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7.3k · Jun 2017
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2017
To know he is my soulmate
Is the same as to know,
That the grass under my feet is green
There is no trace of doubt in my mind
As if the world is yelling “yes” to my very being,
Into every fiber of my body
His love trickles in more and more each day
Like soft rain soaking into my hair
Everything I say to him he must already know
For something magical has told him so
To explain is so simple, yet
From the outside world misunderstood
To feel this way which never once
I have felt before, so in love is one thing
But in love and so free
My body misses him so, as he says to me
Yet our hands have not yet touched
Reaching from across the sea
Like we have been in love once before
Many times is my only guess
I have never felt so calm and in love,
Like the same feeling you get when holding
Something so pure and innocent like a newborn
I feel a flow of love which will never disappear
2.0k · Oct 2016
Irony In Love
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
Love, let it **** me
dancing to thrill me
love, let it break
mending only to take
love, get what you want
At home, inside my arms
love, do not be alarmed
when you grow bored of my charm.
The irony of love is that often we use it as a form of taking, when it is actually a word of giving.
1.3k · Oct 2016
The Color of Purgatory
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
Purple, the color for strong women
My mother boldly says,
I am not sure what she means
But she isn’t completely right in the head
The look in her eyes  when she is distressed
When panic takes over, taking her breath

Again I take this, I turn it about me
Writing some more sad poetry
While she speaks some nonsense
Another day she runs away from the cops
I pretend it isn’t real, a cloud of vape in my head
But it is digging like a drill, all that is said

One, two, three, elementary
Tears roll down,
The same way they do from pine trees
Thundering clouds, lightning
Bursting in this shell, my head
Purple, the color for strong women
But I am gray instead.
My mother is very sick, loosing her mental health. Today she was sent to the hospital again, around this same time last year the same thing happened. Sometimes it feels like things will get better, but then they get worst. Writing is my therapy, I hope this poem hits someone home.
1.0k · Oct 2016
Offended Men
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
How one must declare his way of thinking,
Without offending another's way of breathing,
How must one walk his own journey,
While plowing through the lilies of the field?

The silent chill of the nights sweet calling,
Will one ignore the way it is drawing-
The coat around the stranger's back,
The wool it clings like soppy wet paper.

The pines reaching into the black silky sky,
Stealing wonder, boasting like the badger -
Make shifting the scene into his own world,
Backbone reaching, strong, furrowed.

A note, a baby's innocent cry, a laugh
Seemingly part of every single night-
One does not live without repercussion,
There is no passive in passion,
everything around is connecting,
This, offended men, is this possible to deny?
*edited a bit
1.0k · Oct 2016
Blue Rain
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
Where does the rain wish to go,
Falling so passionately down,
When the world is cold,
She falls with a musical sound.

Filling the holes in the ground,
dancing from car wheels,
her waltz is feverish,
circulating around and around.

One rain drop never alone,
she holds your hair,
and kisses your face,
she does not give much space,
but you love her, and her sweet blue rain.
I could never write a poem about rain and feel like it is complete. Rain is just too good.
983 · Jun 2016
Drunk driving
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
The weight of the world
Sits on his chest
As he breaths
He grasps for it
Rose petals fall
Straight from his head
As his eyes burn
Like fire, again, and again
Mouth sewed shut
Her needle pokes through
Stippling his heart
Like a car wreck
The moment his hands left
He can't remember
When he lost control
Drunk driving
Into her soul

882 · Jul 2016
Sanctioned Star
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
Lust burned within
His skin touched me
Like porcelain
White as snow
He was serene
With a sinful glow
Like the wind
Whistling into branches
The forest hummed
Sweet love calling
It was only but a whisper
He listened too
The ancient rules
Falling through
The forest floor breaking
Exploding sunbeams
From our eyes
A volcano, erupting
Rusty orange turbulence
Pushing every fiber into,
Hopelessly wishing, drifting
Into a sleepless dream
Never to be sanctioned,
Always asleep.

750 · Sep 2016
Queen Bee
Ghost Writer 3 Sep 2016
I want to be a poet,
******* you know it
I will sing, I will rhyme  
I will tell you all
whatever makes me shine
I want to be a poet,
saying anything,
a n y t h i n g
open up my seams
let them see the ugly
let them see this queen
let me be a poet,
not just another bee
don't you see
liking this, separates me

673 · Sep 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Sep 2016

Awh doubt, a glorious thing
Makes the heart stop fluttering
A flaw or two, a bad attitude
Slowly falling out of love,
Doubt, you pull me back down
Down from the clouds,
Into a quiet lounge.


