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Jul 2024 · 828
See The Moon
Poetry by MAN Jul 2024
See the moon in all its glory
Underneath unfolds this story
Milky thighs mane of red
Aroused only word needs to be said
See the wise in devilish eyes
Touch me..feel this demon rise
Tasting lips twisting tongues
Between your legs a river runs
Nature brings out the beast
Adventure when our bodies feast
Tribal drum creates the beat
Sacred ancient ritual complete
Hold my hand enter my mind
Energy increases as we climb
What we become can't be defined
I am yours you are mine...
Unconditional union within an illusion
In each others presence we are the solution
Spells unleashed motion is magic
Collide connect chemistry *******
Transmit love vibes from the static
Tantra poses muscles spastic
More than a dream is our scene
Share with you my primal scream
Words I write to make you swoon
Waxing..Waning like the moon
In your presence hear me croon
From my heart this melodic tune...
Cleaning out my drafts folder..
Jul 2024 · 171
Poetry by MAN Jul 2024
Feel me open
Bodies smoking
Highs in hoping
Keeps us toking
Ego stroking
Mental chicken choking
Limit broken
Receive a token
Attention paid
Moments played
Too long we stayed
Cherish memories made
In daily churn
Through work we earn
Time will turn
What did we learn?
Ask yourself..What is true?
Birth..Death we all go through
Break out cocoon become anew
Feel the open connect to you
I'm open...
May 2021 · 971
Wizard of Word
Poetry by MAN May 2021
Wizard of word
My style absurd
Cross the line
The one that's blurred
What is written
May never be spoken
Feed the minds
Till they open
What is my magic?
Let me define
It's the rhythm
Laced with rhyme
Reach beyond
Transcend time
Work together
Humanity will climb
Ego power
Wilt like a flower
Without praise or constant shower
Needs a stroke every hour
All for fun
My words will run
Till the magic I become
Some may think an awful fate
An endless palette to create
Splash of love dab of hate
Master balance become great
For those who speak but are never heard
Living with sickness that can be cured
Every emotion must be stirred
You are too Wizard of word
Some freestyle I wrote awhile ago..
Dec 2020 · 912
Blue Moon
Poetry by MAN Dec 2020
Once in a Blue Moon I think of you
That isn't true every Moon I do
In the stars I see your face
I close my eyes share your space
Never far always here
In my dreams you appear
Become a man discover love
Search for truth hovers above
On a journey far within
We find each other begin again
Midnight kisses caught in memories swoon
Souls waltz forever under Blue Moon..
I finally took time to edit this one..
Dec 2020 · 805
Poetry by MAN Dec 2020
I live
Much more I have to give
I write
To set imagination aflight
I feel
A hunger but not for meal
I need
Failures to succeed
I'm still around love y'all!!!
May 2016 · 3.1k
A Writer's Dream
Poetry by MAN May 2016
Today I had a writer's dream
Challenged to create a scene
Shall I write some poetry
Release let it flow from me
If I had a **** to turn
All the way I'd let it burn
Molding letters with my tools
A creator doesn't follow rules
Definitions all in the mind
Meaning some will never find
A story that is born from me
Stolen moments of reality
As a writer I do the work
Reporter of the daily dirt
Putting soul into the lines
Insanity speaks in rhyme
Makes no sense so it seems
Waking from a writer's dream...
Poetry by M.A.N 5-11-16
Mar 2016 · 2.4k
A Poet Is Not Perfect...
Poetry by MAN Mar 2016
A poet is not perfect* although some claim to be
Scribblers of thought watchers of humanity
Pen every emotion fill it with devotion
Ride waves of passion chaotic like the ocean
A poet is not perfect with more than eyes we see
What's hidden what lies between prophecy
Future unfolding the past we keep holding
Now keeps rolling do you remember where you're going?
A poet is not perfect hmm what does this mean?
From life experience write a scene
Words forever blending combinations never ending
Translation of thought keeps the message sending
A poet is not perfect neither is humanity
Speakers of truth live on edge of sanity
Recognize what's broken book wide open
Read between lines multiply the hoping
A poet is not perfect many strive to be
Most fall victim to vanity
Born reactive to what's attractive
Division of emotions leave most subtracted
A poet is not perfect or what you might think
One universal mind flowing in sync
Discovering depth waking from sleep
Breaking silence with words perfect poetry we speak
Poetry By M.A.N 3-1-16
Feb 2016 · 2.1k
What does it take?
Poetry by MAN Feb 2016
What does it take? It doesn't matter I'll do
Famous last words spoken by a fool
Quest never ending for what is true
Match my wit it's on let's duel
Do you want it nasty?Well I can be
Bend you a new reality
Play with you..Play with me
Create my imagination so you can see
World premiere like a movie feature
Release inhibitions my sensuous creature
Adults play rough I wont beat you
Tickle your treasure hmm I might eat you
I'll be the teacher..time for schooling
Spank ***** red is my ruling
No expectations..stop assuming
Hunger for each other has us drooling
Bag of tricks long or thick
Lay them all out make your pick
Set explosion light your wick
Focus vibrate till insides spit
So tell me what does it take to earn
Passage to your passion feel its burn
In mind..In body..key I turn
Open up, let me in, I want to learn...
Poetry by M.A.N 2-5-16  This poem has been sitting in my drafts for a while it's got a **** vibe I wrote it for my **** Scorpio blog.
