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Nov 2015 · 1.3k
At All

Somewhere in the outerspace
strange people were buying
land on the Moon, Mars and
even Venus.

Pluto was afar,
remote and not a real thing!
At All
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Thinker
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
Great Spirit's Path
When Great
Mystery invites you
At your cherished
Last days to cross
The bridge from
One Sun's realm
To another one ~
All your true beauty
Resplendently reveals
In a hug, in gentle whispers
To our little ones ~ wisdom secrets
Gained within abundant years. . .
And how good they are, bringing
Colourful intuitive drawings
Sweet children's creations
  And suddenly when
You talk with them
I see your older brothers kindness
And his wisdom upon your face
They shimmer with love
And strange silence
Sensing illness
And suffering
Waving goodbye
You give a gentle caress
Removing one untamed tress
From well known forehead
With your beloved tired hand

All that really matters at the end
Is how many breaths you have
From Mother Earth to Ancient Stars
That on your life journey
Good memories
Of blissful moments
Are all that's important
Skiing on sparkling snow slopes
Together, Travelling, having
A great laugh after visiting
Venice and Peggy Guggenheim
Museum, Train moving,
Reading some splendid poems
About life's happiness, homeland, bread,
Mother's love
Grandpa's and Grandchild's
Sacred connection
Singing a native song
About our most cherished tree
A tune you make without words
And you sing with vowel sounds
And we sing with tears in our eyes
Holding hands in silence
Oct 2015 · 815
Visible to anyone
In need to feel
more than mere
words poets press
continue reading...

My Poems here
are a common
red blood bind
horizon heeding
from blank to grey.

Tips are starlit as
the most bold ink-lined
beautiful formation
of space & time.
bizzare, un-limited
falsificated classical
old blue ink evaporated
with digital evolution.

 Not aware of its-elf ~ existence
is sinking deep into my
tactile fingerprint cushions
    Once I see guidelines  
there's no hook to be
made out of necessity.
I add and add ad
infinutum and all
I see is Home.
Written by
Impeccable Space
Oct 2015 · 983
Drumms Aglow
To  take  a  leap
Into the unknown
            Is terrifying        
       For comets do flow
         On the Tao on their own!
Alter the sweet sparks
Sizzle and crack
In bliss and surprise
      ~Where do you go Poet~
                 with divine affection
only mortal poems know how to
Hold on the edge of You~
  Transcendence that soothes me~
         Feathers from your flight~
             Consciously chased by
                  Impermanence of    
                 Vivacious streams
        Transforming into the Raven
   Whisperings of your favorite
       Fountainescue poetry books
  Radiance aglow~quadrophonics
Unutterably enchanting
     Glorious Swans of Sound Nebulae
         Swimming Endlessly~on Thou~
                 Laser beam gaze to my heart's
            Golden dream Fabulae.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic love/ox
Oct 2015 · 652
Whipped Wonder
Day dreams always end
in  a well  known  caffe
where  we  cannot
finish  cacao
Imagined By Impeccable Space Poetic Love
Oct 2015 · 682
Senryu - Heavenly Ardour

*Your twist of love life ~

Is so much more beautiful

Than you ever thought !
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Oct 2015 · 496
True ~ Haiku

The Poetic Form
~   Helps
  the eloquent  Poem   ~
Reel Integrity

~ ~ ~
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Earth is the prime
source of love
living in mystery
giving seeds
       water transforming all
     the bitterness to blessed
            purification, your spiritual
Wings as Sun flying around
  in this cosmic delight
    whispering, singing along
       Subtle overwhelming
                   Harmony, droning
     in tune with Galactic
       core ~ my heart is
       near your heart
     as the Moon
   orbits The Great
Mother, Grand
Eruptive Sky Father's
Heavenly Energy
       creates in creatures
     most sacred wish to bow to
    Ultimate beauty, submerged
   into this wondrous colorful world,
      into the Eternal Waves of Subtlety
         ...Most Honest Divination...

