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Nobody Nov 2024
On my first day in hell
The teacher gave to me
a bunch Of homework

One my second day in hell
The teacher have to me
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my third day in hell
My teacher gave to me
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my fourth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my fifth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my sixth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
6 pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework
Halfway done!

On my seventh day in hell
My teacher gave to me
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my eighth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my ninth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my tenth day in hell
My teacher gave to me
10 rules
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my eleventh day in hell
My teacher gave to me
11 books to read
10 rules
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

On my 12 (final) day in hell
My teacher gave to me
12 year-olds to manage
11 books to read
10 rules
9 useless lessons
8 late assignments
7 broken promises
6  pages of work
5 transphobic comments
4 pop quizzes
3 fake friends
2 failing grades
And a bunch of homework

And now, to repeat it all again
Just a parody of the song, not even a poem but there it is folks
Trisha Apr 2014

-Because I got called a ***** for wearing a short plaid skirt when I was 10

-and because when Nujood Ali from Yemen was 10 she got divorced

-Because black girls’ names became my classmates’ favorite “joke” when I was 11

-and because when an 11-year-old girl in Texas was ***** by 18 men the New York Times wrote of how the girl “dressed older than her age”

-Because I started counting calories when I was 14

-and because when Malala Yousafzai was 14 she was shot in the head for trying to go to school

-Because I heard a boy greet a girl with “hey ****” today at age 16
-and because when a 16-year-old girl in Steubenville, Ohio was filmed being ***** by two boys at a party while unconscious the CNN reporters talked about how tragic it was because the rapists had such bright futures as athletes

-Because I will have to watch my drink at all bars and parties when I am 22

-and because when CeCe McDonald was 22 she was sentenced to 41 months in prison for defending herself against a man who screamed transphobic, racist insults at her and then slashed her face with a bottle

-Because no matter what age I am the biggest threat to men will still be heart disease, and the biggest threat to women will still be men.

-Because it is not just about me, because it is not just about anger, because it is not just a JOKE, because it is not just about “hating men,” because it is not just about girls with vaginas, because it is not just about ending “****”, because it is not just about white straight girls in Rookie magazine, because it is not just about writing on backs, because it is not just about the fact that gay men are “****” but lesbians are “hot,” because it is not just about pictures of thin white girls being the only google image results for the search phrase “beautiful women”, because it is not just about writing signs, because it is not just about what she was wearing or how many times she said yes before she changed her answer to no, because misogyny is not just about one thing and feminism is not just about one thing and it is not just “a trend” and it will not “happen” in just one way.

-And because yes. It is about equality for EVERYONE, but first and foremost it needs to be about equality for girls, because they are not treated equally to men, in every single sense, and you are not going to take feminism away from me and call me bossy/hostile/aggressive and make this about yourself or make it into a joke, because truth be told, I’m not joking and I’m tired of explaining. If you want to call yourself a feminist, you work hard to spread feminism, you do not turn this into a contest of whose struggle is greater and constantly demand to know what you can get out of feminism personally. Feminism is not just about you, or me, it is about everyone. If you’re male and you’re tired of men being stereotyped as hyper-masculine, soulless, sexist, inherent leader-tyrant creatures, then go out and prove the patriarchy wrong and fight for girls, like someone with a soul who believes in equality would. Then, yes, feminism will be about everyone.

- -
Again it is not a poem. I found this on Tumblr and I felt like sharing because it is wonderfully written.
ConnectHook Jul 2018
Boys have penises.
Girls have vaginas.

Any questions?
God gave you your biological plumbing so wake up and smell the identity politics. If you want to change the way the Lord made you, good luck but don't expect me to approve OR pay for it ☺
avery Mar 2015
Dear Alyssa,

I am trying to say your name, but it is so foreign to me I cannot believe I once called it my own. It is stiff and uncomfortable, and sticky and sad. I cringe every time I hear it, it was never my home.
But I will never not envy the fact that our mother handcrafted it for you while Avery was never touched by her beauty. When you think beauty, I know the only thing you think of is Montana Walker. The girl in your English class with the freckle by her smile who plays chess with you at lunch. But when your father thinks beauty, Alyssa is still his first thought.