Dec 2015 · 2.7k
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Knock,Knock at your door
I'm here today to give you more
Hard I come to the core
My in and out may leave you sore
Words I pile to make you smile
Magic moments we keep on file
Expression of thought done with style
Write poetry that rhymes I go that extra mile
Good vibrations sent out every day
Many are the reasons why I walk this way
Inner child comes out to play
Can't see the wind yet still the trees sway
Knock,Knock please let me in
In eye of the beholder lives the sin
Justice blind create the spin
On foundation of loss we build the win
No more doors..No more halls
Eliminate doubt bring down the walls
Take a stand pick up those who fall
Tap into greatness within us all.
Poetry by M.A.N 12-22-15 I'm going through drafts doing edits and posting before new year..
Dec 2015 · 3.6k
Spell Is Broken
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Spell is broken
Magic words were spoken
Gone is the hoping
Transformation in coping
Witchy eyes mesmerize
Truth spoken in lies
Undercover like spies
Today delusion dies
Now I must be mad
To want what's sad
Experiment with the bad
Sparks talent that I have
Who's the spell caster?
What makes one a master?
Some fail faster
Document moment of disaster
Love me cruelly
Intoxicated truly
Cursed..I long foolishly
Venus energy unruly
None can ever have me
Many want me badly
Love I give madly
Doesn't have to end sadly
Must've been broken
Before spell was spoken
Art wide open
Commence with scoping
Its all an understanding
Of what we are commanding
May crash before landing
Done with delicate planning
I'm a vibrational hub
Radiate unconditional love
Same below as above
Wrap souls with this hug
These words of magic blows all away
Deflect Spells of hate every day
Enter the game if you choose to play
We all live our lives in our own way
So light me up..Take this token
Potent I become when I'm smoking
Dive inside my love is open
This Phoenix shall rise when spell is broken
M.A.N 2-1-15 I performed this at a poetry slam earlier this year..It scored okay I've done a few edits on it since here's final version..
Dec 2015 · 4.4k
Spark Me
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Spark Me! Match my flame
Be warned when we burn up I will remain
Scars create patterns unique the stain
Suffering from pleasure transforming pain
Spontaneously combust exposing trust
Create a new definition of touch
All fantasies we can discuss
Tickle imagination till you gush
Harmonize sing ride emotional swing
Sparked no limit to what I bring
Bell goes ding watch me do my thing
Take flight fly high without wings
Extend beyond flesh personalities mesh
Pass every test with answers I am blessed
Been on many quests battled to the next
Phoenix heart explodes from my chest
Spark me! Don't get burned by ego's fire
Start with tongue..taste lips..vocal tone you admire
Stoke my flames..soul's dance in pyre
Set mark provide spark lets take it higher..
Poetry by M.A.N 12-16-15
Dec 2015 · 3.0k
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
I'm drawn into the darkness in your eyes
I feel at home I don't know why
Tap into energy you supply
Magic explodes there is no more try
Inside you I want to become
A warrior for your heart under each passing sun
Battle like a gladiator till it's won
Satisfaction in action you're sure to come
Never been holy a Devil I am
Don't have to speak words vibes you understand
Scorpio mystic powers I command
Practice creates the master who makes the plan
You can check the clock there is no time
Same way there's no limit to our minds
Words born from emotions that cannot be defined
Translated by a poet patterns become design
Keep love flowing infinite always growing
Not what I say it's about what I'm showing
Drink from the river of ever knowing
Fine tune inner light till its glowing
Did you put me under your spell?
Drunk with love my defenses fell
Detached from heaven I walk through Hell
Listen to demons and stories they tell
I write them all down chapters for this book
Analyze recognize path they took
Cast out heart meat on the hook
Appeals to third eyes many take a look
Dare touch caress don't mangle
If I Expose my wick will you light my candle?
Release tension heart strings untangle
Charmer of my snake all yours to handle...
Poetry by M.A.N 12-10-15 I wrote this one a while back it's a bit naughty but I assure all my readers I am nice..;)
Dec 2015 · 3.2k
Venus Cursed
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
Venus cursed but well rehearsed
My Phoenix heart destined to burst
Through cleansing flames love remains
Venus Scorpio energy never drains
Love forever none can sever
Will pattern complete?..Um oh never
It's magic I've come to understand
Longing oozes from every gland
Once upon a jealous mind
Self doubt insecurities began to climb
Detective of truth delusion of crime
Search for dirt that's what you will find
Cast I am to play the fool
Angel..Devil face off in duel
Both lay dead in a pool
Manipulate become the rule
Inevitable the self destruction
Creative thoughts flow from every eruption
Buddha plans re construction
Shaman executes magic function
Oh my gawd I feel a change
With every phase I rearrange
Venus venom spreads like mange
Cursed my heart with love that's strange
Poetry by M.A.N 12-9-15 In honor of Venus currently being in Scorpio..♏️
Dec 2015 · 3.3k
It's Not Fair
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
It's not fair..nor do I care
Emotions breathe without air
No more power shall I grant
My heart blooms flowers like a plant
Refuse to follow will not swallow
Immersed in thought where I wallow
Thus I ramble a poet's gamble
******* soul here is a sample
Write it short or write it long
Write a song for all to sing along
Edit mind that's when I find
Insanity speaks in rhyme
A traveller will always go
On the path to their soul
Destination peace of mind
Activate it anytime
Leave a map all can see
Choose to elevate humanity
Simple is the truth
Hardened by a gangsta youth
Drama goes on everyday
Participate or refuse to play
Doesn't matter you are in the book
Captured by my writing hook
A character we all become
First you walk now you run
To the end or finish line
A blip we are in space and time
Identity do I own?
Reap what I've sewn?
Life springs forth from thee
In our children we can see
Evolution we all wear
Nor does it care if it's not fair...
