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EP Robles Dec 2023
Upon a tumultuous street, a notion alights,
It hastens in haste, then averts its gaze,
My heart's echo descends into a crimson abyss,
Upon the ocean floor, it drifts away.

Your name, I called, yet emptiness replied,
A bloom of yours, I drew, withering away.

Life's lines extend before me,
To choose, where your love resides.

This ritual unfolds each day,
I peer within, a melancholy abode,
Where my heart, a vantablack canvas, remains.

:: 12.02.2023 ::
The poem "VANTABLACK" exhibits a profound exploration of emotions and existential themes. As a poet, one would appreciate the nuanced use of language and the depth of introspection conveyed through the verses.

The title, "VANTABLACK," immediately draws attention to the darkest substance known, emphasizing a profound sense of darkness or void that permeates the poem. The tumultuous street and the notion in flight evoke a sense of chaos and uncertainty, setting the stage for the emotional journey that follows.

The poet skillfully employs imagery and metaphor to convey the complex emotions experienced. The notion that "hastens in haste" and then "averts its gaze" suggests a fleeting and elusive quality, mirroring the transient nature of emotions. The descent of the heart's echo into a "crimson abyss" hints at the depth of emotional turmoil, perhaps symbolizing pain or longing.

The lines "Your name, I called, yet emptiness replied" and "A bloom of yours, I drew, withering away" express a sense of loss and unfulfilled connection. The act of calling a name and drawing a bloom implies a desire for presence and beauty, but the responses are characterized by emptiness and withering, adding a layer of melancholy.

The exploration of choices in the lines "Life's lines extend before me, To choose, where your love resides" delves into the existential theme of navigating through life's possibilities and seeking love. The word "resides" suggests a search for a meaningful connection within the vastness of life.

The recurring ritual mentioned in "This ritual unfolds each day" implies a cyclical nature of introspection and perhaps a daily struggle with emotions. The poet peers within, describing it as a "melancholy abode," suggesting that the internal landscape is characterized by sadness.

The concluding lines, "Where my heart, a vantablack canvas, remains," encapsulate the essence of the poem. The heart being a "vantablack canvas" signifies an emotional void, absorbing and reflecting no light, emphasizing the depth of emotional darkness or emptiness.

As a poet, one might commend the poet for the rich tapestry of emotions woven through carefully chosen words and metaphors. The poem invites readers to contemplate the complexities of human emotions, the ephemeral nature of connections, and the existential quest for meaning in the face of emotional voids.
Lora Lee Sep 2017
I love you
to your jagged,
         dark edges
culling smoke
               and twisting tides
                  your steaming heart
              that pulses, in my hands
          as you give it-
and the pungent tears
when they fall
         from your eyes
I lick up your pain
to soothe it smooth
its rawness catching
       velvet ripples of skin
I pull a blanket
of mahogany wine
over your soul
that seep out
              from the layers within

and in that tender of
nightfall's darkest foliage
I long to calm
your monsters' clawing
as they gnaw at you from
                  the inside out

I crave to fill
the hollowed-out longing
my own hungers writhing
      in obscene

For I am all that is sacred and wild
the spark has been lit
from my innermost rooms
I dance to the drums of
the woman as child
her mystical ways chanting
rhythms in runes

Demons might dance
as you gaze in reflection
in the mirror of time,
of unfiltered space
      but I adore all your sides,
          your imperfections
discern the divine
in the planes of your face
You are my galaxy
              of dark matter
bringing out my
           own looking glass
                         of vantablack
in a feral crown of obsidian
                             and onyx
as you reach me deep,
there's no going back

For when you love me like that,
plant your tameless,
                            hot seed
it blossoms within me
a tightly-wrapped tourniquet
               for when I bleed
and if my guts
should spill upon
               the  floor
you will remind me,
in glowing of pores
           of who I am
and how I am whole
a lovelight lit in the
storm of my soul
I will push down deeper
until I feel those roots
that connect me to
my center
  to my
succulent fruit
So slice me open.
     Pull me apart.
Let the juice run down
to heal

This song, which I listened o repeatedly while writing, means something other to me than the meaning of the video.. much more personal.
This also can apply:
‘ is dark at night, i lay here looking’


‘ not totally black though,

i like the greys and shadow.

i like when the cars go by,

the lights go across the walls’


‘ i do not think i will like very black,

not vantablack like anish kapoor’

said the bear quietly.

its is alright to say so.

