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25.5k · Feb 2015
Lottie Feb 2015
Hello and welcome to the internet,
Where everyone is brave enough
To say what a face wouldn't,
Because looking into tears,
Makes it much harder to hate,
But a glaring screen and autocorrect,
Gives you cowardice coated in bravery.
Just a thought, everyone goes on about how its easier to tell someone they're loved if you can't actually see them but we tend to forget that the anonimity of the internet that makes people 'brave' enough to say the horrible things, even though the result is always the same. Misery.
11.0k · Jan 2015
Lottie Jan 2015
I wear no mask, no deliberate one,
I wear a smile while I'm seen,
But don't remove it because im pretending,
While you're not looking, my face falls,
But only for while I feel lonely,
The second someone speaks to me,
I'm happy again,
And when you stop, I'm lonely once more.
Chrissy, I don't have a mask
9.8k · Apr 2015
Lottie Apr 2015
Whoever said scars were beautiful
Wasn't really looking.
Scars aren't meant to be pretty,
They're meant to prove something.

They prove that you have lived,
That you were hurt.
Scars show the screaming truth
That life is hard but *possible.
One of our pets got caught in some barbed wire and has obliterated his tail, chest and sides. He was stunning but is likely to have scars
5.9k · Apr 2015
Lottie Apr 2015
I want to be able to look at you and know
That I could have you
If I wanted to
when I wanted to
And no one else would be allowed to touch you
Because you  are  **mine
4.1k · Mar 2015
Lottie Mar 2015
Hours revising
Days and days
Sit in the chair
***** up the words
You know this ****, right?

Guess what?
Hours revising
Days and days
Doesn't mean you
Read the question right.
I missed the last twenty marks on my history paper today because I just didn't read it right and I am so angry at myself that it hurts.
2.7k · Nov 2015
Pray For Paris.
Lottie Nov 2015
This ****** world just got bloodier,
The streets of the romance city are painted red.
Islamic state, you owned up and sound
So pleased with yourself.
How dare you.
In the name of Allah, the all loving,
You just killed people,
You did it.
Allah, who may well be benevolent,
Has nothing to do
With the blood on your hands.
This world disgusts me.
1.8k · Aug 2015
Idiot, idiot, idiot.
Lottie Aug 2015
what am I doing?
1.6k · Oct 2015
Stepping on eggshells.
Lottie Oct 2015
Everything is cracking,
Splintering and crumbling.
Underneath me.
My eggshell of an existence,
lost its life,
when the child within,
grew up.
1.6k · Mar 2015
knowledge isnt a faith
Lottie Mar 2015
Isn't it adorable
That you believe
Having a faith makes
You closer to god.

If he indeed is real
He designed us
To think for ourselves
And crave knowledge.

So we found knowledge
But the stories
Noted by his kid's
Minions hold us back

Knowledge and faith
Are different things
Have faith, and knowledge
But don't **** on one thought just cause its not yours
Random religion rant :3
1.4k · Mar 2015
Lottie Mar 2015
we cry to let the emotion loose,
To look for the forgiveness we crave.
1.4k · Feb 2016
P is for Procrastinating.
Lottie Feb 2016
This is supposed to be a poem,
Ill get round to it..
1.4k · Jan 2016
A is for Alex
Lottie Jan 2016
The first boy I thought I loved,
Kissed my unbroken heart
Until I bled my blues
And I slept in a kiss

But he broke up with me
For *minecraft.
I am writing the things that wrote me.
1.3k · Mar 2015
borrowed light
Lottie Mar 2015
The wind blows the clouds across the sky.
As they go, they reveal the moon,
Shining down a sacred light,
A white light,
A borrowed light.

The ropes pull the curtain over our heads.
As it rises, it reveals two girls,
Grinning into blinding light,
A stage light,
A borrowed light.

The hand in yours pulls me along.
As we go, we reveal the world,
I see it through your light,
A pure light,
Perfect light.
Can either be romantic or familial, its up to you:3
The sky was really pretty when I went for a walk earlier and I wanted to tribute it somehow... No idea if it actually worked or not :p
1.3k · Apr 2015
Lottie Apr 2015
It radiates out of us,
Creeping through our skin,
Out of our throats and fingers.
It kills us so slowly that we
don't notice it is pain,
When it makes us so happy
we overdose on it,
We give it to other people
Or take it all for ourselves.

Love will surely **** us.
1.2k · Apr 2016
Thoughts on a trampoline.
Lottie Apr 2016
My body is at a desk,
While my mind is lain back
On my trampoline,
With the clear sky above me,
One night.
What a concept, a clear sky.
It means no clouds
But imagine,
If there was nothing up there
But black.
1.2k · Mar 2015
deviant thoughts
Lottie Mar 2015
Because thinking the way you do,
Makes you upsetting and you upset.
People can't handle you
And so you can't handle you.

