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6.6k · May 2015
Blue Angel May 2015
I am like a rose, I need light to grow and water to feel nourished, but without sunlight, I die, and I'm worthless
This is how I feel everyday
5.1k · May 2015
Romeo and Juliet
Blue Angel May 2015
You're Romeo and I'm Juliet
You are a Montegue and I'm a Capulet
I fell for you, when we first met
Though forbidden to see you, I still fled
My dad kept me away, and that hurt in many ways
He didn't see you from the inside out
He judged a book by it's cover
I explained to him you were different, because he didn't want to hear it
He saw the look in my eyes
The fire of fear of losing you
Losing you was too much
But I'm no longer 10, I'm 17 who is madly in love with my boyfreind and nothing can change that. I might be a scratched up Diamond, but as long as I still have my shine, I'm alright
I've been in a relationship for  a 1 year and 4 months, and I'm 17 turning 18 in 2 months, I love Wesley and nothing will change that
1.9k · Mar 2016
Military Brat
Blue Angel Mar 2016
The judge's think of military brat as always rich, get what they want, and never get in trouble. In fact, that is all wrong, at least for me. I'm a marine corps family, so I can say that. I've been to 9 different schools and I've moved around 6 times. Yeah its fun, but you become strong, leaving behind the one's you love and at first it hurts but then you get used to it. Like numbness settling in and you forget what it feels like to have hurt. I guess that's why most people feel offended when I don't talk to them. Cant help it, I was born into a military family. Besides, Marine's are the best people.
what its like to live as a military brat
1.7k · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I want to wake up in the morning, the sun shining in my face and reflecting  my rich blonde hair
I want to tell you the cheesiest jokes but you will still laugh and say I'm beautiful
I want to be myself around you, i want to say I love you and mean it
I want to sing and dance while making breakfast and you're there to watch me and tell me I'm adorable
I want our hands and lips to fit like a puzzle.
I wrote this expressing what I want when I'm on my own.
1.7k · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I build my walls but you break them down
I put my hands up but you bring them down 
I push you away but you keep running back
Why? You don't deserve me, I'm a mess, i confess, I can't let you see this
It's not who I really am, you deserve better
1.1k · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
The way a waterfall flows is beautiful
It's clear, it's not *****
The rush and speed it has  
The way it glides on my skin
Refreshing, cleansing, effervesant
Closing my eyes and listening calms my senses
I could sit for hours, lay in the shade,
Look at the water and admire it's  clearish, light blue color, moving, touch the cold waves, allowing the water to wash over my toes and hands
I love the way water feels against my skin, I always have.
1.1k · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
She sits outside
And cries her tears
Wondering when her
Angel will appear
And when it would 
If it could please 
Take away her sadness and misery
After hours and hours
Her angel had finally come
He said " oh my dearest 
Why are you trying to?" 
She said to her angel
"I am not beautiful,
They all call me dull and ugly" 
He said "don't you listen to them
They don't know beauty rests under mayhem
They all can't quite see 
What's under contsruction
That beauty rests under most present
Only after destruction
1.1k · Mar 2016
Random Question
Blue Angel Mar 2016
Tell me your favorite video game if you have one, mine is The Last Of Us, mainly because I can relate to Ellie, she is strong, and can manage to be funny sometimes.
Got bored
981 · Apr 2016
Blue Angel Apr 2016
"I'm searching for something I cannot reach"-Halsey
830 · Apr 2015
Person that you don't see
Blue Angel Apr 2015
Floating in my dreams
Singing in my head 
Dancing in the rain
Running in mud
Screaming to feel free
Loving to be me
Writing passionitly
Rebel at night
Winning my own fight
Xbox all night
Living until I die
I love all the things I listed, I'm different, so I'm a misfit
812 · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
For a moment, just close your eyes
Cancel out everything around and just breathe, try to remember what the ocean sounds like
Let the air around consume you
Take a deep breathe and let everyhting go
Imagine you are walking on water that's very shallow
Imagine breathing in crisp fresh air through your nose
Let the wind brush against your fingertips and face
Imagining this helps me relief stress
765 · Oct 2015
Blue Angel Oct 2015
Wondering on a yellow brick road with no place to go
Stuck on the same road, to where will I go tomorrow
Back home, or to my loved one's? But the important question is
What does my heart want? That is a secrete that only I know.
But my yellow brick road is still going straight, lets see about tommorrow
761 · May 2015
Blue Angel May 2015
I'm standing in the dark
Held by chains, can't seem to go far
I'm breathing in poison from you
When will enough be enough
I'm not your slave nor will I be
You don't seem to see, what your causing
Broken mirrors surround you
Because you are afraid of you
You ripped me apart and let me fall
I was walking in gold, now I'm stuck in stone
669 · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I didn't see it
Maybe I didn't want to
Just friends I thouht
He was nice, he cared
But he is like the rest, which isn't fair
Telling me I was beautiful, all for something, the warning signs were there
I just didn't want to believe
until once, he persued and I rejected
he didn't like that
and know for 3 months I feel marked
what's a girl to do?
This goes out to the guy who I thought was different........I forgive but won't forget
664 · Mar 2015
Glass Doll
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I'm not fragile, but I'm not weak
I'm in between
I'm not the definition of perfect, in fact, I'm far from that
I feel like a glass doll, you can see through me
My scars are on the line
Feel free to add more
I wish my problems were like a hookah pin, breathe them in, then within seconds they disappear
664 · Apr 2016
Blue Angel Apr 2016
What doesn't **** you, makes you wish you were dead
Got a hole in my soul, growing deeper and deeper
And I can't take
One more moment of this silence, the loneliness is haunting me
And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up