Poetry by M.A.N 12-1-15
Nov 2015 · 2.2k
Poetry by MAN Nov 2015
This my ode to November the month I was born
From comfort of the womb I was torn
Clouds shed tears as if to mourn
Bring promise of life from every storm
Shades of brown fill the fall
Thanks we give to it all
Foot we play with a ball
Whispering winds I hear the call
Sun peeks out from skies of grey
Prelude to winter hard at play
Clocks fall back shorten the day
In warm beds we wish to stay
Fallen leaves tree's memories
Dance in wind to nature's melody
Thoughts spill out in soliloquy
Earth speaks back in poetry.
Poetry by M.A.N 11-18-15
Sep 2015 · 3.6k
Kiss You Low
Poetry by MAN Sep 2015
Kiss you low..Here I go
Communicate soul to soul
Touch is magic watch me grow
Lick for lick blow for blow
Open up to this kiss
Introduction to poetic bliss
I'm a G...I won't miss
Mark it off your bucket list
M.A.N not a boy
Ignorance I will destroy
Mastermind what's the ploy?
Sauce you up just like soy
Eat you up munch you down
Parade you pretty around town
Wicked doesn't need a crown
Whimper when I eat you bound
Rub you wet...Rub you a wish I'm gonna get
Oh so wet..Oh so it when you ready set
Enter thighs feel my rise
Stroke..Choke..steady and wise
Get that prize..Get that prize..No words needed can read your eyes
Hold it...ugh..hold it some more...on the bed then to the floor
Against the wall..through backdoor..on a sacred tantric tour
Feel me you ride..inside feel me slip and slide
Hit it wide..technique applied..what is needed I shall provide
Feel the quake..legs will shake..more than love we will make
What awakes? From pounding stake..squirting till no more can take
Still we go..beyond the soul..where no one ever goes
Yoni flower blooms like rose..Gyrate till your nectar flows
Taste is sweet..flavor unique..savor moment we reach our peak
What is complete? No need to speak..find what you sought to seek
Next level we begin to glow..Shine like stars put on a show
**** ****** this Scorpio...with poetry I Kiss You Low...
Poetry by M.A.N 9-3-15 I wrote this for my **** Scorpio blog ..****** seems to flow from me I specialize in sexetry...♏️
Sep 2015 · 2.5k
Mind Explosion
Poetry by MAN Sep 2015
You are a dream I long to touch
Blood pumps faster feel the rush
Twist my tongue make you blush
Strength I gain from the crush
Spilled energy creates a storm
Fetus mind..Word is born
Unbreakable this spirit form
An Angel born with Devil horns
Sharing lust builds our trust a must
Eat thigh pie slice of lust
Amaze you with the moves I bust
"Worship"next level of devotion
"Seduction" becomes our every motion
Leave no doubts or silly notions
Blow them up with this *Mind Explosion
Poetry by M.A.N 9-1-15 Its been awhile since I posted..doesn't mean I haven't been writing..I recently became unemployed so I have more time to write..I've been working on slam material and longer form for submissions.Thank you to all who support my poetry and blogs..♏️
Jun 2015 · 2.6k
Poetry by MAN Jun 2015
Sing a song fast or slow
Melody completes the flow
Strum guitar put on a show
Hit all notes high and low
***!!! You are dream
Voice of an Angel with a Devil's scream
***** mind you so clean
Oh so nice yet so mean
Tell me how you want this Dope?
Twisted how I slip the *****
Potent addictive most can't cope
Write you lyrics you can smoke
I am now a giving MAN
Hold my ego in my hand
Slips from grasp just like sand
Release me from the master plan
So I drift on my own
Carving out a heart from stone
Magic every day has grown
Flesh feels married to the bone
Adventure unravels mystery
Encounter different parts of me
Through eyes of wise begin to see
Means to elevate humanity
Truth on Earth we all are one..
Chilling on the block till Kingdom come
Radiate our talent like rays of Sun
We Sing a song far from done...
M.A.N 6-17-15 This was originally a freestyle flow..I did an edit and here it is..
Jun 2015 · 3.3k
Poetry by MAN Jun 2015
Your VIBE brings me to life
Here's my Heart take a slice
Wicked is my nice
Random like a roll of dice
I see your shining soul
Illuminating is your glow
Inside I start to grow
To love you is to know
Excuse me if I'm blunt
I've just returned from the hunt
Clean my fangs hear me grunt
Motion master every stunt
Fine flesh I must taste
Luscious lips I won't waste
Primal pleasure we embrace
Have you seeing outer space
Wolf spirits howl at the Moon
Ravaged in a hypnotic swoon
Bodies slap create tribal tune
Wrestle play sacred boom boom boom..Hollaaa!
Priceless like a Shaman Dollaaa!
Wear war paint instead of a collar
Genocide survivors of slaughtered sorrow
Faith our strength with it we build tomorrow...
M.A.N 6-10-15 I wrote this awhile back..I decided to do an edit here's the result..
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
Poetry by MAN Jun 2015
In silence I shall love
Heart beats peace become the dove
Push nah a gentle shove
So below..As above
Finding ones divinity
Swimming in  serenity
Claim I am an enemy
Scared to be friend to me
Communication is a handy tool
Glean experience to something new
Recognize false become the true
Many in society like to act the fool
Some words are read but never heard
Silence vibrates becomes a verb
Plant it..grow it..smoke the herb
Outlaw nature so absurd
Speak out of turn..Who are you hushing?