Byerly Nov 2018
the void is
the ultimate mystic doorway
it allows you
to disappear
into a non-existence universe
against the backdrop of Vantablack
of eternity
zebra Jun 2019
i fall and ascend in a sea    vantablack
spiral light
fire ghosts and ice
that cut the soul to pieces
like scissors
that split rabbits

industry of a hissing creation
polluted altar of sleeping lakes
and scythe
bludgeon and howitzer
prods of push and pull
in a grindhouse
necropolis of craters
scattering satanic eggs and tumors

i am here born to you thin of bone
mother of catastrophes
on a colossal ball of scab and callous
that moves sonorous dazzling shapes
careening through
ephemera workhorse torches
of doom

you fill me with knots of terror
and desperate dreams of stairway wings
veils and glimmers
resolutions dissolving
petaled apertures of desire
and night whispers
in a spider web of sonic bulls

before undertows gravity
i was vibrant
but then i died into the rock ash of earth
they called it my birthday
my parents with party hats and balloons
blinked fetters
against nights of granite and stone

i got deader still
until i was nothing
but an imagineless gob of mud and breath
an eye looking out
behind red nerve forest fires
and tears shook tambourines
down heavy lashes
cascaded fluttering  tassels  

i am born to you mother of senile seas
citadel of shattered glass
in a slate cube of cyclones
mute and screaming
my fate deep shock
encased in mausoleums led nautilus

blatting hells jaundiced shriek

Pluto conjunct Saturn
I longed for you, on thousand sunrises that together we'll spend thousand sunsets.

We always felt the same, different perspectives and different hues tessellating on blank canvas we call life.

I love you in black and you love me in darkest shade of black together we breed vantablack.
Anthony Leon Nov 2015
Nothing, never deeper than the well,
a well-kept secret, first a test.

After, far, far past the Vantablack,
just behind Olbers’ paradox.

A vague light from a dancing candle,
sets ablaze a # of Nobel’s Blasting Powder.

ADS Nov 2019
Trapped in this vantablack room
There’s got to be a key somewhere
But Where?
Why do I want to leave this place????
The Isolation has been oh so nice....
I came here feeling strong, confident, powerful
Now I am nothing other than a pasty white corpse
A Corpse that has nothing to give because I have only taken
I desired lust and what I thought would lead to love

Karma got the best of me

I forgot to love myself
If I don’t relearn how to love myself then I will be trapped in this purgatory
Okay just one step before the other….
Ugh I just fell and cut my hand….
Well there goes that opportunity
I will just go back from where I came
Not like anyone every loved me the way I love them….
Is that a voice?
“Woah hi what are you doing here????”
I was looking for some *****…..
Well I am sorry but we don’t have that here

It looks like you found the key to my heart…
Thank you so much…..
I cant imagine where I would be without you being here today
I couldve been lost forever if you didn’t show up today
“At the very least can I get your name?”
“I am Danielle”
One Year Later
“Danielle will you marry me?”
alexa Mar 2018
i told a boy about my darkness,
about the Vantablack, carbon nanotube darkness
that ***** all life & light from my frame.
he ran his fingers through his jet black hair
as he listened, perfectly still.
he didn't run.
instead, he asked questions, mostly starting with "why,"
and i pondered my own black whole
as his hand rested on my knee.
"darling," he had said. "why do you let it control you?"
but i simply smiled, shook my head.
"you've clearly never felt my pain before."
modified version of an actual conversation i had today. thank you to the jet black- haired boy that didn't run.
Derrek Estrella Aug 2019
A chalky, sepia-washed room seen through an ailing CRT. Vantablack lines sprawl across my gnarled face in patterns, playing games with the sun that blares on through the rangy blinds.

Digital clock: 2:43

A cardinal red cigarette pack in my right hand, a turkey baster in the other, submerged deep within the sheet's motherly void. The simmering glow of the hallway dances like a pendulum; a vicious debutante, waiting to coerce me into life. I am enveloped by some capricious rhythm that has no origin, and no destination.
I'm coming to uncertain terms with this lucid halcyon.

Ink drips, from the pillow to my shoulder. I am currently a piece of fiction, held within a lissome frame. This is complete autonomy. Nothing is as it really was, only what it should've have been from the very start. A muted slur from beyond the window comes hurtling through my head. It starts to look like a tumor tree, having its branches, limbs, and spine torn to and fro in such a hideous manner. I've let something go to my head. The dream is broken, through no request of my own.
DarkSkyesRising Jul 2018
It's always in the background

Can you hear it?