It comes in waves, I close my eyes
Hold my breath and let it bury me
I'm not okay, and it's not alright
Won't you drag the lake and bring me home again?

Who will fix me now, dive in when I'm down?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown
Who will make me fine, drag me out alive?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown

What doesn't destroy you, leaves you broken instead
Got a hole in my soul growing deeper and deeper
And I can't take
One more moment of this silence, the loneliness is haunting me
And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up

It comes in waves, I close my eyes
Hold my breath and let it bury me
I'm not okay, and it's not alright
Won't you drag the lake and bring me home again?

Who will fix me now, dive in when I'm down?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown
Who will make me fine drag me out alive?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown

'Cause you know that I can't do this on my own
'Cause you know that I can't do this on my own
'Cause you know that I can't do this on my own
('Cause you know that I can't do this on my own)
(Who will fix me now?)
(Who will fix me now?)
Who will fix me now?
Dive in when I'm down?
Save me from myself, don't let me drown
643 · Mar 2016
Blue Angel Mar 2016
I hate the feelings that sometimes people
don't understand why I do what I do
But then I realize its not up to them
I should not live up my expectations to them
You can tell me anything you want
but that won't change my love for him
for what he has done for me or for his people
I feel safe in his arms and he has the gentle touch
So don't tell me I don't know what love is
If you haven't experienced it yourself
I know we have something stronger than what most people have
Whatever it is, I don't want it to end by a long shot
If I can't have him, then I hope the next girl treats him with love and care, kindness and guides him through a path of love. I am in love with him, for 5 long years we have known each other, I've loved him for 3 years. He is my knight, and my love, my fiance, and everything else. So tell me one more time this is something stupid because its not
This just came out no where but its true. I love you Wesley.
626 · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I am walking in fire instead if ice
I am willing to make a sacrifice
And with you, I'd risk my life
I'd pull the trigger if I can't  have you
After everything, I still want you 
We have something so special
It's so beautiful and fragile
You are my knight and shining armor
I just got back together with my boyfriend after 3 long months of seperation
601 · Mar 2015
Am I Saved?
Blue Angel Mar 2015
Do I deserve to burn alive while everyone watched me
Did a angel come down and save me and tell me I deserve to live
I can cut so deep and penetrate the skin
I can commite suicide, and pull that trigger
I can make sure the rope is tigt enough
I would run in front of a bullet aiming for the head
I would be left for the dead 
I want to be put on the cross, have nails pinned to my hands and sacrifice my life for theirs.
Struggling with a relationship right know, but I'm trying
576 · Feb 2016
Used Matches Cause a Fire
Blue Angel Feb 2016
Dry cement on the ground, doesn't do anything, it can't. Nothing notices it, wind blows past it, rocks land on it, and by force of nature, go away. Dirt is the only piece that stays on it long enough. Until you light a match, and let it fall, will the cement burn, or will it just sit there burning the wood and causing smoke?
562 · Nov 2016
Blue Angel Nov 2016
