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11.7k · Dec 2014
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
Hermione taught me,
Never dumb down.
Prim whispered,
It's Okay to fall down.
Ginny smiled,
Don't stop loving, He'll come around.

Katniss screamed,
Seize the fire.
The doctor whispered,
Rose Tyler-

Haymitch scorned,
The people need to be raised!
Snape replied,

Okay, so we conflict.
Our thoughts fight.
But whichever fandom we follow,
As a fangirl, we unite.
Books have been the reason of many people's survival, today. So, as a fangirl, here's a tribute to books.
4.6k · Dec 2014
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
The man stepped down from his horses' back, 
As he swept to save the lady. 
His eyes swept across the enemy's rack.
And it seemed too quiet to be shady. 

He heard her cries and all her pain, 
As the gunshots around him echoed. 
He knew that to walk forth meant his life was slain, 
His doom was all that beckoned. 

He walked on past, to the enemy's shack, 
And all he saw was the lady. 
He took her hand and led her back, 
His soul left to hades. 

The day he lost, all fell was rain. 
As they respected this brave old sailor.
And as he went, a smile retained, 
And that was the smile of valour.
4.2k · Dec 2014
Khaled Hosseini
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
A tale of adventure, A tale of strife. 
A tale of wisdom, a tale of life. 
In the streets of afghan, a quick learner
Enchanted by the kite runner. 

A tale of loss, a tale of gain.
A tale of horror, a tale of pain. 
With strife and hurt, all bestowed. 
And, the mountains echoed. 

As sorrow seeps,
Mariam weeps
A tale of hurt, 
Out to blurt. 
With arrows, bombs, axe and guns
Burnt with a thousand splendid suns.
A tribute to the Afghan writer! Hail Khaled Hosseini
3.8k · Dec 2014
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
Heart pounding. Inside dying.
Head swirling- you feel like crying!
It's tough & Crazy.
Leaves everything Hazy.
The rule of maths- that ugly frog,
If it seems easy, you're doing it wrong.

Cursing, slamming, worse than drowning!
Like wounded animals, crazily howling!
The hell is this?! The hell is that?!
Someone kiss my head with a bat!
Tougher than keeping track of ping pong
If it seems easy- you're doing it wrong.
One thing to know about me is, I DESPISE Maths. Despise. Not hate. So, yeah, enjoy my shortest poem and let me know what you think!
3.1k · Jan 2015
Ink heart
Anoushka Jain Jan 2015
Shackled hands and bowed heads,
Screams of those who slowly bled.
In the middle, laughing in cold demise,
Fuelled by all those howling cries,
Stood a man with heart black as ink,
Pain and sorrow made his rink.

A little girl, with a golden smile.  
Her father was her eternal mile.
Love of a mother, stolen by ink,
Tears flew from every blink.
Stolen away was her father too,
Truly hidden in the blue.
An oath of revenge, sliced the night.
In search of ink went, her eyes bright.

The pen of life replaced by a sword,
In front the inkheart known to hoard.
Slice, the sword cut through his heart,
And charred black ink stained the dart.

No one with an ink black soul,
Can live for long in galore.
Slowly Karma takes its place,
And no human can create a brace.
3.0k · Dec 2014
Lights will guide you Home
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
When you're lost and alone
And every bird has flown home
Just look in your heart,  darling.
And the lights will guide you Home.

The lights are those wishes,
Your mother packed with care.
The lights are those kisses.
Your sister blew in the air.

The lights are that stardust
Sprinkled in your cake.
Which your 10 year old brother
Took so much time to bake.

The lights are those silent tears,
Which roll down your father's cheeks
And the light of his grey eyes,
Looking forever, for the son he seeks.

The lights are the love your family and friends sent.
So whenever you're broken or by time, bent.
Remember all the wishes sent and the kisses blown.
Just look in your heart, Darling.
And the lights will guide you home.
2.9k · Dec 2014
Harry Potter
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
Dobby's ideas,

Are more of a glitch.

Flesh memories,

Buried in a snitch.

Life is tough,

And such a heavy fight.

When dark times encircle you,

Remember to Turn on the light.

Weasley twins are strong,

More like human beaters

The world is not divided

Into good people and death eaters.

For in dreams,

We enter a world entirely our own.