"It's part of life"

The heaviness that's always pulling you slowly back

Not allowing your smile to reach your eyes

Making you drift off from time to time

Can you feel it?

Weighing you down?

Letting you sink slowly lower?

Until you reach the bottom

And it all comes out

Full force

Then afterwards you feel lighter

But the smile still doesnt reach your eyes

Because it's still there
In the back of your mind

A never ending cycle

And if it had a color
It would be


Seemingly impossible to




It never leaves

"Its part of life"

Then how do you get rid of it?

You dont
what a waste Apr 2017
Don't hold your breath
replace that fresh air in your chest
with a grotesque amount of stress
so when they see you they see death
I've been banging my head against
their picket white fences ever since
I broke free from house arrest and
found myself floundering around
this Barnes test like the little lost octopus
who finally found his pit of vantablack
Long live the oppressed, the second guessers
buried in the eagles nest waiting to hatch
Onoma Sep 2023
an eighteen note vantablack

Victorian music box

welled up from the rings of

a tree stump.

far afield.

a little girl's hand reached

out & wound it.

to dissever music from rain--

where she withdrew into

the sheets that came down.

feeling through her throat...

a lifelong mute made in a


the eighteenth note coming

to rest.
I miss you
Like leopards miss trees.
Like plants miss light.
Like babies miss mothers.
Like I miss you.

I'm not even poetic about it.
It's blatant;
     It didn't have to be this way.

I started to describe you to my friends
As a gravity well
A black hole

You take EVERYTHING and give nothing in return,
You became an anomaly,
You were my sun,
Then one day your
Gravity became too large,
And you became that... Thing.

The way you treat people is unacceptable,
And this is coming from a nihilist.

You are not a bad person,
You started to become one.
Josh Pearson May 2017
"There's a light in you"
I am told
But i cant see it
I'm me
How could there be a spark in my soul
It was flushed out years ago
By the river
That flows through the unspoken
It goes beyond all thoughts
And it clogs my head when it stops
And it has stopped.
For it has been clogged
Ever since the light beside me left
Left to find a brighter light
To save her from what i gave her
Because darkness is all i am capable of giving
The color red is beyond the Vantablack layer of what ive become
Through the thoughts
The names
Through the faliure
Therefore my heart cannot be percieved as the color red
It blocks all light
And does not reflect
Not even hers
And the annoyance of not being able to unenvelope my soul from the darkness is why she left
Naïvely thought i could deal on my own
Since thats what i had done before
So maybe i could again.
But instead of getting better..
I have started thinking more rapidly and more frequently
"Maybe im better off dead"
Like a lamb on the edge of a cliff
Its just a step
Just an impulse decision to lock away your mind for the purpose of falling from that ledge..
It would save pain
From those who i would only ever and always accidentily give darkness to take with them
Just one second..
Thats all it takes..
To spread my wings and fly
But im tired of trying to fly anymore
Im tired of straining to keep my head above water
Im tired of waiting for a hand
Or a stick
To pull myself out of this with
Ive fallen so many times emotionally
I just want to know what it feels like..
To physically break instead of mentally
To bleed instead of..
But it all comes down to that impulse decision
To give up or see the dawn..
But I've given up on the dawn.
Its just been so **** long since i saw even a shade of black lighter than this.
So i guess i know what my choice will be when that time comes along..
Im just so tired of falling without breaking..
So tired of healing..
Tired of being beaten and bruising
Without a single complaint.
Because with every thought
My soul drains..
And once its gone..
It wont anymore be a strain
To take another step.
80 lines
Natalie Jan 2018
Somewhere in my mind,
a film reel flutters
casting images of vantablack cavities
hallowed into the air-
of seemingly empty spaces encompassing universes
both too small
and too vastly complex
to be perceived by the naked eye,
realities perched precariously
on the point of a needle.
each imperfect grain in my vision
is a cosmic birth-
a work of worlds and wheeling galaxies
nestled together and interspersed.
Emilie Vang Jun 2019
I’m trapped inside nothingness and I am left defenseless.
It seems to be pitch black as I open and close my eyes, there is nothing to be seen.
To be specific, it’s Vantablack.
It’s one of the darkest substance that’s known and it absorbs 99.96% of visible light.
You, you are my .04% when I’ve lost hope.
You, you are the thing that keeps me going.
I know the faith of mine has been wavering.
But you, you God are the reason I’m fighting to find my .04% chance of light again.
Brandon Cotter Jan 2018
An unlit room more or less
I've lied
Much more
Black paint under moonlight
Let's forget the moon
But you see the walls still right?
How about drawing the shades
And now I've disconnected the street lights
And every other light
While we're in a mood to disconnect
There goes the rest of them
Now we're talking
I mean really dark
But I can still feel light pouring in
Spraying on my skin
Oh of course
The sun
It must go
Ah like that
That's better
Oh my God
The stars
How the absence of ours
Illuminates your beauty beyond words
And yet you must go
One by one
Until we have finally arrived
As if my eyes have been taken apart
Atom by atom
Each wrapped in vantablack
And individually deleted
Darkness that questions reality
As I float adrift
Searching for a way out of this emptiness
That I have trapped myself in
The more I yell
The less I feel
The less I love
The more I cry
And you
Even in the dark
In a blanket of black
I can still see you
For in the absence of everything
Nothing matters but you
Desmond Baker Jan 2020
Commercial veneer