658 · Dec 2016
Faith in Ashes
Ghost Writer 3 Dec 2016
She mourned the faith
Carved upon stone of
The saviors last breath
Alone dipped inside blood
Of dripping feat, fear
Filled the gut of her soul

Wanting to hold onto
A memory of innocence
Her wishes and dreams
Of a beautiful ending
Swept up in the storm
Leaving her empty of

certainty, like dust
Building only to be
Cleaned off when
It's cells disgust
Realists bitter eye

She flung it in the fire
She holds onto ashes
The last of her belief.
650 · Apr 2016
Like Water
Ghost Writer 3 Apr 2016
I was broken
So you let me be broken
I was lost
So you came to find me
then walked beside me
I was in love
So you let me love
I was greedy
And you gave me things
I was opened
You listened
I was silent
You listened
I was me
You let me be me.
To my soul mate
618 · Jul 2016
Moon Over
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
My heart of ash moans,
In view of his beautiful cluster
of ruby glass
How it aches, whimpering
By cause of his penetrating glance.

611 · Jul 2016
Indisposed Love
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
He doesn't care about
anything I do, anything I say
anything I feel, he doesn't
mind If I feel like holding kisses
and placing them in his lap
because he doesn't mind me
he doesn't mind me at all
he does not feel that
I belong in his mind at all
it's so depressing
I think I will still fall
madly in love
with the idea of him
a beautiful thought
yet a solid brick wall.

591 · Jun 2016
Sorry Love
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
The room was lit
Seemingly *****
The light was faint
I was unworthy

Ink, drops and drips
The paper sat
Ready for fits
I lashed at it

Lurid was the color
Black was my heart
I scribbled, then lied
this is art

Vague, leaving shade
I left it open
Here, take
This notebook of unspoken.
560 · Mar 2017
On Angels Wings
Ghost Writer 3 Mar 2017
What is this dear God! What have I become
Broken pieces of my past, infant craft
Talents screaming to be found
Yet my voice and my hands so tired
Eyes do not wake in this state
I need peace or at least some quiet
Free me from my mind, my thoughts
I must retreat from my very being
For I am aching in this shell of a body
I am dying as I speak, yet my mind
It will not rest, I lie awake and it speaks to me, easy, go to sleep, yet screaming
The wind inside is cold and unnerving
Please dear god in heaven, take this
Take this wheel and stop the spinning
With your ancient hands calm the storm
Let me rest, I need this mind no more.
548 · Jun 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
His smile spread across his face
As he laughed in between every word,
He only left but brief breaks
His eyes lit up with every boring thing I’d say

His world was rich, swaying in his eyes
With every moment he grew more intense
Glossed over in raw emotion
My eyes lit up with every boring thing he’d say

525 · Sep 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Sep 2016

Blood red candy canes,
Dancing with white lace
Mistletoe alone and gloomy
Christmas is a tragic day

Drooping emerald trees
Suffocating Christmas glee
A lovely time of year,
Minus all obnoxious cheer

Socks filled with diabetes
Disappointment breeding ,
Old lovers coming home,
Oh please **** me.


519 · Dec 2016
Nature's Mirror
Ghost Writer 3 Dec 2016
He walked among the leaves
Dusting at his tired feet
A willow tree sulked
Its arch the same,
As his
Contained inside
A white glow fluttered
Fading, at moments the sun
It matched the clouds that refused
To cry
A burden perched
Onto his shoulder
Claws dug into his
Soft fluorescent skin
Blood dripped down
Stained the snow
He felt a cloud
And did not know how
To let it all go.
Ghost Writer 3 May 2016
I wear a canvas over
Covering my head
Just in case it rains
I won’t say what I said

At first, I just wore a jacket
It saved my pretty face
It protected my hair
I could not feel or care

a storm came rolling through                                                    
Rain prickled at my skin
So then I took a canvas
And I laid within its skin

I do not peak my head out
I do not say hello
I do not wish to get rained on
So I stay alone at home

484 · Feb 2017
Ghost Writer 3 Feb 2017
Every fiber of my being is dying, or so it seems
This unbearable desire is ripping at my seams
I have wondered through these dreams
Lost in a castle in the sky, you sleep there
I dream of your heavy eyes,
You whisper to me like the sun shines
Drifting from this to reality
It bruises me
Black and blue
I die
Will never
470 · Jun 2016
Violets Are Blue
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
Her lips are red
Her eyes are blue
You see her falling
But not for you.

