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7.9k · Mar 2014
My Ophelia
Ophelia has
flower petals
growing beneath
her tongue, and
I can taste
when I kiss her.

There are highways
in the grooves
of her hips.
I like to trace them,
and get lost
somewhere between
intimate whispers and
an unsteady heartbeat.

Ophelia has a
mocking jay stuck
in her throat, and
it sings to me
when she finds
herself stuck in
tangled vines and

She weeps at least
an ocean a day,
and that's more
than my diminutive
hands can catch.
I think I'd like to
spend a few eternities
exploring the peculiar
jungles of Ophelia.
4.7k · Oct 2013
I need to stop romanticizing the past.
I'm walking backwards instead of forwards.
Your name still comes to me in the night
and clings to my sheets like you did once long ago.
But if Gatsby had let go of the green light
he would have lived.
I want to live.
3.8k · Jan 2014
Daisies don't remind me of your absence. Yet they remind me of an unseemingly cold summer. A night where we walked up and down the busy streets, asking strangers for cigarettes. You kissed my hand and told me my skin smelt like daises. It's just..I spent the night with my hands in your hair...and I spent all summer thinking of how someday you'd disappear along with the smell of daisies.
2.0k · Jan 2014
Tales of lovers past
~You were the first one to ever peak my curiosity. You had mood swings like day and night, you pulled at the threads in my flesh trying to search for what you could find underneath. We never got close enough that I could call you my girlfriend but I could feel what it was like. You were always talking about this boy, I had my first taste of jealousy because he would never love you like I could. I got tired of the cycle. Waiting for my turn. So I took from you what I could get and left you wishing you had loved what you had.

~You were so beautiful the way you had the ability to spot me in a crowded room. No matter the temperature your skin was always cold. You were always so cold. You spoke of how the stars here could never compare to the ones in Ohio. I didn't hesitate when you asked to be mine or when you asked if you could explore my every curve. You told me if I reached a certain weight you'd leave me so my fingers got to know the back of my throat in a disgustingly familiar way. I cried for three nights after you left, I was pathetically in lust with you. Months later you came to appreciate the way my hips rocked against yours and begged for my return. You are trash.

~You kissed me at the bottom of the stairs briefly. I could tell you didn't kiss often but I said yes anyway.  I remember being startled when I woke up at a friends house, my hair a filthy mess and you were sitting there watching me. I could barely have a conversation with you so I always kissed you to cover the involuntary silence. You were the nicest boy I'd ever met but I never loved you.

~We we're practically married the way we fought and ****** for three years. I gave you everything I had in summer on a blanket spread over the lush grass. I wrote novels in your pretty little heart and poured out my every struggle. I loved you from the hairs that stood on the back of my neck to the way I curled my toes..but then you changed. You said you were growing up and learning responsibility. But really you sat blankly in your room counting birds of death and you watched me struggle for breath, for life. I tried to get my love back but you'd buried him deep somewhere. I imagine he's laying beautifully in a bed of flowers and butterflies land on his lips trying to give him breath, although they are to minuscule to succeed. You've become a disgusting person. I do not love you.

~During a time that I sat waiting for death I found myself in August during September. You were the most beautiful boy I'd ever laid eyes on, I never imagined lips like yours touching mine. I've come to realize that you are the flowers, you are the butterflies and the sunshine. You are all of the bright magnificent things that you think you're not and you are mine. I fell for you involuntarily, but I would never turn back if I could. I've never had a best friend and a lover amalgamated.  I've never been so certain that love can exist in the darkest of beings. I've never tasted forever in someones kiss. Dear present love do not deceive me.
1.5k · May 2013
I'll put them on you here
I'll put them on you there
I'll put them on you everywhere
so that they'll know you're mine.
1.1k · Dec 2013
Psychopaths in Love
Your skin was illuminated by the green lights,
like a seventies serial killer
and it made my legs shake.

My eyes roamed your glowing skin.
I was lost in a galaxy of never ending beauty.
Your cryptic soul unveiled itself
as you exhaled a thick cloud of smoke.

I felt as though you could feel the fire
spreading through my flustered cheeks.
I couldn't put together words
to explain my wonder of your unblemished perfection.

But I could just muster up the words,
"You look like a serial killer."
and a sinful grin spread across your face.
That's when I knew you were just like me.
1.1k · Oct 2013
He inhaled his cigarette
like he was taking in the cancer
to smoke out the monsters within.

I smoked my cigarettes
like I was trying to **** myself
to **** the beast within.