To right person these words may be touching
Hopes evolve to dreams..that money is crushing
Elevate those who turn nothing into something
Stories unfold in a world so cold
Children's innocence still bought and sold
Continue to fix mistakes of the old
Everybody has a story that should be told
A poet doesn't have to stand up and preach
Truth flows free you can feel my soul reach
Bring it together in one big speech
Raise Vibrations we need to teach
Attractive is intelligent
When triggered made relevant
Package now they're selling it
Brains bigger than an elephant
Flex good thoughts like a muscle
Practice everyday the spiritual hustle
Continue to write truth feathers will ruffle
My silence speaks loud no longer I can muffle...
M.A.N 6-4-15 I did an edit and finished this today..I really felt good writing it..
May 2015 · 1.6k
Next Level
Poetry by MAN May 2015
Oh God I'm such a Devil
Next level I was born to be rebel
Bury me alive here's the shovel
Built I am from trouble's rubble
Curse worse in verse than any MAN
F*ck your plan on sacred beliefs I stand
Take my land slaughter my clan
Common sense you fail to understand
I am the blood watch me stain
Empires fall ideas remain..
Blood spills overseas Government playing war games
Power and money helps you live with your shame
Poetry key to unlock the cages
Master every level document the stages
I am a book living my pages
Every story I'm in so outrageous
So Devil I am why would I claim to be
Flow wicked spin spells to my destiny
Pull me over question me
Tell me officer what do you see?
A shade of color that isn't white
A souls so dark eats up all light
Shoot me down without a fight
Your own destruction you ignite
Streets on fire media fans the flames
Justice bleeds truth watch it drain
Anger plus death multiplies the pain
Our lives on the line Yo..This is no game..
Continue this dance to our doom
Apocalypse now hear the boom
Don't really believe..just assume
The Devil is the darkness in the room..
M.A.N 5-22-15 Original title was "Devil" either way I'm trying to take it to "Next level"..Future slam material hopefully I can memorize and nail it..
May 2015 · 1.8k
Welcome To The Hurt
Poetry by MAN May 2015
Reality isn't set in stone
My emotions live in my bones
Life's mistakes I will own
In dimensions I have grown
Pain I feel soul precise
Obtain greatest treasures through sacrifice
Do you feel me in your life?
Deep I plunge like a knife
Hmm WELCOME!!! To the hurt..
Wear my scars like a shirt
Pick yourself up from the dirt
You know what fails now find what works
Some call it Mental Alchemy
Don't need a map it all comes back to me
Eyes wide open but fail to see
Paths and patterns to our destiny
Third eye sight whatever you call it
Feel Vibrations like an Alcoholic
Multiply the good expel the toxic
Restoring the natural power down the robotic
Whoa no I'm not the only one
Many psychics roam free under the sun
Next level create it just for fun
Elevate Humanity..Human race will run
Mind's triggered thoughts explode like a bomb
Plant seeds of hope bloom long after I'm gone
Our Chapter's are short but story is long
Welcome to the Hurt from it we grow STRONG!!!
M.A.N 2-2-15 Wrote this a few months inspirational piece on how most good things in life come from hard work and sacrifice...
May 2015 · 3.2k
I Do
Poetry by MAN May 2015
Ooh Lu ma I want to kiss your lips
Number one top on my bucket list
For me there is only you
I've felt the false I want the true
Life isn't easy in fact it's cruel
We navigate through obstacles it's what we do
Not a perfect story or favorite song
To understand what's right we have to know what's wrong
Emotions weak? Hell no their strong!
A love that leaves one better when it is gone
Look..Let me show you what you cannot see
With words I can paint reality
Example..I am one unfinished book
Chapters of the many risks I took
Gangsta of love I played the crook
Now the sum of ingredients watch me cook
Enough about me back to you
I want to hold your hand all life through
Wish for me like I wish for you
For my one true..I say I do...
M.A.N 10-3-14 I wrote this awhile back..feeling a bit corny today..hmm why not put it out..Ooh Lu ma I hope you find it delicious full of love which makes it nutritious..∞ ƸӜƷ
Apr 2015 · 3.1k
Poetry by MAN Apr 2015
I wrote this for a slam to explain who I am
Hello it's poetry by M.A.N..Yes I am a pseudonym
Mystery I provoke to make the theater choke
Words play every stroke feel emotions can you cope?
I'm here to make it clear rhyme in poetry you shouldn't fear
Twisted is the mirror many levels are the tier
Competition is vital keeps us questing for a title
Who will be my rival in this poetry Survival?
Hit you with love..Vibrate rooms like a club
Ba doom Ba doom voice bass hit you like a Sub...
Woofer...Heart is full not hallow
LIKE ME! If there was a button would you follow?
Messenger M.A.N twist my tongue for this slam
Aw **** gawd **** he thinks he's a rapper M.A.N witness this vocabulary wreck
All due respect..don't want to be correct
Commercial break watch me pop with my snapple
Acquired many skills hope my talent is ample
Kung fu poet choose any style I will flow it
Talent is the seed..I nurture and grow it
MAN of bone creating a melodic tone
Feel comfort inside like your coming home
Shaman Buddha this hybrid will school you
Magnetic seduction runs right through you
I vow to play my part in this world of art
Watch me butterfly to a new start
Blow my nose with prose
Just words without flow
Stand up on stage put on a good show
Hope y'all enjoyed poetry by MAN
Speak not in 1st or 2nd but the 3rd I am
Run blogs on tumblr..Facebook can't stand
"Throw your mind's in the air" Top rope body SLAM!!
M.A.N 4-11-15 Yeah I wrote this for a slam I performed this piece in Visalia, Cali on 4-11-15 it didn't score well judges seemed a bit confused by it..I did fumble a bit eh I'm still working on my slam skills...