469 · Jun 2016
Nothing At All
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
Your voice boomed
Through every room
Into the dim halls
The echo was everything
Everything but you

I searched your eyes
You told me to do so
I felt birth that moment
The pain, the blood
I felt the end as it begun

It is all or nothing to you
A furious earthquake
Knocking down every wall
Or nothing, absolutely nothing at all

The nights get shorter
Your hands grow colder
The moments there
And then suddenly,
Into a great abyss
Into a black hole
Everything is older
Even the drugs now
Give me the cold shoulder.

437 · Jul 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
Find peace among the silence of the stars, comfort in the clouds, for nirvana sleeps inside the pain that you have postponed for so long.
430 · Apr 2017
Ghost Writer 3 Apr 2017
Today is a new and wonderful day
The air is cold, but my heart is warmed
The sun, it peaks, like a half-hearted smile
Today is good, for I make it worth the trial
418 · Jan 2017
Purgatory sleeps
Ghost Writer 3 Jan 2017
Again this compassed
Done with this feeling
Last with this bargain
Away with the dealing

Belated and lagging
Broken records play
Same old song, away
Screeching are sound
When you stay around
I am afflicted anew
Withdraw, my savior
Long past due

The bills are pilling
My thrills are dying
Dispassion growing
Heartbeat sinks
Inside the pit, the fire
Let the burning flow
Heaven sinistral
Purgatory sleeps
Only wakes on earth
I refuse to affirm
Which no one will know
I refuse to hold on
I will only let go
412 · May 2016
Forever in my mind
Ghost Writer 3 May 2016
I can see the waves crash
Before they hit
I can see the rain hit the pavement
Before the sky falls

I see the darkened room
While your gleaming smile
Still looks like you

Yet somehow I was still suprised,
When it all came crashing down.

408 · Nov 2016
Floating Away
Ghost Writer 3 Nov 2016
Starving from the scent of your sins
You dance with the stars in the night,
Like a bird with broken wings in flight
What do you do, what do you do

You are a fish in the ocean of jelly
Stopping for some air you choke
On the dry sand of empty wishes
And whatever she had said before

Does anyone hear your silent cry
Through the broken window of your
Eyes, the distance of a million miles
From her and your subtle hidden smile
404 · Jun 2016
Half My Mind
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
I hope one day I will be brave
To find the strength, tell you
How I love you

I know the pain created
The gain will be less then perfect
Unjust, unfair

I can not show you now
For I am locked, my fingers tied
One day though

Dazed by your eyes
I fall so numb, my heart grows

My heart is broke
Cut up in two, one for you
Only one for you

397 · Sep 2016
Distant Ship
Ghost Writer 3 Sep 2016
Falling out of love
Cradling into grief
His heart left long ago
A crowd without a show

Everything left me
Empty like a store
Dark in after hours
Sign blinking closed

Now and forever
He and I stand
Hand in hand
Eyes averted
To different lands
396 · May 2016
Washes Over Me
Ghost Writer 3 May 2016
Into the night, while I sit between trial
Between yesterday and tomorrow
I ponder into the things, which make reality
Like creating substance, I breath melancholy
Like my father once said
“Life is about doing things you don’t want to do”

The sad uncertainty of tomorrow's weather
Shakes the silent whisper of private cravings
The hidden essence inside simple words
I sit inside, Is it I?
Or am I what lies within?
Is this temple my exemption?
Billows of smoke come crashing

I am not what I am
For I walk with my legs, yet my mind is still
I sit alone, yet my mind is speaking
I am not alone
I am not in company

I hesitate between demons
I hesitate into my soul
It crumbles
I’m alone

I am not what I am
For I walk with my legs, yet my mind is still
I sit alone, yet my mind is speaking
I am not alone
I am not in company

The sad uncertainty of tomorrow's weather
Shakes the silent whisper of private cravings
The hidden essence inside simple words
I sit inside, Is it I?
Or am I what lies within?
Is this temple my exemption?
Billows of smoke come crashing

Into the night, while I sit between trial
Between yesterday and tomorrow
I ponder into the things, which make reality
Like creating substance, I breath melancholy
Like my father once said
“Life is about doing things you don’t want to do”

