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Anonymistress Dec 2019
My heart will not concede the spite I should be wielding for...
There are moments in life that could tear you apart. After taking it all in, is it worth your troubles? The answer is hardly ever yes.
Dec 2019 · 140
pt. 2; letter to an ex
Anonymistress Dec 2019
Last night you said you don't want me to guess.. you want me to be 100% certain. But when we were falling apart at the end and everything exploded, I begged you to choose me. But you couldn't. You were the one that was never 100%. And that's why I walked away. I couldn't keep choosing a man that only loved me conveniently.
An old one from the books.
Dec 2019 · 316
....fill in the blank
Anonymistress Dec 2019
Optimism is indispensable when accepting the concept that life's ----- will always be on the horizon.
Ever try to jot down a quick thought, but you weren't fast enough and forgot?
Dec 2019 · 352
let them go.
Anonymistress Dec 2019
The back and forth.

The contradictions.
The inconsistency.

Compassion is not an inconvenience, remember that.
Anonymistress Dec 2019
It's all fun and games

                        until you find yourself
                        facing the barrel of a gun

with a man saying
"I love you," while
he's holding the grip.
Get it off my chest.
Dec 2019 · 125
letter to an ex~
Anonymistress Dec 2019
[ ] You will forever be the best thing to ever enter my life. I think about that every day. You were good to me in ways I never knew possible and I cant imagine any soul could ever compare. I want to run back to you every evening and just spend my nights in your arms knowing we will be okey. And I think about how lovely our future could be. But I remember that that conversation has never brought us happiness, and that breaks me every time. I'm not doing well without you, but I'm trying. And I hope you are too.
Dec 2019 · 156
Anonymistress Dec 2019
It didn't work, did it?
Trying to void the indifference that pillaged your soul
With the silhouette of a stranger's caress.
Yes, you knew better. But still...
forgive yourself.
Anonymistress Dec 2019
She doesn't crave the touch of your Saturday night lust, if she cannot hold your Sunday morning love.
Dec 2019 · 122
pinky promise.
Anonymistress Dec 2019
I know it might have looked like "all or nothing" from your point of view, but you were terribly mistaken. At five years old, I promised to never love a man that couldn't appreciate slow dancing in the kitchen.

But I loved you for years anyway, and let myself down. I had to accept that dancing alone was as good as it would get.

So when you wouldnt choose me in the end and expected me to stick around anyway, it wasn't all or nothing.

I realized you had never chosen me. And I stopped choosing myself too.

That's wasn't love.
Set your own standards. And set them for a reason.
Dec 2019 · 156
another meaningless tattoo.
Anonymistress Dec 2019
Maybe one day, the right man will come along and read all the quotes encrypted on your body. And he will inquire the truths hidden beneath each designation. Only then will he truly know you. Only then will he truly understand.
Every mark has a story to tell. No one has heard them all, but you.
Dec 2019 · 250
Anonymistress Dec 2019
The aptitude of benevolence derives serendipity of the soul.
""the natural tendencies of kindness achieve good fortune within
Apr 2016 · 673
The Naked Body
Anonymistress Apr 2016
She won't let you see.

They're all one in the same.
Yours and hers,
Hearts both on the table.
Only hers is halfway off the edge.
So close, but you just can't touch.

She won't let you see.

Intimate and passionate as one.
Yours and hers,
Bodies both skin to skin.
Only her bra will never come off.
So close but you just can't touch.

Her body,
Will never be naked.
Physically and Emotionally.

She won't let you in.
For the girls that won't let their guard down, you'll hear this well..
Mar 2015 · 262
What's Your's
Anonymistress Mar 2015
You can give someone your heart and soul.
But never give them the power to take away who you are.
Mar 2015 · 583
oh first love...
Anonymistress Mar 2015
They say I deserve better.
But I disagree
because I fell inlove with his heart
and I know what I see.
Stubborn, independent,
and mostly he's free.
The cycle grows, but him and I
are all I want to be.
Look into a person's eyes and fall for their heart and soul. ❤  Nothing else has to matter. Through thick and thin two people can form an unbreakable bond. Dont let anyone block that view.
Feb 2015 · 403
I hold on.
Anonymistress Feb 2015
Know when to hold on
and know when to let go.
Every moment
Has it's purpose.
Feb 2015 · 311
Anonymistress Feb 2015
I'll forever carry that sense of hope in any situation that everything will all work out.
But I'm always prepared for the fallout.
I just don't known which is more disappointing.
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Reality Hits Hard.
Anonymistress Feb 2015
Life is so much easier when you're lost in the bliss of air.
What happens when you're found?
Jan 2015 · 718
insert meaning here
Anonymistress Jan 2015
The menace  is of itself.
"Me" being the only troubles to face.
As one falls, will one always succeed in getting back up?
As the answer lasts for so long.
How long?
How long until reality smashes and shatters the dream?
The truth being, as it always has.
This poem can be interpreted in so many different ways. What's yours?
Jan 2015 · 972
Not Just Cold, but Lonely
Anonymistress Jan 2015
Sleeping with the heater on
Because you're anywhere but here.
Covers keep slipping off.
 All these blankets disappear.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Anonymistress Jan 2015
The darkness screams
as the moonlight trembles.
Unseen shadows hide the truth.
For what's lingering the night,
be all that unspoken.

— The End —