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Apr 2017 · 875
~I have learned~
Echo Apr 2017
I have learned to hold back words
Strong words, careless words,
Words of many storms.

I have learned to hold back tears,
Wet tears, silver tears,
Tears more painful than blood.

I have learned to not trust words,
Lying words, doubtful words,
Words that are false on ears.

I have learned to stay strong,
Through bitter pain, through unending pain,
Pain that will never cease.

I have learned all this and more,
By loving.
Loving is a dangerous thing.
Apr 2017 · 641
Echo Apr 2017
Once again,
I am alone.

I thought it would be different.
I thought we'd be forever.
2 years. We were together for 2 happy years.

Then everything changed.
You changed.
After years of talking,
Years of love,
You haven't left me a message in months.

Sometimes I wonder if you think about me,
But then I remember to shut it from mind.
You're gone, we went our separate ways.
We are no more.

It's been 2 months without you.
2 months and you are still in my dreams.
I still wish to hold you.
I still wish to trace every inch of your skin,
I still wish to send shivers down your spine.

I miss staying up all night with you.
I miss the phone calls, the laughter,
The way we'd plan our future together.

I miss when you'd spam me.
I miss singing you lullabies.
Yes, I miss it all.

I still miss you.

But you changed.

And now, I am alone.
Echo Jun 2015
The voices inside of my head,
They do not want me to live.
They say that I am better off dead.
I do trust the voices inside of my head.

They scream when they need to,
And shout when they must.
They tell me all I am,
Is desired for lust.

I can't take the pain,
I can't do it on my own,
Hearing those words,
Makes me want to be alone.

But I found love,
A love I want to keep,
But will it turn out like the rest,
With me left to weep?

Crying in my room,
Crying in the hall,
Crying in the mirror,
Crying tears for all.

All the heartbreak,
All the sadness,
All the loneliness,
All the pain.
Everything that was caused by,
All of love's feign.

