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Jul 2018 · 160
Carl Webb II Jul 2018
Supply me with the right amount of grace
to satisfy my longing.
Do not overwhelm me with your glory;
I have had enough.


Run away with all of my belongings,
rob me of my wanting.
Take away the greed that fills me up
and leave my barren body open . . .
Jul 2018 · 902
broken promises
Carl Webb II Jul 2018
I may never be **** and that's fine
but you put me through a hell of a time.
I can't find
all the hearts I had to toss to the side;
they weren't mine.
you're the heart, I never tossed you aside;
you weren’t mine though
you never will be mine though
it's fine though.

I'm fine, bro,
I swear.
Jun 2018 · 205
. . .down here.
Carl Webb II Jun 2018
I'm sleeping next to these remains
because it's all the same. . .

there's no relief, down here, at the bottom of this pit.
the ground is wet.
my **** is wet.
I placed my hand in someone else's spit,
I only jumped down here to get away,
ya know,
I never intended to stay,
the misery in the air is far too thick,
but, still,

I'm sleeping next to these remains
because it's all the same. . .

I see the lights of day,
I see the days of night,
I see the nights of light,
but it is never bright. . .

I'm sleeping next to these remains
because it's all the same. . .
May 2018 · 257
Carl Webb II May 2018
to sit. and stare.
in silence. burning.
surrounded by flames.
encircled. and hurting.
hurting. hurting.
eternally pained.
foreverly sitting.
still. staring.
in silence.
May 2018 · 118
truly free
Carl Webb II May 2018
I saw what the other side looked like...
and I didn’t like it.

So I came back.

And now,
knowing all
there is to know,
I’m ready to live life
the way life
is supposed
to be lived.
May 2018 · 190
Carl Webb II May 2018
you may not be the one,
but you're my one right now.

and if the future never comes,
that'll be the best present
I've ever had.
May 2018 · 123
there's more upstairs
Carl Webb II May 2018
…a haunted cave,

a burning light,

enchanted rock,

a dying flame,

ignite the chamber,

start again…
May 2018 · 301
Carl Webb II May 2018
I placed my self
upon this shelf
for you to understand
the life and death
that took the breath
of, yet, another witless man. . .
May 2018 · 379
Carl Webb II May 2018
ray of color,
pierce my soul
and brighten up this hole.
bleed the gloom and doom
to leave more room
for hope...
May 2018 · 180
peaces of war
Carl Webb II May 2018
what can liberate me, besides
the sounds of war behind me...

the ability to hear
the drums go silent,
no more marching,
no more fighting more dying...

I've been wounded,
over the bodies.
falling of tears
I'm tired of crying
cries for help!

Help, over here!
I think
we got
a live one...!

But, nobody cares...
'cause nobody hears...
it seems they've all
gone into hiding
May 2018 · 428
We End Up
Carl Webb II May 2018
Will we meet in heaven?

If you leave today,
and I leave tomorrow,
will we arrive at paradise
around the same time?

Will it matter
who really gets there first?

Will our decisions
have an effect on
we end up
we end up
we end up?

As we stand here,
our feet entrenched
in wispy billows,
barely keeping us afloat,
we hold our breath
so we don't fall,
then take off running
at our different paces,
in our separate ways,
and at our different times,
and make our way
to the same location.

Will it matter, then,
how we got there
when we got there?

Will the question be about
where is it
that we've ended up?

will it be
with our different paces,
and our separate ways
and our differing times of departure...
have we arrived
at this same location
at the same time...
Apr 2018 · 352
'13 reflections
Carl Webb II Apr 2018
To scream out loud or write it all down?

A decision, left to the extremity of the undying emotion of the mime inside...

What one wants to say,
what one has to say,
and what one needs to say,
all seem to separate for a limited amount of time but, once the seconds tick down on the time bomb that lies waiting for
the right
all the words seem to come together to create quite the show.

Out of the roots,
up the stem,
through the leaves
and then exploding from within,
seeping out of the pores like a volcanic eruption.

Dormancy to activity.

And, all of a sudden,
"what I should have said"
turns into
"Oh my! What did I just say?"

