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 Aug 2017
We're all broken pieces...walking puzzles...
Looking for the right fix
Looking for the right fit
 Aug 2017
Nat Lipstadt

who knows the definition of a poet?
for my friend, S.Y,
who I will embrace with both hands,
both eyes, when he hands me a signed copy of a book
that answers the question

weighty subjects deserve your best work,
expressions of affection and introspection,
need careful reflection, a proper set up for the
tumult inevitable when delving in the unopened recesses
where the answers kept

so, of course, the writing commences well after 1:00am,
when the darkness of night clarifies the process,
for I work by day but live by night,
when summoning up my one tool no one can take away,
the joy, the relief, the spectacular exultation  of
rearranging the aleph bet in new ways,
when the quietude of reflection transports me
across the continents in visions of what will be

I don't know if I know the answer, perhaps, any answers,
but when this man demands
the ebb tides of soul to depart,
to make him stand alone on the shore of endings,
forcing  him to acknowledge his reckonings,
lonely, only humanity and frailties

I hear a voice gruff growling and me laughing-
"cut to the chase, make your point, get out of people’s way"

so in your honor, this simp fool who asks questions
no human has any business, the answers knowing,
will one last stanza grant and give and
yours to keep,
and commence countdown waiting for that day of welcoming

from the underground comes a chorus of voices,
in one voice but many languages, chanting:

all humans are poets
who acknowledge and freely confess that the
blood and stuff, the kisses and the touches of family and friends,
parent and child,
are the ***** and the egg,
the beginning and the circulation of the never ending,
the open entrance that penetrates the berm surrounding real life,
all these are the root and the stem and the blossoming,
of poetry writ large, for they who have these in their possess,
are surely by definition certainly

humans, poets

5/14/17 2:05am
all poets are human,
all humans are poems
Happy Birthday Steve!
 Aug 2017
I tore down every bridge,
and every wall to let you in.

I dried lakes, rivers, oceans,
to save you from drowning.

I found myself,
draining in weakness to strengthen you.

You became powerful, you became immortal,
you became my god.

Now I clench onto this sadness of mine.
The loneliness you left behind.

Its the only thing that reminds me,
our story was once alive.

Its my safe place.
When you're gone,

and I need a muse to help
bleed all this pain out.

Like tonight,
when writing about the moon,
can no longer help me survive.

To Drew..
 Aug 2017
What if our hearts had color

What would mine be

What would yours be

Would mine light up around you

Or become clouded

I want to believe it glows

I want to believe its strong

But that would be a lie

I know it in my heart

Pun intended
please forgive my bad humor
 Aug 2017

there was once
a girl unnamed
ever doubted
ever shamed

untamed fire
high & wild
she was a haunted
white-hot child

a wayward waif
she had no guide
no way to hold
her rage inside

"you're a ***** little girl,
watch me as I wreck your world!"

bursting brain
as well as bubble
he brought her
a world of trouble
now unloved

charcoal lily
ragged ****
neglected garden
a bad seed
never knowing
her great need

a prickly thistle
tried to hide
all the pain
she held inside


for years she went on
in this state
unloved, unwise
and reprobate
no turning back
it was too late

wild parties
dating thugs
drinking *****
doing drugs


But deep inside
the little-girl-lost
a seed of faith
grew at last
she grabbed a hold
and held on fast

then, when things
were at their worst
she began
to hunger ~ thirst!
because her God
had loved
her first!

"I've loved you, child.
I had a plan
long before the world began.

Please do not be sad or blue,
this destiny included YOU

you are SO important
to My story
you will bring Me such great

here below
in heav'n above
I'll show you how much


the woman changed
she was set free

who's the woman?

she is


(C) 8/16/2017
I know I've been gone a while.
My phone has been giving me grief,
and I needed to use it for a telephone
prayer line I have with some friends.
But it's time I got back on site.

If you only KNEW how MUCH God loves you! How much *I* love you! You're in my prayers daily!

I'm going to revise my site a bit.
Only uplifting poetry about God and His creation will be featured here. I love ALL my followers, but i want to dedicate this site to JESUS. Thanks for understanding.

♡ Catherine

P.S. it's 3:10am, so please forgive any typos! Lol!
 Aug 2017
I guess this heart
is a parking lot

Sometimes full,
often empty
 Aug 2017
Rosa Lía Elías
for every tear
that slides across my face
a smile is preparing
to bloom in it’s place.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
 Jul 2017
Every storm has an eye
But this certain storm
is in her eyes
Dark clouds fogged up her vision
a rain of tears flooded the lid
a sudden streak of light—
the lightning, perhaps,
flaunted; illuminating the abyss within
and there emerged her piercing scream
weaving through the gorging dusk—
which is a thunder of her own

And she spread her arms
as the night breeze kissed her face
she jumped; she fly
only to realize that
she's not an angel
nor a bird
nor a butterfly
and so she fell
yet amidst the free fall,
she unraveled her tangled knots
from there, she lost her pain
but she fell on the ground
like a fine drop of rain.

And the storm has ended.
 Jul 2017
Grace Urquhart
What happened to that naive little girl
Afraid of nothing
positive about everything
Wind beneath her wings was stolen everything is still
Nothing remains
the world has taken it all
Away it goes
away from here
It flies to the great abyss
where all the dreams hide
when there is not anything else to dream
 Jul 2017
Pamela Penta
I'm lost in a world of my own design
Withered and ravaged with pain

Locked inside my own mind
Soiled and torn..and stained

Unable to breathe, unable to cope
In a place I was born too late

Afraid of what may happen to me
Of what will be my fate

Memories tear away at my soul
Like claws of a demons hand

The little child inside of me
Withers away like sand

Into myself deeper I crawl
Hiding my eyes to the truth

The little child inside of me
Was taken in my youth

The tattered shreds that once were her
Are tear stained, ***** and gray

There is no hope of finding her
She was victim to the prey

Inside the prison walls of my soul
I throw away the key

For when they tore away the child
They destroyed me

June 17, 2017
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