     Life may seem hard
   For the honest women and men;
      But ... It is... It is mere An Illusion ...
       That Scoundrels and Creeps don't have  
       Each ~A beautiful Star ~ Twinkling for them
           And for the World ~ As your Light shines

            *Upon the ones you deeply Love
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty and Love
Oct 2015 · 429
The orange; almond eyes
Foxish, content gaze
Licking a paw
Warming my feet.

The Universe inspires
me: you
Are my w-hole-ne-ss

No, I'm not your
Universe, I'm ur
Universal Transcendens
Oct 2015 · 559
Profoundly Enticed
In the great dephts of a collossal anthem
There were ray beams gathered, focused
Beautifully by a magic magnifying glass.

The true meaning of existence was living,
Breathing, focusing on step by steps little
Revelations; non-existing bouquets lit on
Misty meadows glowing in the morning
Dew drops budding on cherry blossoms.

He thought-nevertheless: he's falling into
The infinite abyss of his enticed farenheit
Hell, swirling his brilliant darkish mind to
The point of total absolute white, mingled
With blackness and sweet spectre of love
Profoundly smooched~wickedly nooked.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Lovebeam
Oct 2015 · 237
Never: she said
Of course: you nod
To you: I burn
Eradicated: he blushed

Human love enhances floating dust particles
Platanas autumn colours invigorate this day
Between half open eyelashes Sun rays refract
The bountiful light in delicate rosette offering.

Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Oct 2015 · 686
Senryu ~ Sobriety
You Whispered a Tune -
And Wax Poetic's Tickled
Me -- Laughter in Joy!  
Written by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Love
Like the way the valleys of the earth
Cup their hands for light and drink,

Like the way the desert opens up its sweet mouth
And laughs

When someone melts pearls in the sky
And rain, rain
Returns like a divine lover
With a hundret wonderful gifts

O, the words from the true Teacher
Bring my mind and cells
Such sacred nourishment and life.

When the moon is full
It gets gregarious and likes to chat.
I have heard it say,

"Look what can happen, dear seeker,
When you lean your graceful arms toward God in prayer,

Look at all that amorous light you can catch
That will help the night musicians and your soul
Get loose."

I stand revolving like a great dervish
In an ecstatic submission to His will.

I have been hired to perform the final act of grace.
I am the priest in every sacred wedding tent.

Tonight I am a sovereign planet
With a great wool skirt.
I am a divine artist
One stage before God's entire court.

With each sublime whirl and orbit
I bow to the Sun's feet.
I fill my glass for you, dear pilgrim,
Beneath the luminous leaking barrel.

I then pour all the contents of my heart
And eye's experience
Upon this banquet table,

For your body and mind are a precious silk cloth
Hafis has come to dye!

I circumambulate the Truth from the sky
Like a golden vulture.
I have forsaken all the crippling manners
Of even the most royal birds.

I carry a lute in my talons like a mortal weapon.
Please, please enter into a holy battle with me.
For I am God's friend
Who maims with compassion!
And you are a lost dove upon His wing.

I can teach you
How to bribe the Beloved with an angelic tune

So that the divine manna of His glance
Will fall upon your palate.

Some days I know
You are being trained as an emissary
To serve in his office of joy.

Dear one,
Last night, in the gallery of Reality
I saw a portrait I will never forget:

The Beloved was stirring a ***
With a spoon the size of a universe
And when He lifted it
I saw this whole world and its affairs
Were not even a floating speck of a barley
Before the radiance of two diamonds
That were His brilliant cheeks!

All I could do when beholding that vision
Was to fall upon my knees

And cup my hands like a humble valley
Huddled between the thights
Of this exquisite, holy mountain range

And try to build a resevoir to hold the Beloved's
Resplendent smile
That offers myriad tickets to freedom,
That offers the splendor of hearing God sing!

I am the spinning wheel upon the infinite.
I have swallowed the axis and hub
That fathered light and truth.

Grab hold and swing from me, my dear,
Doing the impossible
With your hands and feet both clapping.

I offer a mother's comfort and knowledge
To those who are tired and weak.

