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  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Pass me a broom, let me clean the shards
That we left in our unguarded hearts
Open your harbors,
Let my ships dock.
Throw away your locks.

I'm sorry for all the sorrows and guilt I left
For you to carry until your death
I'm on my knees, I need forgiveness
And I promise to do my best

And I wish we could float away
Fly up to the heavens and start a new day.
Where all of these troubles can fade in the rains
And we can run across golden plains
And your beauty will drive me insane

So forgive me
We all make mistakes
I need you to improve me
Whatever it takes

Be beside me
And we can live heart to heart...
A friend told me to publish this poem for him.
I hope he can get on this site soon...
P.S. I'm back!
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
This box.
I’ve wrapped myself in the darkness inside it,
I’ve run my fingers upon its walls
Feeling the coldness of stone left untouched by the sun.

This box.
There was a time when it was just a place for
Storing my heartaches and
Containing my sorrows
But one day I poured too much, and I myself
Tipsy, teetering, tumbled.
I fell in.
And I have not escaped since.

This box.
Every day, I tell myself
“You’ll get out.”
“You’ll find a way.”
“You can do it.”
But my hands slip from the rims and edges
And my feet falter and fumble
And I spend one more day, one more eternity,
In this box.

This box.
I heard someone call through the walls of wailing and layers of lies
That He’s coming to save me,
That I will soon bask in the light,
Be free once more.

But, this box…
I had grown to like it.
Somewhere between the lines of fear and pain
I had lost my love for what’s righteous.
Like a child walking to close to the train tracks
I was too self-absorbed to know what was good for me.

This box.
I let my screams run out,
And as they echoed in the cube
I drowned out His promises
And all fell silent.

This box.
A figure appears at the hole at its top
He says
“I won’t give up on you,
Even if you’ve given up on me.”
A ladder falls towards me,
And He descends to rescue me.

He picks me out of the murky waters.
“Stop!” I scream

He carries me toward the light.
“You’ll die if you save me!” I cry.

His foot ****** itself on a pain,
His hands fill with welts from a worry,
“Let me be who I’m used to being!” I howl.

We reach the surface, and my eyes open for the first time.
I stare at my savior.
“Thank you. But… you could’ve died, for me.”
He smiles, then extends his arms to show the scars of the Cross.
“Who says I haven’t?”

This box.
I am a slave to my own pains no more.
I now live in God’s holy light.
A friend of mine made a religious poem that I really liked.
It's a spoken word poem.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Box Office Breaker
I’m sorry if you’ll be hurt with what’s up my sleeve
But HBO lied, Universal deceived.
From adults swearing to ******, useless quarrels
Not every great movie comes with great morals

Whether they’re vile or full of wonder
All movie characters seem to end six feet under.
Lives blown away like husks in the wind,
People **** anyone of any variety
Is this really the direction of our society?

Death is the end, but it’s just the beginning
‘Cause movies approve other methods of sinning.
Whiskey bottles are emptied, and smoking gives class
Teens can kiss as they please, and it’s great to have sass

How are we desensitized to people being killed?
How much more death is needed until our satisfaction is filled?
How can we live when our integrity’s sent to slaughter?
How can we breathe if we’re drowning in sin’s waters?

In a world where we need to love what’s right
Our faith is assaulted, yet, do we put up a fight?
We watch as the world venomously mocks our statutes.
We may be called to stand, but not stand like statues.

If you think this is just a battle that shouldn’t be fought
Just look at all the chaos these dogmas have wrought
I’m sure there wouldn’t have been any school shooting
If the cameras at action films hadn’t been shooting
Let’s try to clear the cinemas for the approaching era
For how can a young child follow God if no one does on camera?

We are losing this war,
Satan marches with his crew
How can our hearts and minds survive
When the defenders are so few?

We can rise up in arms if we rise up in words and actions
Keep battling through the trenches of violent reactions
With God in our hearts, and the Bible in our hands
The Holy Spirit will energize us as we purify the lands

Don’t do it for the fame, don’t try to take the honors
Be humble in your victories, and God will give heaven’s Oscars.
Be a Christian who shapes as he is shaped, be an earth shaker.
Do it all in the name of Jesus, be a box office breaker.
Another religious spoken word poem by my friend.
Great stuff, huh?
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Some read books to remember.

