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 Jul 2016
When I sleep
a wind blows
over strange lands
I don't know
and I feel like a lamp
a stranger is holding up
looking for a way
through a dark field
I will walk through.
I gaze at your picture
from across the room
and try to remember
the sound of your voice
these empty halls
once filled
with your laughter
now sit vacant
empty and abandoned
just like my heart
 Jul 2016
Is there a way
to play the game of love?
Are there tricks
to treat it differently?

Is there a way
to be unbroken?
Can I defy gravity
to not fall so easily?

Is there a way
to play it safe?
Is there a way to guard
these feelings of mine forever?

Is there a way to love
without hurting?
Is there a way to move on
without crying?
 Apr 2016
The Bard
Our love is dead

It is gone to the ages

I lie alone bed

Now my feelings are in cages

What we had is lost

It lies within the ground

Only I know the cost

But you I'm glad I found.
For the same girl who broke my heart twice, saved my life once, and will always have a piece of me. It had to end before we burned each other to keep us warm.
 Feb 2016
DaSH the Hopeful
I used to flip through my pages
There were some interesting points
  Some high, some low, some kind of just sitting in-between after the good and the bad cancelled each other out, but mostly I
       Skimmed by,

         Until I met you,

                 You can't be summed up, there's too much to you, you're too rich, too deep
Too interesting to be confined to a few measly paragraphs and sped-read through

     You deserve attention, you deserve time,

       And the more I've gotten to know you, the more I realize you're the entire book, the entire story in beautiful, vivid detail.

                *I'm going to take my time getting to the end of you, and I dog-eared the page where you entered my heart, so that if I ever forget how it feels to fall for you, I can go back to the start
 Jan 2016
Once he dive into the memories
He wouldn't want to come out
Moments he kept safe inside
The assets of the prisoner
He lurks around frequently
A visitor of fantasy land
Strolling with perseverance
The slave of his own mind
 Jan 2016
Christina Rossetti
Some are laughing, some are weeping;
She is sleeping, only sleeping.
Round her rest wild flowers are creeping;
There the wind is heaping, heaping
Sweetest sweets of Summer's keeping,
By the cornfields ripe for reaping.

There are lilies, and there blushes
The deep rose, and there the thrushes
Sing till latest sunlight flushes
In the west; a fresh wind brushes
Through the leaves while evening hushes.

There by day the lark is singing
And the grass and weeds are springing:
There by night the bat is winging;
There forever winds are bringing
Far-off chimes of church-bells ringing.

Night and morning, noon and even,
Their sound fills her dreams with Heaven:
The long strife at length is striven:
Till her grave-bands shall be riven
Such is the good portion given
To her soul at rest and shriven.
 Dec 2015
upside down
twisted round
problems weighed
yet gravity held me

blue eyed babe
with arms out wide
no reason to hide
you held me tighter

recalling a feeling
to never feel again
you took it away
with the simplicity of a kiss

the flutter in my chest
you are responsible
so I'm going to ask
*is this what love is?
 Dec 2015
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Wake up from the dead like
The crow on a Sunday morning
Piercing it's eyes on Monday's newspaper,
Making sure the world sees a different path,
Wouldn't feel like this if I had a laugh,
Piecing together what I can to find a day
Without pain,
You have a better way of seeing things,
But we're not the same,
I try the highs and lows for myself,
But nothing commences,
No change,
No sign of self worth,
Like I was made in a test tube frozen
In a block of ice,
I'm nothing more than a discovery in my own image,
For that I shouldn't long to exist,
I should clear,
I should erase,
I should fade.
 Oct 2015
The gypsy life,
never in one place twice.
Always on the go,
metaphorically so.

The gypsy mind,
it's one of a kind.
Always changing,

The gypsy type,
they never think twice.
So easy to lose,
*They're too fast for you.
 Aug 2015
Taylor St Onge
Scientists know more about the
           than the ocean.

Light can only dive 200 meters
            down into the ocean.  Below it,
the “Midnight Zone” glows in the dark.  
(By standing in your shadow,
I am hoping to become

Life has a tendency to thrive in hostile environments.  
                                                 ­                        For this reason, Jupiter’s moon,
                                                           ­              Europa, may be able to support
                                                                ­         life within the global ocean of
                                                              ­           liquid water that is hidden
                                                          ­               beneath the ice at its surface.
(This is why I am able to bloom in the dark.)

The ocean bows to no one but the moon.  Turn
off the lights.  Turn up the stars.  Low tide wants to
fold back inside itself and lap against the
                             shores of the Sea of Tranquility.  
High tide just wants to be noticed.

But a heated black body sunspot,
                (isolated from the rest
                of the photosphere),
still shines brighter than the moon.  Wolves should
be howling at the sun instead.
written for my poetry: intermediate course. prompt: stages
 Jul 2015
She was the strongest person that I know,
She smiled despite road blocks,
She laughed after hitting the rock bottom,
She was her usual self, the strongest person that I know.

She was the strongest person that everyone knows,
Everyone held onto her arm for support,
Everyone sought for her caring words to push them hard,
Everyone looked for her, searched for her every time they needed her, the strongest person everyone knows.

She didn’t know she was the strongest person everyone knows,
She needed everyone to hold her arm,
She sought for someone for caring words to push her hard,
She didn’t know, she didn't know, she was the strongest person everyone knows.

She wanted to cry everytime she stumbled,
She wanted to scream everytime she was hurt,
She chose to keep silent, she chose to be at peace with her heart,
They didn't know, didn't know that she didn't know she was the strongest person everyone knows.
 Jul 2015
Madeleine Champagne
I'm not sure who or what I'm supposed to become.
Some believe they have it all made.
Others already succumb
to the pressures of life.

Too many people are concerned with vanity.
I've searched great distances to find who I am.
The fiery passion of wanderlust drives me to the peak of insanity,
could this all be a scam?

Where does it all stop?
Will it ever?
Am I made to just stand in the backdrop?
Or shall I go on living forever.
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