even write half the time.
Nov 2015 · 894
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Listen to the forest's heart pulsing precariously,
   a sensation eliciting the whispers of elegance  
for can you not hear such beauty
  romancing upon the ashen trees of midnight?
Even the moon shines its rapture
upon this graceful dance of the earth
as its gentle pounding heartbeat
steadily generates the nature
of this world.
Nov 2015 · 393
Maha Salman Nov 2015
A feather
slowly drifts down
like a solitary snowflake
blessing the world
with its angelic grace
and purity.
Nov 2015 · 467
An angel
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Take me away from all the pain,
forget about the way my heart bleeds on your wings,
pretend that its only roses growing inside your soul
and that my tears are the soft monsoon of love
trickling down our bodies,
just take me to the skies with you
so that I may feel the essence of the clouds running through out my veins,
instead of the usual pain of insecurities.
Just make me feel perfect for once
because I'm not an angel like you
but I want to be
so take me with you
just once
When the person you like is as innocent as a baby duck
Maha Salman Nov 2015
I charm easily with the elegance of my words,
creating a rhythmical movement of lust around your tender heart.
Perhaps I may use the trick of deceit and fill your mind with the endless
thoughts of our love being compared to the effulgence of a dying star,
or I could lace sweet kisses derived from my broken soul upon your unmarked skin.
Maybe then you shall let down your defences for the only thing I can do, in your mind, is write poetry about how much my adoration for you encapsulates the essence of a bleeding rose.
And when you start to dance to the melody of my voice dripped within your love,
**I shall slowly break your heart as you have broken mine.
Nov 2015 · 572
Trying to comprehend
Maha Salman Nov 2015
The skies ring azure with ancient melodies
seaming the world together with soft threads,
puffing smoke like clouds floating above a broken world ,
with falling tears dying in  the gentle laughter of the wind.
and slowly throughout such beautiful chaos
humans try to comprehend the incomprehensible.
What even is this...
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
Maha Salman Nov 2015
I bore the bruises and screams
and shattered inside
believing that it was my fault
for being battered to resemble a bruised peach,
berated to resemble an infected wound.
I tried to shield my frightened heart
from his prey like stature
and sadistic mind;
but he was clever,
he didn't let his barbaric hatred get in the way
he repeated the broken promise of love
and abused my battered body
until I could not take the pain
and crumbled into a small bird
with no wings.
Nov 2015 · 941
A mother's anguish
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Memories impaled on an endless reality
pierce my empty womb with loss
as cascading tears form the dream of a child
dancing with the gentle breeze
of life.
Constantly reminding my tormented heart
that her sweet innocent face is now
only but a series of deceitful images
alive to shatter my heart.
and that never again, will I be able to
touch the crimson petals integrated
within her soul
created by the essence of  my bleeding love,
a beautiful memory drifting away
into the hands of God.
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
Maha Salman Nov 2015
A lake quietly glistens with tears
forming its transcendent pain
into the tender petals
of a budding rose
floating upon
the moon's rippled reflection.
Nov 2015 · 942
I'm staying
Maha Salman Nov 2015
His tears will never keep me away
for even if he choses to cry an ocean
and drown me with the intensity of his heart
then I will be the sun
blazing intently
evaporating the ocean
and illuminating his heart
with the tranquility of
my love.
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Let the rhythm of our hearts
nurture the sweet blossom of love,
so that it may turn into bliss
dissolved from the night time air between us
and shower such rain which binds the growth of our love and roses
Nov 2015 · 437
A broken heart
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Such lamented memories
dance across the spine of
his intoxication,
as he breathes his last
for his broken heart stopped beating
when he poured his poisoned blood
into the vast sea
of despair
his dejected heart refused to pump
around his crippled soul.
Nov 2015 · 556
Something you ought to know
Maha Salman Nov 2015
When a mirror shatters
someone cries
because they
think the
mirror broke
due to how
hideous they
but little do
they know
that the mirror
it gave up
trying to convince
of their
I just wish that every one knew that when we look in the mirror, it shows nothing else but the beauty of a person.
Nov 2015 · 597
Musical oblivion
Maha Salman Nov 2015
I drown what surrounds me in a sea of music,

                                             because as soon as I turn that music off,
I hear shouting and screaming                                                        ­    
                                       words such as "Idiotic"
are applied to me                        
                                                                ­                     and I hate it.
However...                                                 ­                     
      I choose not to hate
        I drown this world into an illusion
of what my music plays.
Nov 2015 · 10.4k
A puppy who's not quite broken
Maha Salman Nov 2015
I know a sad puppy
wandering the streets
going to bed
only pleading
for love
yet receiving none
only pain
as he's
left outside in the
once again,
trying to rise above the