And when you become strong
I will conduct like a skilled warior-king
Your divine volcanic glands exploding like new galaxies
In all their blessed madness.

God offers love, love, love
With His own hands,
To your beautiful parched holy mouth.

Open your soul, handsome, dying one.
See all gender talk like a mighty joke,
In a oneness as glorious like this!

Hafiz, go running from that gallery
Like a naked drunk lion
Roaring with a laughter that will shake
The whole earth
And every window and door throughout the sleeping

Like a man,
Like a man who is delivering on a great steed
Fantastic news!

Tie yourself as a bell
To herds of mating camels
And spring flocks of clouds and birds.

Tie yourself to spawning stars
And to leaping whales
In a game of tag with the Moon!
Tie yourself to everything in creation
That got poured from God's magic hat.

O, tie your soul like a magnificent sweet chime
To every leaf and limb in existence,

That begin to shout divine obscenities
So that he will sure send a tremendous storm.
Because Hafiz, because Hafiz,
O, sweet Hafiz,    
You are a man with such benevolent and fantastic
Good News!

Dear wayfarer,
Now indulge me in a sober moment.
Please set down your glass.

I can help you write a letter of resignation
To all your fears and sadness.

Let all movement and sound,
Let all movement and sound

Begin to speak the truth to your heart
And write its music upon your vision and
Soft pink tongue.

Soak all your prejudices in oil-
I would consider it a favor.
Bring and sing to me your darkest thoughts,
For my whole body is blazing emerald wick,
I am a pure flame
Who needs and loves to burn.

We should lean against each other more
In such a strange world as this
That can make you scared
And even believe in that lie called death.

We should support each other more
Give more warmth
In such a demanding world as this.

Let all movement
Gently yield something of God
Upon your chin and vision
And roll down on your prayer mat
That will take root in the holy soil of your surrender.
May I hone your devotion with a kiss?

For all in existence is just spinning like this
Sweet earth
In a divine current.

Why not dance like Hafiz in the cup,
In the cup of His spoon?

I offer my clapping spirit to you,
That is in eternal movement.

Hafiz offersto bow at your feet
With hands that god has shaped and pounded.

Look in my palms, my dear,
They now contain your face and infinite existence.

All your ideas of space and time are shadows
That will run from this Sun She has made me.

I want to tie myself
As a gift around your neck.
I want to place a wonderful secret
Near your veins.

Why not use my verse as a golden camel bell
That you can turn upside down into a chalice
And fill with wine?

You are a divine camel bell
That the Beloved is ringing with his own hand.

Hafiz you were a blessed slave to Truth
That died like a cut reed and became hollow-
Turned into a divine instrument
That God now lifts to His own mouth,
Plays to summon this world to freedom.

How many man exist upon this earth
To whom I could whisper a holy secret?

Dear ones,
"God has sown Himself onto my tongue."

Like the way
The valleys of the earth
Cup their hands for light and drink,

The way
The desert opens up its sweet mouth
And laughs

When someone melts pearls in the sky

An rain, rain
Returns like a divine lover
With a thousands wonderful

O, the luminous words of my Beloved
Now bring my mind and soul
Such a sacred

~Hafiz ~
Hand written by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Love
Oct 2015 · 902
Within your Eyes
I want you to un
dress me
caress me
( adore you )
pleasures upon
my skin. . .into deep
shared intimacy
let me blossom
whirl and moan
show me your ripe
love knowledge
to drift us into the
Oct 2015 · 841
She'll write in language
with impeccable letters -
to him her prime tongue!
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Love
Try to write in my native language (which is not English)
without mistakes . . . sweet English conqueror!
Once upon a Time there lived a peasant
whose poems were whisperings of nature.

Nature aims toward growth, abundance
and decays softly back to succulent soils.

My homeland is not for your feet to step
upon, you belong to surrealistic cynicism.

My psychedelia does not approve of horrors
mundi and skips on every third classical tune.

What was impulsively chosen, can be a mistake
in pompous rituals on established compilations.

Apologies, for all the misdeeds lacking a true
appearances. You implied my life is a great lie.

