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1.5k · Mar 2018
Purgatory lives.
Andrew Durst Mar 2018
Some people live purgatory lives;
they dance with the invitation
of death
just long enough
for the moment
to become romantic
then they usher the
entire idea
right out the door
as if being
with the end
is an easy way
to pretend

they cannot
         go at any moment.

Some people chase
   the idea of death
so much
they forget to
do something
as simple
yet profound
as live.

We spend every day
repeating cycles
and trying to make
our routines
then remain
frustrated at

     everyone and ourselves

for not being able to get this fluctuating life right


I am learning that getting it right
takes doing it wrong
more than
quite a few


that is simply something neither you or I can be ashamed of.

We cannot substitute the lessons
that failure and patience bring us-
all we really can do is
face our hardships
with limited understanding
and obtain what we can
from our moments of misery.

I am finding more and more
         that myself
  lingers in those moments
and I am beginning to appreciate
the days
I spend
          & subtle
           of what I can


You see,
I used to fear my own presence.
Shake my head at my own sight.
Be disgusted with my thoughts
and ruin my existence.

I used to do all of these things because I felt
I was not the person taking charge
      for my life.
I was not the person owning responsibility
for their actions.
I was not the person acting on their decisions
although the choices were petrifying.
I was not that kid because


I had yet to find the opportunity in my failures.
I had yet to see the potential in my flaws.
I had yet to understand that there are twenty-four hours
in a single day
and we can own every single one of them
when we are not focused on defeat.

And that sounds a little extreme at first,
I know,
but if I can convince you of anything today-

please do not be afraid of change.

Welcome it with open arms and be prepared for
your entire life to get uncomfortable
when you start being honest with the world
and most importantly-

I have let go of so much heartache
from no longer pretending I am okay.

I have let go of so much anxiety
from not allowing others to hold
their expectations over me.

I have let go of so much depression
from standing up for myself
because I was sick of the world
telling me NO.

I have let go of so much
useless negativity
and have said goodbye
to so many friends
and relatives
choosing compassion
over what they took from me
always kept me on
the better course;

a step ahead
when they were looking behind
and reflecting
by the time
they could realize
intuition wins.

but I guess depending on which way you are looking at it-
all of this is just bragging of course.

So I will never mind you
if you are not listening.

I will forgive you
when you come around.


know that I am too.

And for every dream you are chasing-

    it is chasing after you.

Thank you.
Kudos if you read this all. I hope it helped. Even though some might find this appalling- I just hope it get's to at least one of you.
1.4k · Mar 2014
Andrew Durst Mar 2014
I'm another
of what
the kids

-Andrew Durst.
1.4k · Sep 2016
Bad Apple.
Andrew Durst Sep 2016
Tooth decay and
lie in cheek.
There’s a rotten
part of me
continues to
I am bitter
and this is
why I
wither away
rather than
fall to
I am a slow,
piece of
I am pale
and intoxicated
from all of
the pointless
we pretend
to have.

News flash
News flash
News flash

nobody is
1.4k · Apr 2014
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
The problem is my attitude;
I don't want to conform.
Can I just be another person
whom you ignore?

It'd be so nice
to be left alone.
But my biggest fear
Is figuring life out
on my own.
1.4k · Dec 2014
A Flight Away From You.
Andrew Durst Dec 2014
was a
that you
and I

Do you
care to
take the
next one
Hey everyone. How was your holiday?
Been a while since I've posted.
1.4k · Feb 2014
Cuts & Bruises
Andrew Durst Feb 2014
I'm pacing back n' forth in the recesses of my mind.
Thinking about tomorrow; as if I have the time.
I've got a book of regrets and a list of excuses.
Stitches for the cuts and ice for the bruises.
I've got the heart of a warrior but the guts of a coward.
And I'm always screaming inside my mind; as if silence could get any louder.