Laid on thick can’t open eye lids

Lacquer red lips

kisses are permanent

Vantablack glazed hair shimmering

Skin colored plaster no warmth emitted

A mic in her teeth snoring melodies

Catch the z’s it’ll make you love sick

See through the image

Tear through the plaster

please help awake my sleeping mistress

The masses master

Cold to the touch

Feel a pulse quake?

Prevent thy heart being carried away

The masses kiss her veneer

that’s why she’ll never wake

While her spirit lies bruised, buried, and burned beyond these gold painted gates

Her gentle eyes laid upon me

Naked and afraid!

All she needed was someone to say

I want to know your name.
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2020
the colour of betrayal far outshines Vantablack
its depth is a cumulus cloud of chaos and agony
tinged with the wails of a wilting wallflower
bloodied scarlet, a glimmer of unrequited love
purple promises writ into skin, bruised and broken
Victor D López Nov 2019
Ala rota,
Cuidadosamente alimentado,
Saludable otra vez.
Alas Vantablack,
Poderosamente batiendo,
Propulsándolo hacia el cielo,
Alimentado por,
Los ojos del benefactor.
Translation of my free verse poem "On raising Crows"
Sehar Bajwa Feb 2021
"you seriously didn't just use  ' vantablack ' , that's  too modern , harshly modern infact .",


"we all have phases of great sensitivity and heartbreak"

"that is why criticism is painful to take and hard to digest"

"sometimes when certain people exit our lives, so does our motivation to write"
"every poet really is their own harshest critic you know"
"we can see when our work is not exceptional"

"we arent so opposite  after all"

"someone's poetry is their soul naked in ink ."
"when they leave it becomes a bitter reminder of what is lost"

"I'm the guy with the "kitty queries"

"everything's better when it's  brief  ."
"every thing except love perhaps"
"on second thought im not sure"

"god knows we are eternally short of good people"

"we shall see if your self deprecation is baseless or not"
and how would you do that

we shall find out along the way

are you a late sleeper or an insomniac
the latter

particularly because I'm sick so
sick of?
dengue apparently, but life if you will
I am already dead
this body moves but the soul is dead
interesting affliction you have there

a self proclaimed simp
  rare indeed
you are never letting me forget that right?

"it's kinda self pitying  ,   the things we did for the obsessions we gave up"

"there is no risk , i can do it wherever i feel like"
"enjoy your freedom o wild one"

you're quite the mystery arent you
am I ?
you do seem to be
I am nothing
nothing is nothing,
him everything is nothing
her and nothing is everything
so you're everything by the same logic.

"no i am not interested in love or any kind of demanding relationship at the moment she is just another online friend."

"btw you look so cuddle able

him "i would give anything to be anywhere but here.

"you seem so at ease
in front of the lens
i am comfortable behind it."

her - one day you'll think differently
him- i have thought differently and now i think this
her- and it will change again
him- "it wont,"i will just wait till my  forever buddy comes along in my life"

"and then that's  it ."

