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 Oct 2015 Zeenat
This love is a little game we play

       It has no end
       There's no escape
       You hold all the cards
       And the way you stack them
If they were to fall they'd bury me alive
          Deprived from your kiss
It's the only thing I'd miss
     Not even breath or the sting of my wrists from when you hold me to your rules
                And no matter how many times I go broke trying to make you smile
       I'll always pay the dealer even if it takes a while
 Oct 2015 Zeenat
Rachael Judd
"If I told you I was fine, would you believe me?"
No, he said in a hushed voice I could barely take as a whisper.
He told me that everyday when he asks if I'm okay he is waiting for me to tell him I'm doing great, He said that he knows I'm not fine because of the way I say it, "the sadness in your voice is so painful to hear, it could make my ears bleed and my heart stop beating."
 Oct 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
 Oct 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
some doors shouldn't be opened, but humans have such a violent need to be loved,
so we break the locks and let the demons in
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
Bridget Allyson
What is that?
It holds the most wondrous words known to man.
Text lay carefully inside it, painting pictures for your mind.
What is that?
It opens and closes like a door.
It smells of old basements.
It is fragile, can easily be torn.
It lay anywhere you place it, it stays there.
What’s inside can be so meaningful, or mean nothing at all.
What is this fragile thing that holds the language of man?
It is book,
The best example of living and non-living.
The book itself cannot move, but the text inside can move you.
It is a book, I said.
The best way to look through other eyes.
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
love is a song I keep forgetting the words to, but there's something about your voice that helps me remember
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
Catastrophically beautiful,
Like kissing a storm,
and expecting,
Not to get blown away.
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
some people already have a view, a light over the horizon.
their feet are dipped into an ocean that holds many of their secrets,
but they become bored with the mundane & seek more meaning to their existence.
perhaps someone else's ocean will taste differently.
perhaps they'll finally learn how to swim.
willing hearts & open hands accept these travelers because maybe they're an adventurer just like me.
but really they're just passing through.
they only want to experience new flavors, to swim in unknown seas.
they need to escape but they'll never leave.
cowards perhaps, to temporarily give up the comfort of the river and sink into the oceans' depths.
but the ocean is not quiet & neither is the wind.
she will shred your sails & sink your ship.
she will not forget how you stirred her waves into a tsunami and left her there to drown.
when the night becomes indifferent, seek change first within yourself.
you will never find light in another if you do not love your own hands.
do not take arms you know you will eventually let go of.
do not awaken hearts you cannot call your home.

and so we go on. and the ocean waits alone, for the next light on the horizon.
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
maybe yours would be hands that stay
or your eyes, stars that won't burn out
maybe your waves would keep reaching,
instead of relentlessly leaving the shore
but i have said goodbye to parts of myself
and i know they'll never come back
the parts that love
the pieces that trust
they lay here shattered and broken
and i can't let anything close
because i am made entirely of ruins
and i destroy all that i touch
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
there is a tall boy living inside my chest
he is the fingerprints all over my memories
he's why i stand at the edge of this cliff,
and why the view burns my lungs
he is the reason i breathe
and the reason i can't
he is the answer to every question
and why i'm always asking more
he is the mist hovering over the ocean,
sometimes i can't see him
but i know he's always there
he is the reason i feel small
and why my hands can touch the sky
he is the tall boy living inside my chest
and even death will not take him away
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
fall in love with a boy
who makes the world spin a little slower,
but still holds onto your hands
as if life were his final dance
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