I didn't know how much I meant to you entirely, but everyday goes by and I lose my myself when I cant hear from you. You are my other half and I said " I am not giving you a third chance", maybe I wasn't thinking all the way through. After 5 years of hardship, distrust, love, pain, patience, we are still here for each other after that. That is a miracle because most people give up on the people we are. Everytime I see the love in your eyes, I feel the protection in your arms and I sense the 'wow' in your voice of having the honor of being my best friend. I am still in love with you, always will be and that is permanent
560 · Apr 2015
Left behind
Blue Angel Apr 2015
I'm a wolf without it's pack
I'm alone and I can't turn back
I loved you, but you wouldn't love me
What happened? What did you see when you saw me? I know what I saw: fear, anger, and weakness of me
556 · May 2016
Blue Angel May 2016
I don't understand you sometimes, you want me to be happy but I can't be with him. You want me to be the good little girl I am well sorry that is not available. I think of what not to do and some how manage to ***** something up. Why can't we go back to when everything was good and every one was happy with who they are. I don't eat because I am not hungry, I don't talk because I know I will get hurt, but you think its all to fit in with who? I dont' know. But here is me saying I don't care anymore. Here is me saying good luck without me
545 · Apr 2015
Blue Angel Apr 2015
Keeping your mouth shut
let's people think you are a fool
but opening your mouth also proves it
530 · Apr 2015
Blue Angel Apr 2015
You are either the pursuing, pursued, tired, or busy
         - The Great Gatsby
526 · May 2016
Blue Angel May 2016
I've never felt stuck, not like this. Pleasing my parents but also stabbing them in the back all in one sitting. I don't know how I can keep going with this. I don't know if its depression. You want me to be happy, and me being all the same person, but I don't want to come home to a judgmental father, who yells because I didn't give him the correct answer to life. I just wish you could see the good in him, the love of my life isn't ruining me, the only heart breaking, unbaring, piece to all this is you not accepting him because he didn't show up in a collared shirt, slacks and the perfect church boy look. You were mad because he showed up smelling like a 20 year old, with scars and a broken heart, and a way with words to love me. Its not rocket science, we clicked, accept it, I am tired of crying my eyes out for two hours every night hoping you come back and say "I'm sorry", I'm stuck.
Tough relationship
Blue Angel Oct 2015
There's a girl in the corner
With tear stains on her eyes
From the places she's wandered
And the shame she can't hide

She says, "How did I get here?
I'm not who I once was.
And I'm crippled by the fear
That I've fallen too far to love"

But don't you know who you are,
What's been done for you?
Yeah don't you know who you are?

You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.

Well she tries to believe it
That she's been given new life
But she can't shake the feeling
That it's not true tonight

She knows all the answers
And she's rehearsed all the lines
And so she'll try to do better
But then she's too weak to try

But don't you know who you are?

You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.

You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.

'Cause this is not about what you've done,
But what's been done for you.
This is not about where you've been,
But where your brokenness brings you to

This is not about what you feel,
But what He felt to forgive you,
And what He felt to make you loved.

You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.