The voices inside of my head,
They tell me I'll never find love.
They say I am better off dead.
I do trust the voices inside of my head.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
~To The Demon Inside Of Me~
Echo Mar 2015
From the day I met you,
I entered a state of deep sadness.
It tore away at my soul.
Breaking my heart into pieces.
Since the day I met you,
I could only feel pain.
My life is a pit of tears.
I am shriveled up inside.
What have you done to me?
From the day I met you,
I died a little inside.
My pillow has never been more drenched,
With blood and tears.
Since to day I met you,
I knew I'd never be the same.
I'm running around in a lonely world;
And you're the one to blame.
^^^My feelings
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
~A Note, For You~
Echo Feb 2015
We met over the internet. And we're thousands of miles away.
I may have never held your hand,
Maybe I never really kissed you,
And I've never heard your voice, but...
I still want to be with you forever.
Everytime you post, I seem to smile.
You always know just what to say.
I should've never fallen in love with a boy outside of the internet.
They like to play with my heart.
They like to think everything's just a game.
They like to think my feelings don't matter.
The only reason why I left you,
Was because you were never online.
Well, I've realized that doesn't matter.
I want to be with you forever.
Nothing should come in our way again.
A love that stretches for miles on end,
Grows stronger everytime I hit "Send."
Feb 2015 · 1.7k
~Special (Short Poem)~
Echo Feb 2015
~Two years ago, I met somebody.
Someone who could make me laugh,
A special somebody.
Only on that Friday,
Did he tell me he liked me.
And at the moment,
You were the only guy I could see.
A special feeling.
Did I forget my true love though?
Did I forget the one I had left behind?
You're miles from me,
Yet you're the perfect find.
You showered me with love,
The love of a lifetime.
I can't believe I nearly fell in love with a player,
When I should've always known,
You are the perfect one for me,
And I will be the perfect
Like it? (:
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Echo Feb 2015
~You're the only one for me,
And I'm the only one for you~
Feb 2015 · 2.0k
~Imaginary Friend Poem 1~
Echo Feb 2015
"They hate me." I closed the lid of my laptop.
"I don't understand, why can't they just stop?"
He gazes into my eyes, as his were filled with care.
He starts, "I know that I can't always be there,
I know that you've never felt a hug from me,
And you don't know what it's like to be free,
But you're my princess, my shining star,
I'll love you even though the distance is far."
That's all I needed to hear, to forget about the hate,
And if I get to see you someday, it'll be worth the wait.
You're the only guy I can count on. You're the only guy for me. You're the only guy I love at the moment and no one can take that away.
Feb 2015 · 708
~Mission Accomplished~
Echo Feb 2015
~The guy I have been chasing for over a year now has a crush on me. This little piece of information has made me perfectly happy and so at peace. I've watched him fall for other girls and find a girlfriend until now, I won him over <3 I've been waiting for this day since forever cx To actually KNOW he likes me instead of having a good guess is the best information I've ever been given. I'm dreaming of the day that's hopefully not so far away!~
So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy So so happy
Feb 2015 · 4.9k
~Unloved Stray~
Echo Feb 2015
There's always that one guy,
That no matter what, you can never let go of him.
At nights, you're dreaming of the "impossible" day,
When all he sees is you.
And you can't help but fall for him,
Everytime you greet him.
You were always by his side.
Yet sadly, he saw you as just a friend.
One day you see him talking to her,
And you just shrug it off.
But then you notice the feelings between the two,
Intensify by the day.
And all you are,
Is an unloved stray.
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
Echo Jan 2015
~It's raining,
it's pouring,
my fat cat,
is snoring~
//tucks cat under the covers//
Jan 2015 · 4.2k
~Echoes in the dark~
Echo Jan 2015
I dance in your whispers.
The moon is out of sight.
Normally I'm afraid of the dark,
But what about tonight?
The stars are gone,
And the darkness remains.
Normally, I'm afraid of the dark.
But what about tonight?
I am at peace with the dark,
The whispers in my ear.
I know I'll be okay.
What reason is to there to fear?
Because on this night,
I hear what the whispers say,
Listening to them now,
I know I'll be okay.
They say my name, Echo in the Dark.
Jan 2015 · 829
~You and I~
Echo Jan 2015
We're all about eachother.
Just so close,
Yet so far away.
Daydreaming in science, thinking of you,
Coming on, when it's just us two.
I'm pretty sure you'll never leave,
I'm pretty sure you'll stay.
I don't know if I'm right or wrong here,
So really what can I say?
You and I
We're all about eachother.
Wondering what life would be like to see the other in person.
Questioning if there will ever come a day.
I'm pretty sure you'll never leave,
I'm pretty sure you'll stay.
I don't know if I'm right or wrong here,
So really what can I say?
You and I,
We're all about eachother.
Listening to our song,
Taking a glimpse into the future.
I'm pretty sure you'll never leave,
