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Nov 2018 · 467
3:24 AM
Pure Bliss Nov 2018
I need sleep
To much thought
To much going on

I long for it
I feel as though I could **** for it
I feel as though I could marry it

All i want is sleep
Life is to deep
There's no hiding
if only I could sleep
Oct 2018 · 542
Her eyes my eyes
Pure Bliss Oct 2018
As I look into her eyes
I see endless skies
I see the definition of infinity,

As I watch her energy
I see the possibilities
I see not the end but the beginning,

As I see her soul move with grace
I see her life moving at her pace
She has the definition of potential,

As I see her look into the mirror
I see in her eyes rejection and doubt

As she looks into the eyes of society
She sees a ugly fat person who'd be better off dead,
But what she doesn't know is that she has the looks of a queen, the personality of a comedian, and the strength of a worrior,

Woman be not afraid to be your self and let your potential come out,
Woman be brave,
Woman open your eyes!
This is dedicated to the people who I call my closest friends. You guys have so much potential it's not even funny. Please widen your eyes and make light of the endless possibilities!
Jul 2018 · 3.7k
Young Dreams
Pure Bliss Jul 2018
Young women so bold
Not afraid to try again
Not afraid to say no to the men who try and take advantage of them,

Young women so smart
Finding new and proper ways of doing things
Finding peace within,

Young women so strong
Like a stealthy leopard hunting its pry in the jungle,
Like a majestic mare willing to fight for her foal,

Young women never give up,
Never throughout your dreams just because some guy told you to,
Never do what you think isn't right.
May 2018 · 444
With you
Pure Bliss May 2018
The day is rainy,
The night is long,
Without you I’m nothing,
When I’m with you I feel as though time stops around us and we’re the only ones who can move,
I feel as though the birds chirp louder,
The bees buzz more eloquently,
When I’m with you the water looks more blue
Like the sky without clouds,
I think more,
I feel more,
I see more,

When I’m with you my heart rate slows,
My thoughts become more positive as though a wave has cleared away all of the negativity and left behind only positivity,
When I’m with you I become more understanding of who we are as a couple,
I feel as I am meant to be with you for the rest of my life!
May 2018 · 411
The stolen jewel
Pure Bliss May 2018
As you read the clock at four in the morning,
You wonder if you will ever get to sleep,
You try to put your head down on the pillow
Cover up and get nice and comfy,
But you’re still up,
So you try to get a glass of water and go back to bed,
And still you’re up,
Why is nothing working?

I’ll tell you why,
There is a Fool who loves beautiful jewels,
He goes around every night and takes them from people just for him,
This fool will never stop,
This fool is very cruel,
He steals people’s sleep,
Makes them stay up all night long,
So as you are reading this at four in the morning,
Just remember to keep your jewel locked up tight!
May 2018 · 575
Midnight Fright
Pure Bliss May 2018
By the break of dawn tomorrow
You will live in fray
Due to the fact that I won’t be here,
I know that you will fear
What you hear,
Your son, friend, love
Flying with the dove of death,

I feel as if I don’t make you happy
Then what’s the point of being here,
If I can’t make you proud
Then what’s the point of being around

When the clock strikes midnight,
You will see a big fright,
Me just hanging there,
My body so violently bare,
This note to you
Is made because I couldn’t do much,
I feel like I have failed you,

As the tears come running down your face,
As you are in the dark hole of depression,
Just think about all of the good times that we’ve had
All the laughs and smiles,
Just remember the memories that we’ve made together,
Remember the smiles we put on people’s faces
Remember the days that were so cold
And when I walked in that room
The day became warm,
Remember me for me!
May 2018 · 525
Broken Love
Pure Bliss May 2018
The time has come,
That happiness has ran its course,
And now depression has come back to me,
But what she can’t see,
Is that the darkness in me is to deep
And too steep,
I can’t understand why my love is to strong,
Why it hurts for me to love
Between the beautiful dove,
The dove that drove us
Through hell and all,
Can we roll the ball once more,
Can you give me another chance,
Yes being your friend is nice and all,
But the pain that you cured,
It helped me to stir the happiness with in,
I know you don’t understand what I do,
I know you don’t realize that all I want is your love,
All I want is you.
May 2018 · 411
A broken sole
Pure Bliss May 2018
I’m tired of all the arguments,
Being all it’s doing is bringing me down,
Even if they don’t see it,
I need it,
The longing for love,
For a dove with a broken sole,
It cannot come from magic,
It cannot come from static,

I’m tired of always being put down,
You are supposed to have good sound,
Quit telling me I’m worthless,
That I’m nothing,
You say that you care,
But if you did you could see the tare that is in my heart,

You say that you are proud of me,
I can’t see it,
You tell me too many times that I’m a mess up,
Or to shut up,
So no I don’t see it,

You say that I’m needed in this world,
The world is doing perfectly fine without me,
I know that you don’t see my potential,
But I see what you don’t,
A broken sole just trying to live its life.

