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Sep 2022 · 6.0k
Green eye love story
HeyitsAngel Sep 2022
Green eyes
I thought the color of eyes was just the color
Until I laid eyes on his
His green eyes
Became ordinary and beautiful
Oh his green eyes
The eyes that make me feel safe
The eyes that makes my heart feel warm
His eyes are not just eyes
His eyes are the most powerful
His eyes became my home
From thousands of miles away
His eyes as he looks at me through a screen
Manage to make me feel so special even with the distance
Oh the man with green eyes
The one that made my brown eyes become so much more
Since he looks into mine like I am the prettiest girl in the world
The man with green eyes that saved a brown-eyed girl like me
Dec 2021 · 154
HeyitsAngel Dec 2021
My thoughts are running across the room
Searching for answers
For I am lost
Hours of working
Nothing can overpower the Overthinking
Disbelief in such thoughts of worry
I am silent
Thoughts wondering
The only sound is the buzzing from my phone
Aug 2021 · 148
Without you..
HeyitsAngel Aug 2021
Even though we both moved on
This date always breaks my heart
You will be the one I will tell my kids about
We were so in love
But it's gone
Its been a year in a half since we broke up
I thought it was supposed to get easier
I hope you are okay
I hope she makes you happy
I am sorry I couldn't be enough
Memories roaming my mind as I cry
I know you are not the one for me
Words cannot describe how I feel
Memories rushing my heart
To his girl...
Take him to the moon for me, okay
Make sure you give him plenty of love
Be patient with him
Aug 2021 · 134
6,419 miles Part 2
HeyitsAngel Aug 2021
It was early in the morning
Pitch black outside
I receive a phone call
It says your name flashing repeatedly
I deny
You call me
I answer with flustered hands
You talk and laugh
Talk about the past
Then you fall asleep
As if I am supposed to be left here till you wake
Like how we used too
Its because you know I am that girl to always remain on the phone with you
During your drinking nights
I have numbed the feeling of how much I miss you
But now your asleep and I am vulnerable
Hearing you breathe
Hearing you snore
Sounds I haven't heard since we were together
Aug 2021 · 3.1k
HeyitsAngel Aug 2021
Unsaid words are the ones that break me.
The words I never said because of closure that was never brought
Shaking my leg anxiously due to those unsaid words
You broke me
Everything you do, you have broken me
I put on this mask as if there are not those unsaid words
Lay in bed with those unsaid words floating around me
If you only knew
You decide to bring people up so high
To only bring them down
These unsaid words
Oh, how you will never know
I hold my phone, beginning to right those unsaid words
Only to delete my entire text
Because you don't care
I will sit and become comfortable in those unsaid words
Unsaid words and lack of closure will be the only thing you are to me
The words unsaid is what brought me to scream songs
Of the lying

Lack of care
Hi, I am back everyone! I hope you enjoy this poem :)
Feb 2021 · 181
I was still your first call
HeyitsAngel Feb 2021
I know you had wanted to call me
You cried when I said I was near your area
Unfortunately, with words unsaid
And memories being brought up
It broke your heart
I loved you
You being drunk and upset
I was still your first call
When feeling like the whole world is against you
I am still your first call
Why isn't the special girl your first call
The girl you love
You chose the girl you claimed fell out of love with
You still care
But I sit here in silence
I was your first call
Dec 2020 · 617
Without you
HeyitsAngel Dec 2020
We had agreed to be friends
I felt like I couldn't
It hurt too much and I felt I wasn't healing
We both broke down when I said I needed time
When I told you I couldn't handle a friendship
Because I didn't want us feeling something for each other
Its been a few weeks of us not talking
I notice so many things we haven't been able to talk about
That we bonded over
I thought us having our own space
Would help us heal
Without you its been hard
I miss my best friend
That's all we were
Two hockey-loving best friends
I miss talking to you about football
But it's okay
I hope you are okay
Just know I thought this was for the best
Without you
Without you, I haven't been the same crazy sports fan
Oct 2020 · 190
Can I have one last
HeyitsAngel Oct 2020
I know you are not in my life anymore
Can I have one last hug
Can I have one last kiss
Can I have one last I love you
Can I hold your hand just one more time
Maybe if I have just one last hug
It won't be our last
Can we listen to our favorite song
Just one more time
Can I just run back into your arms one last time?