Turn to page number

Three hundred and ninety four.

Dumbledore smiled,

Everyone has bad days.

Snape replied,


The people we love,

Leave us never.

The stories we love best,

Do live in us forever.

Cause the books we truly love,

Right back, they love us.

Draco, Dormiens,

Nunquam, Tittilandus.
For all my fellow Potterheads!
2.2k · Dec 2014
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
The darkness fills my heart inside.
I'm left to burn, char and die.
Why does this sorrow just come to me?
Why do I always pay the fee?
My heart just burns,
The smoke churns
Darkness whispers,
"Come Hither"
And I'm just left to wither.

The shadows hunt,
Like I'm a runt.
Darkness fills a void.
Hell now screams,
Burnt all my dreams
Now I'm burnt and toyed.
Hell now slithers,
Come hither.
And I'm just left to Wither.
2.0k · Dec 2014
I wish you Enough
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
I wish you enough sun,
to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough love,
to keep your spirit alive.

I wish enough rain,
to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough strength,
to open every door.

I wish you enough loss,
to show what you posses.
I wish you enough happiness-
so much you impress.

I wish you enough pain,
to intensify every joy.
I wish you enough Hellos,
for the final Goodbye.
1.3k · Dec 2014
Stronger than you think
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
We fought wars, standing beside husbands and kings

Our Suitor will be no shallow man, with just money to buy rings.

Life has enough pains for us, but why? I ask you

Amelia Earhart was no man, yet across the atlantic she flew.

We have given birth to mankind

And can destroy it in a blink.

Don't underestimate us darling,

We are stronger than you think.

We fought with dark lords and GODS, when it came to that!

We stood up and brushed ourselves, when consequences laid us flat.

We solved mysteries as common people and, fight we did.

We built Trust, Trust which takes ages to build.

Yet there we stand, ignored and unloved.

Margaret Thatcher was no man, yet proudly, she governed.

It was a WOMAN who picked you up,

When times made you sink.

Don't underestimate us darling,

We are stronger than you think.
This poem was written by a woman against the discrimation against women. We don't want to be treated higher than men, we just want to be treated equally. Thanks for reading!
1.2k · Dec 2014
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
I want to soar the skies,
Like a child in a Fest.
Or hold his hand,
And dance in my best dress.

I want to fall in love again,
With him forever, daily.
I won't mind the pouring rain,
As I kiss his lips, soft and gaily.

I'd close my eyes in his loving arms,
Than In heaven, where nothing harms.
I'd rather die cold and leer,
Than stay away in pitiful fear.

His smile takes away my fear,
He's my home, away or here.
Only away, I realise why I'm blue.
You can be homesick for people too.
1.0k · Dec 2014
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
A father smiled,
as he pat his son's head.
As he lay himself,
Down to death's bed.
He whispered,
As his breath slowed its pace.
"I've always been proud of you, son.

A child, falling,
Is steadied soon.
He looks up,
There's god's boon.
"Be there to steady me,
When I change pace."
His mother smiled,

A girl cries,
As her man's wheeled,
Screaming with sorrow,
What she's always sealed.
She ends her cries,
With a broken face.
"Stay With Me."

A thousand times in life,
Do we see this face.
Why is it always that in the end,
We have a thousand things left to say?
How many times do we wish,
That we were children, with no regrets?
So we can say what we really feel,
What we've always felt?

So buck up today,
Before its too late!
Love those who love you.
And stay with them. Always.
861 · Dec 2014
Lily Potter
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
Her eyes closed, her cheeks fair. 
The wind fanning her raven hair. 
Her palms stretched, she is at rest. 
Her ears oblivious to screams. 
On her chest, the lion crest, 
The pride of her life. 
She's dying tonight, 
But on her mind, 
only the black haired lad. 
"Harry, be safe. Harry be strong. 
Lord, protect my baby from all wrong." 
She turns and sights, The coal red eyes. 
She knew they'll be her demise. 
He asked her to leave, 
Or death she'll receive. 
She told him she wasn't afraid. 
In her mind, all goodbyes were bade. 
"Avada Kedavra" 
And just like that, 
Her essence fades.
Lily Potter taught us that the love of a mother is stronger than anything else in the world. A tribute to a mother ready to die for her son.
816 · Dec 2014
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
Shattered memories on the floor,
All that happiness, locked behind a door.
This broken lady, is that me?
The confident lady I used to be?
My head's swirling, Is the world still turning?
Cause my lungs are burning...
With hurt and pain. Been strong for too long!
Pick me up today, finish this sad song,
With happiness and love.
Send me peace today, fly me a dove.
Hold me up and take me away.
I've been in hell too long, just take me away.
Take me to home, I've been here all my life.
Take me away from all this strife.
Fought for a long time, now Victory's in Sight.
Just Carry me home, Tonight.