A timeless, priceless transition from over-powering self-confidence to reflective self-doubt occurring instantly; but, the bullets cannot and should not go back inside the unloaded, smoking Desert Eagle, better known as the mouth or even the pen, of that restless individual.

Whether at the ears or at the eyes, the shots have been fired and are, now, making their way to the brain, to the mind, and, eventually, to the heart.

for better or for worse...
...a toll is taken.
Mar 2018 · 255
Carl Webb II Mar 2018
which way do I go
along this road...

shall I travel home
or shall I wander west
among the rest
and be where I belong,

I know it’s wrong...
to look out at the world
and think I’m all alone
I know it’s wrong...
to look out at the world
and think I’m not alone

I know I’m wrong...
to look
inside my home
and see a cell
I know I’m wrong...
to take a look
inside my soul
and see a hell
I know I’m wrong...
to see the other side,
when I should see myself...

I know I’m wrong...
but I just need some help.

Yeah, just need some help...
Mar 2018 · 390
Leave Nothing Out
Carl Webb II Mar 2018
Tell the story of liberation to my children when you tell them about my death.
Tell them what I died for.
Tell them how long I got to live.

Tell them the whole story, please...
...leave nothing out...

Not the depression, not the sin, not the lies, not the happiness - whether it was deserved or not - you better tell them I was happy, too.

Give them, at least, that satisfaction and tell them I experienced even a little bit of joy...let them know that I did not always suffer...let them know that life can be enjoyed...leave nothing out...
Mar 2018 · 211
Respect the Yellow Light
Carl Webb II Mar 2018
...tread slowly
...tread slowly
...’tis unholy to see freedom.
look around you,
look around you,
see the world and all its bleeding!
say your prayers,
say your prayers,
say your prayers with your eyes open,
don’t lose focus.
don’t lose focus.
we are only what we notice.
Feb 2018 · 562
[title pending]
Carl Webb II Feb 2018
Tie-dye shirt and all black sweats.
Can hippies have depression, too?
Or should we all just be much too entranced by the magic of burning grass to understand what it feels like to live in a world of dying thoughts, or thoughts of dying.
I apologize, I can’t quite get my thoughts together.
Forgive, me.

It must be the drugs.

These broken dreams can break the promises of life.
The promises that broke the wall and built the fence that still can never ever be climbed, that still can never ever be conquered...

and even though, they are just fences, we can never seem to stumble our way over them because we won’t dare to stumble near them...

because we can’t ever even see them...

I’m must be the drugs...

See, we can’t jump,
no, no,
we can’t get off the ground,
we can’t even run,
we can’t take steps,
we can’t even move,
we can’t sit still...

but we go everywhere...

...and we go nowhere...

At the same time...?

It’s gotta be the drugs.

cause see, we’re stuck in this time,
and this time...
when it goes by...
I pray...
maybe we’ll go with it...ya know...?

or maybe we’ll go against it...

or maybe we’ll do both... seems, to me...
like it’s gotta be the drugs, eh?

It must be the fault of all the flamboyant Conceptions Created this Chaos, this Desolate Destruction of Emotions that are Ever so Evolving into Freedom! Freedom!
oh, we Give it all away to God for it is He that Hath the Heart to Heal, but, see,
I am not I...I can never be I...Just Jot with no Joy...

so I just jot with no joy...

I am no king of kings...

I am no lord of lords...

I am only me...

but I’m guessing
that can only be
because of the drugs, right?
Feb 2018 · 320
Yo, Self
Carl Webb II Feb 2018
Dressed in all black with a spirit to match.

Brilliant scenery trapped
beneath the  surface of obsidian.

a haunted cave, a burning light,
enchanted rock, a dying flame,
ignite the chamber,
start again.

Ok, wait, hold it...
start again, dude, c’mon...
But this time,
give a bit more detail, will ya?

Ok. Fine.

A young man dressed in all black,
with black skin...

that part’s not really important...

I just want you to feel me this time.
Ya, feel me?

This dark soul is deeply disturbed
by the devil, dude...
...or maybe...
simply disordered by the darkness...
either way,
the dysfunction has a depth to it,
I’m telling you.

Are you listening?
Ok, great!

So, moving along
beneath the surface
there is no light.

That’s it! Ok?