in his heart
he soars the skies
with wings
made from the hope
that someone will love him
if not today.
Maha Salman Nov 2015
I love you Hello Poetry*
because you showed me that there are people out there who care,
that there are people out there who are so beautifully broken that it hurts to see them in *pain
because they are just so stunning.
I love you Hello Poetry
not only for showing me the most amazing people this world has ever seen but for developing me as a poet. For making me realise that there is at least one person who truly enjoyed my poetry, for helping me learn that I shouldn't give up on my dreams. And I still can't believe that so many people have seen my poetry and have acknowledged me as a poet.
I love you Hello Poetry
for giving me the most treasured gift that I have ever received
for giving me hope.
And as a thanks, I have given you my heart
take care of it as it will forever be in my *words.
This may not be a poem but instead of pouring out my heart in my words,  I ripped it out and just put it on paper.
Nov 2015 · 531
Just a musing
Maha Salman Nov 2015
Poets tend to flirt with melancholy,
the endless dreams of infinity.
Nov 2015 · 3.3k
Don't give up...ever
Maha Salman Nov 2015
When is it that you give up?
That you let infernos fire devour your strength
That you let delusion's screams chant a lamented melody for you to sleep by
That you let pain kiss your every waking thought goodbye

When is it that you get up to that point?
When you let the palpable tension of fear tighten a noose around your neck
When your mind doesn't register the calls of anguish any more because its numb
When  everything around you dulls to a faint buzz, and the colours drain with malady and the light shines with hate

When is it that you shatter?*
That the limbs of your body tear to stones,
That the hate which he possesses drowns you into storms
That every tears which falls from your eyes carry an anchor to the deepest pits of ocean
That the simplest motions reduce you to screams and blades
And the only waking thought in your mind is suicide.

When is it that you decide enough is enough?
That you decide you can't do this
You can't try anymore
You can't pretend to be strong
You can't smile anymore
You can't be happy ever again.
That the only thing you want to do now is sleep for eternity...

Should I answer this  question?
Should Itell you when specifically you give up?
It's  not up to me though.
You don't have to listen to me.
However if you want to know what I think
Then the answer my friends Is

So when is it that you give up? Decide that you can't do this anymore?
Stay strong
Nov 2015 · 594
A pitiful poem
Maha Salman Nov 2015
It is incredibly hard to describe how much you have made an impact in my life,
my words are pitiful when compared to the beauty you unknowingly emanate,
such effulgent rapture grows within your heart
as I clumsily pour words together to form a poem
like an intoxicated man hiding inside himself,
I can only feign my pride at myself
when inside in turmoil I struggle to come to terms with
the ineluctable truth
**That my poetry is a measly attempt at trying to convey the essence of the
poem your life is for me.
Nov 2015 · 703
Worldly threatening
Maha Salman Nov 2015
A sudden monsoon of the soft pitter patter of rain,
slowly cries for her unwilling part in love
drenching her mood in despair
as the sun quietly caresses her  hair
with its dim autumn-lit rays,
unknowingly drying her silky charcoal locks
to long brittle pieces on which she trips as
ice forms its sharp tresses on the
mud barren ground to capture her
in supposed safety
as she unwittingly falls.
A thin stream of tears trickle, ever so gently,
down her ivory countenance.
But in her turmoil,
a gentle breeze quickly dries
her pained tears.
"Such beautiful eyes...", the wind purrs
as it stealthily wraps
its blindingly cold arms
around her pale wounded heart..
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
A weather of bliss
Maha Salman Oct 2015
I lie awake,
listening to the unearthen trees
whisper their rose petalled lies
prophesying the return of my hope.
Whilst the wind's mournful kisses
die gracefully
in a futile attempt
to form the epitome of
Jun 2015 · 650
Maha Salman Jun 2015
I'm all alone**
No one is here to stop me pulling the trigger
When I decide that life isn't worth it
When I feel that I should just end
Dying all alone
No one is here to catch me
When I fall into the pits of hell
Crying my eyes out
As the fire burns my arms and legs
No one is here to save me
When I drown in my own sadness
When my tears change into anchors
Dragging me to the deepest parts of the ocean
No one is here to rip my mask off
The one which has a dripping red smile on
Which everyone gladly believed
Despite red paint falling at their feet
No one is here to tell me I'm worth it
To call me a jewel

That's just it
No one is here for me
I'm all alone
Jun 2015 · 3.9k
A shadow
Maha Salman Jun 2015
They're all I see
for the tendrils of ash
the encasing bleakness they enhance
My dreams
Is all I can do
Not because shadows are hollow
But because this shadow
my poetry is sucky at the moment because I'm suckish all the time
Jun 2015 · 738
A mistake
Maha Salman Jun 2015
I grew
I fell
I hoped
I loved
I was accepted
And cast out
I was belittled
And cherished
I was all those things at one point
Now I'm not

I joined this world full of love and innocence
People kept on destroying me
Yet I opened my heart further and embraced
The constant stabs the world creates
I did nothing at first
But wait
And I carried a battered piece of cloth
To clean up the decaying drops of blood
My body made



