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Anthony Mayfield Jan 2019
The lighthouse afar
And the brightest star
They stop
They dim
Alone in this tiny lifeboat
A storm is coming
Gargantuan waves
Toss me about
Nobody saves
I'm lost in this cloud
No birds
No wind
Dead silent still water
Heralds His coming
I'm at the mercy of the sea
An ominous inky black blue deep
His murky laugh
My sorrow, His to keep
I thought I escaped
I thought love set me free
But the Blue Man is tricky
Have mercy, I'm sinking
Have mercy
I cry to the Blue Man above
Have mercy
I wail as the waters do shove
Have mercy
I plead as He leers with sick glee
Have mercy, I beg
The Blue Man's face peers
Into a hideous faceless smile
Rotten fanged teeth
With Blue Hair for miles
You're mine
He whispers at first in my head
You're mine
He giggles with malicious dark dread
You're mine
He cackles as thunder high claps
You're mine
In the cold deep I know what
comes next
My love cannot save me
As I sink to depths
The Blue Man is cunning
Yet loving
He loves me
In death
Cold wet drowned death
Have mercy
Have. . .
I was not saved.
Anthony Mayfield Jan 2019
You want to go where the cool kids go
You covet that old time rock and roll
Make a difference
Build a city
Run right to the top
And get rich-filthy
But if you think you represent high society
Allow for me to serve you some reality
When you think you'll finally have resting time
Hang it all, you'll be stuck with five ex-wives

You crave to go where celebrities go
Something us poor kids will never know
You want to make a difference
Change history
Something new of yourself
A new kid to be
But if you think success will raise you up early
Life will move right through you, thick as it can be
If you think you can make it home on time
Find your light
And shut it down.
You'll be alright
You'll be alright
Anthony Mayfield Jan 2019
Well, I think you could my red wine.
My sweet decadence.
Or maybe you could be my sunshine,
My moonlight.
You could be my celestial dream.
In my heard is such precedence,
Such a hope sublime.
I hope that you could be my red wine.
In time,
My sweet decadence.
You could be my red wine
Anthony Mayfield Jan 2019
It never fails.
All hail Generation Tongue In Mouth.
Let them go.
For they don't want you now.
It's a shame,
A weak man's game.
Let them go.
Don't you know Generation Tongue In Mouth?
Go ahead,
Break connection now.
That's just how it goes sometimes,
Don't take it personal.
That's just how it goes sometimes, don't take it personal.
Anthony Mayfield Jan 2019
Mince your words,
You've done it before.
Bow like you're in the presence of Royalty.
He's royal.
Lording over you, after all.
But he's short.
They're all short.
Yet you...
The self-proclaimed miser,
King of the words,
You have nothing of substance to say.
What a plot twist.
What a change.
You weakling.
Confidence doesn't suit you.
It doesn't match your eyes.
Hypocrisy, a great design on you.
It brings out the color
Of your lies.
Anthony Mayfield Jan 2019
Pounce now.
Trap your prey
In jowls of fanged, dangerous mercy.
It's brutal.
Yet a kindness.
Your coat of reflection,
And piercing blue eyes of trepidation,
And legs of boundless lightning
With a voice of deep white thunder.
The envy of it all.
You stalk and watch,
and sing
Such a song.
A calling.
Calling to home.
Lost in the snow
To the naked eye,
But not lost at all.
The cold greets you.
Like you, sweet and cruel.
Take form.
Take chase.
Claim the Winter Kingdom to rule.
Wolves are royalty in their own right
Anthony Mayfield Jan 2019
They think I'm rich
They think I'm wealthy
They think I'm a saint
That I'm healthy
They think that they know
What it means to be me
Oh no
No they don't understand me
Not at all

They think I'm lost
They think I'm drifting
They think I've no cause
That I'm sinking
They think that they can see
What it means to be me
But they can't even see me
Oh no
No they don't understand me
Not at all
Not at all
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