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Apr 2017 · 766
Not yet
Arun C Apr 2017
It might just be a token
But I am not yet broken
It might just be a blessing
But I still hear church bells ringing
It might be a small thing
But I still remember how to sing
It might be something big
If I can still light a candle stick
I might find the light
That gives sight
Then I have to say
It's more then a token
that I am not broken.
Feb 2017 · 396
Long Time
Arun C Feb 2017
it was a long time ago
but that sword was forged in fire
temper's remember's its fathers flames
Yes it was a long time ago
but that path once broken
is still forever scared
and that mar is not easily forgotten
Yes it was a long time ago
but passion cannot be contained
pain and pleasure intertwine to create sane
later activity slows
and then all those products calcify
to make
bone and stone
Yes it was a,....
short time ago
still remain
Jan 2017 · 787
Change Happens
Arun C Jan 2017
Poetfreak is gone
Arun C Oct 2016
Clear the table
the build up is far from stable
cold cowardice melts into hot need
it's time to tend the seed
lust denied
tends to multiply
and if it doesn't turn into ******
then more hunger becomes a must
but hunger fuels flame
and fire is never for the tame
I say find the same
for a choice between fire and ice
does not need to be asked twice
the flame
Oct 2016 · 400
Got Wood
Arun C Oct 2016
Wood was once alive
for the sun did it strive
run your hand on it
feel the echo of its life
or maybe the echo of you
your warmth changed
emanates from within
and as the years ware
the wood fares very well
the grains remember
like reading yesterdays mail
pull up a chair
or rest your head
on a massive bed
lay that hot mug down
watch the ring
the wood will sing
and share a memory
or two
because those grain's run true
Apr 2016 · 396
Arun C Apr 2016
Are dreams
sometimes more then they seem
are desires
only for secretly burning fires
maybe hopes
are actually really long ropes
reaching to the impossible
and making ecstasy more then possible
I really need dreams to be real
I need to feel
and just to make it real
I need to feel
Apr 2016 · 497
Arun C Apr 2016
When that was then
and the past was pure
when yesterday straddled oblivian
and hopes to futures tend
when dreams blew against the wind
and wild hearts did not know sin
  that was when
I did not know what to say
but moonlight and fireflies still lit our way
yes that was then
which then's were when
but still I was with you
that is all
Arun C Apr 2016
Is change coming
Do you hear that mighty strumming
Or feel the empty silence tear
In the distance of the near future
Something is happening
Economy politics fuel food climate credit germs cult personalties
Something is about to wipe out the banalities
I know it
I smell the rain
Pregnant in the wind
Has that become a sin
If not then why do we all still sit
Today's warnings simply do not fit
Will you hear the screams of fear
Change is coming
I know it is sounding
Because now all the brain's
Are simply trying to stay sane

This by holding on to the normalcy bias
But these are the times that particular bias
Becomes illusions in the highest

* Just because lightning has never ever struck you before it does not mean you should open a metal umbrella in a thunderstorm. Even if it keeps you dry,......till it doesn't.
-Just Arun
Sep 2015 · 378
I mean something
Arun C Sep 2015
I struggle in drying cement
the screams do not imprint
no record will exist
unless a visage will suffice
I was once here
Arun C Sep 2015
tick tock
watch the clock
but be much more careful of the shock
I have direct live and shocking current
that is never ever abhorent
but if you have the time
then I have the rhyme
find the center
instead of going on that ******
together we can try
together all of us,... can simply just fly
Sep 2015 · 634
Hello Poetry under attack
Arun C Sep 2015
Hello poetry is under attack
it's a very sad tack
but yet I have faith
that there is a trace
of mad computer skills
and the will
for the programers to save
our special page
of wonder
before it is torn asunder
by gobley ****
written by insane crooked kooks
I truly have faith
hopefully I don't have to wait