Lust. For life. for truth.for something you don't have. for a lover which isn't yours. lust for demons. for happiness. lust for a God. the lust of life.
394 · Oct 2016
The Darkest Hour
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
How do I explain the excruciating pain-
A layer which bleeds around my heart
A globe wrapped around my thoughts
Digging deeper with each new scar

How do I open your mortal eyes toward-
The invisible weight of a million scenes
Seeping from my flesh, wavering me
Holding me down, at times, enslaving me

How can I succinctly explain -
The moment I was disfigured and tied
Pulling my strings away from me
A puppet to the darkest of nights

How can I show you the things-
Which follow me like footprints
Like air, breathing never leaving
How can I explain,
What my mind is always screaming.
393 · Oct 2016
Devils Play
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
Too many instances, repeated times
one after another, uncover invisible lies
I came pale and naked, exposed freely
forthright in each movement
never doubting the pose you revealed me
What devious plan did you hope to go through with
mask of an angel corrupted bones
sitting upon self-righteous throne
I learned to love which I did not know
left to spew your venomous soul

I am no extra in your night-mare
you may dance to your own grave
this is your own stage-production
I hope to never be part of your play.
391 · Aug 2016
Fresh Linen
Ghost Writer 3 Aug 2016
All your beauty
Washed away
With tears
All your laughter
Scrapped way
A blade
Every moment
What was
Ever thought
Washed up into
His wandering eyes
Splashing water
His unsure smile
Powdered detergant
Broad shoulders
Like fresh linen
Soaked in bleach

390 · May 2017
Ghost Riders
Ghost Writer 3 May 2017
The earth had succumbed to
not a place to live, but a place to die

Oceans of people proceed forward
Their bodies stretch like taffy,
Sleeping inside of the memory's
Clinging desperately to whatever
Happened before, always before

Nothing less than madness
For time had, and will, surely ****
Did I use succumbed properly?
380 · Apr 2016
Ashes we all fall down
Ghost Writer 3 Apr 2016
Woken from adolescence
the shifting bruised us
feelings built into the corruptions
from the past abuse

I feel a hole
all the days feel the same
sometimes we wonder
is this the edge
then we see,
we have already gone under

black, it all feels black
this hole
the wall
their words
let's take a picture
lets hope it disappears

to rest alone
we see it clearer than glass
the greatest event to come
is the event we have last

but we don't want to fantasize
about holding on
for what they do to us
has no measure
and the only thing that follows
is letting go

we soon learn
that everything we want
is a dream
and waking up
is the same as falling
when you fall asleep
into the ashes
we all fall down

374 · Jul 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
Your pain is my pain
Your agony paints me red
When you fall, I fall
Your feelings bleed through my skin
When you are afraid
I feel fear with a turbulence of power
When I imagined you hurt
Shards of glass pierced my arms,
Pierce my mind, my soul, the very
Middle of my being, I feel weighed
Down, into a pit of agony
Fire so grand it touches every thought
Contaminates every other emotion
For when you feel
I feel.

373 · Jun 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
Crown the light
Your eyes so bright
Ocean blue
Take me to you

Whisper alone
Into a black hole
Love me now
A candles flicker

Slow down me
I wish to die
To lay in fields of gray
Under the milky way
Take me, take me away
360 · May 2016
Ghost Writer 3 May 2016
I want to disappear
body turning into thin a.i.r


Opened up, spoke words
they were broken though
as you step on them

trapped in a burning house
I was excited
now ashes
we all fall down.

351 · Jul 2016
Sweet California
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
The fields brush by
Softly dissolving
As the luke warm wind
Comforts my surroundings
In my '86 honda accord

Subtle bumps on the road
Stir my insides
Like waking a baby
Gold land of California
Excites my soul

I breath salt air
She sweeps me straight
To the ocean,
Straight to the moon
My baby's hand brushes my cheek
Instead of landing
I take him up with me

Sweet California
On the road to nowhere
She keeps on breathing
Summons the dreaming
For all who love her so.

344 · Jul 2016
It is like water
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
It won't ever become clear
the wind is blowing,
we don't know why, or where
we are all winners, all moving
on to the next freeway
the new uplifted moment
taken over by fear we hide
then we expose ourselves
like the god forsaken sun
everything is good,
as long as we are getting thinner
when do you think,
we will forget all the beer
living for life, and not living
for the treacherous fear.