So then you conform
To being the right kind of odd
And your deviant thoughts
Leave everyone else alone.

So no one notices
your thoughts ripping
At the seams of your life because
**They're all having the same problem.
1.1k · Mar 2015
Lottie Mar 2015
give me one good reason why i should ever make a change
cause baby if you want me then all of this will go away
yeah, this isnt mine but ohmigod i love it so much:3
1.1k · Aug 2015
Lottie Aug 2015
I get this feeling
That I'm leaking emotion
no one wants
1.1k · Aug 2015
trust issues.
Lottie Aug 2015
Who is it we don't trust?
I don't distrust you:
Your actions. Your words,
Your anything.
But I didn't trust me to
Keep loving you.
1.1k · Feb 2015
history repeats
Lottie Feb 2015
I thought we had learnt
Not to hate a race
Because they happened
to come from one place

I thought we had come
To the conclusion
That faith didn't make
You a bad person

I thought we had noticed
That being black
Didn't warrant you
Being held back

I though history
Would teach us
How to prevent this
Rather than give us ideas.
In Britain,there have been over 1000  reported cases of antisemitism,  and I don't see how people seem to think they have the right to treat others this way.
995 · Apr 2015
my life note
Lottie Apr 2015
Dear world,
       If you're reading this, know that I'm alive.
Life is too hard and it hurts too much.
So I accept your challenge and I will live.
And love.
And hate.
And smile.
And breathe.
My family loves me and Libby is angelic.
There's not a day goes by when I'm not
Living for them and I adore it.
So I praise chance or fate or god or whatever runs this ****
Because they gave me this chance to feel

The closest I will ever get to a suicide note
974 · Jul 2015
Lottie Jul 2015
Strangle me with hope,
Chain me up with promises
And beat me with yours lies.
Lottie Dec 2015
I am bleeding down the drain,
Every part of myself I hold onto
Is oozing out of my pores as my
Poor, poor friend opens her skin,
Rips her flesh apart like paper
Because the emotion shouldn't be
916 · Apr 2015
Lottie Apr 2015
We were sat down.
You tickled my foot.
I almost kicked you
in the face,
And instead got you
I'm the nuts.

Not my best I grant you but was entertaining at the time:3
901 · Apr 2015
Lottie Apr 2015
Out in the rain,
A bottle green bottle
Fills with rain water,
While I watch, doing my homework.

Out in the rain,
The bottle green bottle
Looks sadder and sadder,
Drowning with no lid to prevent it.

Out in the rain,
That bottle green bottle
Fills right to the brim,
With water that's purer than we are.

Out in the rain,
My bottle green bottle
Overflows with a sadness,
So pure that no distraction could lid it.
888 · Feb 2016
U is for Underneath.
Lottie Feb 2016
I am so tired of loud things;
Cars, bikes, wind, rain,
The loudest of them all
Is the deafening scream
Of someone too scared
To talk.
878 · Jan 2017
Lottie Jan 2017
There's a tiredness in my bones that runs deeper than my ability to think. I am tired of this life, of living for the others I am driven to love. They are difficult. I am exhausted.
877 · Mar 2015
Lottie Mar 2015
One's for stress
The other for sleep
This for sadness, crying
That for anger, shouting
One result
It hurts like hell
Thud goes your brain
Deep breath
Let go of the pain.

Thud, goes your brain
Sitting in class
The teacher drills
We repeat each thud
Our brains
Knocking like our fingers
Tapping atop the table
Can we go yet?

Thud goes your brain
Take paracetamol
Medicate thought
Copy, repeat
Coffee, revise
Thud goes your brain
No idea if this makes aannyy sense but now, my headaches standing at three (update- now four(five (six))) days so I wanna get snippy about it
843 · Feb 2016
W is for Wall.
Lottie Feb 2016
"In order to be normal, break your walls,
Let people in, let them help."

*Alternatively, earn my trust, I'll show
You where the door is.
820 · Dec 2015
Lottie Dec 2015
Peel away the skin;
reveal a crying girl within.
Lottie Oct 2015
I want to be perfection
But think of all the pizza
I'd have to stop eating.
Oh God, the horror.
815 · Jun 2015
Lottie Jun 2015
they love us so,
love love love.