Apr 2015 · 2.8k
Poetry by MAN Apr 2015
Embrace the madness watch what you become
A being of light radiant like the Sun
Witness empires fall..Kingdoms come
Tell the tales of humanity the wicked ones
No heaven can hold a heart so bold
Space I fold when tales are told
Chop it up..clean it..nicely rolled I'm blowed
Witness the magic without the rabbit
You may not see it best believe I have it
Eat up Demons devour bad habits
Visions of violence taste the tragic
I have no limits I wear no chains
Not held back by illusion or mental strain
Pull plug on sorrow let it drain
Take every pain make it a gain
You see insanity has its perks
Mastering moments doesn't always work
Yet to try doesn't hurt
Possibilities are endless so I flirt
You see I can ramble on for days
Share Vibrations to get a raise
Combinations come in many ways
Tapped into a song that always plays
My soul is thirsty I need a drink
I look..I see what people think
Of course it's insanity I live on the brink
Only few get my Devils wink
So I sit writing lines
Dropping my thoughts like land mines
One exploded in the rhyme
Memories splattered throughout time
For once let the madness take control
Evolve pass boundaries of your soul
Embrace the obvious that makes you grow
Unlock hidden knowledge you already know..
M.A.N 4-9-15...150 poems posted/published through website hmm I didn't know I had it in me..Already well into my next 150 with unpublished and ongoing drafts whew I loves me some writing I enjoy making it all up as I go along.. ∞ ƸӜƷ
Mar 2015 · 3.6k
Morning Kisses
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Wake you every day with kisses all over your body
As we lay..cuddle...Hmm we start to feel naughty
Play a game of footsies under the sheets
Probing bodies strobing generating heat
Tickle your me where it feels good
As sure as Sun rises so does my morning wood
Juices flow..******* wet
Anticipating pounding you are about to get
Massaging thighs staring deep in eyes
Inhibitions fly nothing we don't try
Comfort between us there is no fear
Nibble whisper **** talk in your ear
Bodies connect perfect piece of a puzzle
Sip slow at first then take a big guzzle
Pleasure pulsates vibes run through body
Touch you in places where signal is spotty
Caressing scars hit maximum bars
Stroke for stroke till seeing stars
Passion strums like a song that's sung
Twisting..tasting..tangled tongues
Birds and Bees..Smoking trees
Buck with every shot push to last drop
Contort vibrate from ******* shock
****** rubbed right grant all your wishes
Mine to wake you everyday with Morning Kisses..
M.A.N 2-3-15 I wrote this one for my **** blog..Here is a bonus line I didn't use cause its cheesy.^_* Cook you food do the dishes as long as I can have your Morning kisses..♏️
Mar 2015 · 3.8k
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Is that an Echo? I hear someone talking back
Is it me? Have I begun to crack?
Heart break memories I have stacks
So tell me "Echo" what do I lack?
Adventure..more games..unique...yet all the same
Maybe its me..Happiness I try to maintain..
To only feel love in moments of hate
Set fire to surroundings as I instigate
Scorpion tail swings..Who did I devastate?
Poison transformed new energy we create
Like a ball toss it to me..
This ball can transcend multiple realities
What you see have no regret..You'll get back what you spent
Memories squat pay no rent..In your head sit like an Elephant
To much pressure no more room
Echo roars back with a sonic boom
Melodic devastating is the tune
Every wolf on the planet howls at the moon
So tell me echo what you think about that?
Can you match me wit for wit..always come back?
Beyond the mirror..see the cracks..
Read scars share stories of many attacks
Stay with me Echo..ugh..Please remain..
Add to my voice when it begins to..strain
Feel my every loss with you I gain
Mimic my heart..Oh Echo..Share the pain..
M.A.N  3-24-15 I performed this poem in a slam competition on 3-14-15...
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
I am the Sun watch rivers run
Heart beats to a tribal drum
Light beams hum soul strings strum
Ever changing far from done..
M.A.N 3-22-15
Mar 2015 · 5.4k
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Exquisite..Unique become what you seek
What is complete? How deep is the deep?
Experience the moment..It's you..Own it!
Fractals..Vibrations I'm just one component
These words of love shoot from my soul
Penetrates..fills all hatreds holes
Power in my rhymes Shaman twisting time
Read you by sign put you in these lines
I can see all the mental smoke
Instigator here to stab and poke
Give my all till I'm broke
All my passion hits in one big stroke
My vibe comes alive in every word it survives
If we elevate each other we all will thrive
You there asleep come alive
Far too long we have all been denied
Vibrate till I turn to dust
Never taste the center eat my crust
In rhymes I full I bust
Flow so fluid I'll never rust
Now I can be flashy..tell a tale
Not a one hundred percent sometimes I fail
Pierce my heart with a rusty nail
Darkness takes over but love prevails
Imagination stretch..memorize every turn  
Set fire to your mind feel the burn
Knowledge from pain is how we learn
Balance will reward you with what you earn
Wisdom doesn't flow from all that speak
Truths are hidden which is why we seek
We all must climb to reach your peak
Creates who we are..Exquisite...Unique!!
M.A.N 3-18-15 I performed this in a slam competition on 3-14-15 in Visalia Cali..♏️
Mar 2015 · 5.3k
Love You Unique
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Let me Love You Unique
From soles of your feet
Kiss you so deep
Juices so sweet
I can be true
Show you the new
Much we can do
Just me and you
Majestic you are
Burn like a star
Close when I'm far
On my skin like a scar
Lay by my side
Slip then I glide
Collisions inside
Create our own ride
We can be freaks
Be what you seek
Equation complete
When I Love You Unique...