I'm pretty sure you'll stay.
I don't know if I'm right or wrong here,
So really what can I say?
You and I.
We're all about the other.
Sending me a picture of a happy couple,
Saying, "That'll be us."
I'm pretty sure you'll never leave,
I'm pretty sure you'll stay.
I don't know if I'm right or wrong here,
So really what can I say?
You and I
Always for eachother.
I open the tab, check my alerts,
Seeing your name, smiling with joy.
The stars can die out,
Let it all fade.
My love for you,
Will never wash away.
I daydream about you,
With a dreamy sigh,
Because on these winter days,
It is just you and I~
For Wisp
You stole my heart
Dec 2014 · 570
Echo Dec 2014
Are you stalking me? xD
Dec 2014 · 890
~A year goes by~
Echo Dec 2014
~Another beautiful year gone by.
Thank you for being a part of it!
If you ever want someone to talk to, I'll be here for you this new year.
Have a beautiful Christmas day! Thanks for reading! ^u^~
Dec 2014 · 706
Echo Dec 2014
~I'm not good with my words, but you're a wonderful friend, an amazing friend to have. Honestly, I've had best friends, but never one like you. I want the world to know how special you are to me <333 In a friendly way, I love you. I'll be here for you when the stars fall out of the sky. I will be here for you if you ever need to cry. You're my butterfly! Merry Christmas, I think you deserve the best Christmas ever! You dazzle me! Good day to you, my flower~
Dedicated to my best friend, Spotty!
She's on a website called WCF. She's the journey of a lifetime!
Dec 2014 · 7.3k
~Goodbye my butterfly~
Echo Dec 2014
~The prettiest butterfly flew into my window,
She had spots on her wings, beautiful spots,
She flew with a certain flow.
The beat of her wings, lifted my heart.
I love this butterfly, no doubt.
She's been there for me, when I've fallen.
She's been there to help me out.
I've known her for five months now,
I love her, that I do.
She's the best thing that has ever happened to me,
I just wish she could see it, too.
She's dying inside, her heart melting.
I wish I could save her, if I only knew,
That that butterfly,
The best friend I could have,
Went back out my window, and flew~
Spotty, if anything happens to you I would truly melt. In a friendly sort of way, I love you. You helped me through the mess in my life and knew how to lift me when I was sold out. I'm not giving up on a best friend like you. You're right, life has brought us together. You are everything to me, please God teach this butterfly how to fly. She's so much to me. I've never had a best friend like her~
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Echo Dec 2014
~I believe in you. I believe in God. I believe you can make it, even if you don't know. You are stronger than you realize, and far braver then anyone I have ever met. I love you, even if it's not in the way we use to share. I will always love you, alright? ♥ You are not dying, you are living. I know it may not mean that much to you, but I will always be by your side, even if you cannot see me there. I love you sooo much, and I know you can do this! (; I will never give up believing in you, I will always keep in mind how much you've come through. I am smiling wide as I type these words, you can always make me smile. You make me proud, sunshine.
Be the brave person I use to know~
Dec 2014 · 938
~These cuts~
Echo Dec 2014
~I gave up.
These cuts on my arms,
Secretly, I like cutting myself.
Because it lets out pain,
I have kept inside me for far too long~
Dec 2014 · 845
~I ask you why~
Echo Dec 2014
~I ask you, why.
Why do you think it is dumb that they are in love when they are both 14?
Yes, they are of a young age.
But she,
She is abused by the loving parents she never had.
The loving parents you had.
She feels a world of pain,
And is told she simply does not deserve to live.
She is cussed out,
And you laugh because the one person who makes her feel important,
Is in love with her?
You can be in love at any age,
Because I know how she feels.
I know, because she was me.
My elders laughed because we were "too young"
Little did they know, nobody loved me~
It's true, I really was only loved by him. </3
Dec 2014 · 793
~With Him~
Echo Dec 2014
~With him,
She finds a great escape.
She can leave the world she knows,
The world that hates her,
The world that wants her dead,
And stay with him.
With him,
She is loved.
Unlike at home,
Unlike on the internet,
Unlike at school.
With him,
She feels wanted.
She feels loved.
She feels she has a purpose.
And without him,
Well, good news,
I am never without him~
To the guy I am never without,
I love you,
Dec 2014 · 499
Echo Dec 2014
~Girl: I saw him passing by my way. I didn't know what to do. I use to smile and greet him, but I felt so awkward so I looked the other way.
Besides, he's the star of the basketball team, he'll never notice a geek like me.
Guy: I passed by the corridor and saw the pretty smart girl I usually sit with during Chemistry. I tried to smile at her but she looked the other way.
Besides, I'm just a guy who can shoot some hoops while she's this pretty honors student. She'll never like a guy like me~
Dec 2014 · 835
~Love Story~
Echo Dec 2014
You always know what to say.
I was so lost, in the streets of the abandoned.
And then one day, you came my way,
You sat down beside me, took my hand and
said, "What I would give for another day."