no understanding though.
803 · Dec 2015
Lottie Dec 2015
It feels like I'm finally learning how to breathe without you.
798 · Aug 2015
Words should be free.
Lottie Aug 2015
I want to be able to write.
God, give me words.
But they won't come out;
I can't spill my tears,
my emotions onto paper,
Even though my eyes
Are burning
And my thoughts are pushing
And the barriers in my mind.
791 · Dec 2015
Merry Christmas.
Lottie Dec 2015
Happy Christmas, broken people,
I hope the world feels better
When the snow has fallen
And the birds stop singing
Because the world just gets
So *quiet.
776 · Jul 2015
Lottie Jul 2015
Crying in front of the person you need most.
775 · Mar 2015
synchronised sinking
Lottie Mar 2015
I'm falling down at the same time as you
So take my hand and at least
When we hit the bottom,
We'll have something to cling to.
It won't make us rise faster
But at least we might stand a chance.
This is to anyone who's ever felt alone in their falls, be it falling into depression, stress, misery or hell, even the bath

This is kinda a tribute to my best friend cause, ya know, she's always been there:3
Lottie Jan 2015
The desire to live as one pleases
Is not based around staying in line
Nor is it established through
Objecting to all rules you are set.

Conforming can lead you to happiness
As easily as breaking the rules
What fails to be noticed are choices
That let you decide how to live
757 · Dec 2015
Chamomile and Tobacco.
Lottie Dec 2015
I can't tell you that this life is fair,
I cannot give you all the answers
In this ridiculous and repulsive world,
But I can help you find the answers
That fit your universe, if you want.
756 · Sep 2015
Lottie Sep 2015
At the eye of the storm, my mind is clear,
But zooming out, you can see that the farther
Things get from this pin ***** of perfection,
The more fragile and damageable it all gets.
Everything; big and small and imperfect.

This clutter is controllable though,
If you know how.
*I think.
755 · Aug 2015
Bedtime story
Lottie Aug 2015
Late at night, or early morning:
The moon, a hollow reflection of day,
The blissfully ignorant lie alseep
And dream of the life they'd love to live.

The terribly knowledgeable, they lie awake,
Knowing that at night, demons come out
And howl at the souless reflection of the sun;
Knives and guns and hands.

The blissfully knowledgeable sit awake
For a time, looking and knowing the horrors
Which haunt the world but are content,
Because life is about death. And hope.
753 · May 2015
bone crushing hug
Lottie May 2015
Be close to me
Be a part of me
Breath in me
While I breath in you

Hold me
Hold my heart
Believe in me
While I believe in you
753 · Jan 2015
how to find happiness
Lottie Jan 2015
Stop looking for it
For libby
Lottie Aug 2015
We feel better when the sky owns up to the bleakness of the world; it turns grey and endless and it cries with us. We hide from the sun because it warms our skin and lies about a better tomorrow. Ice bites our noses and rattles our teeth- it makes us feel alive but it too, is swallowed by the warmth we have taught ourselves to hate. We are fighting for happiness but waiting for the warmth and the flush and the laughter to end, that we might envelope ourselves once more in our depression, anxiety and pain.
But I am tired of my cocoon of misery; this atmosphere filled with the sensation of waiting for rain. You three are my best friends. I have made an astonishing number of mistakes in my life but loving you is not one of them.

So I will wait for rain with you.

**And I will revel in the sun when you find it.
Libby, Callum and Chris. Nothing means as much to me as you three do. Nothing. We all hurt right now and I don’t know how to help so I give you this in the hopes that it gives you just a little bit of hope. I love you.
738 · Mar 2015
Lottie Mar 2015
Slam in your head,
Slam your glass down.
Slam your fist
Into the closest wall.
Slam once again,
Slam for the pain.
Slam for hurt
Or nothing at all.
I've got another headache, wooop -.-
734 · Jan 2016
G is for Grace.
Lottie Jan 2016
The way you dance through the leaves
Of seasons, of time.
You are gliding, ripping up a dust of
Petals and Amber trees.
Give yourself the credit you deserve.
All these leaves are beautiful,
But you make them swirl and swarm.
727 · Apr 2015
Lottie Apr 2015
In our best clothes we step
Inside this building, this symbol
Of gods beauty and power but
I feel the mighty ceiling pressing
Down on my shoulders, my throat
Feels crushed by all the things I
Would normally say in god's
Sacred name. I realise that god
Wants me to to love, to breath
His healing forgiveness into the
World provided those I revive
From their lives of godless misery
Are not a different colour, a different
Gender, a different faith, race, sexuality
Because their creed and their colour
And their name will matter, he
Won't be there.
Religion rant, I'm really sorry if I offend people. My objections on the matter of faith are not to do with the followers, but rather the deity.
717 · Mar 2017
Lottie Mar 2017
I'd write a sonnet
About how much I love you,
Darling Boy,
If I weren't so sad that your
Shoes aren't here for me
To put mine next to.
695 · Jan 2016
B is for Bella.
Lottie Jan 2016
I am never going to be enough for you, honey.
Your arms are going to scar, and my heart
Is going to break,
Over and over and over again,
Because I can't take away your pain.
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