M.A.N 3-11-15 I wrote this awhile back I did an edit on it today here's latest version..♏️
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
Shake The Foundation
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Shake The Foundation* bring it to the ground
When it falls it won't make a sound
Mind blown open share third eye site
Words filled with wisdom spiritual dynamite
What does it take for people to learn?
Wallow in pain in jobs we earn
Truth is always clear as can be
Does it take a Zombie Apocalypse to save humanity?
Walking Dead at heaven’s gate
Slowly transform into what we hate
People want someone to tell them what to do
Take a chew
Minds not open only speaking what's spoken
Patterns get set..hmm they need to be broken
Text me all day conversation is never clear
I prefer to hear a voice in my ear
Relationships robotic bodies become toxic
Medication for profit who created this logic?
Revolution's rebel creates the next level
Wear a halo of an Angel with horns of a Devil
From ******* beginnings..born from sinning
Acquired spells to assimilate failure into winning
Illuminating eyes behind every one is a prize
Mind butterflies carried on the winds of wise
No energy does it take to spread the hate
When focused and applied can devastate
Watch me shake the foundation bring it to the ground
Drop bombs of love...Vibrate souls with my sound..
M.A.N 3-6-15 Some slam poetry competition material..♏️
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
Scar Me
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Scar Me* go ahead make me feel
Deep don't worry I will heal
Left behind something that's real
Holding back makes me ill
From many moments I came to be
Rich I've grown spiritually
Acquired an ability
To ride waves of reality
We are all runners in the human race
Everyone running at their own pace
Stumble fall scratch up your face
Creates a flavor you can taste
Tattoo art constellation of scars
Becomes bodies shining stars
Footprints left of what we are
From ****** skin my scars come far
Amazing the way we heal
Feeble is the attempt that doesn't ****
Scratch-sniff-crusty scab you peel
Heart ate out like a happy meal
Touch me claw make your attempt
Hello! I'm the "Scar Me" president
On my body live without rent
Unique like art the pain we spent...
M.A.N 3-4-15 Yes go ahead make your attempt I am the Scar Me president..^_*
Feb 2015 · 1.8k
All or Nothing
Poetry by MAN Feb 2015
Yes I am familiar with the Nothing
It's the emptiness I fill with words
Paint a picture in minds put time in lines care into every curve
I'm also familiar with the All..
How the greatest of expectations fall..when it is love we call
Hearts broken down like cars that stall-MOVE YOUR PATHETIC *** OVER TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!-looking for it all..
M.A.N 2-13-15
Feb 2015 · 1.9k
Pattern Breaker
Poetry by MAN Feb 2015
I'm a Pattern Breaker
Pass the soul shaker
Rather be a maker
Then meet the undertaker
Study if you want to
Patterns we all go through
Taught false is true
Truth is in what we do
We all have answers
Still we get cancers
Create ribbons and banners
Get upset lose our manners
Soldiers take tours die in religious wars
Truth main battle fought behind closed doors
Toxic hatred spreading mental spores
Pollution melting ice raising ocean shores
Continue the pattern to **** is to win
Method is this madness our greatest sin
Each loss there's a cost animosity begins
An explosion of souls losing their skin
Governments construction to help us function
Built in corruption seeds of self destruction
Laws punish choices creating junctions
Living Hells..Prison cells youth feel the suction
Hmm now what's a Pattern breaker?
Funky new thought creator
Already know the later
Break the pattern of the hater..♏
M.A.N 1-30-15 I initially posted this on Friday but website was acting buggy I did a few edits I've got a few political pieces I'm working on..♏
Jan 2015 · 2.8k
Poetry by MAN Jan 2015
In my thoughts everyday
Heart meant to beat not to sway
Emotions come will they stay?
Box them up put them away
I'm a M.A.N who needs no introduction
Closer I get..Feel the suction
Lips drip lust taste seduction
Discover your bodies every function
So sly is I behind devilish eyes
Tell me everything you want to try
Wings spread wide but yet to fly
Edge you till you say "OH MY!"
A sensuous kiss cannot be dismissed
Brings about bliss fulfills every wish
Waves of passion ride bodies ocean
Drunk from love off magic potion
Slam connect repeat the motion
Friction builds...Mutual explosion
Relax all tension with a rub
Flower bathe you in the tub
****** toys..Willing Sub
Scorpio Freaky rub a dub dub
G that's the spot..Connect hit the dot
Slam it..tease I wont stop
Slick..So wet..Bubbling hot
Coming together shot for shot
In our stare we feel the hook
A work out sure to leave you shook
Gave..give..take..we took  
A page of pleasure in my book
Read me study every chapter
Witness my eve share my rapture
In between what doesn't matter
Comes the moments we choose to capture..
M.A.N 1-22-15
Jan 2015 · 9.0k
Poetry by MAN Jan 2015
Let me love you unique
Vibrate your soul when I speak
Open up..Go deep
Together discover our peaks
Lost..No I've been found
Tie you up eat you bound
Groans of pleasure love the sound
Tongue starts tracing all around
Flurry of kisses feel my lips
Up your thigh between your hips
Go ahead give me tips
Instruct me while I do my dips
Deep inside I can feel
Parts of you didn't know was real
Swallow me like a pill
I'll eat you like my favorite meal
Writhing from my playful munch
Arching backs in a hunch
Round for round feel my punch
Have you ******* in a bunch
Welcome to ******* State
Now it's time to penetrate
Slamming on your pearly gate
Spring a leak start to shake
Hold on tight to my muscles
Toss you about we will tussle
All your feathers I will ruffle
Our parts connect complete the puzzle
Words aren't needed when bodies speak
To play adult games mind can't be weak
For all out there who look to seek
Bear witness to this love "Unique"..