Can I hear you play my favorite song?
Just one last time
Can you call me yours just one last time
Can you call me
One last time
Can I see you
One last time
Maybe it won't be our last
Jul 2020 · 618
I'm done begging
HeyitsAngel Jul 2020
I beg on my knees
For people to stay
The people I want to stay the most
Are the ones I am better without
Please don't go
Is what I have said to people I thought were my forever
Please don't break my heart
I am done begging
For the attention, you don't want to give
Don't give me hope
I give 100 percent to people
Make time for them
Comfort them
But who's there when life hits me
I have my amazing family
But I only want to tell them so much
Music is key
Writing poetry is great
It's words that you truly feel
It ***** when everything around you is great
But mentally you feel off
I feel broken
Even though you could look at my life
And say what does she have to be sad about
I wish I knew why I feel so sad
I'm tired
Nothing really interests me anymore
The things I once loved I don't anymore
I am going to bring back that happy girl
She is somewhere
I will fight to be happy again
There will be no more confusion with my tiredness and sadness
Jul 2020 · 108
How are you feeling?
HeyitsAngel Jul 2020
As she writes
She has her music the loudest it can go
Writes about the confusing heart she has
She has always been a very quiet girl
Kept things to herself
Smiles all the time
Super sweet and helpful
But you never truly knew how she was
She is so positive and optimistic
But behind that smile
She is struggling
She overthinks
She wants to please everyone
She does what people want
But is she truly satisfied
Putting a smile on people's faces
And worrying about how they feel all the time
Can get tiring so the question I have for you
How are you feeling
No seriously
How are you feeling
Darling your emotions matter too
Don't hold it in
Let it out, honey
You can only be strong for long
And put up a front that you are okay
Breakdown sweetie, it's okay
Your emotions matter
It's not selfish
Your mental health is important too
Jul 2020 · 108
The Thoughts
HeyitsAngel Jul 2020
Oh how my mind wonders
Looks at each corner of the room
Hopes that she can find the answers
Amongst the walls
The light at the corner of the room
Keeps me wondering
How are you feeling
I wish I knew as I talk amongst myself
You must wonder
She is a beauty amongst her quietness
She may not say much
But she thinks a lot
She hesitates to say the words she is thinking
Why you ask
Because her feelings might not make sense to everyone
She proceeds to write her poetry
Quickly while listening to James Arthur
The thoughts
As time goes by
Jul 2020 · 133
6,491 miles
HeyitsAngel Jul 2020
Stop acting like you love me
Stop messing with my head
I go through my daily life
Acting as if I am strong and ok
Trying not to think about
the thought of you
But you keep coming back
Get out of my head
I moved on
I  wanted you to love me
I wanted you to give me a reason
A reason to love you
But you were so quick to let me go
I asked myself why wasn't I good enough for you
I moved on yet I still ask myself that
I thought you were the one I knew you were
But you didn't see that I was
Now you have to watch another man love me
And all of a sudden you miss me
Maybe you do miss me
You sent me a text a normal daily tease
About our rival hockey teams
Then we talked
I didn't in a sense expect a conversation
Normal teasing again
Then to me being honest that you were not a great boyfriend
You told me you would've changed for me
I had a hard time swallowing that
Because I know you wouldn't have
You told me put these words in perspective
Would I be here begging for you back at 1 am
I sat and cried
In silence letting my thoughts roam
On the words, you had said
Who knew that even from 6,491 miles
And 3 months
13 weeks
2,231 hours
133,871 minutes
I would still be on your mind
Even after I told you I moved on
You still are fighting back
Why after all this time you had
You want me now
My heart still breaks
But I believe I moved on too soon
Not enough time to heal
Wherever you may be
Really think was I the one
I loved your family
Your little brother was awesome
Your friends were pretty cool too
Have you talked to them about this
You are the man 6,491 miles thinking of a girl you lost
You would have to do a lot of fighting for the girl you broke
She loved you
6,491 miles
And somehow I still cross your mind
Give me time to think and breathe
My thoughts are lost
Even with that many miles you want to fix things
Was I that important
6,491 miles
3 months since you let me go
May 2020 · 190
Be honest
HeyitsAngel May 2020
I rather you tell me
You don't want me
Then lead me on
You end up hurting me more
If you don't just say the truth
Let my mind overthink
Let it wonder
Let me question
But please don't
Ask why I am gone
I may seem naive
But I know you don't want me