That was my life
That is my life

People told me to open the curtains to my darkness
They were wrong
My curtains were already opened
Now they are gone
My window to dreams never closed
But it's barred tight now
The door to my heart had a welcome mat outside it
people kept dusting their feet on my mat
So I burnt my door
And sealed my heart
Killed my dreams
**And fell apart.
I fell apart with people knowing how I felt last time. They did nothing. Now I can fall apart in peace because I'm not vulnerable anymore
Feb 2015 · 645
The conversation with three
Maha Salman Feb 2015
Tell me I'm right...
   No! Tell me I'm wrong
Tell me I don't deserve this
      I want you to tell me I do
Tell me I should not listen to what they say
      Honey,lie. Tell me that I should listen to them when they say I should die
No!please tell me I'm worth the fight
Tell me I'm not
Tell me that it doesn't matter what they think
    Oh but it does...say that
I will survive won't I?
     Quickly say that I won't
I am loveable aren't I?
      Tell me that I'm not
But it doesn't matter. I will survive.
      Tell me that I'll die
I will survive
       Say I won't
I will
       I won't
I will survive
       Losers don't survive
But this one does
         You pathetic *****! Isn't that what they tell me?
Tell me that this voice inside my head isn't me.
         Oh but it is. I'm the one which isn't deluded though
I will survive
I won't
I will
You won't
   You can't cut yourself off. I'm you!!
Tell me that this voice isn't me. And that I'm screaming at a person.
     You're screaming at yourself.
I have no idea what to make of this
Feb 2015 · 433
Maha Salman Feb 2015
I wish this empty pond dripping in my heart will shrivel up and die.
I want this dark void inside my mind to crumble into the purest shreds of light.
I want this pain inside my soul to ease into the tendrils of pleasure
And I want this fear which haunts my shadows to leave me alone
Feb 2015 · 394
Maha Salman Feb 2015
These violet marks stain my face
These ****** scars mark my arms
Sadly this time it wasn't me...
Feb 2015 · 474
Maha Salman Feb 2015
Sometimes I wonder
That if my heart keeps breaking
Why should it still be beating?
Feb 2015 · 392
Maha Salman Feb 2015
I just want to die
But the pain of death
Are the thorns which keep me away
From my goal
And there is nothing I can do
Feb 2015 · 382
So used
Maha Salman Feb 2015
I am so used to being forgotten
I am so used to being abused
So when someone treats me like a bird
And when someone remembers the smallest detail about who I am
I feel as if my world Is shattering
*At least I'm used to that
Feb 2015 · 629
The good things
Maha Salman Feb 2015
My heart will never stop beating
With glass shards rattling inside
My eyes will never stop shining
With unshed tears trying to hide
My smile will never falter
I've painted it on with permanent ink
And my posture will stay straight
Because at this point dignity is all I have.
Feb 2015 · 285
Maha Salman Feb 2015
What I thought was holding me up
Was slowly dragging me down
Feb 2015 · 268
Maha Salman Feb 2015
What is the point of thinking you are too old to do something
Because throughout the years you will only grow older
And eventually you won't even have the strength to do what you thought was childish.
Feb 2015 · 290
Maha Salman Feb 2015
Why is it
That when the sky falls
I feel like it's falling on me.
Feb 2015 · 298
Maha Salman Feb 2015
Every day I loose a bit of my soul when I hear the things said about me
And everyday I try to mourn for my loss, but end up loosing my humanity
Feb 2015 · 578
Just a sad thought
Maha Salman Feb 2015
Isn't it sad?
When we want to accomplish an adventure
We need three things
When we are children we have the strength and the time...but not the money
When we are middle aged we have the strength and the money...but not the time
When we are elderly we have the time and the money...but not the strength
Somewhere along this road we have to rule out either money, strength or time. We can't have it all.
So I vote to rule out money.
Unfortunately no one else agrees.
Maha Salman Jan 2015
Who is your favourite Disney princess?*
When someone asked me this I actually considered it
And I chose
Because she reminds me so much of myself.
I've always had to hide what I can do
Because it would be considered abnormal
I've had to grow up so quickly
Because I have to be responsible
I seem collected
Yet my anger can get the in the way so quickly
People want to associate with my status
Because I come from power
I make  huge mistakes
That repeatedly hurt my sister
And I've been shunned for who I am
Because people fear what I can do
And what I can find.
The only thing which doesn't link me in some way with elsa
Is that I still haven't been accepted.
This is childish but oh well
Jan 2015 · 358
Maha Salman Jan 2015
Sometimes when the pain is unbearable
I close my eyes and think of the day
When I can finally be myself
Jan 2015 · 346
A tip
Maha Salman Jan 2015
Whenever the shadows grow large and haunt you
Face the sun
And the darkness will fall behind you.
Jan 2015 · 304
A question
Maha Salman Jan 2015
Why do I cry for those who suffer pain
And never cry for myself?
*Because I know that others have a chance of being fixed
Wheras for me there is no hope.
Jan 2015 · 329
A thought
Maha Salman Jan 2015
The only thought which fills my head is
'I could've been happy'
And other times...
The only thought which fills my head is
*'This is why I'm not happy'
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