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Sep 2020 · 528
One too many
HerrAichach Sep 2020
I drink too much but it gives me the pleasure of intoxication,
One too many ramifications,
I smoke too much to stun my heart of its beat,
All to avoid the acceptance of defeat.

Problems are associated with you
It's hard to get through
Talking to myself, judging myself and hating myself
So alone without anyone's words of comfort, but oneself

I feel like I want to hurt those who have hurt me.
One too many reasons not to accept their plea
Smoke and mirrors everywhere
One too many reasons not to stay here.
My second piece of poetry written this year, please like, comment or share if you can relate - many thanks.
Sep 2020 · 324
HerrAichach Sep 2020
They say to care for one another
But how can you say that when thats all I've doing
True love is often taught by your mother
I guess it is what I've always been pursuing.

Don't blame me for when it hits the fan
You will say it is my fault,
I guess they think I am a madman
I guess they forgot about the assault

Where were you when the scars were open.
You was meant to be there to help
I guess it was difficult to be outspoken
Then again you was probably waiting for the yelp.

Karma will come back to bring peace
You will know this very soon
Honestly it will be the masterpiece
Because I am coming out of my cocoon.
Please like, comment or share if you found this to be relatable. This is my first piece for 2020 and for a while. Thanks :)
Aug 2018 · 354
Murdered tears
HerrAichach Aug 2018
My heart is thumping with pain,
I feel ashamed,
The biggest endurance race where there is nothing to gain.
My heart is inflamed.

Pain is the gateway to nothingness,
People only notice  satisfaction,
No one notices the teardrop of weakness.
People only notice the reaction.
New content, I haven’t written anything since nearly two years, I’ll be writing more shortly for 2018.
Nov 2017 · 226
An Eye-opener
HerrAichach Nov 2017
Time isn't free but sacrifices are voluntary
People don't understand me, they don't like to understand the contrary

Exhausted with foolish people who are narcissistic by nature
Obsessed with their stature.
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
HerrAichach Dec 2016
Breaking out with my faults
I can't handle becoming an adult,
My scars are open
My life is determined by someone else' pen

There is no recovery from suicide
There is no place to hide.
I know that I've lived and fought
But what happens when you're a neet who takes bottles in one draught

When you give yourself less but everyone else so much more
Man life ***** when you're poor,
I hate the meds because it makes me feel weak, reliant and unhappy
Shoutout to Dappy.

I almost met my fate yesterday, oh what a feeling of ecstasy.
It almost seemed like a fantasy,
It isn't about the lie, it is how the truth is denied
It isn't about life, it is how you've lived with a knife.
Make comments if you can relate or just wish to comment.
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
A person
HerrAichach Oct 2016
She makes me feel like superman, so why should I fear.
I am on-duty to protect her, love her and care for her
My only kryptonite are her tears.
She says "you're silly", "overprotective" and "nhnhnhnhnh"

I treat her like my Cleopatra, what she says goes
Will I soon fade out like her past affairs.
She worries too much, she shouts at me, oh how she woes
What else to do but listen, I mean I do truly care.

She asks me; "Do I look fat", I didn't hesitate to give my honesty
You're beautiful everyday, I love everything about you.
She calls me a liar, she starves herself to satisfy others constantly
I say to her that I want to lay with you.

What am I. Your friend, your boyfriend  your fiancee or husband
You say I'm crazy and tell me you love me, but am I enough.
We visit twice a month, yet we are both in London.
Am I a person who you met just for a bluff
This relates to my life. Please like, comment and share if you relate or find it interesting.
Jul 2015 · 476
Behind bars
HerrAichach Jul 2015
My lips turning grey from the lack of warmth and even maybe love.
I tend to have random shivers time-to-time, with cold hands that seem lifeless.
Some people visit their friends or family and ignore me because they assume I am different, I am alone, and they are above.
My heart shrieks of distress because my body has been compressed within these four walls, and no-one to press against.

Minutes, hours and days have passed where no-one has asked me why am I here or what has started this.
Is there really no life for me that will become a bliss.
Should I give up now because the pain is too much to repair
I feel as if I am not a prisoner, but treated like a caged bear.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Profound Identity
HerrAichach Mar 2015
Someone say Marco someone make me feel sane
The third person is clearly me , so let me leave

With no sense of belonging for life is a game, and I don't have the skills to maintain . An indifferent individual on a spree to only grieve

What can anyone do about it when you're alone in the rain and you are just *ashamed
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
An opportunity
HerrAichach Dec 2014
I strut with confidence alongside her; she "fails" to acknowledge me
I try to attain her attention with my friends; she continues to ignore us three?
We decide of something else. We chose to go up to her and join her party
Whilst remained fixed on her dress which was Sacramento and sparkly

