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  Nov 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
i don't know how to do anything other than love you
even when you're the storm
pushing away shelter
i will wait for you
when you bury yourself in sadness, i will ****** my fingers and dig you out
when you can't find your self belief
i will hold your hands and love you anyway
when your mind becomes a battlefield
i will bring a sword to fight your demons

i'll become silence when there is noise
i'll be an open palm when all you can do is close your fists
i will teach you how to speak when your heart has nothing to say
and one day,  
you will die with the knowledge,
that somebody loved you,
more than she loved herself
  Nov 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
i need to get tangled in you, and forget that there's a world outside our door
  Nov 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
you meet her,
and all the wars inside you grow silent
you love her,
and that's when you realize,
she's the only thing
worth the pain of ****** hands
  Nov 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
i can only write of you,
and you will live here with me
for as long as my hands can hold a pen
  Nov 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
some people never leave.
they're always inside you,
crushing your glass bones,
and setting fire to your paper heart
  Nov 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
you cannot burn down history
it's not made of wood,
but hearts, skin,
and that empty feeling in your chest
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