"your and my eyes are exactly the same by every aspect"
her- show
him- shape, size and colour

im becoming fond of your honesty"

"i haven't been held in 3 years"

"whats your favourite time of the day"
"what time"
"its 4.30 in the morning it's always 4.30 in the morning \n- charles bukowski"
or 3.03"
"what about you ?"
"5 am"
"best sleep and my name means dawn"
"and when i slip out of the house at 5 am"
"everything is silent"
"and its freeing"
him- the silence can be deafening
her- its refreshing to me
because my own thoughts drown me out

her-"you have nice hair"
him-  "you can cut the fake praise **** please"
"you have a  cute face  , now ****"

"ayo no obligatory reciprocation ****"
"not obligatory reciprocation , had been j thinking of when to say it and this seemed the prefect time to"

"he doesnt seem to be fighting for it"
"so why on earth am i fighting so hard to stay"
"not everyone means what they say not everyone is like us

him-"people are like shadows"
"they disappear in times of darkness"

him-"no one is worth the effort"
her- you really believe that?

"the haunting of bly manor, ep 6, 39:16

"for all this world stands for you could be crying at this very moment and i will never know"
"i wont go today"

its just words
words and words
i have a hundred more if that's what it will take to make you believe

him "love  has been known to blind even the greatest human beings"

flood out your sorrow , oh fair maiden"
"thank you for letting me"
"oh gallant knight"

"warm , fuzzy ,  dreamy"

her for when if we fall out"
him we wont

"i haven't cut my nails , otherwise i would have showed it and you would have fallen in love

"what are thr first three colours that come to your mind when u think of me"
how tf do you come up with these questions

him - "i am immaculate"

"i have to do 75 question of differentiation and indeterminate forms of limit to show my tution teacher to when i go today"
i am speed
"okay lightning mcqueen"

him - "that cap looked so warm and you had been wearing it all day was worried you might melt your brains out",

before you go , whats your biggest fear
its a sad answer
tell me
save it for the night

don't use fullstops
they intimidate me
him- they are definitive.
him   - like that.

him -can i save that?
her-  sure
keep your memories

him "i am a mirror
i am who you are to me

her- you're beautiful
him -  my mind or me?
her - you
him - who am i ? my body or my mind
her- that's for you to judge
both and neither
Victor D López Jun 2019
Broken wing,
Carefully nursed,
Healthy again,
Vantablack wings,
Powerfully beating,
Propelled skyward,
Fueled by,
Benefactor's eyes.
Ayn Jan 2020
My mistress of sleep,
Slowly, silently, and seductively
Slips off her vantablack velvet robe,
And squeezes herself into my head.

She beckons in my mistress of dreams,
And seduces my mind into a sleepy *******...
Of sleep.

What else could it have been...
Jeez~! you people have ***** minds...
Lol. Fun little fact: some of my love poems that aren’t directed at a target (like Only One) I have actually shared with the one I fell for before I’ve shared them to anyone else. She don’t know that tho.
phoebe Apr 2020

i ripped a page of my mixtape heart and watched the lyrics of a sad love song burn in a fourth degree. i’m so sorry, honey. you are the only memento i have of him; the only remembrance i have left.

but as i hold on to your tragic melody that rings in my ear drums, the more i feel the sting of love decaying like ashes from a cigarette that die with the wind

even now, thoughts of him fade in and out of my foggy brain, flickering like the lights in a horror movie. his smile could set the whole town ablaze, and his eyes, oh his eyes held a hellfire.

he buried himself alive in my head along with yesterday’s bones and yet, when i close my eyes, i am still haunted by his eulogy like a phantom of the sun. and i suppose the only song i will ever sing is his name, until his memory fades away and vanishes like my last breath on my deathbed


i wrote these sunburned verses, dripping wet with asteroid tears in each paragraph. my pen resembled a syringe used to inject these words into the water stained page while preparing a cocktail drink of rubbing alcohol and mountain dew before swallowing it all in one gulp. you were utter complete poison. threatening to ****** my sanity with a switchblade called your kiss on my skin. and perhaps one day, my heart will learn to fall in and out of love without feeling an overwhelming amount of guilt.

you really are the embodiment of hades in another lifetime. your hands are filthy and covered with the screams of the dark entities that you held inside that chest cavity of yours.
you hold so much more than i could ever know.

my hands are shaking and they are matching the tempo of your vantablack heart.


it seems i can’t write a single thing that wasn’t about you. you had murdered my words and made the thought of you bleed through my brain with your aftertaste.

love had become a distant memory where you ethereal face began haunting my dreams and my whispers were no longer whispers, they were blood curdling screams of agony.

your words breathed like they had a life after you stole mine, and since you did, i’ve been holding onto what’s left of my anatomy and die slowly.


you killed me with your sharp as a blade
cyanide tongue as i overdosed on my yesterday’s delusions while i closed my eyes
and sunk deeper into the abyss called nirvana.

— The End —