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I opened my eyes
To the world
When I was born

Then I realized the world is crap
And now I want to close them

*Is that really such a bad thing?
In many ways, I'm still that little girl
The little girl who was told she was ugly, the little girl who hid from mirrors
The little girl who stayed in packs, for fear of being alone with her mind
The little girl who learned from the reactions of others, not to speak, but to write her madness into rhyme

There is no poem I've written that gets more raw than this...
I'll never make it out of here
In this world of the poems I smear
The life of woe and despair
In a manner of all that is beautiful and rare
I see no more, I just want to disappear
It's the rise of a cancer I can't bear
It's the fall of a depression I'm not allowed to share
All you can do is stop and stare
And all I can say is, even if I dare
I'll never make it out of here
I scream and I shout and I jump up and down
But no one cares to listen
I cry and I beg and I plea with the crowd
But no one cares to listen
Am I invisible? Is everyone deaf?
Or does no one care to listen?
Are people blind? Am I dead?
Or does no one care to listen?
I want someone to notice me, to say that it’s okay
To wipe away the tears, show me that the world’s not grey.
Just have someone be there, always night and day-
But sadly, no one cares to listen.
Can someone, anyone hear my cry?
If no one does, I think I might die
I’m running out of tears to cry
But no one cares to listen
No one cares to listen
No one cares.
~Julianna Walters
The girl in the back of the room
staring at her scars
Lines of red,
shooting stars
I think she's lost
in forest frost
I'll hold her hand
If she demands
A friend,
as her,
comes once,
when mindset seems sure.

I hope you find
the one who's kind
I hope you find
The one with our messed up mind...
I'm currently working on a "Dear Girl," series in dedication of my friends...
You did not hurt me
Not physically

You did not draw
The blood

You did not make
The cuts

You did not
Hurt me
Not physically

All you did was
Hand me the knife
And give me a reason to use it
Late night thoughts
It seems as though,
I am forever saying

Sorry this
Sorry that

I have even said sorry
For saying sorry
Too much

I wish I could say,
I don't care anymore,
You won't hear 'sorry'
From me again

But that will never happen

So here's another sorry
For everyone

I'm sorry
If I'm annoying

I'm sorry
If I'm naive

I'm sorry
If I write too much

I'm sorry
If I am pessimistic

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I swear,
I'm sorry

But now,
I'm done apologizing
I say sorry a lot, sometimes for no reason
Why am I tired?
Hmmm let me think.

You say maybe low blood sugar,
I'd say that's off the list.

Could it possibly be
From not sleeping for days
Due to worrying
Over silly things?

Or maybe,
It's the sadness that overwhelms me
Every day and every night

It is from working too hard.
To keep everyone happy,
My grades up,
My smiles big.

So why am I tired?
Hmmm let me think.
I'd say it's probably
From low blood sugar.
Do not be mistaken,
I understand
All too well
How blessed I am.

I have a house,
And friends.

I live among trees,
And I still get to be a child

My friends
Give encouragement
When I need it,
So pretty much all the time
And will
Talk with me
If I can't sleep

I can post on this site
And not be laughed at,
A nice respite

I am smart,
At least I work hard

My parents love me,
Even if they don't understand me,
Which is more than some can say

So for all this,
And many things more
I am forever grateful

*Thank you
I am blessed, but I sometimes sound like a complainer
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