So, I created this story for one of my friends who is going through hell at home. Her parents treat her like garbage so, I created this to show her parents!
May 2018 · 2.2k
Gone but still here
Pure Bliss May 2018
You’re gone,
You’re gone
But you’re still here
You’re gone on the inside,
Rotting like a corpse in the sun,
You want to take a gun
And use it like a toy,
You want to **** yourself,
I get it, I really do,
But you need to stay strong,
Do it for your sister,
Your brother,
Mom and dad,
Aunt and uncle,
Do it for the people who care for you,
Do it for the people who love you with all their hearts,
Just hang in there,
Just a little longer!
Apr 2018 · 1.2k
Black Power!
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
Black power,
All hour,
White supremacist,
My nemesis,

They’ve always said that blacks get no rights,
But segregation has no fight,
There is sight,
I stand with my power,
So I can say Black Power!
Apr 2018 · 659
Her Blouse (DRAFT)
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
When you see her cry,
You want to die,
When you see the tears streaming down her face,
You lose all faith in society,
Due to the reality,

As she sits in the dark,
She fights a shark,
The shark of depression
That has made a major progression,
As she cries,
You feel so confused,
You don’t know what to do
So you cry too,
You want to help her,
But you’re afraid that you’ll stress her,
So you give her some space
Being careful not to give her to much
As she falls in to the rut of suicide,

You go to call her,
No answer,
So you call over and over,
Each time with no answer,
So you go to her house,
You knock on the door,
No answer,
So you knock louder,
Still no answer,
You open the door
What you see is to forget,
Her blouse just hanging there,
Hanging by the rope of death.
This poem is about a girl that i used to know who was suffering from major depression. I was very close to her, So as you read this please enjoy!
Apr 2018 · 337
Her Blouse
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
When you see her cry,
You want to die,
When you see the tears streaming down her face,
You lose all faith in society,
Due to the reality,

As she sits in the dark,
She fights a shark,
The shark of depression
That has made a major progression,
As she cries,
You feel so confused,
You don’t know what to do
So you cry too,
You want to help her,
But you’re afraid that you’ll stress her,
So you give her some space
Being careful not to give her to much
As she falls in to the rut of suicide,

You go to call her,
No answer,
So you call over and over,
Each time with no answer,
So you go to her house,
You knock on the door,
No answer,
So you knock louder,
Still no answer,
You open the door
What you see is to forget,
Her blouse just hanging there,
Hanging by the rope of death.
This poem is about a girl that i used to know who was suffering from major depression. I was very close to her, So as you read this please enjoy!
Apr 2018 · 315
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
Why do people do it,
Why do people try to bring you down,
Why do they make you frown,
They try so hard,
To make you feel like lard,
But you just say to yourself,
Keep cool, ignore them,
As time goes and they keep going,
You keep showing strength,
Soon you've had enough,
You hit them straight in the mouth,
All the anger,
All the pain that you've had for all this time,
It all comes out in one single punch,
You knock him down,
You look down and their out cold,
Everyone is looking at you,
Then they cheer,
Apparently they all were getting bullied by this person,
After the ten day suspension from school
He comes back like a fool,
Trying to run from you,
But you keep up,
Trying to say sorry,
But he is too afraid to talk,
Know you've known you won!
Apr 2018 · 401
Panic attack
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
The darkness that surrounds you,
Comes from inside you,
Those attacks of panic,
Making you sink like the Titanic,
You try and try to stop the water from coming in,
But the hole in your heart is too big,
Between death and life,
Throughout your strife,
Throughout your battle,
I am completely rattled when those doors open in your heart,
They let all the water come in,
And down you go,
Like a gun and a doe.
Apr 2018 · 297
I create this for honesty
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
I don’t understand,
What I can’t stand
Is you on the line
Of being blind,
Because what you can’t see
Is what I take a knee for
Because you’re a ***** for attention,
But what about the people who have depression,
Where’s their attention,
We’re filled regression,
But no retention,

I can’t stand it when you put me down,
Because all I see are frowns,
Because of the clown you are,
I wish i was far,
Far from you,
Because you’re not true,
True to me or you,