No, it's not! Sometimes it is a knotted charade,
noose chameleon dreams wanting to create in

Castles build upon puffy clouds, youthful Ars
Poetica meeting a Pat Metheney's wonderland.

Beck is a phenomenal artist loving green lands.
Bachus was a goat. And Artemis protects us all!
To live Beautifully means to live according to Universal Harmony.
Wishing you all, to find the most beautiful, creative and truthful Path toward genuine Life's Art Poesis and bountyful moments of love shared with...
Oct 2015 · 2.0k
Long Tanka

How can I trust you -
Flickering flame in storm-wind
That I don't lose light!
In this dark, cold, barren night
Where crickets crave sleep -
In cricks, in my chest, Thy song
Long forgotten - Now haunts me!
Created by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Oct 2015 · 719
Sea waves sway a boat.

Grey seagull lands on its edge --

Splashed by blue dolphins!
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Oct 2015 · 905
Not My Brothers Friend
Spirited soul's bluest hood
covers your greeting smile;

We recognize our aspiring
wishes to gaze near the source

core, the centers of playful galaxies
arisen in one swift loving gesture

You said you're hitchhiking
toward my theater of dreams

I affirmed, smiling, as I stumbled
a bit; wanting to sit by your side

You, willing to recognize our
sweet holly humourous deeds

Even when the presence is murky
you shine green jades and gems

Flamboyant friend from along
Unexpected academic creatio

Having a premonitive chance
that next time we will coalesce

More than we ever expected. . .
Written For the One my Spirit loves. . .Unconditionally!
Oct 2015 · 733
As grown ups
I couldn't love you
the way
you deserved.

The time was against us
The prophecies were told
too soon
too wrong
to be true
too soon too swift too sorrow; and
I was afraid you couldn't
The Future!

Only real voice
The only real vocation
Was of our hearts pleading:
Do - travel together !
Upon this only true Path
I ever knew would

Blossom effervescent joys

Green leaves trembling in cosy warm winds
branches offering us a shadow no matter day
or night or the Moon or this storm or the Sun
who knew no fear
who loved in colours
who to me ~was so dear!

We loved and we dreamed

And we laughed
As children do

Pine sparks burning
Each-other's fire-flies

We loved the essence
Of a total freedom
sealed hand in hand. . .

The lovers freedom ~
never forgotten friends
and the trustworthy skies.

Stars were watching over us
and all the clouds ~ were angels of love
landing softly, soft, upon our shoulders
Amor !
Striked us in a cold cold night
Having a silent debate
With giggly winks
and embraced
pionirs of a
fresh air;
love beams, power steps
sprouts and cosmonauts
of misssed

Spinning in a spinn
of you ~ who were me ~ my beloved!
to dance to explore to eternity

. . .and i just. . . i just. . .
I couldn't love you
the way
you deserved.

And you knew She'd be more loved
With us, happier within our arms
To hold you
To hold
. . .
Our extraordinary Love

Love found
Us ~ a miracle in the old city lights
by my friend's mirage music collection
Under those lovely archaic stone arcs
You wrote to me on a little paper
A word I had to solve
I wrote: after. . . .
And we found each other!
Oct 2015 · 3.2k
By the Way/10W
Love implies
steps and stones
shattered bones
walks alone. . .

Inspired by excellent Steve's
brevity "By the Sea"
Hold to the reins of Love and don't be afraid.
Hold to the real behind the false and don't be afraid.

You must know
      that the beloved you seek is none other than you.
Hold to this truth and don't be afraid.
Oct 2015 · 726
io sono ipso fact-o sad --
by the way - end's story goes. .
! right ? -  !we meet we part!
Sep 2015 · 1.8k
A Praise For The Red Moon
~ ~
O,  la  Luna,  O,
Thee ...Grande  Celestial
Body, Come Hope, please, Do
Not harm Us ~ Hopeful Earthlings,
~ ~   A Sun rays were given through Blissful  ~  ~
Splendor of a Reflective Lunar Beauty;
A Magnifieing  Great  Albedo Touch
Soften's us within our' Cores,
Extraordinarilly ~ Now,
Shall  Be  Praised

~ ~
~ ~ ~
Imagined  by 
 Impeccable  Space  
Poetic  Love
~ ~ ~
Sep 2015 · 1.9k
Je T'aime . . .
Summertime, naked and hot, in winter,
still blazing,  buried tinder of our heart;
never healed love bites arrow's splinters.