(As for the attackers be ashamed)
Sep 2015 · 397
I feed
Arun C Sep 2015
I Feed

It's time
long long past time
I bared my teeth
and ate meat

blood red wine
feasting time
crunchy music
and tasty tunes

open wide
flee or flight
chomp down
hunger unbound

and now is the time
to end this rhyme

I need to feed
I really really need to feed

so please
heed my warning
and jump on your steed

it's time

long long
past time

I feed
Arun C Jul 2015
I fell asleep
and trusted my soul to keep
but then I entered a lush garden
which I entered without a pardon
over at the far end
yes just around the bend
was a women standing
on a marble landing
her back was turned to me
and I could see
snakes in her hair
yet her skin was quite fair
and she had quite a nice derrière
I turned to flee
but that's just not me
she had the snake hair thing
but I heard that wow could she sing
a lonely broken hearted song
about so many things that were wrong
I looked again
around that bend
in addition to the skin, voice and ---
her body had more curves then a racetrack
so adapting my best tack
I picked some red flowers
by the big ivory tower
and walked up to her and bent on one knee
presenting the flowers I said see
this is for you
because your song was sad and true
she turned and said arghh now you turn to stone
but instead I said I do not wish to spurn
but stone is not really my thing
I can show you my yo-yo on a string
or perhaps juggling maybe a little mime
I can do many wonderful things if you have the time
so she pulled out a gun
suprised I said no no thats no fun
then I looked as cute as I could
and stayed as still as wood
I don't understand she said why you don't attack me
you are a hero and I am hideous can't you see
I said nah handing her the flowers
you are quite beautiful here by your tower
I would rather take you out for coffee and cake
so I leave the rest of the story out for you to make
Jul 2015 · 586
Arun C Jul 2015
In deep dark cool shadows
against a wall under cover
surrounded by bright blinding desert sun
mature vines and stalks creeping
as if to a secret meeting
and found in the center of it all
a just opened
carmine in color
a deep rusted red
and this rose is fed
on bone marrow and spring water
on the wall it's carved out a special quarter

then through the courtyard path
a beautiful women walks past
and the rose whispers to her
inhale me
smell me
sample my perfect treasures
the beauty starts
do roses talk

she moves her face to the perfect rose
the beginnings of a sweet delicate aroma
assault her sense
a beautiful intense perfume
a unique haunting scent of wonder
she reaches out with her delicate ivory white hand
to touch the stem
just an inch
under the bloom

she is pierced
a thorn spears skin
blood spills a drop two three
white and green stained by crimson

then the rose says
now you see
inhale me
smell me
sample my perfect treasures
all I ask for is

Arun C Jul 2015
He was an old man bent with age
living in yesterday with his quill and pages
alone with his scrolls and dusty knowledge
a scholars passage
in his day one of the best minds
and yet his eyes were still keen and kind
his last duty
was to teach a princess and a beauty
being stoic he only knew one way to teach
through reason by making the mind reach
and years later the Queen remembered
she wrote this story
on her own scrolls with memory tender

the young princess declared
In a world were every thing shifts
and people lie and then call it politics
I want a truth, just one
teach me a truth teacher
please a kingdom for a truth

very well little one then let me speak

I already know what I seek a truth please

then let me see a truth can be hot or cold

I care not for degrees a truth please

I will then speak a single word truth

I weep why are you so miserly with you're words

because the one word truths hold the most power

I care not for holding or molding a truth please

Then I shall speak of the one word truth
the powerful root
of most that is good
that is
the one word
the word of so much more

Jul 2015 · 720
Cry in Whispers
Arun C Jul 2015
A cry in the night
something to fight the fright

A whisper in a dark dark room
a poet bleeding e-ink from a tomb

forcing a resurrection
by insurrection

a plantive touch
a beseeched plea

I am here
Jun 2015 · 689
Who would?
Arun C Jun 2015
Who would I be now
if I did that when

let me find a pen
and think of when

what measure a man
but the sum of his choices squared

what life we wear
is our choices striped bare

can you spare
a morality pair

bend to break
but never ever bend to lose shape

shattered pieces can be mended
thus it is as creation intended

but remember stray too far
away from your centering star

and you might lose your compunction
for form and function

some roads are only one way trips
and its never wise to book passage on a sinking ship

so go right go left
break good break bad but stay in step

Who would I be now
if I did that when?
Jun 2015 · 353
Genesis The Choice
Arun C Jun 2015
is a start
but is it creation from chaos
or is it simply something
from all of nothing
is it the quest for a higher order
or a search for greater complexity

empty a box of puzzle pieces
on a desk
do the haphazard shapes please
no you move and fit
you switch and stitch
an ordered form appears
seared in reality
a puzzle solved
but how did your product evolve
to create your perfectly ordered puzzle
you had to destroy a mess
and create something more or less
Genesis is it all some sort of test