Dear Alyssa,

When you were in sixth grade, you dreamt about me. I wore a pullover hoodie and a backwards hat with one arm slung around Montana's shoulders. You were afraid to touch her, but me, I wasn't intimidated by her. She was quiet and tall, I was taller and loud, my chest was open and breathed proud. You never believed you would get there, and you aren't. I am miles away from loud. I am unable to speak up for you. Even when  I was called a ****** my first day of public high school. Even when I was called a "******* ****** *** ****" by a member of our own community, someone who shares so much of our journey. I didn't speak up for you or me. I'm sorry.

Dear Alyssa,

I'm sorry I tried to tear you open to see if I was hiding underneath. I'm sorry. I was not underneath. This is no woman's body because it belongs to me. I was not underneath.

Dear Alyssa,

Mom and dad are right. You are beauty. You are pretty and feminine and sweet. Alyssa, you are the prettiest boy you'll ever meet, because frankly, there is no girl I used to be. We are inherently male because we are supposed to be.
**** biology.
**** transphobic members of the LGBT community.
**** that at 15, you've reached half a trans* person's life expectancy.
**** that you will never be allowed to join the military.
**** the life that they want you to lead.
You are me.
You are the boy I used to be.

Dear Alyssa,
I'm sorry.

Sincerely yours

P.S. I should've loved you more.
zebra Jun 2020
It seems sadly ironic that the LGBTQ community remains transphobic when it comes to Male Lesbians. It's the pathetic politics of fixed groupthink, get woke while still asleep, social justice theory with out any justice in its performative aspect
Just so you know I'm not performing gender. I'm being gender  
and he's a fire ******* red head

I propose that as a straight male  I may also be a lesbian, ***** aside please love my man-gina butch ladies the way I love yours! Both straight  and very much a lesbian I do two genders simultaneously and both smoke cigars.

My childhood; marked by a dark  tragedy scared me for life. I remember running down the hall in junior high proclaiming my lesbianism and no one would be my friend. Everyone called me names and the butch girls would jeer at me and knock me around when ever I went into the ladies room just to hear them flush or cop  an innocent feel. I felt so isolated when I finally realized that the female lesbians would have nothing to do with me.

Do I not suffer the agony, frustration and anxiety of feeling self hatred because I am continually rejected by lesbians and objectified only as a man even though I am a lesbian too.
Do men like me  not suffer continual discrimination by women who identify with the masculine?


I just dont feel understood in terms of my true lesbian identity
I love lesbian ***** as much as the next *****, maybe even a lot more.
It's way past time!
Male lesbians must finally come out of the closet and be accepted as true members of the Lesbian community and be invited to all Prince God ***** dance parties.
After all  ladies remember  I'm a lesbian you're a lesbian.
male lesbians, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
Dysphoric Men Lesbians Must Unite
Male Lesbians Unite
Join M.L.U.
Lesbians R Us
" We Love Lesbians"
Please make a contribution
to your local M.L.U.chapter
The President and male lesbian
Zebra Black
M.L.U.... We love parades**** In Your face ******* ;)

I never mean to humiliate, but I also have issues with otherizing and exclusion speak of the broad transgender culture not that I dont appreciate the suffering of transgender people. I also found myself quite tuned off at this notion of LGBTQ academics challenging others to do gender while they appear to remain ridged mannish women who would never get on their ***** bobbles. This is my argument with this rather abstruse notion of doing gender as if biology was some aberration.
While LGBTQ folks don't like to be thought of as freaks, or be socially excluded neither do straight people. As far as mockery is concerned all I can say is everything is noticed and felt and every light casts a shadow.
Sunny Aug 2019
Despite their protests
And transphobic comments
We went on the date we had planned
Not caring about their demands

Sure, I was nervous as hell
And I could tell she was as well
And maybe we didn't talk much
But none of that mattered when I met her touch

Our hands interlocked in a silent agreement
That no matter what they said, we would ignore their treatment
There were so many things I wanted to do or say
But all that will come on another day.

