Oh your kisses!
They will remain
Firmly etched
Into my brain
Your hands, your fingers
Smoothly glide
To make me quiver
Deep inside
Stealing touches
In secret places
My aching heart
Beats & races
Your tongue so soft
Upon my breast
My ******* hard
Their needs addressed
I'd like you to
Put me astride
And push me down
You deep inside
My body waits
My body aches
For more of this
We've raised the stakes
I am completely
Under your spell
I am all yours
If you can't tell
Your mind, your words
Your furrowed brow
Are equally
Appealing now
But I crave your touch
Your kisses deep
I'll give my body
For you to keep
My mind, my words
My inner view
Are full of thoughts
Only of you!!
(C) Pixievic 2016
WARNING!! May cause distraction!