M.A.N 1-7-15  Another page for my **** Scorpio book vibrate  rhymes ****** thoughts is what I cook.♏
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
Poetry by MAN Jan 2015
As days do pass we look and seek
Our hearts have words we never speak
To our minds our hearts do tell
Who we love we love them well
To some we are mystery
Discovered in ones history
All out there like the news
Read a page then we choose
Adventure in the discovery
Pain in the recovery
Some will never read the book
Regret the chances never took
Life goes on till we're dead
Reality still moves ahead
Time moves slow and then real fast
Precious moments that we cast
Created like the finest art
Add our flavor do our part
To reach a common destiny
Cherish each others company
So much love we all waste
Don't let frustration change your face
Let it in then let it go
Release the breath of your soul
In our mind we make the turn
Learn from all the pain we earn
Gather it up create a giant fireball
Shoot it out release it all
Ashes blow in the wind
Time for this Phoenix to be reborn again
Challenge me take me to task
To love you as the moments pass
M.A.N 12-31-14 I'm trying to write longer for Slam competition material! ^_* I look forward to competing/performing this poem in the future..
Dec 2014 · 2.0k
New Day
Poetry by MAN Dec 2014
Tell me your secrets..Darkest sins..I want to feel you within
I will bite..I will taste..your body I won't waste
Feed you measure as I tickle your treasure
Go down south..feel my mouth as I throw you about
Take a can glide before I split you open wide
As we kiss..caress your hips..touching fingertips
Down deep..feel the heat with my missile I seek
To the peak..spank your cheek...every angle unique
Of course I will not..Till you pop..I will drop you will feel my shot
Naughty you..just for me have you ******* constantly
In your eyes you realize pleasure filling your thighs
Till we're the sun rise as we become one
After play..we will lay..holding each other greeting the new day...
M.A.N 12-16-14 Another **** poem for my *** blog..♏
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
I Long
Poetry by MAN Dec 2014
Yes I Long....
Who turned this power on?
Emotions once weak now are strong
Only a Goddess could ever awake
Ones Spiritual Evolution that would overtake
Vibe Shamanic..Words spoken supersonic
Welcome to the now..Poetry Bionic
Poems structure a piece of my soul
Thoughts released in my flow
Riddle with Rhyme I can bring
In the end we all say the same thing
Infinity connects us all enlightening M.A.N
Keeps me devising not being part of a plan
Didn't mean to drift or get off track
Life is all over the place..That's a fact
In love I become like the sea
Unpredictable waves overcome me
Too many times I've been torn
It's as if my destiny is to be reborn
Shadows of yester-me still inside
Always there..can not hide
The fool in me will always yearn
In Fire of Phoenix that fool will burn
Reformulate pain redirect feel the gain
A spiritual balance is obtained
In the arms of love a heart grows strong  
Shines the light of truth for which I long..
M.A.N 12-2-14 I wrote this awhile back it took me a long time to edit..I look forward to slamming this poem at a competition in the future..;)
Dec 2014 · 35.1k
Poetic Seduction
Poetry by MAN Dec 2014
This Poetic Seduction
Will be fulfilling its function
Building up to an eruption
Pure ****** destruction
Lets play..All night and day
Wont be sleeping anyway
Exploring shades of grey
Rock and roll you in the hay
Dom to your Submission
Set up every position
Tie you up bring pleasure is my mission
Hair yank feel the spank
Pledge to respect and thank
Cheeks turn red
Ultimate pleasure in your head
Ease in just a tease
Pound you as I please
Have you on hands and knees
Show you the world of D/s
Lubricate your gate
Feel my tongue vibrate
Like a spell you levitate
Savor this moment we create
Room steaming..Bodies start creaming
Reality shifts wonder if you are dreaming
Theater of thought supplies the word production
Scenario set for this Poetic Seduction...
M.A.N 12-9-14 I wrote this for my Scorpio *** blog..♏
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
Love You Daily
Poetry by MAN Dec 2014
Love you daily
There is no maybe
Vibe is live
To some its crazy
I don't care
I wont tear
Into your eyes I will stare
Oh so lovely
Go ahead hug me
Play a little rough
Pull and tug me
Full attention
All my affection
Open wide
For this injection
Devil..Angel more of a Devil
So **** bad destroy next level
Wicked Witchy make middle twitchy
Scratch and claw satisfy your itchy
Mind goes hazy
From path I'm blazing
Describe our chemistry one word
Time stands still reality wavy
Where you are..From afar..Love you Daily..
M.A.N 12-5-14
Nov 2014 · 1.7k
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Freedom there's power in that word
Some don't have it..many voices go unheard
Most are born free of chains
Still we carry chains in our brains
Build a prison of concrete walls
Make up laws full of flaws
On the streets the badges bang
Shoot first! In shame heads should hang
Justice blind minorities find
When I step on the street perceived guilty of a crime
States offer no solutions
Business is to build more institutions
Lock up bodies trapped minds still tell
How we elect politicians that continue to fail
Answers are direct find problem then correct
Apply intellect what's right comes with respect
Selective Justice another imperfect day
Embrace ones Freedom till its taken away..
M.A.N 11-25-14 I try not to get too political but I do enjoy expressing my opinions creatively through my writing..