I was left with a choice,
My heart no longer hell bound,
Feeing stuck.
I remember the day my heart drowned.

"It's okay," softly spoke Zach.
"I love you to the moon and back."
When I had said that, his eyes brightened.
He leaned in and kissed me, my throat tightened.

"You are unlike any other girl I've ever met. It's true."
I looked at him, why?
"Why? Just because you are you."
I felt like I could fly.
Tears slid in my eyes,
If I spoke, I would cry.
I felt so at peace.
This love we shared,
should never cease.
"I support you through every rough decision you have to make."
A smile grew on his face.
"And my heart is yours, in which only you can take."
Which ended with a hug, well embraced.
I'll be your princess, you stay my prince.
Echo Dec 2014
~I can't be your friend if you constantly tell me about how much attention you're receiving. I'm not going to let you talk about all of those girls who you assume like you. It's wonderful and all, but it's nothing I want to hear. You are my ex, and not a feeling for you exists inside my bones. Yet, you find joy in telling me something that makes me want to sigh. I'm sorry, but it got too suspicious. I want you to realize I have moved on with you, so please leave me alone. You are downright bragging in my face, as if I need that right now. I'm having to face a lot of hardships, and I want you gone. You come at me saying that some girl fell for you today or how much you want to cuddle your new girlfriend. Alright, leave. That's it, stay away. I do not like you being my "friend" only to talk about other girls.
I have a bf, get OVER it. Leave me the f*ck alone, would ya'? We only argue. And then you end up THANKING me for breaking up with you? I am sooo insulted! I didn't break up with you so you could thank me later. I need you out of my life. Oh, no one to talk to about the beautiful ladies you have lined up for you? Don't care.
Echo Dec 2014
               I cannot                 believe it,
        the way that you      make me shine.      
        You're the one I'd love to be mine~
        I'm waiting for you on the horizon
             line. Our hearts, in which we
                 twine together, become
                    one huge, Valentine.
                        To me, are just
                             so divine.      
This was so hard :'3
I hope you love it! Not the best poem, but it's a pretty cool heart BD
Dec 2014 · 564
Echo Dec 2014
~You told me,
You would never laugh again,
If I left.
You told me,
You would always be depressed,
If I left.
You told me,
You loved me.
What a lie!~
Now you're thanking me for breaking up with you? Downright...
I won't even begin...
Dec 2014 · 23.9k
Echo Dec 2014
~The kiss happened like a dream.
The kiss was ours to embrace.
The kiss I had been waiting for so long was
The kiss that was mine~
I had my first kiss today <3
What a beautiful feeling this is~
Dec 2014 · 873
~Song Lyrics SWS~
Echo Dec 2014
~They say that love is forever,
Your forever is all that I need,
Please stay-
As long as you need~
;u; Have you heard this song? <3
Dec 2014 · 430
Echo Dec 2014
~I remember when it was us.
Time flew,
Four hours,
Spent with you.
Happy feelings,
Fluttering by.
I met such a
Wonderful amazing guy.
Laughter of mine,
When I saw you post.
You had a sense of humor,
You were the star that
I had been wishing for.
Yes, I remember those days.
I do not want to go back, though,
For a million different ways. ~
And it's not because I don't love you. It's not because you were a waste of my time. I just fell for anyone, and I should've thought more carefully before picking the first tom I see. I'm sorry for being a player. You really are an awesome amazing person in hundreds of different ways. That you can stay strong through all you have been through is one of them. You will remain special to me, even if you don't think it. The reason I talk to you is because I care. You will never truly leave my heart. See? I told you I was the pigeon.
I am thankful you found a peacock to make you happy♥
I fell for a different peacock this time.
Trust me, life will get better in some way. I hope it does. And know you are just so very special, as in valuable to the world in which we know. Harness your strength, you have come a long way, and the road beyond won't be much easier.
Dec 2014 · 728
~Christmas Love~
Echo Dec 2014
~Christmas can be seen everywhere.
The green Christmas trees and the winter air.
You can smell the candles burning, hear the reindeer in the snow.
See the streets decked with light, a familiar glow.
On a night like this,
My mind isn't
Set on Christmas.
Because this Christmas,
I won over your heart.
It's been a year of waiting,