But there’s more
there’s so much more
up top!
on the ceiling!
bulbs are blooming
with brilliance!

I’ve lost you again, haven’t I...?

...ya think...?

all I’m really trying to tell you

Life has beat me down, man.
Inside and out.
But more so on the inside...
It turned my soul black,
made me depressed,
made me dark.
Inside and out.

But, for some reason,
something within me still lives.

and I just wish you could see it
like me...
Sep 2017 · 353
Carl Webb II Sep 2017
A powerful kick from the A/C is what finally let Balloon's face out of the corner and abruptly spun it around. that kick is what finally caused Balloon to be allowed to see a window for the first time.
resting face against the surface of a brighter world in a newer place, Balloon has no choice but to watch the whimsical movement of the wind throughout the tips of the untrimmed grass below the trees, shooting upward with the breeze, Balloon has seen the swift and seemingly untamed movement of Leaf. Uncontrollably criss-crossing in charismatic loops, Leaf spins in so many circles and so fast that the view that Leaf once had is now skewed. Leaf gets carried away. Up here, things cannot be looked at in the same way that they were before the wind tore holes in the skin and Leaf had no choice but to swing away, to and fro, and enjoy the fall with upward gaze.
Just below the haze of magical nothingness,
with nothing left to experience
except the baby blue-blanketed sky,
Eagle appears and flashes by and
Eagle will never leave the sky
because Eagle knows how to fly
because Eagle knows how to flap
because Eagle flies higher to look further down,
because Eagle flies higher than the rest,
and Eagle flies alone . . .

because Eagle will never leave the sky


so focus down below
to where the grass has grown
the prancing has begun and now
the ground begins to move and now
the Beasts are having fun.
the Beasts will never lose the beat,
will lose control.
the Beast will gain a soul
and in the midst of chaos
love has finally grown.

and Human’s heart
is now at peace
Jan 2017 · 350
Celestial Teaching
Carl Webb II Jan 2017
Flames created souls in the gusts of wind,
A spark to start a life,
Sizzled and burned so bright with magical colors of vivacious orange, hypnotic red, luminescent yellows that would light up dark spots.
Visible to the naked two eyes of all who gazed, felt by the naked bodies of those standing in the way of the cold and naked bodies.
Feeling nothing but the dark grey smoke.
No light, no warmth.
Some began to choke as I inhaled with the whole of my mere existence, and basked in the gods of freedom.
Beautiful extraterrestrial wisps, peeling off in an unknown dance, choreographed precisely with the wind.
Thankful that they let me feel the smoke on my skin, its freedom engulfed my aura, taught it how to be, how to do, how to feel.
Its cool matched my cool during those few milliseconds of heaven where we met, tangoed, felt and understood, then dissipated in the dark as its father lied to rest, and we all felt the same cold in the same way on our naked bodies, at the same time.
While some had fun memories of colors, light, and warmth, I was left with a lingering feeling of what it's like to be free.
And a lesson on just how to get there.
Jul 2016 · 354
Cupid's Forest
Carl Webb II Jul 2016
Through the woods we floated hand in hand,
a cool breeze to dry up the puddles of our palms,
a night shade just dark enough to hide our amorous gazes,
though this sensation skipping through my veins
hides not my affection,
pulsing through from my body to yours,
and if it must reveal my love tale to you
I pray it bear no false witness.
I’ve fallen for you already, more than you know
and more than I’ll ever be ready to admit in words.
Lend an ear to your heart
and my beat shall be there to squander it all,
but from my lips you won’t hear a thing.
And as we are now gazing up at the stars,
the wind has hushed and the fireflies have gathered 'round,
you close your eyes and you make your wish.
From afar, hoping somehow these unexpressed expressions
are able to reach to the center of your essence,
I whisper to the wind...
Jul 2016 · 2.3k
Carl Webb II Jul 2016
The preservation of humans begins
when we all see each other
as souls
instead of bodies
with different skin.
Jul 2016 · 2.6k
Today is That Day
Carl Webb II Jul 2016
What is it about me
that stops you from seeing
the good in these bones, in this body,
in this skin so black
that it gives you heart attacks
to the point that you feel the need
to attack our hearts, our chests, our arms,
our backs with your weapons of hate.
"Please","stop", "wait"
are all foreign to you
when uttered by these big lips
on this black face.
Perhaps, that is all you see.
A black face.
But I encourage you,
better yet, I demand you
to expand your vision
and see through this skin,
yes, the one with all the melanin,
the one that you wish you were in,
and gaze upon my soul.
I am told by the likes of you
that my time is limited,
but we see different signs in the sky,
you and I,
for my ancestors tell me
it is time for me to fly.
So, once you unlock these chains,
or even if you refuse
and continue to televise my pain,
one day I will rejuvenate
and I will spread my wings
and I will fly.
Jun 2016 · 542
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Carl Webb II Jun 2016
I have no clue of what to do
but I still choose to lace up my shoes
and pursue this journey called life.