I'm trying to stay positive; I'm trying to learn.
But it's hard to move forward when your "success" is everyone else's concern.
They're always breathing down my neck and saying things like "you can do better!"
But I guess they don't know that my ambitions change with the weather.
I can't explain it or even begin to understand why.
It's something that's out of my control no matter how hard I try.
I wrote this several days ago. Never posted it. Enjoy.
1.4k · Dec 2017
Someone Else.
Andrew Durst Dec 2017
I think I'll fall asleep in an hour
I think I'll be dead in a week
I'm sick of bitter arrogance-
it isn't something unique.
In fact it's kind of grotesque
the way I choose to progress
it's like i'm slowly
cutting from my
and stopping
at my chest.
Do you get it yet?
Do you find it hard to understand?
Am I not what you were looking for
or do I need to be better than I am?
I'm only asking.
I think that's fair.
But then again I'm getting acquainted with
I tell myself it isn't real.
I try to believe that you care.
But all that goes out the window when
I see you are not there.
It's unusual;
the way I trip
over myself.
Therapists and teachers
always said I needed help.
But I didn't believe them.
Ignorant was how I felt.
Trapped, corner,
I was ****** with what was dealt.
Just know that I didn't keep it.
I just walked right on out.
And for every moment
I've been defeated-
at least I wasn't

someone else.
Full of stupid errors but it felt good to let this all go.
So enjoy for what it is. Thank you.
1.4k · May 2014
"Guap" (20w)
Andrew Durst May 2014
What would
the world be like
if we could
pay people
instead of the
of our
Random idea again.
1.4k · Sep 2014
Andrew Durst Sep 2014
I've come to accept that all of my worries about tomorrow and how I'll be remembered yesterday
has manifested itself into something far greater than stress.
And I know living with this
can only make every situation worse instead of ever getting better.
But right now,
       in this moment,
                     I am okay.

And that is good
enough for me.
I absolutely NEEDED to get this out.
Andrew Durst Nov 2013
I take a Klonopin before bed,
An Adderall in the a.m.
And a Percocet at noon,
Just to make the pain end.

I smoke a bowl every hour
And smoke a cig in-between,
I swear I'm free from the stress,
At least that's what it seems.

I'm not doing it for attention,
I'm not doing it for thrills,
I just barely get by
When I'm on these pills.

I'm sorry for the attitude
I just don't seem to care,
Keep the advice to yourself,
And I'll stay out of your hair.
Something for the past
1.4k · Apr 2014
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
I haven't known her for a really long time,
But I can already tell:
She likes the subtle things.
The things that people don't usually acknowledge.
The smile, the laugh,
The kisses and the hugs.
I can just tell...

She has bright blonde hair that matches her personality.
She wears clothes that reflect her soul; relaxed.
And she has a laugh that is powered by her heart; it's amazing.

You see,
I can write about how the sunset is so beautiful with all of the colors mixing together like a fresh oil painting.
But I'd rather talk about her.
Because honestly, she takes my breath away.
I don't have to say much, I just have to look into her eyes,
And I know that things will be okay.
They just have to be...

Again, I haven't known her for a really long time.
But I can tell she likes the subtle things.
1.3k · Jan 2014
Tossing & Turning
Andrew Durst Jan 2014
        And I have
   To worry about.
     How come
I still
1.3k · Jan 2015
Falling from heaven.
Andrew Durst Jan 2015
I must've
    been the
  that caught
   while you were
falling from heaven
   because it feels
like there's a
******* crater
   inside of my
Hello HP!
1.3k · Dec 2014
Andrew Durst Dec 2014
There're spaces within
my chest,
         and this redundant
       motion of
             rising and falling
     will suffocate
   the very essence
of my soul.
     And as I ache
     for the love that
     your body
I will find myself
reaching for you-
Hope you enjoyed the free-verse.
1.3k · Aug 2014
Holding back.
Andrew Durst Aug 2014
Only the
past is set
in stone,
my friend.

You don't have
to continue
being the
person you
1.3k · Nov 2013
Andrew Durst Nov 2013
My mind is fighting my heart
But neither is going to win,
It's constantly back and forth,
And my patience is wearing thin.

