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 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
 Sep 2015 Zeenat
raine cooper
everything* he says is poetry
and i am still learning how to speak

©raine cooper
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Rachael Judd
Sitting side by side he asks in a whispered voice,
"Whats the first thing you notice on a person"
I replied, "their eyes".
After a moments pause he asks me why
I explain that no matter what color or shade
An eye will tell you how deep there secrets go,
How much they love
Or how sad their heart is
Eyes will tell you how passionate a person is
Or how dark the deepest pits of them are.
When i look at you, i see all the good things, and the not so good things.
Everyone thinks the mouth spills secrets and lies
But i promise you, its all in the eyes.
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
These eyes
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
I’ve seen eyes that capture all that I am and pull it to the front so I see it all, good and bad.
Eyes that looked so deep I imagine I could fall into them and get lost.
Eyes that have seen until the end of the world and so much more.
Eyes that hold captive the beasts that dwell where we dare not go and put them to a deep sleep.
Eyes that have power and strength and ideas good enough to topple the world,
The same eyes that need nothing more than a warm mug of tea
And another pair of eyes to share the world with.
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
It's amazing

How a pair of eyes can enthrall you

I've been watching hers for only minutes

And marveling at everything...

Everything indeed is there

All my terrifying needs

I am thin with worth,

And with a glance

I am pierced by demand

How can I ever delight such majesty?

Gods help me keep her interest
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Kim Santiago
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Kim Santiago
I once knew a boy, who fell in love with a girl,
Who smiled the thought of her name.
I once knew a girl, who fell in love with a boy,
Who felt the very same.

But it became a struggle, and timing was wrong,
And love decide they didn't belong.
Oh my, what a terrible fate!
To bid goodbye and walk away.

After many years they meet again
He knows their love is worth the climb,
But the poor little girl is afraid of heights,
And leave the boy hanging behind.
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Shylah S
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Shylah S
can make me sad today

Not the air brushed skies
painted in a disarray of grays

Not the frown of a stranger
darkening the room

Not the loss of a lover
or the goodbye from a friend

As much as it hurts
All good things come to an end

But I am not sad
**I am not sad
half asleep in the shower
swaying back and forth
some water runs deep
down the walls
some rapidly pounds at the floor
back and forth
imagining my corpse
swinging from a tree
every time the water leaves me
waving and smiling at everything
would the rain feel the same
fill empty veins
and renew the black intention of my sins
what a monster I am now
what a horror I would be then
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Laying here.
My mind in tears,
But, my eyes are not.
Depressing are my thoughts.
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Sheldon Dsouza
That genuine smile of yours delicate and mild,
Can soothe senses and tempers gone wild.
A raging storm with ease you can calm,
That smile of yours is ever so warm.

It takes you only a few seconds to flex those ****** muscles,
To brighten the days of millions amongst all the hustle, bustle and tussles.
Your smile is so priceless and pure,
For it all pain one can endure.

It’s like the rays from a billion suns shining bright,
Dazzling and sparkling like the brightest light.
It gives that extra glow to your face,
Making everyone’s heart beat race.

It’s like the most pricey jewel one could admire,
Among millions it could spark a burning desire.
Every smile you pass is like a treasure,
Making the few lucky, millionaires for sure.

But when you frown in the saddest of ways,
It’s like the happiness in the world has gone out of gaze.
Dark clouds fill the overhead sky,
Rain starts pouring as the heavens begin to cry.

It’s like the world hits a note so low,
Their happiness takes that heavy blow.
An empty feeling fills the hearts of those,
Who once with your smile happily would rose.

So smile because the world smiles with you,
Cry and the world sobs with you too.
Times may get you down in life,
But don't give up the strife.

Don't let those pearls from your eyes fall,
For someone or something who wasn't worth it after all.
So keep smiling day in and day out,
And brighten the lives of those you move about...
 Aug 2015 Zeenat
Gabriel Ibarra
You give me wrinkles worth having.
Even as I write this they are deepening.
I'm replaying endless memories of you.
Thinking of our inside jokes.
Remembering moments only you could make.
Without trying or knowing you can always make me smile
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