So I start to cruise and sing the blues.

The hues too dark so they confuse you
and I will never brighten up or lighten up
my mood to protect the terrible twos of
this world.

They need the truth.

And if not from me,
and if not from you...
then who?
Jun 2016 · 289
Carl Webb II Jun 2016
If you choose to stay
then I will love you forever.
And if you choose to leave
then I will love you forever.
And I hate to sound mean,
but there is no in between.
You must tell me, darling,
is the light red
or is it green?
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
Carl Webb II Jun 2016
When I tell you you're beautiful,
I need you to believe me.

I need you to know
That I know what I'm talking about
When I say that I love
Every little nook and cranny
Of your entire being.

You must understand that
I love the way your
Hair parts on the side,
That small wrinkle in your forehead.

That is my wrinkle.
I am the cause of that wrinkle.

I love that sparkle in
Your plain brown eyes.
That cute little nose
Complemented by
Those luscious lips.

Lord, have mercy.

I could go on for
Forever and a day
Just to say the
Same resounding message.

Sweetheart, you're
More than beautiful.

You're heart-stopping.
Jun 2016 · 528
Seventeen Syllabic Memories
Carl Webb II Jun 2016
Speaking, you cease to exist.
But, I still feel you.
Jun 2016 · 949
Power of Love
Carl Webb II Jun 2016
To breathe without breathing,
The dream without meaning.
Passion at its finest.
The power of love.

The power to run wild,
All the while standing still,
The warmth of a soul
In the coldest of chills,
The freedom to go
Where no one else will.
Infatuation at its finest.
The power of love.

Love can grow old,
Love can be bold,
Still love can grow cold,
Love is not pure.
Love is unsure,
Yet still so secure,
And love can endure.
The power of love.

Is love the cure to a solemn disease,
Much worse than a cold,
Ten times that of a sneeze?
Can love truly mend
The most broken of hearts
When the breaking was caused
By love from the start?
Can love take the blame
For the hurt being caused?
Are lion cubs to blame
For being born with claws?
Tis the nature of the beast,
It's hidden in its blood,
Thus, we all must possess,
The power of love.
Jun 2016 · 477
Carl Webb II Jun 2016
When the sky falls,
the stars are unbothered.
They were never part of
the sky to begin with;
they always sit too far above,
too out of reach.
Only the stars can corrupt the stars.
Only the powerful are able.
So, the powerless remain powerless.
Looking up at the stars for change,
though change will never come.
Only things higher up than the stars
can affect them.
God help us.
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
lovely thought
Carl Webb II Jun 2016
you may not be the one,
but you're my one right now.
and if the future never comes,
that'll be the best present
I've ever had.
Apr 2016 · 367
Carl Webb II Apr 2016
The woods aren't so bad once you get used to them.
The dirt, the trees, the living creatures around you.
At least you know you're not alone.

The wolves cry at night.
They found their next ****.
It is now dawn, twas not I.

The river runs cold at sunrise.
The wind blows steady.
Soak it all in.
Take a look around at the creation of God.
Lest not into temptation.
Else the view is turned upside down.
She doesn't seem to understand.
I hear a snake.
Apr 2016 · 306
Carl Webb II Apr 2016
To see the world in all its glory
From every angle and every view
Is very easily said by all--
Yet, much harder to do
    because of circumstances surrounding the career that I pursue.
I must not take any chances;
Not for me, not for you.
Not for him, not for her,
    not even for God knows who.
Not even for God, himself, at times, if I must be held to truth,
    but not by choice...
    for there's a Beast that blocks the exit to my room.