I'm so tired and I want to sleep,
But my mind is not letting me.

I want to smile, I want to laugh,
But my heart is still under attack.

How much longer do I have to wait?
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
1.3k · Jul 2015
Andrew Durst Jul 2015
I couldn’t
always be there.

It was as
simple as that.

And in a world
where everyone
  needs everything
to be at their
  beckoning call,

I just wasn’t
  good enough.

-Andrew Durst.
Hello everyone.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Andrew Durst Jul 2014
I'm sick
of constantly
being on the

I am not someone
you can just use.
I am not,
and never will be,
"the second best."

Give me your all
or give me
1.3k · Aug 2013
My Buddy Jake
Andrew Durst Aug 2013
Jake and I are sitting here
Contemplating about life
As if we're the only philosophers of a stone age.
We've agreed that life is unfair, and that people make mistakes.
We've discovered some old tracks
And played a few games.
My buddy and I go way back 
When I was in the 8th grade as a matter of fact
Speaking of facts
I'll say one thing
Jakes had my back
Since that one spring.
Summer was coming up
And we were bullshittin' again
Talking about love and everything we miss
Passing a cig back and forth
I paused and I asked
What do you think life would be like
If we couldn't remember the past?
Would everyone be considerate and condescending free?
Would people look us in the eyes
And be happy with what they see?
It was just a few questions
Only a few summers ago
Now we're right back at it
Letting it flow
1.3k · May 2014
Mother's Day.
Andrew Durst May 2014
You are the reason I am
breathing, talking,
compassionate, and giving.
You've given me life
education, wisdom;
We've been through our differences,
and at one point took our own paths...
But I'd like to believe
that all new roads traveled
will never be like the last,
although they
always seem
to bring you
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and moms-to-be.
1.3k · Dec 2014
Better man.
Andrew Durst Dec 2014
I wanted to
thank you
for not giving me
what my heart
so desperately

It actually
made a
better man
out of
-Andrew Durst.
1.3k · Jun 2014
Monday Morning.
Andrew Durst Jun 2014
Today marks another day that I woke up.
One more day I was able to smell the scent of fresh cut grass and early June.
      Where I was able to feel the gentle friction from these cotton sheets.
See the sun glistening through my blinds.
     Listen to the birds sing and my ceiling-fan hum a tune while all the air brushes down upon me in patterned strokes.
    Today marks another day where I am able to make sense of things.
Like the bold taste of coffee,
and a well-timed cigarette.
I often hear of people being stressed out;
Being so caught-up in this day-to-day "rat-race" we call life that they "can't find the time" to do what they love.
And every time I think about this, I find myself left with the same questions:
Is this really what "life" is all about?
How are we supposed to LIVE and  BE FREE if we can't find a way to take a breather every once-and-a-while?
To escape off into our heads or into our passions?
What is a life if you don't know expression?
Why have a voice if you never bother to speak?
If you feel something-
If you love it.
Then let it move you even in the most simplistic of ways.
Find time to stop and realize that this life is a gift.
No one asks to be born and no one wants to be taken away.
We need to appreciate every day and everything we have.
We'll never know when we could literally lose it all.
1.3k · Sep 2014
Andrew Durst Sep 2014
yesterday's pain
could be tomorrow's

You just have to
wake up and find-out
for yourself.
Keep pushing.
1.2k · Apr 2014
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
I'm a monster;
Everything I hate.
I breathe in these lies
Just to suffocate.
Look me in the eyes.
There's no chance for tomorrow,
I fell by your demise.
I thought your love was true.
But everything we did,
Is now simply everything
I rue.
1.2k · May 2014
Andrew Durst May 2014
I'm not an
honors student or
an athlete.
I don't have
good grades and
I fail all the time.

          Still, I bet that I
    smile more
than you.
I wake up in the mornings to be happy and live for me. No one else. I'm content and aware of what I "should" do. But I really am not concerned.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Andrew Durst Sep 2014
That temporary smile;
           that temporary pain.