Nov 2014 · 4.4k
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Caught in rapture from your Witchy spell
Balanced emotions have gone to Hell
Was careful but I still fell
Kiss me please I won't tell
Immune I thought these Wizard lips
Enchanted by those Witchy hips
In your valley I will dip
Releasing magic from my fingertips
I must've drank your Witches brew
Thoughts of you makes me drool
On my mind is only you
Doing things I'd never do
I too am dark I share the night
My magic hasn't reached its height
Bring the spark I will ignite
Full potential of this Wizards might
We can ride on your broom
Our silhouette tattoos the moon
For black cat there is room
Cross our path meet your doom
I'll run the West you run the East
Draw the signs..Mark the beast
I'll be War..You be Peace
All feel our power when this spell unleashed..
M.A.N 11-24-14 "Wizard of Word" is I..Magical flow "Poetry till I die!"♏
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Perfect Storm
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
I want to make LOVE!
Become a perfect storm
Thunder clapping wet chaos till the morn
Precipitation of lust passion born
Lightning pulse vibrates without warn
Tornado tongues twisting bodies toss and turn
Wildfire from friction inhibitions burn
Burrow inside writhe and squirm
Souls connect no longer have to yearn
Lay we can play on a bed of clouds
Chaos creates rhythm feel me plow
Stroke caress the kitty make it meow
Mercilessly pound give an ******* pow
**** downpour of torrential rain
Contorting Tantra yoga poses feeling no strain
Connect chu chu steady like a train
Flooded with ecstasy as our bodies lay drained.
M.A.N 11-19-14 I wanted to see how many weather related words I could string within the poem..^_*
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Loving You
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Love you..Love me
What's true will be
Reflections of ourselves is what we see
Comfort comes from being loved
A gentle touch an engulfing hug
Piercing eyes longing sighs
Lust fulfilled between our thighs
Wants and needs our selfish greed
Bloom within from planted seeds
We can't control what's to come
From our thoughts we can't run
Escape we can to a dream
Imagination sets the scene
In this world of you and I
One heart we share till we die
Souls disintegrate into the sun
Reborn under the moon we dance for fun
Till the morn we open eyes
Reality a dreams demise
Shake off emotions of feeling blue
For in that moment I was Loving you..
M.A.N 11-17-14 Love you..Love me..what's true will be..^_*
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
To Not Hold Back
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Unleash my full love attack
Pure energy charge when I plug into your socket
Words do no justice on how I can crush this
Animal magnetism feel my lust is..
More than "just one" can ever handle
Pores pour danger feel my scandal
My mystery flows blissfully
Covers every inch of your skin
Alone we are innocent together we are sin
Vibrate turn you on body becomes a machine
Erratic stirring motion whips up your cream
Deep neck I attack
Not many can handle the punch I pack
Stung by my poke..change up stroke
Body..Mind..Intertwine creates mental smoke
Body language telling tales
Tossing tumbling scratching nails
Tongue acrobatic generates ******* static
Overdose from pleasure become the magic
One last trick yes its nice and thick
Tell me favorite position go ahead and pick
Legs unfold to please you is my mode
Hands explore while your juices explode
In and out feel me tap..tap..tap
Let me rip like Jack..Unf..TO NOT HOLD BACK!
M.A.N 11-10-14  I wrote this for my **** Scorpio ♏ blog..^_*
Nov 2014 · 3.7k
What You Mean To Me
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
I'm going tell you what you mean to me
I want to swim in your divinity
Emotions flow in unity
Creating our reality
You would be my only wish
Eat you like my favorite dish
Raw or cooked just like fish
******* wisdom like Ganesh
In darkest night be my sight
Battles for you I would fight
Overcome an Army for my true treasure
Heaven or Hell has no measure
Pain I feel me pleasure
Will worship you at your leisure
Soul reflects in your eyes
Forever Impaled between your thighs
As energy we begin to rise
You and I super size
Simple in our complexity
Illuminated for all to see
Acquired this ability
To tell you What You Mean to Me..

11-5-14 M.A.N
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Does power have a physical form?
Seen through eye of a storm
I want to rip at reality till its torn
Mind elevates word is born
Vestige of message vibrations seek
Strength in understanding
We all start out as weak
Emotions go from joy to pain feel the peak
Solutions unveiled to what we seek
Tongue ignites spit verbal fire
Soul to flesh fueled by desire
Muse me feel me as I admire
Raise my intellect till I expire
Creative dreams emotional storms
Transform..edit..give it Form..
M.A.N 10-16-14
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
Poetry by MAN Oct 2014
I burn inside for your love
Phoenix flames rise above
Ashes of me fill the air
Reborn I'll be without a care
Truth is I hope you dare
Rip me up go ahead and tear
Every way you are a beauty
Shining star stepped out a movie
Feel your skin soft and soothing
Enticing lips yes you move me
Imagination builds my fire
Fills me up with pure desire
Worship in me will not retire
For the Goddess I admire
With you I feel no hesitation
Together we share all information
Time well spent in preparation
Seeds intertwine for our new *Creation...
M.A.N 10-29-14
Oct 2014 · 3.1k
Poetry by MAN Oct 2014
Inside you I will slide
Take your body for a ride
Split you in your great divide
Have you screaming come inside
Hard this **** you're going to get
Down your throat a mark is set
Touch you oh I feel you're wet
Expectations will get met
Nasty on you sure looks good
Bouncing on my morning wood
In that moment we will be
******* for eternity
Lust a monster I can conquer
Tongue on ****...Helicopter
Eat you up nice and proper
Probe you good..****** doctor
Pump you feel the synergy
Submit put your trust in me
Blindfold tease you constantly
Vibrate *** erratically
Ecstasy's button cannot hide
Exposed to me open wide
All resources will be applied
To discovering treasures you hold inside..
M.A.N 10-24-14 I wrote this for my *** blog...Its Scorpio season and I’m feeling freaky deeky..♏
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