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Jan 31 · 46
Dripping thread
datura Jan 31
My glistening needle passes through mottled flesh,
in its wake, a ****** trail of lace drags on,
my tissue, its sewn neatly together with pallid fabric and doily intricacy's,
ivory kisses, silken silvers, slumped over like a burning body
all tied in ribbons, intertwined by drooping pink bows
I'll intertwine again, same time tomorrow, same needle, same velvet
schedule my alarm so these intestines stay bound by the barbed wire of stitching
until then, admire my weak work as it unwinds with the lining of my mind.
Dec 2024 · 481
Phantasmagorical hunger
datura Dec 2024
Dutch white lace draped over the ivory long table in a seraphic quilting,
A Gawain teacup, embellished with gossamer Eustoma, sat, awaiting,

Diaphanous beads of the chandelier glistened above the lone, ceramic plate in quietude,
A tender marigold light gorged the room, as a sweet ambrosia replaced the solitude,

The Lush curtains lapped, picking up dusks gentle zephyr from behind me,
Opened oak and a soft wheeling dusting away my momentary reverie.

Trays of glimmering cloches, were carefully escorted into the room,
All adorned with silken pink ribbons, delicate as spring bloom.

I pulled out the cotton sewn chair, settling atop its the feathered doily pillow,
And rested upon the cushion, the double doors shut with a slam and a billow.

Before me, sat one of the decorated cloches, sliver like a frozen over nebulous,
I removed the reflective veil with the careful touch of folding an origami pond lotus.

Painted over in a mellow coddle of buttercream, was a layered strawberry cake,
Smiling flash at the saccharine smell, I cut into it, only to hear a trickling sibilance like a snake,

Once warm light had begun to frantically holler and splash around the room in a bleary dim haze,
Like a lagoon's catharsis, the chandelier rung out and submerged the dining hall in a flickering glaze,

During the jolting flashes, I raise the fork to my lips,
The cutlery quivering slightly under the padding of my fingertips,

Cradled by my tongue, the sponge decompounded bitterly in my jaw,
I couldn't place it, but it just tasted so overwhelmingly metallic and raw,

Shadows and honey glows, rebounding, back and fourth, playing like hungry hounds,
Staining the walls like crushed stars, over and over like a vehement clever without bounds,

As the night fed, and the chandelier flickered, I kept gulfing coppery forkfuls of food,
Sludge in my throat, wet and warm liquid slathered my gums, thickened and crude,

The rhythmic pulsing of the room, betrothed to the flavour swelling inside me,
It's taste fossilised between my gums, still, I parted my lips, welcoming it, voluntarily,

I don't know how long had passed, but the lights convulsions ceased,
Leaving the ripe gleam of the chandelier quiet and leashed,

Now before me, I could see the latter of my impulsive, gluttonous panic,
Sprawled like a burning body, a bloodied matter of fondant was slumped over the ceramic,

Like a gored lambs underbelly the feast was rich with innards and breathing with blackened bile,
Trickling down, wallowing on my chin was a stewed crimson trail, dying a patchy smile,

So I just sat there, a cup spilled at my side, spewing a tristful poison,
In quiet reflection, just me, me and the vestige of what I have done.
Hi, I've written this poem as sort of an allegory for stress eating or over indulging. But you can interpret it how you please, I'd especially love feedback because this has been one of my hardest projects and longest poetry projects, thank you for reading  <3
Dec 2024 · 382
Ephemeral harmony
datura Dec 2024
A seraphic grand piano, besmirched with blood and fervent,
Scattered across old alabaster keys, Ichor stains scores of parchment.

Stewed passion runs wildly across the docile tempo,
Mellifluous effervescence lingers in the gored vestiges of a crescendo.