And that's how we found each other
sitting on a park bench
smoking the demons away.
1.1k · May 2014
I couldn't seem to let you leave.
So I buried you beneath
Silky, white sheets.

You said you adored red.
So I painted them
With every part of you.

I gave you everything
But, I've become afraid.
See it's been awhile
Since my lover kissed me,
Or rolled out of bed.

*I may have killed him,
I think he's dead.
929 · Mar 2013
Why I’ve fallen in love with you

I doubt I’ll ever know for sure

Perhaps it was the way you lay your head on my shoulder complaining you’re tired

Or the little yellow circles in your green eyes.

Maybe it was the way your name just rolled off my tongue

So easily…

Like I could say it a million times in a day

And never tire of the sound.

Perhaps it was because you were there.

Under any circumstance

You were there to comfort me.

Maybe it was how you managed to stand out in the crowd.

Everyone gathered around to listen to your odd tales

And to me your voice was like an orchestra of violins

Perhaps it’s because you’re my opposite

You are there to compliment my timid personality

And laugh at my dry humor when nobody else understands.

Maybe I just could not resist your pale freckled skin

And your shaggy red hair.

How it perfectly fell around your face.

Perhaps it was all of those things

Wrapped up into one.

Why did I fall in love with you?

Perhaps I’ll never know.

All I really know is all of the love songs remind me of you

I realize I’m sounding cliché…

I’m picturing us in every romantic scenario

And I get upset just at the thought of your absence.

So perhaps you’re also going through your list of perhaps.

Wondering how you fell for me

And thinking maybe it was because of my timid presence in a crowd…

Or my big brown eyes.

Whatever it is,

You have this overwhelming feeling.

So perhaps…

Just perhaps you love me too.
779 · May 2013
My darling friend.
I once met a girl
with a smile on her lips.
She traced hearts on my skin
with her finger tips
and talked about the world.

In her room she carved her into her flesh
and prayed to god to be the best
at something.

She talked about me
and all the boys.
She talked about loving me
but I was afraid to be another toy.

I didn't want to be one of the boys.
So I left.

I once met a girl
who carried burdens
the size of a mountain
and wanted to forget the world.

In her room she teared up
over lost things
and broken dreams.

She scoffed
and called me a coward
who was afraid to love.

And hell,
Maybe I was.

I once met a girl
who pretended not to care
when really
she cared too much.

In her room she spent sleepless nights
over another fight
but this time he wasn't afraid to love.

She talked about all the pretty things
and all the bad things.
She talked about death
and how I was her only friend.

So of course,
I'm glad I wasn't one of the boys.
766 · Jun 2013
Mirror mirror
Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all?
She has full lips and a tiny waist.
Soft skin and pale faced
"Not you." Says the mirror.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall who's the thinnest of them all?
Her hair shines like the sun and hangs down past her waist.
Not a freckle on her face.
"Not you." Says the mirror.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall who's the ugliest of them all?
With red knuckles and teary eyes.
Only herself does she despise.
"You." Says the mirror.
I can picture the first time we made love. The first time we touched each other without an ounce of lust. In the back of your mustang you wrote poetry on my skin that nobody will ever read. The moon perfectly outlined your body and I swear to god my eyes were glued to every inch of it. I was so nervous I could barely breath, but oh could I gasp. I kept pulling you closer...closer until I could feel your breath against my neck. I held you tighter than I'd ever held anyone. I was so afraid because I felt like you could see right through me. In that moment you knew everything. All of my thoughts. My wishes. My desires. In that moment you knew them all. You could read me from cover to cover. You sunk into me like a ship into the sea until you'd finished the very last page. You grabbed me, pulling me close you wrapped your arms around me...I thought my legs would never stop shaking. We drew hearts and forever on the foggy windows. In the backseat of your car you made love to me. You looked at me like I was an angel, or some kind of heaven. I've never loved someone who's legs shook when they kissed me.
697 · Dec 2013
Your Undivided Attention
You look at my exposed skin
as if blemishes do not exist
and I craved your attention
like bees to honey.

If it weren't for your eyes
I would have ever thought
that my miniscule life
could possibly have a purpose.
674 · Jul 2013
Each and Every day
I love you
more and more
each day
and it's depressing
watching you love me
less and less.
646 · Dec 2013
A Painter
I dreamt in every shade of grey,
A world of darkness,
A universe of black .

Little did I know you were a painter.
You hung canvases in my soul
And drew stars in my eyes.

