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  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
You are the water
That permeates every layer of my hardened soul
Fills in the cracks of my heart
And swell my broken lips into a smile.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
You taught me how to smile again, when I forgot everything before you.
You taught me how to live again, when all I knew was you.
I try my hand at the ©Jacob Serento and © Raine Cooper style.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
I heard your life's been hard,
you're counting the welts on your soul.
You've played all your cards,
working towards no specific goal.

You're texting for hours on your phone,
Yet you still feel so alone.
You can eat at work or school,
But you're never really full.

Well, guess what?
Inspiration's knocking
So don't be door-locking
Here's some light to keep at bay,
the demons that chase you night and day

Let's start.

I believe everything turns out well in the end.
If it's still sour, then it *
isn't the end.

The sky is never the limit, you will reach your dream soon.
If the sky was the limit, why are there
footprints on the moon?

There's always a way to stand out, and not to be just "passable"
Remember, every great achievement was once known as

There will come a day when you can't open up your eyes,
But what matters is what you do until that day arrives.
Every time I see a depressing quote here, I have two choices.
Feel down, or get everyone up.
I choose the latter.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Physics:                                                         ­      Love:
        It's not the fall that kills                          It's not falling in love that kills
             The fall is actually                                          The fall is actually
                 exhilarating                                                     ­    thrilling
                 invigorating                                                     ­ intoxicating  
                 breathtaking                                                     ­  vitalizing
         it's when you've finally                                    it's when you've finally
               hit the ground                                                  reached the end
                that kills you                                                     that kills you.
if there's one thing I've learned from physics that can be poetic...
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
We study to get good grades,
We get good grades to get into a good college,
We get into a good college to have a good job,
We get a good job to have lots of money,
We get lots of money to make us happy.

So if I'm happy now,
without studying
without getting good grades
without being in a good college
without having a good job
without having lots of money

*Then why must I search for more?
a paradox in life.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
People are janitors.
We try to keep our lives clean,
but it always goes back to ruins.
We try to clean up the lives of others,
Only to find that we can't do anything.
And that we probably hurt them.
And that we probably messed their lives and ours.
We try to clean our hearts.
It's broken. It's shattered.
It's muddy after a day outside, playing in a storm of tears.
Yet, we always fail, don't we?
Thinking that maybe tomorrow is the day it washes itself.
We try to clean the world.
This organization promises cleanliness in Africa.
That organization promises cleanliness in Asia.
But is any cleaning really done?
For every ten fundraisers started, I hear one semi-succeed in its job.
Yet, we believe that we can clean the world.
It's true, we could.
But we're too busy cleaning our own hearts, aren't we?
I talked to a janitor today. He said that he isn't different from anyone else.
I thought about it for a while, and he was right literally and figuratively.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Her ballet shoes still hang
outside my bedroom door.
I see them every morning,
before my work at the store.

As my car cuts and cruises,
through the country's autumn streets,
My mind slowly wanders
to a harsh, wooden seat.

The judge's decision was irrevocable,
my wife left with everything.
I last saw her ride a taxi, tossing
to the sewers, our wedding ring.

Work is always such a challenge
when my customers just stare.
They know how harsh it was,
but they don't really care.

The judge's decision was irrevocable,
my wife left with everything.
She even took our daughter,
that precious little thing.

As my car cuts and cruises,
through the country's autumn streets,
My mind slowly wanders
to my daughter's little feet

Her ballet shoes still hang
outside my bedroom door.
They once were used for dancing,
but not anymore.
I tried my hand at mirror poems.
Let's hope this turns out well.
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