A year torn apart.
I watched you hug her,
Making me feel small.
I should've known I'd end up with you after all.
It's been a year torn apart,
A year without you.
I heard you left her,
I couldn't help it when my heart flew.
We talked all day,
Talked all night,
Now it's Christmas,
In every sight.
This Christmas will be different though.
This Christmas I will be yours~
I am ready for it to be us. I'm waiting for you.
Dec 2014 · 960
~Dear Everyone~
Echo Dec 2014
~I am young, probably younger than most of you, in my early teens. If someone asks you to send a **** pic of yourself, PLEASE don't do it, no matter how much you love them! I know you're smart and think you wouldn't do this, but someday you may have a tough choice. My friend ended up committing SUICIDE for sending an inappropriate pic to her bf, who posted it on instagram. Please, if you get the choice, PLEASE PLEASE don't do it. It will risk your life.~
I miss my friend a lot, too.
Dedicated to Christinita.
Dec 2014 · 272
Dec 2014 · 560
~Always Last~
Echo Dec 2014
~No reason to fight,
Hang on tight.
We'll make it out of this mess,
If only we BOTH try our best.
What's in the past should stay in the past,
And our feelings of friendship should always last~
Dec 2014 · 503
Echo Dec 2014
~Stop bringing up our break up.
Just please, don't.
In we keep our lips sealed,
Our friendship shall be healed.~
Not a good poem but it works! ^^
Echo Dec 2014
~Please take this time to give me advice about guys, and what they like that girls do. I'm lost when it comes to guys, plus I want to know how to make one of my friends happy! ^u^ If you have any CLEAN advice, that would be appreciated!~
Thank you so much for any comments!! Like, thank you!!!!
Dec 2014 · 584
~The reason I'm scared~
Echo Dec 2014
~The reason I am scared to love you,
Is because I'm really scared if you'll leave.
And that's my worst fear of all.
I use to love you with all of my heart,
You controlled my thoughts.
Now, if you leave ever again,
you'll destroy me.
I'm sorry, I still love you so much.
I really do. I'd give anything to be yours again.
Dec 2014 · 618
~To you, Guys~
Echo Dec 2014
~As do many girls, We love it when you give us your jacket. We love seeing a warm smile spread across your face when we laugh at something hilarious you say. We love it when you compliment us. Really, you being you is all we want. Don't stress over the fact that no girl loves you, or that you don't have a way with words. We literally love you for absolutely who you are. We don't want you to be someone your not. Don't you change for us~
At least, for me, this is pretty accurate.
Dec 2014 · 703
~Only You~
Echo Dec 2014
~I always thought of myself as one for romance,
Until I met you, Adrienne.
Only you have made me laugh more than any other guy ever has.
Only you could stun me like no other.
Only you wave eyes like a great ocean,
With it's golden sand,
And light blue waves.
Swirling currents,
That sweep me away,
Your eyes are the windows to my soul.
Not yours, mine, or maybe both.
You aren't one for romance,
But for once, I find this way okay.
I'll put the key in your hands,
You lead.
I can't tell you anything these days,
without cracking a smile,
a giggle rising,
a laugh sounding.
All the laughs we've ever shared,
Which honestly, has been hundreds,
Come out just when I say hi.
I'm a bubbly girl CRAZY for you,
I can play the games,
Oh, the games we'll play.
How 'bout I swat you?
And you strike back?
How 'bout I hug you?
And you embrace the feeling tight?
How 'bout I ask you out,
On tomorrow's starry night?
You're perfect to me,
No matter what they say.
You're all that I see,
Don't let them call you gay.
I want to squeeze you hand,
And you squeeze back tighter,
And maybe one day,
We'll pull an all-nighter.
Only you♡
Please say yes when I ask. Please oh, please!
Dec 2014 · 452
Echo Dec 2014
~Tell a girl she's pretty, she forget in an hour.
Tell a girl she's ugly, she'll remember it *forever.~
I think almost every girl can relate to this. If I was told I was ugly, I would probably destroy myself.
I wish it was the other way around! Why do we girls have to be so hard to love? (Yesh, you heard it from a girl.
Echo Dec 2014
~Look, I'm sorry I told you that you are ugly.
Sometimes I just can't believe what I see.
We can be friends, maybe.
I'll tell you how beautiful you are.
Because you are me.
Sometimes I hate you,
Sometimes I don't understand you.
But one thing we can both agree,
Is that I don't mean those things.
And I'm so, so sorry...
that you had to be me. </3~
. . .
Dec 2014 · 650
~What I See~
Echo Dec 2014
Let the birds sing their song,
Let us listen to their melody,
Let's stay up until twilight,
Lying under the stars.