Enchanting two violins move red roses
to tremble in light wind. A song to see,
souls craving to play starry night's glee.

I know, I was borne for your body, male;
A season too late, too long a foolish desire!
tearing us apart, as omnipresent love tale.  

Many a night, your lavish words touched
me, yielding under your immense beauty,  
should I savor for you tremendous desire!

Owl's wakeful eyes are thoughts beyond
Realms. And you take me there upfront!
Summertime, naked and hot, in winters;
Never healed love bites arrow's splinters.
Imagined by Impeccable Space Poetic Love

I was searching for a music You remind me of; and
found a proximity of everything you stand for. . . .
Sep 2015 · 3.0k
The Essence
~            ~           ~
Affectionate was
your way
of letting my
worries disappear. . .

How you put your arms
tight around my shoulders. . .

How tender your voice is. . .
whispering words of comfort
into my right ticklish ear abalone.

Believing in me. Lovingly. . .

Your ocean of whispering
sounds. . .Wavered Deep,  
deep love conection. Our
Free symbiosis
enhanced by French
parfume, evaporating
from my occiput fragility.

~                  ~                        ~
Written by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Darkness knows of light
Light knows of love
Love knows you
You know me

Me knows of Self
Self recognizes the Other
Other one dissolves in You
You are my beloved One
Amorously dissolved

Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Sep 2015 · 635
Light ~ Senryu
light reign sceptre spells
span the southeren spanish
wife to the love queen
~   ~
~   ~
Imagined by Impeccable Space Poetess
Sep 2015 · 1.6k
Horizon's Always There
Once there was a man who had only one friend.
Every day, just before the demise of a cyclamen orange burning ball on the horizon ~ he swam to the shore, waving with a magnificent tail, blowing bubbles and bundles of water and air into the wide open skies.

Under the darkening heavens, he sang the muffled song. Tempting his beloved. . .reaching magic, farther then any sonar's ability. Abnormal coldness froze Icelandic Beauty. But beneath the surface, life was warmer without wars. Dwarf seals were jumping into the laced ocean; trying to cry each time they were cut off the Earth's gravity.

This Mighty friend of an old man, was his only link to the global world. The man was old-fashioned; had no telecommunication facilities, his radio were gulls, stray cats, shepherd dogs and sheep on a green hill, behind his wooden hut.

Sometimes he looked over his shoulder, only to determine whether his elderly donkey is able to follow. . . or do they both need a little rest, just to postpone the books from the saddle for later and spread the beautifully ornamented Indian carpet under the great great grand olive tree ~ to take a reviving little nap in the shade.

When he woke up, the old man lit his wooden pipe, puffed few beautiful rings of indigo smoke, smirked to a buzzing bee and found that the air is still pure enough. The pressure was normal, the wind was playing with wave foams in the neighbouring bay.

Under the olives, hanging from the tree canopy, the quietness was fulfilling the old man's heart. Motionless peace was heard. Tranquility.
And the motion of a Humpback Whale. Leaving.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
A poet is A Poet

when A Will to Write

Another one is Mightier

then A real work to be Done.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Poetess
Sep 2015 · 550
Quote ~ xxii
The Grand Mind* produces Thoughts.
Thoughts are born within Millions of Minds.
It's upon You, which Thoughts You'll receive, create or adopt;
Whether you cling to positive or negative Thoughts ~ *
it's up to You!
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Thinker
Sep 2015 · 2.4k
Honeymoon Pixie Dust
Assembly, advice, never

white fiery sparks ignited
The shooting star, comet's

orange setting ensemble
Tasted like juicy melons

tender invisibility scents
Town wards were asleep

walking upfront the castle's
Dust mingled with powder
honeysuckle flower allured
Honeymoon to burst out of