I can’t take my life,
Because I have to live with the strife,
Strife of pain without gain,
Glory with no story,
But the reason I’m still alive,
Is not because of you,
But because you know who,
My sister,
She’s leaves me a blister,
A blister of the mighty love,
Which you have none of,
Sorry, but that’s just how it is honey!
Apr 2018 · 241
I must not fear
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
I must not fear
Fear is the mind killer
Fear is the little death
That brings total obliteration
I will face my fear
I will permit it over me and through me
And when it is gone pass
I will turn the inner eye
To see its path
Where the fear has gone
There will be nothing
Only I
Will remain!
Apr 2018 · 293
pain in a pouch
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
How could you,
Sit through the pain,
And watch the game of Life go by,
As you sit on the couch,
And reach into the pouch,
The pouch of failure,
After all failure is the greatest teacher,
So sit in the bleachers,
Cannot tell you what to do,
Because you said you are through!
Apr 2018 · 407
a note to depression
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
So, you’re back,
Have you come for my dignity,
Have you come for my pride,
I see that you’ve brought my biggest fears,
I see that you have come to consume me,
The fact that you have the dignity to show your face,
The fact the you’ve determined my fate for me,
HA I think not,
Depression, you are one big S.O.B,
But you won’t consume me,
You won’t decide my fate for me,
Your darkness is powerful, but my strength is invigorating,
You’ve done enough harm to me and my friends,
You’ve caused so much heart break,
So much pain,
So much blood shed,
So many tears,
And you’ve wasted too much of my time!
Apr 2018 · 379
The lone darkness
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
The darkness surrounds my sole,
Like how night fills the air when the sun goes down,
It feels as if I’ve drowned,
Drowned in the murky black waters of life,
I’ve been fighting for so long,
Trying to stay strong,
But it’s useless,
Why should I stay so strong of all that is going to happen is life is going to get in the way,
My days of fear and rejection are over,
I now stand alone,
Forever ….. alone!
Apr 2018 · 329
My days are over
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
I cannot continue,
I have nothing in this life,
Nothing to live for,
Nothing to thrive for,
My days of sin are over,
I’m sorry for the pain that I have caused you,
The times we’ve had together were okay,
I did give out a lot of fray,
The memories that we’ve shared
Will still be there,
Of course I’ll see you in the end,
But not until then!
This is a fictional, none of it is real!
Apr 2018 · 452
suicide before and after
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
You've tried to be happy,

But you cannot do it,

The darkness is just too dark,

You talk and talk,

But all it does is makes depression worse,

You’ve tried to be with people that you love and that love you,

But that gets to overwhelming,

So you keep in the pain,

All it does is make others worry

People ask why are you in so much pain,

They say they can help,

But when you cannot help yourself how can others help you?

After a while all your pain turns to anger,

You cannot help but yell and say things that you do not mean to say,

When you want the help that others have offered to you,

But you are afraid to ask,

So you still keep all the pain in! As time goes on, you have more pain, more anger,

Now you cannot take life on any more,

So you write a very long letter to all that have tried to help,

Fold it neatly, and put a heart on it,

You go into your room and hang yourself,

Now your pain is gone,

But what about everyone else,

Did you think how they would feel?

Sure you were hurting,

Yes you were depressed,

But now your mom doesn't speak, only cries,

Your dad asks himself a billion times a day "What did i do wrong,"

Your little sister doesn't eat, sleep, and doesn't want to go to school,

All your friends; God bless them,

They knew the pain you were going through,

They know the pain that your family is going through,

So they try their best to help your family,

And also to help one another,

Your girlfriend cuts now, will not eat now, and will never date again!

You've hurt so many people,

Just because you could not handle the darkness with in,

And now that you are gone,

Your friends cannot take the pain,

So they quit talking to one another,

Your mom has a drinking problem,

Your dad does drugs,

And your sweet little innocent sister,

Watching your family wither away to nothing!
Apr 2018 · 292
The death of her mother
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
As she sits in the dark cold corner of her room,
She cries due to her mother’s inevitable doom,
She was so close to her,
Like two peas in a pod,
Until everything went cold,
Just two months ago a mother and her daughter had been driving to a family member’s house,
But on the way an angle caught their blouse,
A drunk driver went left of center,
Caught in the muddy weather,
The mother and daughter were in the hospital for two months,
The mother had a bruised spleen, a broken wrist, a ****** face, and cancer
The daughter had a broken jaw, and a fractured skull,
Both in a coma for a month and a half,
Choosing life and death,
The mother took her final breath,
The cancer had spread without warning,
Turning the family to the mourning,
The daughter had woken with such a fright,
She hardly saw the light,
The doctors came in and told the girl what had happened,
Now she lives in darkness and sorrow,
Until tomorrow.
This is not real just made up!
Apr 2018 · 332
Troubled Rope
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
The time flies,
When your neck is tied,
Tied from a rope hung so high,
When you reach the tunnels entrance,
You have no reassurance,
You know what you have done,
You were high strung,
You reach the entrance,
To see is to forget,
Flame and soles working hard,
And you are here to be punished,
The demons at the gates of hell,
Ring satin’s door bell,
They enter with you in one hand,
You’re assigned to clean up ****,
For that’s what you are,
You look for a way out,
But without a doubt,
You’re in for good!
Apr 2018 · 333
Act of suicide
Pure Bliss Apr 2018
Act of suicide,

Due or die,

We a will fly,

But only if we try,

Some of us we do our best,

Some of us we do all the rest,

But there’s one girl who you may know,

One girl who wouldn’t show,

But that day she died,

Died on the inside,

Wishing what she knew,

What she was going through,

Act of suicide,

Due or die,

We all will fly,

But only if we try,

She couldn’t let go,

For all she was going through,

We all knew that…she…was…suffering,

Act of suicide,

Due or die,

We all will fly,

But only if we try,

Some of us we do our best,

Some of us we do all the rest,

But there’s one girl who you may know,

One girl who never showed,

Act of suicide,

Due or die,

We all will fly,

But only if we try,

Please don’t hurt yourself,

We all care about your health,

We all want you to do your best,

Better than all the rest!

            Act of suicide, due or die.

— The End —