You are more than the choices that you've made,
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes,
You are more than the problems you create,
You've been remade.

You've been remade
You've been remade.
You've been remade.
You've been remade.
This goes out to all the girls stuck in a rut of life struggles and sad days
499 · Apr 2015
Never Ending Nightmare
Blue Angel Apr 2015
You come when I sleep
Only to leave me in misery
You tell me you will be back
The red glow in your eyes, I see the Evil
You call me the Devils Angel
Hands grab at me, where do I run?
Where are you coming from
My words bounce off of you
Not a single dent
You look into my future and see my weakness
Don't hurt me, he deserves to live
I'll sacrifice my life
After, I hope you are a lie
I had a nightmare and my boyfriend had the same one, kindof creepy but it's life I guess
499 · Mar 2015
Musical Note
Blue Angel Mar 2015
Life is a tune, you want to hear a melody
Hit the right notes and you can get a beat going
Something that sounds all right
And you don't want to stop
But then you hit the wrong note
The melody doesn't sound so good
The more wrong notes you hit
The more you don't want to hear it
I'm trying to be thr perfect duaghter my dad has always wanted but it's hard
498 · May 2015
Two Bright Stars
Blue Angel May 2015
I await day by day 
When I run Into your arms
With your warmth and 
Comfort surrounding my heart
Washing away every scare
That was ever made in me
The day I can hold you and 
Tell you that life is temparary
But I am permanent 
Living in eachother arms
Until we die together 
Making memories of 
Watching shiny bright stars
Your love will forever be engraved
In my heart and it's protected
Staying up late telling childhood stories
That we are both luminous beams
Dancing in the night sky drifting
Far away from everything 
And realizing we are better off
From the forgotten reality 
As effervesent stars that glow
Brighter with eachother 
We are giants who can run 
The world, or run away and find 
Are own place, somewhere unique
Becuase nature awaits are presence
With you, anything is possible
Forget about the inevitable
And let your heart become lovable
My warm hands can heal it
Because I've healed it before
And I'm not of afraid of losing you
But choosing you was the most
Intelligant decision i've made
I will never regret it, I promise
Wrote this cause it's my dream
492 · Apr 2017
Blue Angel Apr 2017
It's been a while but I'm back, my life has changed significantly and I am happy now. No longer with the guy I was with, he turned out to be not what I expected. With someone new, and he is my life now.
Update on me
489 · Oct 2015
Who I am
Blue Angel Oct 2015
Somebody once told me to believe in who I am, that I am special, loving, kind, and amazing because of who I am. But to be honest, society makes it hard for me to be me. So what I don't wear super tight jeans? Or I don't wear enough make-up? Am I suppose to look a certain way for you to like me? No, I am an amazing person without all that. In fact I hardly wear make-up, I don't wear super tight clothes because if I did, I'd end up in bad places in this world.
486 · Mar 2015
Pain Written on the Face
Blue Angel Mar 2015
Does it always end like this?
We meet, we talk, we flirt, we date, and then break-up.  
It's more of like a **** up
Times 20, and you can't fix it up
I was young, but you seemed to be fun
Nice, gentle, I couldn't see your true intentions
But each appraoch was a new hello invention
You never had the guts to make a confetion
I thought it was love
Because you said it back
Grabbing my hand
Telling me I'm beautiful
I was on cloud 9
Until one night, 1 fight fight turned into 5
Him: what's  wrong?!? You act like I hurt you?
Me: I'm not ready, I can't 

Grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward was a bad idea, one forced kissed turned into 4
You closed and locked the door
Layed me on the floor
And couldn't help but go for four little words and a  question mark
"will you **** me?"
I was 14, thought I was in love, but he wanted me for lust. Crazy? No, I've been through worse physical situations
480 · Jan 2016
Broken Bridges
Blue Angel Jan 2016
Cars, people, trucks and traffic can easily ride along a bridge, holding 1000 pounds and more. It can't hold a souls that's falling into an ocean of depth.
Thoughts came to me
479 · Mar 2015
Worth waiting for
Blue Angel Mar 2015
You can't hide your secrets
You can't hide your demons
But that's okay, I still love you
A year long relationship is big
so many things happened that people wouldn't comprehend
You won't loose me
I stupid mistake makes us stronger
I have patience and I am willing to wait
Wait for the day when you grab me and hug me. I can wait. That's who I am
479 · Apr 2017
Blue Angel Apr 2017
I thought I knew what love was till I learned it was a empty word said on repeat for 5 years....
466 · Sep 2015
Cuts, Bruises, Scars
Blue Angel Sep 2015
I feel as if in walking in the darknes
light stiches are broken but the twitch just enought so I can see something in from of me. I walk towards it, a mirror, it goes my scars, bruises, and cuts from life.
I want to disguise them, but they don't disappear. Especially the one marked with Love on it. It hurts, it hurts like a knife penetrating the skin. I can't seem to stop it. The damage is done
465 · Mar 2015
American Dream
Blue Angel Mar 2015
It's crazy how the world changed
We all look apon eachother in shame
Discrimination at it's best
We are all equal, none the less
I wish to walk on the streets with pride
But instead I hide
Finding the urge to do so is hard
Words, lies rumors surface and it's written everywhere on me
It's unfair
I want an angel to come down and grant me 3 wishes
I'd wish for patience, peace, and equality,
Maybe then, I can walk happy
464 · Apr 2015
Goddess of beauty
Blue Angel Apr 2015
Her eyes sparkled when she looks at the moon, the glow reflectes off her skin, she looked whole again.
When she speaks, its smooth, silk sound that echoes on forever, and you know she is confident. She wishes the best for everyone and helped when someone needs it
Her personality, it reminded me of an angel that came from Heaven, her wings spread high and vibrant, beautiful, pure and white, as if her soul was in the hands of God. 
She is loved by everyone around her and she stands strong, with power and beauty. This is for you mom, hope you liked it.
This is dedicated to my mom whom I cherish alot. She is special and unique and I love that about her
457 · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I'm not fragile, but I'm not weak
I'm in between
I'm not the definition of perfect, in fact, I'm far from that
I feel like a glass doll, to can see through me
My scars are on the line
Feel free to add more
I wish my problems were like a hookah pin, breathe them in, then within seconds they disappear
451 · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
You are my drug
I can't live with out you
No, I won't live without you
Your hands and mine fit like a puzzle
Are lips gently collide
Your body against mine, nothing can break us. Two peices of medal is what we are, we are strong, nothing can break that
You are a indeed my drug
Someone I can't live without.
442 · Sep 2015
Our Story (Mako)
Blue Angel Sep 2015
[Verse 1:]
Take a look past our innocence, take a step back to yesterday
When life would move slower, we would never grow up
All we knew that love was for when we're older
Anything could happen, secretly imagine
They could never tear us apart too young to fall

This is our story that we could take back some day
Our lonely glory that we could get back they say
This is our story that we could take back some day
Our hope if only that we could take back (some day [x7])
That we could take back some (day [x9])


This is our story that we could take back some day
Our lonely glory that we could get back they say
This is our story that we could get back some day
Our hope if only that we could take back some

[Verse 2:]
Take a look past our innocence, take a step back to yesterday
When life would move slower, we would never grow up
All we knew that love was for when we're older
Anything could happen, secretly imagine
They could never tear us apart too young to fall

This is our story that we could get back some day
Our lonely glory that we could get back they say
This is our story that we could take back some day
Our hope if only that we could take back (some day [x7])
We could take back some (day [x9])


