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 Jun 2018
it lingers
amongst the pillow
the roses you left on the vase
it lingers
in the air I breath
on my closet
the scent of you
it lingers everywhere
leaving me yearn for you
 Jun 2018
Deepest struggle in the morning
Everyday, I feel the weights tighten around my ankles
Plum coloured bruising on my knees, from all the times I shout for help
Productivity declines
Rest assured, I am trying my best
Even though it looks like I’m giving in
Someday, I’ll hold my head up again
Someday, you will see how hard it was for me
In reality, I would never wish this upon anyone else
Only hoping for another reason for living
Never seeing one appear
let me know how easy it is to spell.
 May 2018
Hannah Field
you tell me to quiet down cause
my opinions make me less beautiful
but I was not made with a fire in my belly
so I could be put out
I was not made with a lightness on my tongue
so I could be easy to swallow
I was made heavy
half blade and half silk
difficult to forget and not easy
for the mind to follow
 May 2018
the trees did not complain
the day we carved our initials
into their calloused skin

and isn't it sad that something
so beautiful would put up with
that pain for a love that
would not last?
 May 2018
Praggya Joshi
Remember that old uphill trail
We used to meander along
With matching footsteps
Under the sunlit canopy of leaves
Carving words for each other
On the bark of aged trees
Who may have known
what would become of us
But nevertheless smiled
acted as a blank canvas instead
And watched the moments
Filled with playful laughter
Peachy smiles
Lingering gaze
Warm caress
Unfold lazily between us
The winds of time
May have blown us miles apart
Our footprints may have long eroded
That sunlit canopy may have withered
And we may walk that trail
Only in our dreams
But those words are yet to fade
they were the voice of our soul
Etched into the lap of nature
And as I run my fingers along its rugged edges
I reminisce about you
And hope that wherever you are
You are thinking about me too
 May 2018
the only thing soft about you
was your kissing lips
Your words were much too hard
Your eyes were much too dark
to see me
Strong in all my softness
I’m a woman
and I deserve my biggest fan
if you’re in love with someone who isn’t your biggest fan, then you’re not getting what you deserve
 May 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
I try to love life
But I cannot forgive it
For breaking my heart
I don't really like this one..
 May 2018
Brandi R Lowry
Happy belated birthday
My dearly missed friend.
I'm sure you had a heavenly party
That I regretfully didn't attend.

I couldn't think of you yesterday
It still hurts to say your name.
They say time will heal the ache
But it lingers yet the same.

I say a silent prayer for your soul
And push the thought away.
Time is only a theif.
It isn't any easier today.
Dedicated to my late best friend, Amanda Gresser
 May 2018
James Daniel
Let me push this sorry thing
Over the edge

Curled up
With messages of love
That will fan out
Over the world
As he tumbles to the sea

Because today will never happen again

Let me feel the tingling in my feet
And the sweat in my palms

I think I could sing a thousand psalms
All about ghosts in machines
But then you’d never see

That it was me
On two feet
And it was my love
Still nervous, and still free
That made the leap

Let me push this sorry thing over the edge

(Yeah, my love, my love, my love)
 May 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
I am sorry I never know
Correct words to say to change your mood
You need me now and I fail completely
Every morning I wake with an attitude

Hunger sits inside my soul
I am scared one day of spiraling down
Out of reach, then my demons
Will whisk me under wicked waves to drown

I tell my heart to stay afloat
Swim even harder for you, I, and we
Kick cruel devils, keep treading water
I barely have head above this miserable sea
We are still afloat, and that is what's important
 May 2018
JJsbdksndkkdmxmjshJustletmediemmmkbhbxjdnxnbdjxbdnxnnxnxnImsotire­dofthisnsjs nkksbdndnbdthese tears wontstopjdjdnn znjsnndudndkdknfkdmssnfnjdndnndbdbdbdnWhythepainstilllivesin myheartjjxnxjxjdn mykdjdvjsndjcjndndncnxkxnkxndkdkjdnskxhjshdjddndeImsofuckingtired­msnndksnxonshxidnkxndjsjdbjdkslmsndjjdbdisbdjjdksndjdhbsndnndjdjd­ndnd

Youllneverunderstand me
 May 2018
i never write about the good anymore.
maybe from the fact
that something
so clearly temporary
does not deserve my words.
or maybe,
i'm just afraid to look back
at something that once was,
that might never be again.
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