Bedazzled from her dress it seemed I was in the dreamworld
I had somehow dreamed that she approached with a kiss and swirled.
"Time to do it"I had repeated to myself. I grabbed her hand. I twirled her like a figure skater.
Finally,I found out she or he was a transgender, so...later?
Dec 2014 · 4.1k
Trust issues
HerrAichach Dec 2014
I stand a moment and gaze at my cloud of thoughts
What comes to mind is limitless;it is all sorts
The third hand seems dishonest.
For to love is a risk that one must be modest

Concealed in my heart I hide the truth of my being
I am not proud; but I am not satisfied to be fleeing
A cynical cycle, which  appears with a paradox ending
One should knot their laces now than later for pending

How can I ever be such a mockery that I hesitate, but rather be called a fool
I hate to feel abnormal with friends ,when I act like a tool
I cannot release this barrier that will restrict my trust
The matter has developed as an infant where bullying was a must
Nov 2014 · 698
Once upon a smile
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I approached with caution when she extended her fist
Instead she revealed her hand with an offering of a list
She remained confident with what she had given
Whilst, I remain pessimistically driven

Her smile fades as a candles' wick with the growth of darkness
I laugh. I try to comprehend what I did wrong. I ask.
The way she had tried to be my friend. The way she had tried to make me feel no less
The past has corrupted  me, knowing the future has no more tasks
Nov 2014 · 899
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I have asked simple questions with complex replies
Never in life could they tell the truth but only a lie.
They encouraged in a optimistic manner and they did succeed
Even if I try to do the same I ask, ' who will lead'

Frankly the true dedication was not delivered
For the victim has suffered and the love has buffered.
Where is the commitment of  basic standards
I am truly Angered.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
A simple exposition
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I struggle to notice the simple beauty of the stars which are present only at night
You look left and right and see people care for you, however I do not and that is not right
I feel laden when I am misinterpreted for the wrong reasons
I wish to feel equal, appreciated and capable instead of a treason
A simple person like myself has a simple life to fulfill with problems in my position
A simple person like myself has a simple life with an exposition
Like or repost if you can relate
Nov 2014 · 593
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I* sleep for whose purpose, mine, yours or a greater being
The **** since childhood had prevented recollection of my precious, memorable, memories.
The only remaining of  my past would be the scars across my ankles teasing.
The **** since childhood had prevented relationships and education, but the realization for the victim is a worthless being. A worthless soul of energy.
Repost or like if you can relate
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
HerrAichach Nov 2014
I turn to approach anywhere for a person who could be my friend. A close friend.
I am surrounded by acquaintances. I am blind. I cannot feel the presence of a friend, no-one to lend.
I plead with a tender sense of hope in my eye, I crave to change myself for others to accept me. I want someone to scream with me.
Scream,scream and scream until I feel their presence.
Scream, scream and scream until I feel of some value.
Repost if you can relate
Nov 2014 · 593
HerrAichach Nov 2014
The spirit feels enlightened with a given opportunity of free will to express how a person wishes to feel.
Restrictions  lead to so many negative possibilities  of life and future; drugs, bad education, becoming antisocial  and it would take longer for these processes to heal.
Life itself is about taking each opportunity to use at your best ability, so why do we have people or things clutching us from the outside, from different experiences and from life itself.
Criminals! Thieves and thugs would be the terms I would use myself.
May 2014 · 842
Our core
HerrAichach May 2014
She surrounds my terrain, and I feel as if I am her centre.
She speaks to me like no-one else, and we have our own type of banter;
Her friends say, you two should confess for how you are made for each other,
Whilst my friends are on mainstream to agree with reference to being a chanter

She speaks in a manner so delicate, it would be fatally fragile to oppose.
I speak in a manner to appear without a thought to her, but it still flows;
We always walk home together to discuss our highs and lows,
We are two different types of people, she is full of hellos and I stand froze
We spoke of interracial relationships with our races used for examples,
and she asks would you ever be with me (knowing how our race never have mixed- brown and black with specific religions)
Was this a joke or a serious question?

I had no answer, but what I did say to conclude was, *"You must taste the core/centre of a person to realize, but never jump to conclusions with the flesh or the skin."
May 2014 · 820
The hidden confession
HerrAichach May 2014
The Paranoia, paranoia seemed as if we were experiencing an ecstasy.
Righteous truth developed from our own  blossomed *fantasy.
Unknowing our world of fantasies had begun alluring exaggerations
The affectionate effects of  love left us the misery of hoping;
Honest in her opinion she replies 'thanks' for *my
Yeah its short, but there is a reason for it. Italics signifies a meaning and the bold.

— The End —