I stare at it, and it looks back with eyes as cold as night.
I try to speak but where's my voice?
    --whisked away by Fright.
Now, pull yourself together, son. It's only
A matter of time before the Beast awakens once again and opens up its eyes!

But, have no fear, lay in the grass and slip into your state
    or swim some laps around Red Wine Sea; dive in Whiskey Lake and stumble away from the reality that it is all too late.
You cannot run.
You cannot hide.
Your life is now at stake.

'Come out, come out, wherever you are!'
To the beast it's all a joke.
'It'll be over in a jif', he says,
    'you won't even feel a poke!'
But I know this beast, just like myself, the jokes are how he copes.
Weakness lurks beneath its flesh,
Or at least that's what I hope and as I gaze upon the Beast I notice weakness in its throat.
Do I use the knife?
Do I use the rope?
Either one shall **** us both.
Apr 2016 · 215
Race to the Top
Carl Webb II Apr 2016
A facade is all it is, a facade is all it ever will be.
This costume placed upon me by the standards of society to hide my inner being, to disguise my outward appearance, to dim the lights too bright to shine upon the eyes of the world, is strangling my soul.
I try to shed this outfit, piece by piece.
First goes the shoes, made of stone so heavy as to hinder me from ever taking a forward step on the road to success.
The pants go next, designed with the softest of material, extra cushion where it counts the most, no wonder I've been so comfortable just sitting on my ***.
Naturally I now begin to rip off the layers of jackets and coats and shirts, originally placed upon myself to stay warm and safe in this cold, cold world full of harsh words and even harsher beatings. All the while not realizing what I've been hiding all along, my heart and soul.
I now feel free enough to stand with my brethren.
I can see my skin, black as night, different from the rest but they still welcome me in, so I go.
I pull up a chair to sit at my rightful place at the round table, to finally join in the conversation that I've missed out on for so long.
But I can't understand the discussion.
These words that they speak, I cannot seem to make sense of.
I've been deemed as dumb and placed outside of the circle.
I've been betrayed.
But, just as I begin to plan my revenge, I realize the piece of clothing I forgot to remove: my hat.
My lucky hat, or so they told me.
I was told that nothing can penetrate it, however it is the exact opposite: nothing can escape.
My mind has been blocked, my thoughts, my ideas, all of my capabilities cut off from the world.
Once removed I can finally be free!
The rest of the group has now realized my discovery, their eyes fill with terror as they scramble towards me.
I reach for my head, they reach for my arms.
Apr 2016 · 333
My Dear
Carl Webb II Apr 2016
I've done dirt in the past I'm not proud of,
I do even more, now, as we speak.
But never in my life has my heart been so alive,
I thought never would it ever reach its peak.
See, now you've stormed into my life so abruptly,
Not once did you ever try to sneak.
You've turned me a mess, I pray this isn't a test,
I will fail. For without you, I am weak.
This can't be love, for I know no such thing,
My dear.
This can't be lust, I've had my share of flings.
This can't be me, I've never wanted marriage,
My dear,
But for you, all my dreams are of rings.
I hate all of what you've done to me,
My dear,
I hate what you've done to my soul.
I hate the warmth that now lies deep inside,
I long to return to the cold.
But you see,
My dear,
That's the catch of it all.
I can never return to the old.
I don't have much to give,
But I promise,
My dear,
For the rest of my life,
I am yours.
Apr 2016 · 375
Carl Webb II Apr 2016
Fall off the face of reality and into the depths of you,
Immediately engulfed by your greatness,
It's a long way down to the center of your soul.
Along this journey, I surpass your body, it has no use to me.
Yet I still manage to relish in the feel of your skin, it's softness, it's warmth.
It forces me to go on.
Further I fall, blindly past your *******, underneath your chest and into your heart, but no further can I go.
Blocked by a wall made of icy bricks, defaced by the graffiti of lies and deceit.
Smashing through is impossible, my attempts yield pain to us both,
but to give up and call it quits is something I cannot do.
A fiery passion burns within me,
To let it out I open up the depths of my soul,
The fire escapes,
The barrier melts,
Again I fall.

— The End —