And that's okay
Please don't say you miss me
I have heard it all before
This why I don't give in too quickly
You never know about people
They lose interest
They no longer want you
Is it something you did
You will never know
All I ask is
Be honest
Even if it may hurt me
I can take it
HeyitsAngel May 2020
She sits quietly in her room
With her music super loud
Lost in her thoughts
She's gonna be okay
It's hard when the person that mentally destroyed you
Tries to reappear like nothing
She walked away
Because you couldn't handle a woman like her
Stop trying
She is happy now
The more you attempt to reappear
The tears come rolling down
Not because she misses you
But because she wants you to go away
She gave you everything back
Yet you keep trying to have some sort of ties with her
You hurt her
As happily in love, she may be in
She is still healing
That's your fault
You could've broken her heart in a nice way
You could've called things off
Instead, you chose to be toxic
You think she would never find out
You thought she was always gonna stay
Because you figured she could never find someone as
"Great" as you
You weren't great
You thought you had her wrapped around your finger
Guess what
You didn't
Stop trying to act like you care now
That she is in love
You want to apologize too late for that
Respect her and Respect
She wants you out of her life
You made her afraid
You made her insecure
She sees he won't cut all ties with her
Let me go you have done enough
It's time for someone else to love me now
As he has to break all the walls you created for her
Please do her a favor
Go away
Stop trying to contact her
You are only breaking her more
She doesn't miss you
She doesn't miss your toxicity
Go away
May 2020 · 120
Chivalry is dead
HeyitsAngel May 2020
Society at times is absolutely disgusting
I as a young women
Can't walk out wearing a crop top and jeans
Without having men look at me in a way
That is completely unnecessary
It should not matter what a woman wears
No man should look at her in a profound way
She is more than just a body
She is no object
She is beautiful and deserves to be respected
It's disgusting to have men make comments
About a young women wearing a semi crop top
I should be able to wear what I want
Without men giving me negative attention
Society I swear
We as people have lost all sense of
It is disgusting
To see how men view women
She is a person
Who deserves respect
I am more than just a body
I am a person
Who has feelings
And deserves love and respect
Chivalry is dead
May 2020 · 142
I don't know
HeyitsAngel May 2020
I sit here
Why can't I feel anything
Why do I feel so afraid
Like I can't trust anyone
I wish we could see the colors of someone
Right away
Like do they just want to take advantage of me
I wish I knew
Like  that's what happens
When your heart gets messed with so much
I don't know
I give up honestly
I am sick of trying to figure out who is good
And who is bad
I think being alone is great sometimes
Because even while trying to read people
I will still be happy
Because I will know
That even in my loneliness
I don't need to rely on others for my happiness
Writing is my focus
Family is my focus
Meeting other writers is my focus
Getting into a good college
But I think from now on
My writing will have how I feel
So whoever reads my work will know
I am telling a story
Because it's okay
To not know
And at this point in my life
I don't know
I don't care to know
Seeking happiness within writing
Apr 2020 · 270
You never cared anyways
HeyitsAngel Apr 2020
You defiantly broke my heart
If I am being honest
You broke me
Yep you really did
I stayed up waiting by the phone for all your calls
You never called
Little to know you were doing things behind my back
I was so naive not to say anything
Move on go ahead
Because its so easy for you
You not being the broken one
Congratulations you made it on the list
The list of guys I thought loved me
And told me all the beautiful things
To take advantage of my kind heart
You never valued me
So have fun
Have a good life
I feel no need to text you
To express to you how badly you broke my heart
Because guess what
If you didn't care during our relationship about how I felt
You for sure wouldn't give a **** now
So thank you
For the next guy I will need to be super healed
You argued with my friend when he said you were gonna cheat and break my heart
You called it a stereotype
Well clearly it wasn't
You told me you would never break my heart
You promised but no you did
You told me to trust you
Stupid me to believe that
You told me you never talked to your exes
You told me they meant nothing
You brought them up way too much
Talked about their beauty
I guess I wasn't good enough
I will come back a better women
So thank you
I was the best thing you ever had
Put so much effort
But no you can move on like nothing
Because I never hurt you!