When I first sat at that table
A sort of aura filled the air, it was unstable
Even though I knew they wouldn't change their ways
My eyes still met your beautiful gaze.
Alienpoet May 2022
In the nightmare
we lose ourselves
not wishing to look in each other’s eyes
left versus right
only millionaires and billionaires can afford to fight
male versus female
drop the hate to relate
life sold cheaply over internet wars
our nation
a nation of locked doors
and hate driven speaking drivel
I love you all but your minds locked into
Facebook culture wars
media ******
ratings soar
go viral be the virus
or inspire us
it’s your choice
war is afforded to the rich
if your poor dig your grave or ditch.
- Jul 2016
You said, in small text:

<p>OKAY. Let’s talk about this. </p>

<p>✨CW: transphobia, mental health stuff, strong language✨</p>

<p>[Reblog the hell out of this post. It’s about to be important].</p>

<p>I woke up this morning to my girlfriend, my partner-in-crime, my best friend, my favorite bean, sending me this photo. She couldn’t believe that it was real and thought that I was playing some sick joke. </p>

<p>Good ******* morning. </p>

<p>Listen up, whoever you are, you entitled little ****. Your opinions, attractions, desires, whatever they are - they DO NOT MATTER. Assuming, based on the context of your post, that you identify as a guy, let me just say this: </p>

<p>You are a small man. You’re using the guise of anonymity to objectify a radiant woman whose depth and breadth you can’t ever begin to comprehend - and I’m not just saying that because she’s mine. You’re also transphobic as **** - and clearly don’t understand that trans-ness and genitalia are actually (and often) far removed from each other. </p>

<p>I’d like to think that I don’t need to explain why the comment “your girl ain’t a girl no more” (in addition to being grammatically terrible) is NOT acceptable, but in case I do, here is MY two cents on the matter of MYSELF. </p>

<p>I fought for this body. I bled for this consciousness, I shined light into places in me that I didn’t know existed and found depression, dysphoria, trauma, and loads of anxiety. I nearly died for this body. If it hadn’t been for a select few people who saw me for the love I was worth, I wouldn’t be alive to write this post. That’s not an exaggeration, it’s a fact. </p>

<p>I’m telling you, stranger, this because there is more behind your words than you know. Each time you take your privilege and cishetero advantage for granted and allow misguided, bigoted words to fall out of your disgusting face-hole or fingertips, you’re reminding me of how I almost died for this body and consciousness. How my girlfriend and countless others like us have been subject to vast physical and mental torment for our queerness, our trans-ness, our SELVES.</p>

<p>I’m addressing you not as you, but as the mass of people you represent. I’m posting this on behalf of the 22 trans people who were murdered last year because of ignorance like yours. I’m posting this on behalf of feminine-identified people everywhere who deal with the wrath of objectification, sexism, and violence that your very actions embody and permit. </p>

Number 44.

This is a coded copy of a draft written awhile ago, see the previous poem for context.
gray rain May 2016
All of us agree the British school system is ******...

segregation of classes, religion and race.
Teaching one sided and not seeing the other face,
another view.

We're taught that being homophobic and transphobic is bad,
yet treading on eggshells, it's the ignorance! That is sad!
But really...

what is useful information?
When all we learn is not to question segregation.
What we need...

is to be taught about politics and how it works
so we aren't overrun by political jerks

how to pay bills and what are taxes?
Not to depend on parents to teach us these facts!
What's your job?

To teach the clues in the name,
so why does every student want the same,
to know...

about the future, to be prepared for life.
Not what we are taught to believe, we know it's all lies.
we want...

a system where we can learn free,
no one offended, my views belong to me!
You know that...

we want to be treated like an adult, not like a child!
Who made up not having qualifications makes you any less qualified?
if you see something...

you're right! Turn a blind eye,
to those who see it differently or follow what they've been told,
who said 2+2=4
it might be 5
just look through another's eyes.

It's our system we recieve it.
It's our system but do we really truly believe in it?
I just had a discussion with a group of people about many topics. We all have many views and different experiences at school as we live in a very culturally diverse city. Everyone was between the ages of 14 and 16 but are very political and aware of societies flaws.
Nowadays you get called a transphobic, sexist ****
For speaking honestly
What am I trying to say?
there are 2 genders, not 52 and just saying you're a thing
Doesn't make you that thing

No, it isn't sexist to hold a door for a women
or to complement one
if you believe that
Then you're just dumb

No, it isn't racist to call someone black
if you believe that
Then your mind is out of whack