This is our story that we could take back some day
Our lonely glory that we could get back they say
This is our story that we could take back some day
Our hope if only that we could take back some
440 · Apr 2015
Broken Angel
Blue Angel Apr 2015
I try to stand straight
But making you happy is a battle
I build my walls, too strong for you to tear down
I try to love you, I do try
But in the end, shots are fired
Im sorry I am not the perfect daughter
Living a life based on one moral
I'm sure I broke that many times
I was afraid of letting you in 
Letting you see what who the real me
I didn't want you to hate me
I'm not the person you think I am
I'm dangerous on the inside
Fire within me rages the more your words are thrown
I'm sorry dad, but this is how I feel
436 · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
I am invincible to society
I am the one who wears a dollface
Smile when it seems right
I have talents no one see's
But I do have someone who loves me
Falling down is easy, getting up is hard
I'm afraid to shoe them who I am.
I don't belong, I can see it in there faces
No need to hide, you can't break me
432 · Sep 2015
The Meaning of You
Blue Angel Sep 2015
Its funny how a simple "Hello" can change everthing
How a hug can mean so much, even if the rain comeschasing you
Looking at a smile that was gifted to you only, melts the heart
Or how a simple ounce of care can go a long way
Time passes, and before you know it, that door that wsa locked up
Has now opened to new possibilities you never knew existed
Thats the Meaning of You.
423 · Sep 2015
Blue Angel Sep 2015
You may look at me and think my life is perfect because I'm blonde, blue eyed, and because i'm white. Two parents, 2 brothers, freinds who care and a nice home with shelter, and someone that I deeply deeply care about and love. But my life isn't perfect, in fact it's far from perfect. I didn't choose the lfe I have, I didn't choose the military life. It choose me. At first it's fun, moving to differnt places and going on adventures, but it does have it's flaws and bittersweet moments. Like having a dad go to war 3 tines and you pray tht 2 men dressed in service don't come knocking on your door. Or that he misses your soccer game,  your 1st, 6th, 8th, and 13th birthday, your 8th graduation, school events. Isn't there most of the time because he is trying to provide for a family. And how he has the words to comfort you tht mom can't find. Then you have the times when you try so hard to make sure you don't ***** up, but no matter how hard you try. How protective he is of you, and that you don't want to let him down. But that's just sone of it. Truth is, I've made so many mistakes that I can't count them on my fingers, I have cried enough times to make a river, and I made enough scares on my self physicaly and emotionally to **** someone. Because I didn't talk about my sadness and misery, I felt trapped, but it all changed, but sometimes it came back in different ways. I've been to 9 different schools, 7 different states and I've managed to keep in touch with 6 people. I've felt with police, and it wasn't my fault, I've don't illegal things, and I'm still in this earth. I'm currently 18 and I'm in high school about to change all of that. So here is to the people who aren't seen the right way, judged and messed with.
414 · Mar 2015
Blue Angel Mar 2015
What type of person are you?
Are you the one to stand up and fight
or do you put down your guns and surrender?
Do you wish you had metal armor and everything richoted, or do you sit and take a beating till you can't breathe?
I know what I am. I wear iron and my eyes light up like fire.
I dare you to say something, do something so I can show you what I'm made of
Go on, give it a try.
410 · May 2015
Blue Angel May 2015
I hope soon I'll be standing with you, because in your arms, I'm home
The feeling is rare, even for my heart
One day I'll be back where I belong an that is next to you saying I love you.
399 · Sep 2015
Blue Angel Sep 2015
I talk about you to my freinds, but they tell me to seeing you, that I'm too young to know what love feels like. Everyone thinks he has me pulled in so tight, but they are wrong. My light, armor, courage and everything in between reflect more when I'm with him. He is my other half, soul mate, I can't live without him. If I lost him, I wouldn't know what to do, because he makes me happy and that's all that matters. Are boundless hearts remain in one peace. That's all we want, together.
399 · Nov 2015
Blue Angel Nov 2015
Escaping into a reality
Thats only a fantasy
Grab a gun, ****** Rifle, and go for it
This is your time to let go and explode
All the volcanoes will crumble
I am tired of people telling me what to do
Not seeing the real picture here.
How i feel
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