White Elfs knee long silver hair
round Black Elk's belly caressed

Pixie had Mahogany Henna Hue
red tongue and bluish evanescent

Saga of White Elf and Black Elk
meeting Honeymoon Pixie Dust
Imagined by
Impeccable Space Poetess
Poetic mind, heart<3
Sep 2015 · 745
Long Breath
Autumn* movements seems
to be
like a warm Indian Summer:

Colourful leaves cover
net of

Breathing life:  
The heat, the beat, the tender
Sun beams birthing: versatility, a vermillion voices
**Rooted along the path of any proud passenger
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
A Thousand Stones Mosaic
We've lived a thousand lives
together compressed in few
years time lapse

each of the stones on this
ancient field of remnants
and memories moved and
turned around

the mosaic of wide wisdom
gained as a daily compassion
after any storm of life has
raged against our hearts.
Written by
Impeccable Space Poetess
          & Catmonk B
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
Impressionists resemble
the typing patterns of your delicate
slender fingers

leaving unforgettable emotions

by your beauty

revealed as luminous
love poetry
Dedicated to Rebecca Askew
Sep 2015 · 414
Love Seal
My every morning kiss
on your hip
is a little

One on your belt
Two on your right
creamy cheek

Masculine, rascal and soft.
For my beloved BK
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
The Cure and The Remedy
Once upon a time
she read many a day
    many nights

She thought about him
a charming ripe soul
  with magic palms

Sipping "The Poesis Ink"
  in just the right doses

Turning everyday
ordeals and ordinary
sighs of Love into a
Imagined by
Impeccable Space Poetess
Poetic silent admiration
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
wulf wulf
howling at the moon

wolf wolf
brother in the woods
dedicated to wolf spirit aka quinfinn
Why does it have to be complicated?

Naah, there's got to be a solution :
. . .less boring and technical. . .

A beautiful

Peace of writing
. . .less ugly than this. . .

Well, try to write one!
Aug 2015 · 858
I'll Muse You I'll
Today I comanded:
Sit dog!
And she did!

Surprise, surprise -
The doors were
free for us to made
two prominent steps
out of appartament
into the
bright new
acted like a leader of the pack;
behaved proudly, dignified,
jumping two steps at a time

The dog's velocity was
surrpasing our knees
like a fast speeded glance:

She was upfront,
paw knocking on the glass door
Tongue and fangs were eager
to run free in the wild

I wanted to chill her bear barkings
cute yawning squiqs
. . . uwauu . . .

Aug 2015 · 2.3k
Rational choice
Rational choice is up*
emotional chaos;

made upon
the titilating
major day --
on general.

Aspergers Exclusive
Beautiful Mind
I'll better
be silent
on this one..
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
And then. . .
The starry lit clouds
shy and shinny
captured on the
nearby cherry tree branches

reflected your Apollo locks glitter
you pressed me on a barren trunk
your torso became a burning tree
trying to cool in a pond full of lava

Your tongue played rose~***
mary magic ~on white satin hills.
My back hurt a bit, scratched,
the blouse finger blown, open.

And then. . . the real tempo started to begin. . .
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic lover
Aug 2015 · 456

*Sleepy day.
Mellow cat's asleep -
Oh coffee !
Impeccable Space
Poetess & Catmonk B
Alabaster Archipelagos
Benevolent Beauty Beaming
Constructive Contradictive Creative Contemplations
Dante's Darling Dances Deliberating Denominatives
Effervescent Escapisms Endearingly Emerge Elusive Edens  
Fantastic Flamboyant ******* Flamed Fabulous Fiery Flickerings
Gorgeous Garden Gim'memores Gaudied Garnishing Gasps
Heavenly Hues Humming Heart's Harmonies
Immortaly Impregnated Inspired Ideals
Jessamin Jargon Jacuzzi Jams
Know-how Knacking Knurls
Light-spirited Lovers
Merge Magnificent
Naked Nocturno Nights
Omnipresent Ousia Over Odeons
Palpitations Perfect Peaks Pi Paws
Quintessential Quality Quarrels Question Quarks Quietness
Rododendron's Richameters Rescued Raw Reeling Ruby Realms
Sentient Syllabic Sapfo's Splendidly Spirited Semantics
Turning Turner's Timeless Timeless Twinklings
Unified Undulatory Unsolved Unicorns
Velvety Venice Voyages
Wanton Wantings
Xsylophone Xsantiphas
Yearnin' Yuki's Yen
Zed's Zealous Zen-it-hall Zeppelins
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Creative Poetics
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
Galactic Alignment
Many soulful nights
I wandered upon
solemn lonely paths