Even when you broke my heart at many times
But no I have to sit here in pain
The pain you caused
I lost trust for anyone
But your trust stayed the same
You are a monster
In disguise as a prince
To lure the innocent
Only to break them
Apr 2020 · 130
"I am Okay"
HeyitsAngel Apr 2020
She lays in her bed
Letting thoughts roam her mind
She is thinking
What can I do to be enough
Enough for everyone
Enough to be loved so deeply and adored
What can I do to not be just the average girl
She wants to be something more
She is shy
She seeks respect and love
Her mind is determined and focused
She likes to know what makes her different
Is there a difference
Am I good enough she asks
If so how
How am I worthy
She sits and waits
As her phone lights up
She needs to be alone
Are you okay someone asked
Yeah just tired she said
Good night
She didn't go to bed
She laid there thinking
She stayed up really late
Woke up
Took a shower
Thoughts wondering
I am okay
I'm just tired
HeyitsAngel Apr 2020
My best friend and I have stuck together through everything
Each break up
Each hard time
Each insecure moment
Each happy moment
Girls breaking his heart
Guys breaking mine
Each night when our minds are overthinking
And it becomes too much
We know we can contact each other
Each time we fall in love with someone we always ask for advice
It's always I hope they love you
We have always supported each other
The advice my best friend left me was...
You are worthy
Guys don't understand how great you are
My best friend has always reminded me of my worth
My best friend has always valued our friendship
Just when I think I am not worth it
My best friend brings me back
You have an amazing heart
That's what my best friend tells me
There is a movie my best friend had me watch
It reminded me a lot about our lives in a way
I think one of my favorite memories with my best friend was
That car ride on the way to our friend's house
And we vibed to music and made fun of street names
Get yourself a best friend like mine
That reminds you of your worth
That would do anything for you
And support you
Thank you to my best friend
For being the shoulder I can cry on all last year
For supporting the decisions I made even though they were not great
For being there to catch me even when you warned me
This one is for you
HeyitsAngel Apr 2020
Young girl sits quietly in her room
Light coming from your vinyl records on her wall
She sits and deals with overthinking
She wishes she was good enough
Weight has always been an issue for her
People complaining about how her weight is
Her family thinks she is beautiful
She may not be the prettiest
She may not be the smartest
She loves people
She wants value
She pours her heart into people that don't deserve her
Because she has a big heart
People take advantage of her in so many ways
Her mother has cried wishing people would stop hurting her
She has been heart broken so many time
And always she says
I wish that I was good enough
I wish I was shorter
She wishes she was more in shape
But shes working on that
She wishes someone would say wow thats wifey material
But actually mean it
She wishes someone would look at her and be like wow
She is gorgeous not only her appearance
But her heart
She ends her night with these words
I wish I was good enough
#goodenough #overthinking #new #poet
Mar 2020 · 966
The Young Teenage Girl
HeyitsAngel Mar 2020
Young teenage girl
She thinks she is in love at age 17
She is very kind
Heart like gold
Innocent thinking no boy can ever hurt her
She was wrong
She went through something she thought she can never get out of
She was scared
This boy broke the way she viewed herself
Because to him she was nothing
She was only pleasing to the eye
But not to be in love with emotionally
She now lives with the thoughts of how awful he was
He won't ever think about how he broke her
With his comments
With his actions
She cried in her room for hours
Afraid of everything
Thinking all men viewed her as nothing
But pleasing to the eye
She was just trying to be happy
If he was so unhappy with himself
Or if he knew he wasn't suitable for a girl like her
Why did he date her
Why did he not express to her his intentions in the first place
But no instead he decided to date a happy
Innocent women
Only to break her
You didn't deserve her
No apology can fix her
You did what you did
Now leave her alone
You are just upset she didn't feed into what you wanted
You made it hard for her to even let another man love her
But no you can go move on with your love life like normal
Because you don't live with any pain
Because she wasn't a hurtful person
But she met someone
A man that was willing to be patient with her
Knowing what she went through
He spent time loving her
Even if she wasn't very comfortable even with a hug
But no he loved her
She got what she deserved all along
A loving man
That is devoted to her
That will give her the entire world if he could
That would make sure she would never go through any pain
Ever again...