344 · Jul 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Jul 2016
You held me
Tight inside
Your warm
You kissed
My nose
Then kissed
My mind
I melted
Sinking into
You, into
Blurred by
As you and I
The devotion
And inclination
Of us

342 · Oct 2016
Grey Sun
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
We loved the man
But could not say
Wanting his hand
Looking another way
We loved the sun
Leaving no shadows
A perfect illusion,

For the poet who dresses
In passionate sorrows.
340 · Mar 2017
I hate that shit
Ghost Writer 3 Mar 2017
All these poems filled line to line
How I miss him, how I did that
Holding onto rymes for dear death
340 · Aug 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Aug 2016
Restlessly looking
Weakened muscles
Times turning
Actions subtle

Speak, I whisper
Mouth is hollow
Empty lips
Spit swallowed

Chained down
Heart stopped
Room bleak
Mind caught

I love you
Screams echo
Bounce off walls
Only inside
Tongue is tied
Knotted, well
The words hurt
As they swell

Again. I love you.

Again. Nothing.

Speak I demand!
I love you, whispered
I love you.
Outloud! Speak! Use your tongue!
I love you.
Tears stream down
A terrible silence
Billows around

I love you

Unbroken silence,
Across the sky.

I love you.

335 · Jun 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Jun 2016
You wish to be alone
as the crowd from a distance smothers you
you look at the smeared marks
and into the cracks
the wall silences everything

mom grabs at your shoulder
making you turn
grasping you close
you feel it is almost absurd

uncle waves, his hair is long
you almost say so
but then the moment is gone
fleeting, screaming, it all moves too fast
when people are around
moments never last
the woodpecker beating at your chest
keeps you breathing all your breath
you know you're stupid
you dont know why you do it
yet you can't help but feel it's claws

scratching on your left
digging deep into your flesh
dripping with apathy
you ***** on catastrophe
a time bomb, nudged into your brain
you almost can't wait
to go insane
ha ha, you know it is true
you want to be alone
but you refuse

331 · Oct 2016
Ghost Writer 3 Oct 2016
Slipping from her tongue
the way water rushes
from mountain tops
her insides seeping unedited
an adolescent freedom
doing as she is prompted
a slave unto oneself
who is the free one,
A closed or opened book?
When the tongue is tied, who is really knotted?
331 · Jan 2017
Not Mine
Ghost Writer 3 Jan 2017
I try not to think about the sound of his voice
Shivering like i’m in a storm, he speaks
I faint with my heart, his music is sinking in

I don’t want to hold on the the wind
His heart is closed like my mouth
I cannot whisper a word around him
I must keep my head low before he sees
My cheeks that glow, brighter when
He looks into my eyes, only once
They meet like a passing star
I wish upon, then sadness plays inside
I felt this never before, I must run
Before it breaks every bone.
323 · Jan 2017
Take Me
Ghost Writer 3 Jan 2017
Bitter, why is my heart so harsh
Soaked up inside the dark
Taste dipped inside black coffee
Unforgiving from the very start

Alone, pushing away society
Never understanding inside of me
What is this feeling that drowns me
Will it last an entire eternity?

Feeble, not sure if I am other people
Pale, sick with a beautiful veil
Icicle hands melting away
Without much truth to ever say

Take me, goddess of nature bath me
I rather be rain or a rose all alone
Let the clouds take me, build me a home
I’m tired of wanting to be all alone
320 · Jan 2017
Ghost Writer 3 Jan 2017
Lover, take this blush
For you it must
For to die or to awake
Is in your hands deciding fate

Sculpt my heart rosette
Heal into deep depths
Rain into the soul
Give me light,make me whole

Friend, you are the sun
Beating down on me
I sweat profoundly
I ache for you to find me

Tenderness you sing
Cradle me to sleep
Singing to the stars
I yearn and bleed completely

I die for your touch
I fell akin to feathers
So gradual so passive
My weight so secret
Will you ever meet it?
313 · Apr 2016
10 Ft
Ghost Writer 3 Apr 2016
Trickled into my latest writing
venomous, your face
it is uninvited
black silhouette against wall
my hands dry, small
this room has been cleaned
I shift my feet
darting my eyes every other way
lips soft, you fidget your hands
my laughter echoes, mask me, mask me
nerves buzz, with you beside me
refuse to invite, disappear
please disappear
temptation drawing you near
dreams haunted, I cannot sleep
you must stay away,
at least 10ft.
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