I reached my hand into the familiar darkness that enveloped my backpack,
Slipping my fingers between
yellowed notebooks
and forgotten pencils
to grasp a memory in solid form.

As the leather that enclosed paper portals to the past
Ascended out of the deepest recesses of my dilapidated schoolbag
I couldn’t help but feel a sense of

The only way I feel that now is through the pages of the journal,
Each alabaster sheet lined with emotional braille for my fingers to explore.
Explore the time when I:
Spilled some juice on my journal during a camp,
the paper wrinkled to attest to it.
Needed spare materials for making my art projects,
the frayed edges of torn paper remain to attest to it.
Had sunk into the deepest cellars of an affection that would never be reciprocated,
the heart-shaped holes in the pages reflecting the holes put in my heart
lingered to attest to it.

I kept reading through the night,
Filling my clock with convivial memories of scintillant days and ethereal nights
Where moments of happiness and peace met like how the ocean washes onto the shore
And before I knew it, the last grains of time streamed through my fingers
And sleep took me into his mellow embrace.  

But even in the fortresses of the dream world, evil still slithers to find me
It crawls on its underbelly, sneaking towards my bed high up in the tower
And there, it throws me out the window,
And I plunge into another world.

She is hunched over a paper at the desk,
A smile fills her face as she signs the document.
Dread wracks my heart, and I crumple into a corner to watch it unfold.
I see her rise like a dragon almost slain in battle,
A victorious look adorns her face as she leaves her seat.

Then I burst in.
Little, unaware, nine-year old me.
With tears straight from my soul cascading down my cheek, I ask if I’ll ever see my father again.
Rage replaces triumph as she storms over to me, then strikes me across my face with a typhoon of force.
She screeches “never talk about” before nearly choking on my father’s name.
Little me crumbles into the floor, becoming the rubble that once was a happy child,
While my mother stomps towards an alcohol cabinet that would soon become full of empty bottles.

I, the spectator, shudder heavily in remembrance.
The only thing worse than a nightmare is a memory.
I wake up in my bed, sunbeams gleaming through my curtains.

I reach my hand into the familiar darkness that envelops my backpack,
Slipping my fingers between
yellowed notebooks that are filled with inhumane insults about being an abused kid,
and forgotten pencils that were used to write letters where I bled my troubles onto paper,
to grasp a new book.

As the paperback that enclosed an adventure to a new world,
Where the family of the lead character gave more love than they did punishment,
Switched places with a journal covered in old, worn leather,
I couldn’t help but feel the need to stick my nose right in there and get reading.

Some read books to remember.
Some read books to forget.
Back to post something after a looooong hiatus.
Boy, do I miss everyone here.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Sticks, stones, no broke bones
Troubles abound like plague but
your arms keep me safe
Gunfire is but starlight
And death but annoyance
When you gift me the greatest shield of all
Your presence.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
A burnt flower never rises from the ashes
The long dead will never wake
You can't save a light after it flashes
So a heart's still broke after heartbreak

They say the more days put in between
The last time that we met
Will somehow create a way of making clean
All these tears I've wept

But months and years can't take a part
Of a heart
That only exists to love.
The beauty held in the stars of your smile
I'd run miles
to see you, angel from above.

They can say time heals about everything,
But trust me, it's all untrue
Time doesn't change a thing
Time just distracts you.
Days come and go,
but I still spend every second thinking about you.
  Mar 2016 Poems
Winter Silk
Life is a piece of music,
a page of poetry
Where the notes are the movements of humanity
Never meant to finish,
but to exist continuously
In the melodramatic, you must find the melody

Like on a piano,
both white and black key
Peace and chaos combine to create the harmony
Your emotions singing as a choir heavenly
While the crashing drums of the present complete the symphony.

But sometimes the rhythm gets too fast
Can't keep up with the pace
Sweat on your face
Frozen in place
No different ways
And you choke as the music continues to play

But that's life I guess
Living is just emotional dying
But let the music play on
Let your singing be your crying
Back from a long hiatus. I felt like writing about life.
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