No, it isn't fat-shaming when you want someone to get healthy
if you believe that
Then your brain is tiny

No, no joke is offensive in a serious way
because it is a joke
Get over yourself or go away
seriously, go away
this world doesn't need snowflakes
they should be nailed to the cross for christ sakes
see that? that was a joke
I don't want anyone on the cross
even then, someone probably got triggered
oh no, a joke, what?
Is your mind getting tortured?
Pick yourself up and look at yourself
just stop.
Created by me on December 30th, 2019
Yeah, I'm sure this will trigger a few people. relax, this is the only poem I wrote about social justice warriors. however, it isn't the last time I shared some facts.
Aiden Sep 2017
too many people asking who i want to be
where i want to go to college
“do i have a boyfriend yet?”

no grandma i don't have a boyfriend
no i don't want one either
you see
i like girls
and hey,
i'm actually a guy

i didn't actually say that
grandma wouldn't understand
instead i have to suffer through her endless
“there's some cute guys i can set you up with”

why is “normal”
for girls to like guys
and guys to like girls
(i had to read over this
to make sure i was getting
it straight)

why is it “normal”
to plan out a child's life
by what's in between their legs

why are people
why are people like that

get over your fears
i'm not gonna hurt you
leave me alone
and i’ll gladly do the same

aliens must think we’re really weird
there are too many people in the world
for this amount of hate
had a bad day and grandma just topped it, thanks grandma
Anjana Rao Feb 2016
Such a shame, shame, shame

How much
shame can I endure,
is it possible to
from it,
because Shame
is killing me.

It's just
there's so much of it,
what I look like,
to what I believe,
to how I feel,
to what I like,
to what I dare to claim for myself.

Shame has seeped
into every pore of me,
and shuts me up,
and if you think I am
it's only because of

You see,
Shame is there
every day,
loud, loud, loud
always yelling at me
always mocking me.

Shame reprimands:

you talk?

you take up space?

you desire?

you expect better?

you continue to exist?

Shame taunts:
They will all find out
you are
you've never wanted
to be

They will all find out
that you are a fraud
that you are a liar,
that you know
that you are a
that you are
that you are
actually White,
that you are
that you are
that you are
that you don’t
that you don’t
that you break
that you break

Shame is there to whisper to me
even on the good days:
you know,
they already know,
they are only humoring you,
you know,
the only thing you'll
be good for
is to be a blank slate
for people's emotions.

You can't even do that

is an ice pick
chip, chip chipping away
at any worth I cultivate.
is fingers
pick, pick, picking away
at anything that dares to grow into goodness.

is killing me.
First line from Shame by PJ Harvey
Scarlet McCall Jan 2022
I apologize for my offensive tweet. I know that my words caused real harm, and for the next two weeks I will be spending time in reflection, meditation, and  healing yoga at my Colorado ranch. I am also donating $100,000 to Black Marxists Anonymous.

I humbly ask forgiveness for the insensitive remarks that I made on my friend’s 1985 middle school yearbook page when I was 13. I know that my words caused real harm. There is no excuse for my poor judgment, and although my supporters mean well by pointing out that I was an adolescent, I do not agree that I should not be held to the same standards as a contemporary adult. I have spent time with my pastor examining my deep sinful nature.

I regret my costume at the Met Gala. I know that cultural appropriation causes real harm, and for a white woman to wear a dress adorned with feathers is an insult to Native Americans. I have auctioned off all of my turquoise jewelry and donated the proceeds to a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee studying ways to improve BIPOC representation on the Met Gala planning committee. I have engaged a Native shaman to guide me to a path of understanding via guided Ayahuasca use.  

I take full responsibility for standing next to Ned, my former best friend, in the photograph that has recently emerged of us at a friend’s wedding last year. Ned’s inexcusable remark on Tuesday that “All lives matter” is deeply offensive to me and today I join the diverse community that is boycotting his performances. I am ashamed that I ever called this person my friend.  