perhaps Genesis is the very beginning
of that sin
of entropy

the beginning becomes the end
or do it all over again

Genesis is a start
Genesis is a destruction
a new chance
or an armageddon

what do you say
shall we
May 2015 · 520
Color Wheel Spins
Arun C May 2015
Spin around
sing a sound
golden light breaks
into bright blue
blue goes back to black
and from black
white is born
once again
a wheel or a wavelenght
a frequency or a factor
modulate my manifastations
and control my apparitions
paint my world bright
create such a sight
so here we go
again and again
around and around
see the world in full Technicolor
but remember to factor in
the color of love
May 2015 · 493
What lasts on
Arun C May 2015
To once again travel the roads of childhood
to slip past the knots of memories
and see once more
those old lanes
highways and by-ways
once so important
now obscured
by haze and forgetfullness
roads leading accidentally
to spilled secret spots
that magical fort in the tall grass
or that special sheltered port in a storm
those mysterious ruins of forgotten memories
to the old woods and streams
many are gone now
only echoes remain
condos and parking lots
mark childhood haunts
cold asphalt glazes all
and only earth and sky
last forever
The last couple of lines are borrowed from a book title I read long ago.
Apr 2015 · 625
Making Love (Adult)
Arun C Apr 2015
Your visage fills me with fire
when I let it burn
or simply can't stop the turn
your face traces my wants and dreams
in crystal clear relief.
your lips
ah your lips
intensify my lust
and touching your hips
then becomes a must
all I want to do is trust
and,......make love
how to make love to you
to enter you
to ride you
to conquer you
to inspire you
to higher ecstasies
and beyond
then to surrender to you
to melt in to you
and become one with you
all this and more
while making love.
Apr 2015 · 353
... _ _ _ ...
Arun C Apr 2015
I am on
Third planet out
From that big yellow sun
I have been
Left here
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Monkey vs Dragon
Arun C Apr 2015
Monkey versus Dragon
is there a need
plant the seed
it's a fight or a rumble
watch out for the tumble
something to see
it simply had to be
the two biggest kids on the block
eventually their heads had to knock
head to head
toe to claw
this is what I saw

the dragon breathes out fire
but the monkey's clever hands
build's a flame
a flame that is to train
in wood yes
but also flames in hearts and minds
the dragon has teeth and claws
to topple walls and castle keeps
but the monkey has tools
to build and destroy anything
the dragon overcomes any environment
and can live on top of ash and trash
but the monkey can also survive anywhere
he turns winter to spring
and can bring a fruitful harvest
anytime anyplace
give the monkey a taste
with his thoughts and tools the monkey thrives
the dragon can burn a world
and leave little but himself and scraps
the monkey can destroy everything
all of creation
nothing left
that's too big a sin

The Monkey,... wins
Every time
Apr 2015 · 444
Arun C Apr 2015
What was once whole
is now shattered
the parts scattered
across a wide plain
the beginnings of possible pain
but a tattered flag
somehow still scratches the sky
unfurling in the wind
on it letters are inscribed
this battered banner
somehow still proclaims
one simple but
Apr 2015 · 451
Arun C Apr 2015
can you help me make this call,...
I am so sorry to interrupt
yes I know it's your diner time
yes yes fine wine and lamb chops
yes that sounds so nice
but my alarm has sounded thrice
there is an error in the universal code
this could effect the entire basic mode
if reality strains
and perceptions drain
then the world could tear
and the membranes would sear
the whole system will crash
different places would mash
together the strain
could end all planes
before that event
your own will can never be bent
no time to finish that dinner mutton
you must hit the-universal abort button.