I've been so stressed about tomorrow,
            that I forgot to live today.
Be easy.
Andrew Durst Nov 2014
It's hard to believe
at one point in my life
I had almost completely

But is that not
life within itself?
Going through
peaks and valleys
while falling in-love
with those
that actually care
to help?

It is truly
funny how things
work out.

Because all the
I once had,
are now
all the things
I laugh
1.2k · Feb 2014
Andrew Durst Feb 2014
We are a moment of awkward eye contact
         and sweaty palms;
All the tension of the world
      weighing on feeble shoulders.

I'm not sure if we're going anywhere,
Or if we're already where we need to be.

Walking past you in the hallway,
Always makes me
1.2k · Dec 2014
Poetry & Alcohol
Andrew Durst Dec 2014
I entertain the
thought of
with a
and a
glass of

I'm trying
so **** hard
to make
Typewriter #18
Hope you enjoyed.
Follow me on instagram to keep-up with my typewriter series!
1.2k · Nov 2014
You know the truth
Andrew Durst Nov 2014
of my heartache.

There's no need
for any explanations.

And although you
may not understand;
      I cannot
    the way it feels to be
               in your
-Andrew Durst
1.2k · Nov 2013
"Maybes" and "What Ifs"
Andrew Durst Nov 2013
She took my hands and placed them on her hips,
Then smiled at me as I craved for her lips.
My palms were sweaty and I started losing grip,
My vision started getting blurry and I almost tripped,
But something was keeping my composure,
And now that I think about it, I probably should have told her.


I swear to god she was the one who saved me,
But when I think about her, it drives me crazy.
Because the moment passed and she had to leave,
Just as I noticed the cuts under her sleeves.
I didn't ask why,
And even if I wanted to, I didn't have time.
I understand what it's like to try and cope,
Feeling weak in a world so "cut-throat."

Maybe I feel like I should return the favor,
To be the one who is her savior.
But that's all on the list
Of maybes and "what-ifs."

Truthfully I don't know,
And for now I should stay on my toes,

At least until the day comes when I see her again,
And not let go of what could had been.
Just a free-verse.
1.2k · Nov 2014
Got so close
Andrew Durst Nov 2014
just to get
so far,

and I just
want to be
right where
you are.
Random scribble. Enjoy.
1.2k · May 2014
the outcome
Andrew Durst May 2014
I don't care
what your
intentions or
may be.

At this point,

I no longer
want to be
a part
of your
1.2k · Nov 2014
Writer or Reader.
Andrew Durst Nov 2014
In this world you're
either the writer
or the reader;
the creator or
the receiver.

And school never worked
out too-well
for me.
It was a random idea that I thought I should jot down. Enjoy.
1.2k · Jul 2014
And I bet
Andrew Durst Jul 2014
you're starting
to get
sick of
me calling
beautiful all the

I just never
know what
to say after
getting lost
in your
1.2k · Jul 2013
Andrew Durst Jul 2013
I sit inside my room
While the other kids are outside
Playing contacts sports
And talking about their days
With all the challenges
That they had to face

The sun is casting in through the
Only window I have
But I don't really mind the loneliness
Of my room, it's actually comforting
After a day of putting up with kids
Trying to one up each other
With everything they do

I'm not saying I'm different
Or anything of that sort
But I'd rather relax and reminisce of times
When the only time I had to worry
Was whether or not I was getting a
Deck of cards to add to my collection
On a peaceful summer morning

Times were simple when I was young
So it's clear to see that things have changed
But still, I don't mind

I enjoy a cigarette in the morning
With the fresh dew drying underneath the sun
Watching the birds collect food for their
Newly hatched chicks
And in the night time
Smoking while I contemplate about
Simple things such as
And other things that I don't care to mention

So, as I sit inside today with the sun
Spitting rays into my room through my only
Bedroom window
I realize that I'm actually quite content
With the way things are.
1.2k · Dec 2017
Andrew Durst Dec 2017
In the 3 o'clock hour
before the rising sun
staring at my ceiling
whilst wondering
where to begin
and end
I came
to the conclusion
that the world
is full of


   not broken,                    

Andrew Durst May 2014
I'd make a
a million
toss myself
into the wind,
And collect in
your lungs with
breath you take.
Random feels.
1.2k · Apr 2014
It's what kids do.
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
Lets be kids again and fall in love with everything we find along our journeys in this world.
Lets recapitulate all the moments of innocence and happiness we once lived.

