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 Sep 2017
My heart is cut into two
One for me, one for you

I bleed of love
If you return the same love

I bleed of blood
If you break the other half

I do not know if it's magic or what
But still I live with a broken heart
Lunch-break poem.
 Sep 2017
Lady Misfortune
I'm a girl of stars not hearts
I shine in the dark
Yes I explode cause I can't take the heat
If you need me to I'll repeat
I'm not romantic and yes I can be mean
So cold it burns
Guess you earned the golden heart
But the glitter was just a collage of art
And when you erase
There is nothing left
You see this black mess
It's just a void
I took my crayons and glitter and gold
And tried to decorate my heart and soul
I'm a girl of stars not hearts
Either way I'm torn apart
But I think I'm good I'll just stick to my golden art
 Sep 2017
Once I was the color blue.

The tears that fell down my cheeks,
my broken heart,
and my sadness
were the color blue
and I didn't know how to
change that.

Once I was color black.

I screamed at all times
out of anger that was
I was a void who knew
how to make others
feel blue,
and I wanted to change that.

Once I was the color yellow.

I was happy with myself
and I knew that the sadness
wasn't gone,
but the blue was.
I knew that the anger was
somewhere deep inside of me,
but I knew that I wasn't
a void anymore.

I'm no longer a color.*

I am nothing,
I can be who I need to be
without having to label myself.
Once you're a color,
you'll always be that color,
but the color won't always be you.
I'm trying really hard to write something, sorry because this *****
 Sep 2017
we were meant to
fail from
the start.

didn't want anyone
wrecking my
fragile heart.

two beating hearts
all alone,
and oh so different
from one year ago.

once we were
on the same path,
but now we're
straying from that.

you blame yourself,
but you shouldn't,
you should only blame

she was the one
to destroy all of
my trust
for anyone and everyone.

I wasn't anything precious
to her,
but to you
I'm the sun
and you're the

please don't beat yourself up,
but sometimes we all just have
to leave someone
we love.
 Sep 2017
I felt the wind surge through me,
pushing me down slightly.
I collided into you and my world became stable,
but not for long.

Soon enough there were fights every other day,
my world began to fade into gray.

It had been like this twice before,
although neither of them had been you,
I felt as if someone was attempting to even the score.

I thought you'd be different,
so I held on with all my **** might
only to come up empty handed
in the middle of the night.

My heart was shattered
along with my pride,
with my entire body scattered,
I cried.

I cried out some nonsense,
but then I cried out to you
only to have no correspondence.
 Sep 2017
I see the sky crack open
And try to paint it closed with starlight,

But lo and behold it does not wish
To mend itself tonight,

And as it falls so gracefully,
I watch the sea lap at the city's ticklish toes.

Serene as ever, but still deep with mischief,
The sea plays with the city until it is bright with light

Of laughter and joy
Until it decides if it should sleep this night.

Sonewhere in the distance sits something,
What? Nobody knows,

But it sits there in waiting,
Like a sanguine sentinel, somehow hopeful.

And mark my words,
The cracking sky opens, opals

Pouring from an endless beyond
Just to shake hands with a never ending sea.
It is how the sky reaches out to the sea:

For once, just once,
I wish it would reach for me.
 Aug 2017
Richard Grahn
Starlight is fading
As you surrender your dreams
To warm sun rising
O’er the landscape you're flying

Locked deep in your mind
In the breadth of each moment
Time drifts slowly by...

Here in the sunlight…streaming
Memories are fleeting
But the world is breathing

Your vibrant rainbow
Tosses many reflections
Gleaming in sunlight
Your deep vision remembers

As heaven descends
In the still of the morning
Dancing with daylight
The whole world is unfolding
A melody is growing
 Aug 2017
Valerie dsouza
Sitting by the window side,
Was a poet starring at the sky.
He took his pen and began to write
About the universe and it's marvellous sight:
Decorated with myraid of stars,
That blaze, above the sky afar
Planets that move in circular orbits,
The bullseye of an astronomers target
The world's largest mesmerising masterpiece,
Giving everyone's eyes a wonderful feast
The northern lights for all to see,
Is the greatest show on earth for free
Days will come and months will go,
As a pendulum moves to and fro
How wonderful can the universe be,
Made just for you and me.
                          - Valerie Florina D'souza
 Aug 2017
Rebel Heart
The angels weep silently,
As the stars fall into the night.
Signifying another life lost,
Into the mist, out of sight.

My star still burns,
Yet so dimly it might fall too.
For I'm not dead but am dying,
Fading out of what I once knew.

What purpose do I have?
Just a meaningless ball of gas.
Why should keep on burning?
If I'm just living like broken glass.

Stuck in the between
Of life and death and,
what matters most

Slowly weeping
For what I should've had,
could've had so close

From a shooting star
To a dying one
Just waiting to fall too

From a bright light
To a crying one
Just wanting to start anew

And as I gaze out to the mist
I see another one fall
The angels weeping silently
For the next one they call
 Aug 2017
I hope that you will smile today
and give yourself a break.
A smile can be great medicine.
It helps when hearts might ache.

Perhaps, if you try hard enough,
the smile becomes a grin.
And when you've worn it long enough,
you'll feel it grow and then...

The grin becomes a chuckle
and it then becomes a laugh.
And everyone will wonder if
you've made a social gaffe.

For laughter is contagious
and it helps to get us through.
Here's hoping that today will bring
some happiness to you.
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