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lulu Oct 2016
He is safe. He is happiness. He is everything.
He takes away the anxiety. He takes away the hurt. He takes away the pain.
He makes you love yourself. He makes you feel like you aren’t alone.
He keeps away the nightmares.
He holds you. He tells you all the things you need to hear. He pushes you to be a better person.

Without him you are afraid. Without him you are unbearably sad. Without him you are nothing.
Without him you are anxious and bed ridden. Without him you are ridden with depression. Without him you are in constant psychological pain.
Without him you hate yourself. Without him you are alone and always will be.
Without him you have nightmares and sleep paralysis that never seem to end.
Without him you are cold. Without him you are no longer pretty- you are no longer anyone’s favourite person; you are no longer loved. Without him you’re an awful person and no one wants to be around you.

He is security. He is life. He is air.
He makes you do things you never thought you could.
You aren’t afraid to be with him. He makes the voices go away. He makes the paranoid feelings less intense.
You can touch him without feeling like you’re having a heart attack. You can kiss him without feeling like you’re going to faint. You can lay with him and not feel like something bad is going to happen.

Without him you are lost. Without him you want to die- there’s nothing keeping you here but him. Without him you can’t breathe; you feel like you’re drowning- suffocating, always.
You’ve always been afraid of anyone with romantic feelings towards you. You’re always afraid of people touching you or kissing you or anything that relates to intimacy- but you’ve never felt that with him. There have never been heart palpitations. There have never been anxiety ridden shakes and hot flashes. You’ve never felt faint around him. You crave his kisses- you want him to hold you.
Without him you’re afraid of everyone and everything. You never leave the house. You never go see friends. You’re too scared to live your life- you’re too afraid to die. You barely exist.

*But worst of all- without him, you’re left alone to have to deal with me.
Without him, us voices come back to taunt you and we’ll never go away.
|| " a paranoid schizophrenic who suffers with codependency issues, anxiety and borderline personality disorder"
lulu Oct 2016
We’ve been intertwined for quite some time now.
I love the feel of your arms around my waist,
My head on your shoulder.
You scent engulfing me,
Rendering me safe and at ease.
I wish I could say everything feels the same,
But somehow tonight feels different;
There’s a heaviness in the air as you fight
To keep your secrets from me.
‘What is it that you have to say, my darling?
Am I not enough for you anymore?’
I can’t find the words to say and it’s apparent
That you can’t seem to either.
‘Is this really over? Is this how our story ends?’
I feel you’ve met another, someone who brings
The flowers in your cold heart to life-
Someone who warms up your chest and makes
Your breath become heavier and your pupils
Become wider- an affection you had once for me.
Tonight our goodbyes will be permanent and
I won’t hear from you at sunrise.
*Had I known this would be our last dance,
I would have dressed for the occasion.
lulu Sep 2016
i can feel everything we have slowly slipping through my fingers.

i'm trying so hard to hold on but it's like trying to stop sand from falling

through an hourglass and i just can't hold on much longer and i keep

begging and crying out for you to help me and for you to hold on but

the more i do the more your fingers open and all of the sand is falling

so quickly i don't know how to stop it.

*please don't let me go
Side Note: *I don't want him to leave but he seems to be coming up with every excuse to send me packing and I just don't know what to do next.
lulu Aug 2016
Sweater sleeves dangling past your cold fingertips;
leaves drifting soundlessly to your feet.
The air is so cool and crisp and it feels so clean
and fresh against your skin and in your lungs.
You can feel the past slipping away,
making way for the new and exciting things the autumn season brings you.

Long, intellectual, enlightening conversations
that happen in the coziest of places with the friendliest of people.
Warm coffees and teas drank next to equally as
warm fireplaces and comforters.
Ginger and spice scenting every home you enter.

Wishes being made and promises being kept.
Walking hand in hand with the love of your life,
wearing jackets and mittens and knowing that everything is finally alright.
Nose kisses and long hugs to chase away the cold.

I wouldn't call is autumn so much as the one time of year you ever feel at home.
** Write a poem inspired by autumn. What does it smell like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like? What does it look like? What does it mean to you? Send them to me! I would love to read them!!! **
lulu Jul 2016
trying to get through to you when you're
mad at me is like trying to come home
and having the door slammed in your face.
lulu Jul 2016
I feel like my soul has searched for yours
forever. Lying here, pressed against your side, legs
and fingers intertwined, makes me feel safe;
looking at you in the dim light of your
phone feels familiar. Like I was meant to
be with you. Like we've been together
forever. Like you were made for me. We
were made for each other. I wonder if this
is the "home" my soul has screamed out for
my whole life.
lulu Jul 2016
everything has a shadow.
something that follows them when the light hits them and
  never leaves their side; even water forms shadows.
so when she comes to you, standing
in the light of the sun and you see she
doesn't have one, you know she's the one.

*The light in the darkness.
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