Walk with me;
tell me about your day as if you were planning for tomorrow.
Express every detail with passion and energy.
Describe to me exactly how you feel.

Ponder with me;
question everything like it's the only thing you've ever known.

            Mature with me;
understand life for what life is,
we cannot control it's terms;
      we cannot always be there.
Spend time with yourself instead of worrying about others for a change. Reevaluate yourself as honest as can be. Get to know who you really are.
Accept that person,
    cherish that person,
        never let them go.

Consider the times where you thought you'd never see tomorrow but still woke up the next morning and things got better as time killed everything with age.
Find comfort in the present, live for the moment, and don't be afraid to fall in love..

         It's what kids do.
I wrote this for the most beautiful girl.
1.2k · Apr 2014
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
If I give to you
what you've
given to me.
Then we
would be
in eternity.

To live forever
is nothing more
than a curse.
and to live forever
without you
would be
so much worse.
1.2k · Dec 2014
For what it's worth,
Andrew Durst Dec 2014
and the price
I am
to pay,

I hope you
miss me
when I'm
1.1k · Jun 2014
Seventeen (II)
Andrew Durst Jun 2014
I often find
       myself in
      where I feel
                   as if I'm running
out of time.
           but I've realized that I'm
only seventeen...
              And time is all
Andrew Durst Dec 2013
I came, I saw, but I couldn't conquer.
These tidal waves of animosity are pulling me under.

There's a storm in the sky just overhead.
It's painting my entire life a dark shade of red.
There's no turning back now, and I will not forget.
My destruction was inspired by broken amends.

I can apologize a thousand times but it won't right my wrongs.
I'm struggling to find the place in which I belong.
1.1k · Jun 2014
A familiar situation.
Andrew Durst Jun 2014
The sun and flowers
didn't seem to
       shine today.
But the smile
upon my face
Sometimes things don't always go as planned.
But that shouldn't prevent you from having a good day!
Make the best of every situation!
Although it's easier said than done,
it sure as hell won't hurt to try!
1.1k · Dec 2014
Something Like Progress.
Andrew Durst Dec 2014
I used to believe
that I would
be able to
move on...

But whenever I woke up
this morning,

I didn't even
think about
-Andrew Durst.
1.1k · Dec 2014
Thus Far.
Andrew Durst Dec 2014
The less
     the more
      I fell

And that's
been the
-Andrew Durst.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Mind Over Matter
Andrew Durst Oct 2013
Mind over matter
That's what they say
But it's hard to not mind the matter
When it's stress and dismay.

Their depth is vast
The road is long
You've spent your whole life
Wondering what you've done wrong

Fall not into their essence
But into a love
And let it **** you
When push comes to shove

It's easy to live
It's harder to try
Should we confront our problems
Or set them aside?
1.1k · Dec 2013
Liar, Liar.
Andrew Durst Dec 2013
You're a mistake.
A burden I live with every day,
You're a mistake,
Don't tell me to trust you
because you are all the same.
Yeah, I call you by name.
You kicked me when I was down
And left me with shame.
You're the reason for all my pain,
Never again can I trust what you say.
1.1k · Apr 2014
The Afternoon.
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
All I could feel
was the rush of wind
flowing through my
and the calming
warmth of the sun
on my skin.

I swore that
would last
all summer.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Whatever it takes.
Andrew Durst Apr 2014
We're a generation
of bad habits
and hypocrites
that'll do whatever
it takes to be happy;
whatever it takes
to supposedly
remain free.                
         the truth is;
                  we're all addicted
                 to something.

And   we     let       it       get
       the    best    of      us
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