* The first line is borrowed from a Jim Croce song but I mean it totally different.
Mar 2015 · 714
White Cliffs
Arun C Mar 2015
The white chalk cliffs
stand guard over the riff
oh to be a hawk
and fly over all that is sought
but I am bound by gravity
and must live with this intensity
those white chalk cliffs
hover above me
now I see
Mar 2015 · 307
Arun C Mar 2015
Light and dark merge
on the verge
of a new start
take heed and move with speed
the time of the black smoke
may soon invoke
that dreadful blood and iron mix
the fix of this trick
is don't get sick
remember kindness
because when apathy meets industry
and the old is doomed
you hear the black crows call
reason, hope, charity, love and faith
need not be apart
it will be tomorrow
just cherish then
that gift
that always gives
the present
Mar 2015 · 307
Lay with me
Arun C Mar 2015
You lay still
in my dreams
in my bed
as reality streams
you open yourself up
and spread yourself open
to me
in me
what is this
I see
the mystery
of your essence
a sublime presence
of you
I feel
levels of hunger
that threaten to
tare me asunder
at least I
least I
Feb 2015 · 426
Arun C Feb 2015
Don't lay around
grab the plow
you know how
rip open the fertile soil
it's time to toil
prepare the way
seeds need sun's rays
bones and muscles tingle
but also let work and play mingle
now it's time to flow
we know how
because you and I
have some seeds to sow
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
looking for a hat
Arun C Feb 2015
The perfect hat
how do you find that
a man's head is unique
I know of what I speak
and how about the style
hat shopping will require me to walk a mile
something cool and in felt
to make the girls melt
maybe an Indiana Jones fedora
what type of headgear will complement my aura
something Aussie and out of the bush
when the girls see it they will need no push
how about a ten gallon cowboy hat
but I have no six shooter what about that
maybe a tweed english old school driving cap
drive the country side and look for hats without a map
now very few store's have hat sections
hey what about a hat simply for protection
ok let us find that,...
do they make a Trojan hat?
Feb 2015 · 649
Replacements are here
Arun C Feb 2015
When do
the thinking machines
come on the scene
10 yrs to fear
some say more like
a fright in 30 or 40
but on this path
do the math
and it will most surly happen
if we are still here
someday shed a tear
when computers say
cogito ergo sum
inorganic panic
faster to think
in a blink
knowing more
then ever you or I could
if the strongest survive
how do you and I thrive
after creating our replacements
Jan 2015 · 515
Arun C Jan 2015
An hour ago
it was just a clang
barley a bang
a scrape
while we were eating our crepes
on the ship that could not sink
at least that's what they all said with a good natured wink
but now there is a lurching
and the floors are no longer listing
deep inside the center
you and I are members
the steward came by
with a sigh
and scream
he told us,...not enough life boats it seems
this stateroom is so far down
so many steps up to win the crown
could I do it
with this cane
and my knee pain
maybe if I fought
as my father taught
I could get to the moonlight
to see so much panic on deck what a sight
but you my dear with your hip
and this new ships tilt
you would never make it in time
But now I know I could
fly off this ship
and live
but without you
so my dear let me pour you some wine
as we retire to our stateroom
no reason to swoon
my dear should we sit in our lavish chairs
our best evening dress to wear
shall I brush your hair
both of us without a care
better yet
shall we both lay on the bed
holding hands
as the cold water creeps in
without sin we close our eyes
in the deep
Dec 2014 · 426
A little dust
Arun C Dec 2014
a little dust
into mud
from mud solidified
into rock
rock to
solid sphere
from a sphere
a star
from a star
burning suns
from suns
formed a hole
from the
formed a few specks
of mere dust
on the other side
just a little dust
to start
all over again
Dec 2014 · 351
He will
Arun C Dec 2014
He will pretend to be interested
when you scrapbook
he will really be enthralled
when you dance
he will walk by a seashore
with you hand in hand
he will sit down
and help you count the sand
he will never forget his passion for you
it will simply never go out of fashion
he will be there when you are well
and be there when things go to h#**
he will warm you when you are cold
even once you are old
He will remeber you in the fire of his youth
because that will be his eternal truth
he will do all this and much more
and by he
Dec 2014 · 367
I think about Girls
Arun C Dec 2014
I think about girls when I wake up
I think about girls when I go to sleep
I think about girls when I shave
I think about girls when I shower
I think about girls when I am hungry
I think about girls while I eat
I think about girls and it gives me power
so I think about girls when I work
I also think about girls when I am tired
and I wake up
I think about girls
when I am wired
to take me higher
I think about girls when I date
I defiantly think about girl(s) when I mate
I think about girls when I write
I think about girls when I read
I don't know
is it just me
or do I see
a pattern her
I mean here?
Nov 2014 · 956
Arun C Nov 2014
The square
forgets how to right angle
and then becomes a circle
the center falls out
of the circle
and then it becomes a
Homer Simpson
takes a bite
a poor
hmmm crescents
with jam and butter
Nov 2014 · 480
Arun C Nov 2014
place for spilled
ideas to be caught
maybe even taught
wrinkled brown spotted document
rolled with tender bents
for this matrix sent
place for the noblest aspirations
to hold most secret motivations
it is really a sensation
venerated dusty brown parchment with words
words as powerful as sharp swords
bold words that points mankind towards