I regret ever working with J.K. Rowling. She is a transphobic hatemonger who deserves our scorn and contempt. I realize that she will continue to espouse her bigoted views, because her fans do not care, Harry Potter lives forever, and she’s a billionaire who probably lives in a castle. But I will continue to post my outrage on my Facebook page so that…anyway, Rowling *****!
Gerard M Jul 2021
It doesn't mean freedom to all Americans

The ones who land was stolen from them
The ones that were slaves
The ones who experienced Manzanar
The ones whose refugees seeking freedom
The ones part of the LGBTQIA+ community

It only means freedom to people whos white

The ones whose a republican or conservative
The ones whose racist to non white people
The ones whose homophobic and transphobic
The ones whose anti LGBTQIA+

That's What The Fourth Of July Means
Boaz Priestly Jan 2016
Something that really disgusts, and ruins shows for me, is when the writer's resort to demonizing transgender people as a shock factor. This has happened in Criminal Minds, and X-Files, and most likely a lot of other shows I've watched, that I don't care to remember right now. It is literally just so tactless, and horribly transphobic, and, for some of us, it can be triggering. I am not a monster. My brothers and sisters are not monsters. But, how we are treated by the media, THAT IS MONSTROUS. I am not a shock factor or a scare tactic. I do not go bump in the night. I am up close and personal. I am real. I am a human being, too. And, most of all, I am sick and tired of crap like this happening. It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
july hearne Nov 2020
she was a good person
who had nothing to do
with the transphobic,

in fact, she had encouraged her coworker eric
to become erica,

when erica was having doubts about having her ****
fashioned into a ****** that would grow hair on the inside
she encouraged erica to go through with the surgery
so erica could finally be who she was meant to be

she wound up pregnant, though not by pre-op erica
and though she have would have  consented to lesbian *** with erica
because every good person knows that you should never
discriminate against trans erica's.

she met a guy named kyle, it was kyle who impregnated her.
a one night stand. kyle thought pregnant women were gross
and disgusting and would frequently say so in the work place
at the telecom company he worked for.

when kyle wasn't working at the telecom company, he was cutting in line at the grocery store, then filming all the women behind him who said anything about it. he would laugh at them and call them karens. "you're going to end up on youtube, karen", he would tell them.

she was grateful that they had magically found all those missing biden votes. 100% for biden. she thought of how wonderful it was that president harris cared so much for women's rights.

she considered an abortion, but kept on putting it off. as she was giving birth, she finally decided on an abortion. immediately after the cluster of cells was removed from her vaginal canal, she requested one. the doctors felt good about obliging, since they were honoring the sanctity of a woman's right to choose.

the little cluster of cells was no more.

proudly, she tweeted about the wonderful experience and had many likes. she included a picture of the before and after of the cluster of cells, which went over really well. she knew she had made the right decision when she got all those likes. a few people even retweeted. things were going to be good now. for everyone.
SRH May 2019
it's against natures law,
you say.
it's not normal,
you say.
my animosity for you grows
stronger and stronger.
your homophobic, sexist, transphobic, comments
disregarding my pain.
The pain knowing that
i am not wanted,
i am not valid,
i am not aloud to love who i love.
3/1/19 - 5/20/19
current mood: annoyed
"I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an *******."
-Morgan Freeman
Nobody Nov 2024
Waiting for the worst
Because in 8 days
They will come
The family
The elders
I think people need to stop saying
"Respect your elders."
Because why should i respect them
If they don't respect me

Respect is earned
Not demanded
So maybe
You should stop calling me she
Or transphobic comments
And start treating me like the grandson i am

Grandpa addicted to cannabis
Grandma addicted to alchohol
Their garage reaks if sadness
I think the reason they do this to themselves
Is because they might hate me for who i am
But I think they hate themselves more
Yup my grandparents are coming over for thanksgiving, wish me luck because transphobia isnt their only tactic.
Nobody Nov 2024
Last years thanksgiving
Was very different than this one
Heres how it went last year

I ate
Without a second thought
I ate so much food
I talked with
my grandparents
No arguements to be had
And then
I went to bed
After 5 minutes
of shutting my eyes

Here's how It went this year

I ate
Two pieces of pasta
I got as drunk as one could
Off of carbonated apple juice
I flipped my grandparents off
After calling me miss
And a transphobic slur
We got into an arguement
Mostly about trump
And then I went downstairs
To draw vent art
Text my friends
And write poetry
All while drowning in a panic attack
And feeling like nothing is real

Isn't it strange
how fast things can change
In just a year?

— The End —