Shattered memories on the floor,
All that happiness, locked behind a door.
This broken lady, is that me?
The confident lady I used to be?
My head's swirling, Is the world still turning?
Cause my lungs are burning...
With hurt and pain. Been strong for too long!
Pick me up today, finish this sad song,
With happiness and love.
Send me peace today, fly me a dove.
Hold me up and take me away.
I've been in hell too long, just take me away.
Take me to home, I've been here all my life.
Take me away from all this strife.
Fought for a long time, now Victory's in Sight.
Just Carry me home, Tonight.
This song is now ended, my saviour's here.
The path to Home, is now clear.
The scars have faded, the wounds healed.
All those bad memories, now packed and sealed.
He was dry land and I was drowning.
He picked me up, and now I'm bowing
To happiness, it's now here.
Clearing away, this day full of fear.
I've been in hell & Now I reach home.
I'm now protected, in this magic treated dome.
I'm now on a clean road, with just a few twists in sight.
I'm at Home, Tonight.
Only when you meet someone worth keeping, you realise, you can be homesick for people too.