Memories of artistic vigour shrivel and regress,
Our blissful felicity of mellifluence, slaughtered by organic evanesce.
The poem I have written is a metaphor for art (of any kind), and specifically about how much effort and passion goes into curating pieces of music, literature etc. and how easily/quickly we as people discard and forget the works of others or our own once we find something we deem better. (P.S The blood on the piano is meant to show the sheer effort put into the previously performed song, due to the very fervent and fast motions of the composer it caused their fingers to bleed and leave stains the piano. Also I've tried to use structure in my poem in order to make the piece mildly resemble the keys of a piano so I'm sorry if its hard to pick up on)
Dec 2024 · 455
Fertile infestation
datura Dec 2024
The amethyst of her eyes writhed with maggots, laden in bile,
Spilling from the crystal in macerating clumps, thick and vile.

Squelching across her pupils, clouding her sclarea, they thrashed vehemently,
Glazing her cherubic face in the pulsing sludge of larvae beneath a peach tree.

The creatures tore apart her pores, crawling out, parasites moulding her skin,
Leaving a mottled rot gilding her features in divine black sin.
Up for interpretation but I originally wrote this piece as a metaphor for the corruption of childhood innocence and loss of naiveite. But feel free to read as you please, I'd love to hear what you think of it! <3
Dec 2024 · 477
Brittle Gladius
datura Dec 2024
A sagging Gladius wallows inside me, limply,
It's rotting in its own wretched flaccidity,

I see others around me nurturing bounds of fruitful irises,
Some even mother sycamore, burgeoning with vigour, effortless as chaste kisses,

Tender fertilizer blots my chin in a bloodied marling,
I ingest the stolen soil, even when I feel the white sting of my innards' snarling,

So I'll inject myself with litres upon litres of putrid compost,
Only for my gladius to continuing shrivelling within my innermost,

It's stem-deep in nutrients, and is none the less decayed,
Atop the valley, even in the passing June, it stays, wilted withered and frayed,

Now, all I'm left with is the curdle of wetland moss festering in my blood,
Weighted with this fetidity, I let my gladius go, dead, in peace and clotted mud.
Feel free to interpret as you please, however my poem is originally written is about your potential/inspiration dying and no matter what you try to do to keep it alive (Basically its about Burnout). Even when you attempt to steal ("I ingest the stolen soil") and use other elements of another's work, you still feel uninspired and are not driven to be creative at all even when people around you seem to have the ability to do it so easily.
Dec 2024 · 462
Fruitful decay
datura Dec 2024
Baby's breath kisses the merlot tide of disease,
A brindled sea holds the white orchid of blanched dittany's.

Moonflowers scintillate with each cradle of dusk,
While Stars marl the sky, veiling over in cosmic musk.

During quietude, swans tread the ichor in a pearlesque flotilla,
The poison ripples beneath them as they thread between silk lilies and ivory scilla.

The gore strewn water continues to fester with pulsating, ripe, bile,
Despite all, the huddle of infancy will remain ever fertile.
This piece is a metaphor for beauty coexisting amidst evil and corruption, feel free to comment I'd love to hear what you think of it
datura Dec 2024
Dripping with wild rafflesia, our home's halls reek,
As she walks, the stench interlaces with her, thick, fetid and bleak,

She reaches the dead-end, bringing the corpse lily to her lips,
I lurch an arm, but she's too far from my fingertips,

Now all I can do is watch as her teeth slowly, slowly, gnaw,
I'm there while her skin wrinkles like lapping sewage at shore,

Petals seep from her mouth in ****** clumps, gathering at the fold,
The dulcet caress of chewed flora blot her chin like gilded mould,

Her coughing tethers to the tantalizing ticks of the kitchen clock,
With no choice but to watch on, I stay until the final tock.
This piece is written is a metaphor for realizing you are probably going to outlive a person you love in your life and bare witness to their death. The consumption of the parasitical flower vocalises death and the speaker tries to knock it out the others hand, only to fail as death is not preventable. The speaker, after realising this, accepts it and stays, watching as the inevitable plays out
Dec 2024 · 222
Violent hanakaki
datura Dec 2024
I felt the sting of nightshade bubble up inside me,
Once more, I cough up the bloodied Solanaceae.

Purged into my lap, budding with flesh,
Pallid petals ripe with Persian plum mottle, gored and fresh.

Racking my body in waves of herbaceous excruciation,
Crawling up my throat, clawing in botanical mutilation.