Nov 2014 · 439
A poems birth
Arun C Nov 2014
A poem's process
take a large heaping
like counting precious treasure
then in the
add some
madness tricked
maybe a pinch
add faith from above
a drop of blood
a tear or two
bake in your mind
simmer in your heart
a poem's start
Nov 2014 · 2.8k
Maybe-the boy poet dating
Arun C Nov 2014
The boy poet
and asked the pretty girl out
she smiled and said
the boy poet grabbed a pen
and scribbled this
before tock could follow tick
it was real quick

is a giant oak tree
filled with many acorns
and each single acorn
drops and exclaims
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Never lose the tude dude
Arun C Nov 2014
The latitude of your attitude
is flying high
your pitch is up
and it's stuck singing
in perfect harmony
your cup is overflowing
and your plate is full
so pick up the spoon
sometime around noon
then its time to smile
and win this trial
it's about perception
and that
makes all the difference
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
Pink Secrets (adult themes)
Arun C Nov 2014
Go ahead
please slide
that long long
dress up
just a
pretty pretty please
oh for me
to see
just a tease
what do you say
yes oh yes
thank you most kindly
shy pale ankles
just a hint
still draped in silk
now a sculpted
beautifully formed
less shy
are you still going
a knee
for me
to still see
oh my
what's happening
I must try
to breathe
I sigh
when she reveals to me
both of her creamy thighs
soft and promising
but she won't stop
and now we are into
the promised land
light and lace
pink secrets
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
Bending It All
Arun C Nov 2014
I did it
I bent the edges
now I have to find the wedges
the edge of a sphere
might be near
or a square, circle, cylinder
maybe a triangle or straight bar
find the form
inside the norm
its about perception
remember the inception
from stardust formed
from stardust one day returned
It's in and out of the mind
but you always need to be kind
striving to a higher complexity
and counting on universal elasticity
don't rush
take in the hush
before the bang
for a second you need to hang
move at an even rhythmic pace
when you bend time and space
Nov 2014 · 858
Arun C Nov 2014
Cry freedom
and reap the whirlwind
is this a sin
Cry peace
and be labeled a freak
but war is only for the weak
Cry compassion
and find out it's gone out of fashion
maybe try to be different
Cry love
yes please try love
but you may have to go above
Nov 2014 · 372
On Occasion the Beast Roams
Arun C Nov 2014
On occasion
trapped behind iron bars
in a corner far
the beast claws and scrapes
but make no mistake
its always there
so be aware
it's ready to rip and tare
sometimes suddenly it gets out
before the guards can shout
truly knows no bounds
but you know
I wouldn't want it any other way
I wouldn't be
-  Just Arun
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Arun C Nov 2014
Barbi is on Prozac and Percoset
her ******* are too large  
for her back
so now she is no good in the sack
thus Ken left her for Kim Possible
Snow White is a *** addict
so many princes so little time
Alice has OCD
she shares a half way house
with the hatter
G.I Joe is AWOL
last seen by Camp Pendleton
oh no
Bambi is venison stew
what is true
where is childhood
for me
and you?
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
Arun C Nov 2014
I thought I was
myself for
bleeding blood
but then I
we only ever
scar ourselves
for ourselves
in the end
Nov 2014 · 420
A Cruel Beautiful Princess
Arun C Nov 2014
I bet
more then a few
have danced for you
they bowed and scraped
and despite being apes
found the grace to try
although none could really fly
but you oh cruel princess
tied their hands and feet to strings
asked them to give you things
and put these new puppets
through your paces
leather and lace and pink secrets
oh yes
many more then a few
have danced for you
Nov 2014 · 3.2k
Dark Coffee Overdrive
Arun C Nov 2014
(An experimental piece)

Dark coffee
Give it to me
ice cold
midnight black
reality it seems
to speed by
it's so fast
I don't even have to
I am
brave and ready
but even
to what
you do to me
when you wear that dress
Oct 2014 · 505
Make love
Arun C Oct 2014
Your visage fills me
with fire
when I let it burn
Your face traces
my wants and dreams
in clear relief.
Your lips intensify my lust,
all I want to do is trust and,.......
make love
Aug 2014 · 367
I am Arun
Arun C Aug 2014
I am
A fraction of a bang
a jagged little piece of time
a string blowing in the wind
through the cosmos
with just a little bit
I make the most
from stardust formed
from stardust one day
but breathed on by God

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