You are the rainbow
In my world of black and white.
641 · Mar 2014
Immersed in you.
Smoke fills my lungs, I know you're speaking, but I can barely hear. All I can think is how you're the universe and I am simply a star. I'm a drop of blood coursing through your veins. It's a place I've always been, but never knew. I'm floating in an atmosphere of you.
589 · Nov 2013
He was murdered brutally
and left for dead.
The carcass still remains.
But the thing that lives beneath
Is no longer the same.
587 · Nov 2013
Gushing Blood
I'd like to take a razor
And cut into your skin
To see the blood run out from within.

I'd like to see you wince in pain
From the deep cuts I'd carve
Just to make sure you're still alive.
574 · May 2013
Absolute Love.
I fell in love with a boy
who loves driving more than anything
simply because he likes to get away.

His eyes alone could light up a room
and he can make you blush in ten words
or less.

His favorite food is lasagna
and his stomach
is a bottomless pit.

His laugh is like ***
and gold
to my ears.

He has a way of tripping
and falling directly
into my mind.

His hands are rarely sweaty
and they swallow mine
in one gulp.

He has soft lips
that tempt me
when he talks.

and don't get me started
on the way he kisses...
528 · Mar 2013
Tell me.
Tame me with your tongue
entice me with your words
bewitch me with the way you speak
let the words cut into me like knifes
and dance into every *****
let them take away my breath
and give it to you once more
so that you can tell me again
how you love me.
508 · Feb 2014
An Eternity of August
A life-time with you is like an eternal summer. I'll spend my days walking along the beach picking broken shells from the sand with hope that I'll see the sunrise. In the mornings I'll find the beautiful, warm sun cuddling beneath the sheets. Every afternoon I'll make you a crown, while kissing each and every flower. All night I'll lie beneath you and touch the stars. Tell me August isn't so lonely with me around.
494 · Aug 2013
I want to kiss you till your legs shake,
Touch me till your fingers ache.
I want you to breathe me in
And etch these feelings into my skin.
I could fall in love with you.
Quickly and Deeply, I could.

My lips already ache when I'm around you
and I get tingles when you kiss my neck.

I love the way you string me with your words
and make me forget I'm all alone.

I like wearing your shirt to bed
and I find myself wishing you were there.

You're such a breath taking sight to me
and I could look at you everyday.

I find myself worrying over little things
and going out of my way to see you in the halls.

Moaning in your ear is one of my favorite things
and I like the way you gasp when I touch your back.

You're laugh is so cute when I tickle you
and I like the way you flip your hair.

I'm not in love with you,
but I can feel myself slipping.
You're the type of guy I could fall for.
Over and Over I could.
I'm slipping into you.
487 · Jun 2013
Late nights.
It's a Saturday 12:29 a.m.
There's a spot on my pillow
that smells like you.
A chill runs down my spine,
so I tangle myself in the sheets
trapping in the warm air.
I wonder if the rain
lulls you to sleep,
like it does me?
1:30 a.m.
The rain has stopped.
I pinch the fat on my stomach,
What do you see in me anyways?
In my head you laugh
and say, "Everything."
2:00 a.m
I've laid here
thinking of how our names
sound perfect when combined.
Are we perfect combined?
I think so.
3:17 a.m.
I roll over and come across
the spot on my pillow.
I ache for you.
4:37 a.m.
I've lost a lot of sleep thanks to you.
I hope you're proud of yourself.
I like the way
you cover you mouth
when you laugh extra hard.
5:03 a.m
473 · Dec 2013
Cursed Beings
Love is a curse
The way it tortures you
From the inside out,
Leaving scars you can't forget
And then drags you back in
Kicking and screaming,
Yet begging for more.
442 · Aug 2013
You for a day
If I were you for a day,
It could change everything.
I would know all about that girl
who's smile you love the most.
I'd turn around when I saw her
And never look back.
I would search for that pretty girl,
who always had her nose in a book.
I'd sit down across from her
flash a smile and hope she'd blush.
When you return to yourself
I'd hope you'd remember.
You could finally live your life,
without a twisted **** like me.
406 · Oct 2013
The End
I had it all together.
In just a year I'd be living with you,
waking up to your beautiful face every morning.
I'd be up all night doing college homework
and you'd be working on cars.
We'd take care of each other
and make plans to get married.

It's kind of funny how things work out.
How one day you have your whole life
and the next we don't know what to do.
You're just a lovely memory now.

Somewhere inside of us
I think we always knew the end would come.
376 · Dec 2013
A simple remedy
I've often found myself
As a remedy for your loneliness
You lie in bed with me
As you yearn for another man
I can say "I love you,"
A thousand times
And I think you'll never hear me.
375 · Mar 2013
I'd like to surround myself with people.
But God forbid if I ever become one of them.

— The End —