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 May 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
I used to believe
In happy endings. You proved
They do not exist.
But there is always happy for a long time
 May 2018
Your wicked tongue awoke
Between crooked teeth
And a scarred smile

An accent at the boom
Of your voice; could shatter
Cities of marble to sand

The plague you've sent
As we prayed for an end
And you took your throne

But this is love, isn't it?
You whispered to us all
Through an open palm

This was all there is
And all that ever will be
You are the omega

You've slayed and conquered
But like caped crusaders fallen
You were mortal all along

And I realize that now
Whelmed through life's storm
You, too, never knew love
 May 2018
Glass is prettier when it's broken
and eyes, so gorgeous with tears.
A blade when it's failed,
a gun when it's hot.
A ship when it's sailed,
a love when it's not.

Fireflies at night,
to fire and fight;
a feeling of passion, a bird in mid-flight.

Left and gone,
a heart and it's song.
The apple has rotted;
a fleeting swan song.
 May 2018
stefania rivoltini
you said I'm gonna *******
I heard I love you
you said you're hot
I understand you're beautiful
you slapped my ***
I felt a caress
you said it’s over
I opened my eyes
you said get away from me
I felt cold
no one can be as blind as a woman in love
 May 2018
as an island with
waves that roars but no one listens

a legion of people
in a downtown intersection
but I stay afloat in desolation

in the midst of a city hustle
I reclused to move

I defeated myself
and surrendered with the action

I live in a jungle of solitary
like a hermit dancing on the ocean floor

They call me Alfred Prufrock
but this is not a love song.
Oh, halt! he wasn’t writing a love song.
 May 2018
Rebel Heart
And Yet
I will not seek the forgiveness
I know I don't deserve
I will not seek the redemption
My demons wouldn't allow
And I will live on
With the heartbreaking truth
Of how someone
With a heart as pure as you
Could never be near
A monster like me.
(Front Page 5/2/2018)
Way too many times
I get lost inside my head,
Remembering those days
Getting lost with you instead.
Losing track of time -
I know I've been misled.
Chasing down those feelings
That you knew I needed fed.
There's no point in dwelling
On words you never said;
No point in building memories
On conversations left for dead.
 Apr 2018
Rebel Heart
Is it wrong
To wish
That for all the scars I own,
I could reopen just one
To let my demons spill out
So as to cleanse myself
Of the torturing sins
I carry as a weight
Within my veins...
But Alas
That would do nothing
But let more darkness in
(Front Page 4/29/2018)
 Apr 2018
R ippling waves of righteous reality
E mbrace the lighthouse's illuminated illusion
M orse code to remorseful fallacies
O bscured by the damp, dreaded delusions
R ealization smashes the rocks like a migraine
S uppressing the surrogate contusion
E vading one's self who is always to blame

C onjecture overwhelms the tickling tendencies
O mnipresent overtures sing their symphonies
D edicated to torturing us caged free
E ven scores scour minds endlessly
Feeling is an illusionistic place
You convince yourself with things that aren’t in place
It can **** you or boost you to a higher place
It is difficult to describe what feeling is in place
Some times you might develop them in the wrong time or place
You might feel happy for no reason in place
Or you might feel sad and it fits correctly into place
There are feeling that are even beyond time and place
If you want to know how it feels to be emotionless then maybe death is your place
Life without feelings is a tasteless place
 Apr 2018
Seventeen years, our lives were spent,
cleaning *** stains to pay your rent,
hiking miles as humid summer sweats,
held you in my arms, till last breath.

The soil grows doggy bones,
heaven knows what earth has sewn,
eleven A.M. I had to let you go,
now pushing daisies, you're not alone.

Hush puppy, for now  
I'll join you someday, somehow
In the morning, I'll have a grin
 Tonight these tears trace down my chin

As a canine Abby, your years were long,
one-one-nine, till we rang the gong,
enduring length is now a sad sad song,
but you're strength helps me carry on.

Puppy grub, dark walks in the rain,
lucky love doesn't die in vane,
as I pulled up to scratched window panes,
my bad day turned alone to fame.

Hush puppy, for now
I'll join you someday, somehow
 In the morning, I'll have a grin
 Tonight these tears trace down my chin
I wore a black suit and tie to an appointment with the veterinary clinic today. After feeding my dog her favorite meal, Chik-Fil-et, I told my mama to leave the room to myself, Abby, the doctor and a shot of pentobarbital. I cried in the parking lot afterwords until a security guard knocked on my car's window. I told him I just left the funeral of my best friend. He said I'm sorry, but you are parked in a resident's spot. I told him to *******.
 Apr 2018
I find you in the wind
I find you in the  sun
I find you right beside me gazing at the sky above
Dreams intertwined with memories
I find you in my roots
I find you in my home
The lost feeling; sun down, long winding road
My past aligns with my future and you’re caught inbetween
In wistful memories,  my yearning future, and memory-like dreams
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