Lain out on the creased stone,
My macabre of a garden is blotted with the watercolour of my own.

Weary from retching, I stare at my withering ***** with distain,
I shrivel internally at the burden of mopping each and every stewed stain.

But I know I must clean the mess I've forged,
Because its nobody apart from me, who impulsively gorged.
This poem I have written is an allegory for impulsive anger. The act of vomiting nightshade is a metaphor for lashing out, the flowers used as a substitute for harmful words and the dread of cleaning is the regret for the harm the intentionally caused by the outburst. Feel free to interpret as you please and comment on the poem if you enjoyed reading <3
Dec 2024 · 357
Your burden's martyr
datura Dec 2024
Impale and gut me until I cough up the last of my wilting pansies,
Hack at the bark of my bones until they cease,

If need be, I'll listen to each word of your tirade,
Let my body take the blows to suffice yours with aid,

I'll let your sirens song of projection take me, full force,
Yes, I'm aware, it'll only end in the crucifixion of my walking corpse,

Indulge in mutilating me with the bullets of your throat,
I'll smile, looking down the barrel, even if the pistol of your tongue is no gloat,

Even when each sentence tears my tendons, I'll gladly let it lurch deeper into my innards,
I'll welcome a stream of crimson when my organs still sob blood afterwards,

I'll make space for the landfill in the core of my vessel,
If it makes you content, I'll plant your anguish in my soil, let it nestle,

Rips in my neck, I still I want you, have your sanctuary,
Rot the embers of my heart, you'll finally get your fantasy,

Don't shed worry for me,
It never hurt.
This poem is from the perspective of someone who cares so much for someone, so deeply they are willing to sacrifice their own physical or mental well being to take the burden from the person they care for even if the kinship is one-sided or toxic
Dec 2024 · 750
My Moonvine
datura Dec 2024
Oh, Moon vine,
Always sleeping where you bud.
I knew you couldn't wake,
Too lost in your fantasy's of pallid dittany's.

Do you wish to be stirred one day,
Or would you prefer to dream forever?
To chase the void in longing disparity,
To live in your own mind eternally?

When you wilt do you think, Moon vine,
You'll keep dreaming?
Up for interpretation, I'd love to hear how you personally see this poem, no wrong answers
Dec 2024 · 533
Velvet Talons
datura Dec 2024
Canines in her mouth, Tongue licking,
Sobs in my throat, Subtle pricking,

Though she was distant, I wanted nothing more than to hold her close,
Carding through fur, I was trying, pleading for the inmost,

Wanting to make my touch a tender thing,
Longing for her to tether over anything

I trusted her yet she writhed in my cradle,
Thrashing at fingers, soft as sable

When she clawed at my shoulder, hitting the carpet with a hiss and a thud
She left me with only fragile cuts embraced by the sheen of supple blood.
This piece is about comfort fleeting when you need it most but you can interpret it as you please <3
Dec 2024 · 357
Colourless Heliconia
datura Dec 2024
Crocus will continue to wilt and Shrivel in the nursery,
Its too late for the primula, necrose to clockworks decay,
Ghost of baby's breath can you please tell me,
What happened to your infancy?
A piece written about the death of childhood naivety
Dec 2024 · 336
Dead as the fawn
datura Dec 2024
The deer lies dead in snowdrops,
Naked and gored before the Copse,
Webbed innards, cradled by ghost petals,
Stewed infancy held close by Lamium nettles,

A gutted riffle wallows nearby,
An empty barrel, gunpowder palpable upon the sky,
Coughed up bullets, lain out in velvet grass,
Reeking of ripe saline, flesh and bloodied brass,

Rotted fawn rests, asleep in the forest,
Dried tears bleach her coat in premature rest,
Supple life bitterly sprawled in a crimson cruel quilting,
Embraced by lapping bellflowers, Hugged by only the wilting.
This piece is an allegory for the loss of childhood/childhood naivety and or innocence. It can also be seen as a piece about a miscarriage or the death of a child but feel free to interpret it to your taste/liking, even if that be literal rather than metaphorical.

— The End —