Mar 2020 · 573
I Have Been Replaced
HeyitsAngel Mar 2020
It's dark in the room
With only little light coming from
The lamp at the corner of the room
Alone with my thoughts
Wishing I wasn't feeling unknown pain
Oh how I let my mind wonder
With words like...
Oh how I wish I didn't
Wear this mask as if everything is okay
When you the person I thought would never
Break my heart
I thought friendship was forever between us
But I was wrong
I was replaced
Who knew caring so much for someone was
Who knew trying to keep the one you love safe
Could lead them to hating you
In the Night
I remember our late night calls
Of laughter on the most random things
People would admire how great friends we
It's all apart of life
I grew up and found my love
But I still wanted my love and having you as my
Best friend
But things happen for the best
You found your love
And replaced me
When I tried managing you and my love
I couldn't help to not want to protect you
You were my sister
You were my shoulder to cry on
But I guess when you found someone
Our daily hang outs became none
Our daily chats about our lives became
About me trying to protect you
Or you saying things that I knew were not like you
Or arguing about our boyfriends
As I tried to defend mine
Since you didn't know much about mine
You were the keeper to my secrets
To my deepest thoughts
But turns out
You were just like everybody else
Wanting to advantage of my innocence
With my generosity
And be okay with being the "hidden plan"
When you were with somebody else
You said you understood what I was going through
When you have never experienced distance
From the one you love
I wanted to save you
Protect you
But I guess I couldn't
You broke me
I shall move on with my life
Deal with the things you spread around that are not true
Deal with the things I only shared with you
To be spread to the whole world
I hope you know
You made me stronger
You also made me trust no one
You may wish bad upon me
But I only wish good for you
This is no hate for you
But only love
I hope you have a bright future
I hope you pursue any dreams you may have
But I will no longer be here
I know you don't care
I have been replaced
I hope some of you can relate to this. This is one of the most personal poems I have written so far.
Nov 2019 · 138
HeyitsAngel Nov 2019
With those beautiful words
That can make any girl feel special
Can make any girl think you are in love with her
Oh you
You tell girls everything they want to hear
Only to make them feel so little
Oh how you state you love her when you don't
Oh how you take her for granted
Her heart is fragile
But Oh how YOU
You broke her innocence
She is broken
You led her on to this beautiful forest
You led her on to believe you were a prince
When all you are is a monster
Luring a princess into a trap
Oh how you broke her
She no longer trusts anyone..
That invests interest in her
She loved you
Genuinely  loved you
But you were too blind to see it
You just wanted wrong intentions with her
She now is having trouble loving anyone
Because you..
You broke her
Nov 2019 · 201
HeyitsAngel Nov 2019
My mother once told me
That boys will tell me beautiful words
Some will mean them
Some will fake those words
Only to advantage of me
Some boys will lead you into this beautiful place
Only to play with your heart
Oh how painful it is
Oh how heart breaking it feels
Compliments can be beautiful
But who knew those words
Can be such a weapon
To the heart
Nov 2019 · 321
The Girl with brown eyes
HeyitsAngel Nov 2019
The Brown eyed girl
She smiles as he looks at her
She is just an ordinary Brown eyed girl
Oh how she wishes she didn't have brown eyes
The Brown eyed girl wanders with her pen in her hand
Hoping to write something extraordinary
The Brown eyed girl
Wishes for someone to love her with her brown eyes
The Brown eyed girl glances as the boy with extraordinary eyes
The Brown eyed girl is a writer
Underneath those brown eyes
Is a girl that has a bright heart
The Brown eyed girl

— The End —