This song is now ended, my saviour's here.
The path to Home, is now clear.
The scars have faded, the wounds healed.
All those bad memories, now packed and sealed.
He was dry land and I was drowning.
He picked me up, and now I'm bowing
To happiness, it's now here.
Clearing away, this day full of fear.
I've been in hell & Now I reach home.
I'm now protected, in this magic treated dome.
I'm now on a clean road, with just a few twists in sight.
I'm at Home, Tonight.
Only when you meet someone worth keeping, you realise, you can be homesick for people too.
813 · Dec 2014
I've Learned
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
I've Learned- 
Writing and talking, 
ease up the pain. 
You need to be scorching, 
to appreciate the rain. 

No matter how thin you slice it,
there are always two sides. 
You can be your attitude's 
or your attitude can be your guide. 

The credentials on the wall, 
don't make you a better human being. 
It's not the degrees that make us, 
it's our life and dreams. 

It takes years to build up trust, 
can be destroyed in a tick. 
Many people love you, 
they just don't know how to show it. 

A thing done in an instant,
can give you a heartache for life. 
It takes ages for love, 
a second for strife. 

People you care about,
are taken too soon. 
Life can be anything- 
A curse or a boon. 

It's a lot easier to react,
than it is to think. 
Some people disappear
by the time you blink. 

Circumstances may change us, 
but we are who we are. 
It's important to learn in life,
where to draw a bar. 

I've learned a lot from life, 
and one day it's time to go. 
It's only like Time- it goes too fast- 
So soon we all go.
603 · Dec 2014
Love Simply Is
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
Blossoming a dead bud, buried in the ground.
Spreading slowly, without a sound.
Spreading Happiness with slight sorrow,
Can't buy that smile, only borrow.
Breathing heaven in with ever breath.
Life has more appeal than death.
Blowing hell into a world of bliss...
Love Simply Is.

A touch, embrace, a kind word.
Tie it to my messenger- Fly now, Bird.
Blowing kisses in the sky,
Hoping you'll know it's never goodbye.
Tucking you in heaven, darling goodnight.
Crying isn't worth the fight.
Breathe in heaven today at every breath.
Life's never over, it's never death.
Hell's blown, only a world of bliss.
Love Simply Is.
Okay, so first of all, love isn't just in a relationship. Love is in a family, in friendship, love is everywhere. Love is what flows through your veins and fills your heart. And its love that makes you immortal in memories, hence what is Death but an illusion? You're never truly dead, are you?
489 · Dec 2014
A cold Winter Night
Anoushka Jain Dec 2014
That one cold winter night,
Not one person was in sight.
I convinced myself. Everything was gonna be alright.
The wind flew in my hair,
Not one cold stare.
As the sorrow shook my chest bare.

I had said goodbye, to all those I love.
I had tied that letter to the messenger dove.
‘I love you all’ I'd written.
‘This isn't your fault, I had been bitten.
By sorrow and pain and all that hurt.
I'm sorry for being oh so curt.
I love you all, please don't cry.
I have to bade you a final goodbye.
Been strong too long, now finally weak.
Happiness in Death, I now seek.
I love you all, don't ever forget that.
Remember your crazy lil brat.’

Words shatter the silence, what is that I hear?
A wise voice, coming near.
‘Throwing away your life, is that what you wanna do?
If that's your final decision, I'll take it as my cue.
Leave the ledge today and have them sprawled over your dead body.
Or show them your strength, before it becomes ******.
Decide today, its your life, after all.
Destiny is for idiots. YOU make the dominos fall.
Show them your strength. You're stronger than they could ever be.
Its time for them to see’

I let go of the idea,
And everything was soon alright.
I saw every facet of reality,
In that one cold winter night.

— The End —