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Jul 2019 · 493
cfw Jul 2019
relationships are beauty
     reflected from one another;
     they're not a duty.
relationships guide you to someone you can smother

relationships may cause suffer;
      this is only for a little while,
      especially when the shards of your heart are finally together.
relationships brings to your face - a great, big smile

relationships make you go the extra mile;
     they're beautiful, really.
     perhaps I'll someday walk down the aisle.
relationships are the start of a family

relationships are built on: trust, love, care,
     and every now and then, maybe a little dare.
Jul 2019 · 585
My Love
cfw Jul 2019
H ow does love work?
A nnoying them with kisses
P ining for them
P ositive support for them
I ndependence
N agging occasionally
E verlasting
S tubborn, yet stupid, quarrels
S oothing their pain
Jul 2019 · 427
I pleade
cfw Jul 2019
I'M BEGGING, my head can only take so much.
         Nothing helps me. Except, maybe your touch?
         All alone and completely powerless.
         Why? When you've helped me overcome this.
I'M CRYING till the ringing, in my head, stops.
         What are they? They're bad thoughts causing teardrops.
         Eyes overflowing with tears of defeat,
         thinking to myself, "why must this repeat"?
I'M TRYING to fight but I just can't win.
         Is this what I deserve? Am I a sin?
         Must the battle go on, when you have won?
        My spirit, broken. Mind and body? Done.

               Please, what more can I say? I'm begging.
                        Please, before death is my only ending.
Jul 2019 · 573
cfw Jul 2019
Please stop this hurting,
and this confusion.
Can't you see I'm breaking?
Are you really just an illusion?

This isn't a decision.
I'm being shoved,
making me lose vision
and questioning "am i really loved"?

I want to stay for my beloved,
but I need room.
Why won't you let me feel loved?
I just want to bloom.

Please won't you let me?
Please just set me free.
my fight..
Jul 2019 · 271
cfw Jul 2019
Start smiling more;
     it could make a difference.
You never know what could be in store,
     so show off your radiance.

Start trying harder;
     it could even surprise you.
You can always dream even bigger;
     so now, think how-to?

Start living askew;
     it could do you some good.
You mustn't always just stay true.
     Start before this becomes overdue.

Please start now,
you will prevail somehow.
try to be more positive
Jul 2019 · 366
I'll wait
cfw Jul 2019
I'll wait until you can,
however long, it takes.
But sticking to the plan,
is painful with the heart-aches.

I'll wait until we can eat coffee-cakes
together in ignorance.
I hope I wasn't another of your mistakes,
but I have no more evidence.

I'll wait for you to see my resilience;
I don't want to lose you.
I'm sorry you fell victim to my reliance,
but I hope you love me too.

I'll wait for as long as I have to;
and I promise, I won't argue.
J x
Jul 2019 · 307
In love
cfw Jul 2019
but I'm not happy.
I love him;
he just gets a bit snappy
and this can sometimes be grim.

Our love often feels like "sink or swim",
leaving us with no rest.
I love him,
but I don't want to make him depressed.

I'm too prone to stress
and end up taking it out on my love.
I want to give him a rest,
but my feelings are hard to shove.

I love him, I really do.
I hope we can start anew.
Jul 2019 · 1.3k
cfw Jul 2019
You bring me tears of joy
and tears of sadness,
but old memories is something I will always enjoy.
We are sorry for being reckless.

I would not feel this emptiness,
If only I were not acting coy.
Losing you made me feel worthless,
but we promise that, one day, you will smile with overjoy.
I'm sorry. We promise to make it up to you one day, by giving you a lovable younger sibling
Jul 2019 · 914
love is
cfw Jul 2019
Love is complex;
     it is not fair;
     and is filled with vex.
Love means to dare.

Love is rare;
   it is filled with bliss;
   and happiness making you want to just stare/
Love is best shown with a kiss.

Love is to miss
   someone you adore dearly,
   causing you to reminisce.
Love is to care fiercely.

Love is like the sun,
   especially when it is with your special one.
Trying my first spenserian sonnet
Jul 2019 · 406
(inner) demons
cfw Jul 2019
I beg you "please stay inside".
Will it listen, or
Continue on it's rampage.
Jul 2019 · 363
will not
cfw Jul 2019
I do wonder why you chose me,
     Could it be my foreign looks,
     Or perhaps you wanted to add an Asian to your books
Why on earth indeed, especially when you're free?
I hope it's because we're destined to be,
     But I feel as if I'm on a hook.
     This feels surreal just like out of a book;
I do wonder how you love me.
  I have a volatile mind,
       That will not cease doubts
  From overflowing until I'm out-shined.
  I feel drained from being entwined
        With my thoughts, hoping for that final knockout.
        Hoping for all this to end - yes, I know I'm a sellout.
  But this is my life; I will not be out-shined.
Jul 2019 · 410
cfw Jul 2019
I want to give up,
But then you show me your smile
And give me courage.
Haiku about trying
Jul 2019 · 268
cfw Jul 2019
When will you realise that I'm tired?
That our relationship has expired?
You seem to have ceased
caring. I exist,
I was once alive and desired

— The End —