And I wondered why
I see your face
among beauties
of ancient stars

Intuitive crystal
spheres envisioned
the subtle lines
drawn all over
your gentle hands

Wishing you could caress me
Wishing I'd cherished you long

Carried away, blown by
Maestrals and Zephirs
We bump at each other
Occasionally. Hypnotised.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Love
Aug 2015 · 886
Never admitted to himself what a mom's pretty pet he was
Her temple of love and respect, her perky boy, with good
Grades, her scholar and a domesticated noble manners boy.

Yet, he despised her, ******* her off, later in his beard years
For laziness driped into the marrow of his every to-morrow
Always begging for at least his ancient fathers note briefcase.

So was his splendid life fulfilled with perfumes of the day
Briefly inhaled and never consumed on a precious bronze
Skin of his brilliant assistant, who lurked uncontrollably
Into his daydreams distressing him from the deep naps.

Usually taken after the joint of young male people naming
Themselves the "Liquid Seductive Democratic Wild Bunch."
Or in other words: Lovers *** Dames Wonderful Banging
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
Strings of non Attachment
Overlooked so many times when I was ~wings~
I've passed briefly across the sea of your poetic
Endless streams and rivers; your upheaval way-
Snobbish smart butterfly ties grew your head up.

Without suffocating without any pause, you were
Gentle-man once ~ giving me the 'credibile' break-
Down the lane in Athens where Partenon resided
I saw your unfavouritable pilgrimage to awards.*

*The guitarist at the dock played for herself, dreaming.
Impeccable Space
Secluded dreams are your fragile fingers
never to caress harsh tree bark creeks again
pulsating in vain when you don't hear the drumming dominion
of my tactile gentle tips falling in love with your philosophical nonsense
constellating words become sensual sonoric spaces
between you and me betweex texts of adoration
one typing pad and a hot salvia tea
serves you' mastering over
the paint brushes
in a ***
and splashing
drawings, fine arts, parts of an intimate instrumentalia
To parties
Freshly washed t-shirt hangs over one empty bottle
Sealed contentment, sleepless nights, red wine dizzy
adrift and fiery
one giant dragonfly emerging from the clouds
At the end has crashed the mighty wings and
the haunted sounds; all of my desires for you
the old blood
catching a fire flower within your palm
torchering torches turning us, our lust, into the waxed reciprocity
sideral  you still love me  tropic  me still crave
to arouse you solely by my
empty words
in between days solstice
in between the dying
night's Équinoxe
Aug 2015 · 678
I Try and i Cry
Trying to make me miserable
      fails as it fails to make my
fellow poets feeling sorry for me;

Few other poets are splendid at that: they whine a bit
and you can see immediately
           almost everybody swiftly offering some stupid silken handkerchiefs
         and golden particles floating at the edges of every teardrop they spill for the aching poor poet. How strange!

It's like an unatempted deer hunt with the accompany
           of the invisible fast running grey hound dog, barking aloud through the void of the woods. Noone hears! The heroes...
                         ­                            Sycamore seeds°

                        I am no poet. Noone feels with me;
I'm the impeccable warrior! Writing for the benefit of Humanness, Human~heartkindness
              Scribbling on the high Sparkling ideals - on Humanity's behalf!
Imagined by
Impeccable Space Poetess
Poetic idealist
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