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leaving doesn’t mean i didn’t care
or that i no longer liked the taste
of your lips pressed deeply against mine
leaving doesn’t mean i didn’t love you
it doesn’t take away the meaning
of words spoke
of feelings felt
leaving just meant i couldn’t keep
for it was bad for my health
leaving, leaving, leaving
the most popular word in my vocabulary
a topic flooding my mind for months
repeating, repeating, repeating
make it stop

leaving looked like
a strict diet of fingernails
and bones crushed into salt
it was swallowing chalk dust to begin the day
shoving shards of glass into the scars of my heart
trying to get my feelings to change
*** and *** and *** and ***
maybe it would awaken the part of me that still loved you
it was ripping myself from the comfort of my own home
standing alone in the woods
it was being afraid of the dark
and nightmares upon nightmares upon nightmares
it was swallowing my own heart
but leaving you..
it lead to a fresh start
I've never labeled myself a singer
My voice is rather shy,
But after we spoke
My heart belted an operatic cry

© JL Smith
 Jul 2018 Leisa Battaglia
It's not the moon's influence that dictates the course of the ocean's fleeting tides, but it's persuasion. 

The moon's light shines wholesome promises and tender manipulation onto the water.

What use would words have, with such power in her gentle gaze, her glowing eye?

The tides oblige.

The ocean speaks back in hushed whisper, as it commands the movement she silently requests.

It whispers obedience and fear, knowing one wrong move and she may leave forever. 

The tides will always oblige.
He was the ocean; handsome, but yet, Impulsively damaged. He had a sandy heart to correspond his sandy eyes, the moon dismantled that omitted pride he carried at a dead weight; shoveling and reshaping it, so people would see a sandcastle statue assembled in strength. But his washed-up soul and unannounced insecurities were aware of its genuine purpose,
this beach alongside his pupils;
quicksand, he'll sink so slowly in.  Waves in his hair like ripples on his cheeks, skipping stones land at his defeat, he left notes in bottles for you, sank multiple ships for you, because he hasn't the heart to say he's desiccating with the arrival of the stars.. Retracting scars are not too far from gasps for air,  foaming words of crisis by writing in the sand, signaling a light as the last one in him died. You wouldn't understand, the calm before the storm, as valve after valve puncture him. So intoxicating as it drains him, and from within, he's drying out. Sunburns stain him, a smile restrains him,
in an inescapable drought--
All feedback is welcome
So this was posted here a couple weeks ago and, when I went to revise it, it was drafted and came out as new, I guess? :)
i am chipped nail polish
and shaky hands
i am a yellow marker ran over black ink
a little tainted, but still lively
i am both the highest point on a mountain
and buried deep in the depths of the ocean
i am my own ocean
feeling the slightest ripple
every breath taken
every noise made
creating tidal waves out of nothing
i am a warrior
one who couldn’t hurt a fly
but battles depression within the night
and is constantly fighting anxiety hands on
i am meant to wander
bare feet on freshly cut grass
wildflowers scattered through a field
driving with the windows down
i don’t belong
my blue eyes are stuck on the sky
wondering what its like to be cool
to not constantly stumble over simple words
to have people be curious
about the words slipping through my teeth
to be desirable
what one’s looking for
to not be looked at weirdly for getting excited over
poetry, art, daydreams, cute girls and cute boys
you see, i am simpler times
unsure times, messy times, good times
i am a part of time
and yet, i am afraid of being forgotten
fearful that people who meant most to me
won’t remember the colors of my eyes
or the vision i had for my life
my words meaning nothing
i just want to be a part of something
i am a part of something
a small speck among the sea of stars
i am there and i am shining
i am slowly leaving my mark
i am more than i give myself credit for
i am me, i am special
i am fuzzy blankets and daydreams
i am nightmares and tired eyes
i am everything and nothing all at once
i am me
a mess of a girl with eyes far too wide
trusting too much and saying too little
and above all else
i am loved
Man on earth has way more to learn
Though sadly he has no respect for life
Hes killed more than any can imagine
Hes the reason for all todays strife

If hes so all knowing on our earth
Why did God give him a woman true
Without one he is rendered useless
Alone he'd never make it through

Created with an ego larger than earth
He wrote bibles on that as well alone
With him being as hes always been
His heart unknowingly created of stone

Not all are like him thank goodness
But those of endless ego rule the earth
He simply cannot see for the life of me
Realize compare to woman hes little worth

When the garbage hits the fan one day
Man has another lesson thus to learn
Woman will be the last of the human race
To survive on earth his ego thus to burn

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
 Jul 2018 Leisa Battaglia
Looking out from my house...
I see you and your beautiful spouse...
Holding hands with love and care...
Takes me back with memories which have become rare...
I feel happy as the sight has refreshed the moments I once had...
If it wasn't for that dreadful moment, he would still be here but it's just my bad...
Going down with tears and flashes of time spent...
I guess now it's just me and my lonely repent...
I wished to live the moments again...
But time has passed leaving nothing to gain...
Looking at people surely tears me in pieces...
O God, grant me courage till it all eases...

Fictional. Just few thoughts.
Gotta write about what’s weighing you down
About the things making you frown
Don’t hold it in mama,
You need to let go
Make room for your roots to grow
For your stems to flow
Let your flowers blossom
Pull the weeds and toss em
Bring back that old smile
It’s been a while since I’ve seen you
I know it’s hard mama but bills are due
Wipe the tears
Face your fears
Hold your temper
Remember to pull your strength from last September
The memories make you cry
But let the tears fuel your drive!
So, I’m starting to share my poetry on Instagram..
I know, how lame.. but it’s been kinda sweet

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