Can you feel the love the we share?
The tock clicks on, yet who cares?
We are more than just the perfect pair.
We are forever, the perfect two.

I don't need to see you to say, "I love you!"
Because you should see yourself through my eyes.

Let the birds sing their song,
Let us listen to their melody,
Let's stay up until twilight,
Lying under the stars.

Can you feel the love the we share?
The tock clicks on, yet who cares?
We are more than just the perfect pair.
We are forever, the perfect two.

I don't need to see you to say, "I love you!"
Because you should see yourself through my eyes.
I was inspired by my best friend in real life, this I admit.
Echo Dec 2014
~I knew from the moment we met,
That it was to be you.
You fell for me also, my signal that our love was true.
Your eyes hold the stars of the sky,
Your positivity lifts me up,
You're the one for me,
I see,
Forever yours I'll be.
But this is not about me,
This is all for you.
I don't need to know what you look like,
To tell you that you look amazing.
And I don't need to hear the words, I love you~
To know this is a true feeling we share.
Our rose of love has just bloomed,
You know it's true, you know it's true.
Without you to help me,
To save me from the dark,
Where would I be? Where would I be?
If I were to die tonight,
I would only want you by my side.
It's you that I see, it's you that I see.
I love us,
But more importantly,
I love you. I love you.
Shine like the star you are,
Soar above the rest,
Show them who you are my dear,
Show them you're the best!
My love for you will never change,
You stood up for me.
You told them how to be.
You defended me with words of beauty,
And showed me the world so I could see.
You're the only person who's ever defended me,
The only one.
And hoping our love will surely grow,
I just want you to know,
Thank you for being you.
And nobody else.
Always remember us.
Always remember us~
For you, Whispers in the Dark! <3
Dec 2014 · 747
~Two Worlds~
Echo Dec 2014
~At one point we cross the world between alone to popular,
We try to fit in because the alone world ******.
And we gain so many friends, but one day, those friends don't understand.
And then in the popular world, we feel more alone than ever.~
So true.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Echo Dec 2014
You make me sigh,
This is why I left,
The reason I cry.
The reason of my pain.
You just don't get it?
One day, I hope you'll see,
We never shared love.
We shared a friendship.
I ran to the first boy I saw.
I was left empty.
Starrydawn was right,
I'm sorry if this poem hurts,
So I'll leave it at goodnight.
Directed to my ex
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
~Trust me,~
Echo Dec 2014
~I'm not always so down,
I will be better tomorrow,
I won't crack a frown.
I'll be out of my sorrow.~
This is not about suicide, don't worry.
Dec 2014 · 521
~All this hate~
Echo Dec 2014
~Do I deserve it?
Should I die?
What should I do?
Other than cry.
I have no refuge,
Nobody to go to,
Nobody to love.
Not even you.~
I just... I'm a mess. Normally, I'm ALWAYS happy, but today I'm just devastated. Today I've had a taste of hatred and despair.
I am SO alone...
Nov 2014 · 4.2k
Echo Nov 2014
~Don't waste time being perfect,
Instead, make time to be yourself♡~
Dear Perfectionist,
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
~Worth time, Worth love~
Echo Nov 2014
It's okay. You're beautiful.
One day you'll meet someone
And you'll say,
"He's worth my time."
And one day,
Someone will meet you.
And they'll say,
"You're worth my love."
♡Just you wait!♡
Nov 2014 · 2.3k
~Dear Love Bug~
Echo Nov 2014
(That's actually his username)
We spent that one lovely night,
Talking for hours.
We spent our good time,
For each other.
We spent that one day,
Laughing together.
Don't you know I won't forget the day we met?
Thank you, Mr.Love Bug, it's been a pleasure to know you.
A pleasure, yes indeed~
You're everything to me.
You're like a brother to me! <3 ^^
We need to catch up! We haven't spoken to each other for hours! ;3
Nov 2014 · 563
~Love is like a Rose~
Echo Nov 2014
~You must water it everyday (contribute)
~Not put to much water in (overdo it)
~Let it grow with other flowers (let him talk to other girls [don't get jealous])
~Give it some sunlight (some space from you)
~Not let it wither (don't let your love run out)
~Give it time to grow (same)
The Rose Of Love
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