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 Jul 2018 Hisham Alshaikh
I never thought I could love
Anyone else.
But when I shiver
You make me warm.
You gently blow
On the dying ember
He left behind.
If you believe no one thinks you are beautiful
I do
If you believe no one thinks you are clever
I do
If you believe no one thinks you are good
I do
If you believe no one thinks you are special
I do
If you believe no one wants you to stay alive
I do
I promise
There will always be somebody who
Wants you
To be
Some say life is like a box of chocolates.
I say life is like a PUZZLE
You and I
Are the pieces
If one piece is missing the picture is incomplete
Making things(relationships,disappointments,let downs,set backs,loss) a little harder to solve
who would think
a piece so small
could make such a difference
Or a
we need you
it is time to get into your position
To figure out what part you are or where you belong
because you matter
you are a piece to the puzzle.
This was inspired by me just thinking of the world we live in today & how people are separated and unwilling to help and judging because they are strong in a area where someone else may be weak. We all play a part and my weakness can be your strengths and vice versa. With that being said there's no need to push on someone like they don't fit because we all do!!! we all have purpose!!!
There is too much regret
In unspoken words
The quiet thoughts
Whispered only to the moon

There is too much longing
In wishful thinking
Can quickly become a nightmare

There are too many tears
Spilled onto pillows
Over suffering and longing
From words unsaid
Day one is over
The Queen studied her hardest
Now she can relax

I'm feeling the buzz
of anxiety and joy
Now I need a nap
I'M HOME!!!! And I'm exhausted!
After a short nap, I'll be back with more haikus!
Thanks so much for the messages, guys!
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
There's a part of me
Who wants to love the hell out of you,
But there's a piece of me
That lacks the trust to believe
You won't leave me
Dancing with the devil

© JL Smith
Oftentimes I feel
Like I'm stuck
You drift away
Move to another day
And on this plane I'm struck
By pain like cold hard steel
And you stop drifting
You start walking
Outrunning reality
And me?
 Jul 2018 Hisham Alshaikh
The first time I had fallen in love
It kinda snuck up behind me
I wasn’t expecting it
it was a long time ago in the past
I remember feeling so nervous
Afraid of making a bad impression and embarrassing myself
when I fell in love with them
it wasn’t one of those oh it’s you or  a fast realization type of love
it was one where I can vividly remember the moment where I fell in love
and after all these years and months I still have nostalgia about it
I knew the likes and dislikes
what their dreams in life were and several other things
You know how you know something like the back of your hand and it doesn’t matter how many months it’s been or how much time has passed
you still remember the things that were told to you in that moment
That’s how it was with them
I knew when they were  mad , angry  and upset  
wanting to turn their back on the world
All I could think was I love you and your flaws even when your angry , upset and mad
there is nothing you could do to convince me otherwise
When I realized that I was in love with them
the silent battle to tell or not to tell was the question
the thing was I didn’t wanna lose our friendship
all i could think was us breaking apart as friends would hurt worse verses us breaking apart
as a couple
And by the time I had realized that I might want to tell them
it was already too late
The chance had come and gone

But when a opportunity to tell them presented itself to me
I couldn’t do it
the old feelings that I thought were gone
rose up and suddenly the courage to tell was gone
just like it had arrived
- The things you’ll never know// The dilemma of falling for someone who you’re just friends with
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