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Char Blackmon Jan 2019
Patience is key
So gentle so kind
Takes over emotions
Takes over time
A good woman is hard to find
Blinded by the obvious signs
Prayed to the most high today
Please send that one into my life
After years to come, triumphs n pain
I knew my prayers were heard
That day I laid eyes on u
Palms sweaty
Clammy n cold
Falling over nothing in the floor
That star that twinkle in your eyes
I’ve never seen
Gazing at anyone
Patience broken
Taring into humbleness
Things said undone n not true
Patience asking for another chance?
Me too
Start from the bottom
Only way from here is up
Patience to the bad
Impatience from hurt
Clouds rolls over the good
Still fighting til that day come
Patience is kind
And a lesson to learn
Progression is success
My backbone you are
No need to explain
Pun intended
Patience, humble, n new
Grace of serenity
I’m blessed with a friend
Levels beyond understanding
A forever better half of me
Patience is key
But progression is the journey
That will lead me to you
My angel and world
Tied all into one
Patience mold me heavenly
Cause i know mama
You’re my one
Patience of a GOOD WOMAN
Jack L Martin Sep 2018
There's an ick in my crick,
that makes me feel sick,
my insides are taring in two!

I seek some relief,
complete disbelief,
this sickness contracted from you!

I put on my scarf,
am ready to ****,
my temperature rises above.

I'm ready to hurl,
my diamonds and pearls,
lost all of their their lustrous love.

It lays at my feet,
spread out on the street,
I told you that I wasn't faking.

My mind and my heart,
all splattered apart,
my soul lays there now for the taking!
Crystal Erickson Dec 2014
Sailing across a field on a machine of pure iron
He carries your weight as though,
you were merely a fly on his shoulder.
Pulsing in your veins echos the thunder, of each
consecutive hoof as it strikes the Earth in turn.
The wind taring at your skin.
Your eyes water painfully with its vengeance.
The land fly's by in fades of greens and blues
Time stands still and the world tips on end.

©  Crystal Erickson
This is the only way I can describe what I feel like when I am running my horses.
mike Jun 2013
my female cicada
found way to lay eggs
inside of my nasal cavity
our larvae are
hatching free
screaming inside of my frontal lobe. maddening me.
and a swarm it swims out
every time that i sneeze
and i ask them to please **** me
with their disease
but they chew through my hyde
(and who knew that id
find the hard way these incestuous insects could tease
til they torture the swallowed man, hollowed inside,
(and now no mind to mind,
so i guess i forgive em;
their mess, as the walls of my mind are lined with em))
yes theyve blessed these
molested and
nested flesh pieces of me
and replaced em with feces and waste:
rest in peace.
guess a curse would be worse,
now i know that my family
makes our home in the earth,
and they take what they give;
they give Death to take birth
and take breath from each other to give to themselves,
and what else?
Fathers Brothers
and Sisters and Mothers
are Kissing cuz thats what lovers
do to lovers
before they enjoy their next meal made of ******.
"Meat i would like you to meet Meat and Meat" cuz thats all that they are to eachother like i was to their second cousin and mother. and she was to me a sure way to become better father and son by means of becoming fully free of this Life, what a wife, giving me family at the same time as taking my life so i dont have to end it by sending a knife through my wrist or my neck, oh and lest i forget: well, i beckon to send you a message, my wife: "im so sorry that i wasnt there when our our kids started ripping and taring your body apart. Love i Swear if i couldve been there idve stopped em and started to chop em and never have stopped. but its over now. lover how lovely itd be if you were singing delicately next to me with your legs and then climbed back inside of my skull to lay eggs in my nasal cavity. the screaming and ravishing, pupating, oh its so maddening not be having these. hacking and wheezing and coughing and sneezing til my nose is bleeding and they can start feeding. i wanna feel feelings of them eating on my brainstem and the rest of my flesh and then hollowing out all of my bones and then make a home as they start to have larvae all of their own which then, they will then start to eat, from my head to my feet, and between, from my elbows and knees, im a death bed of meat which my family needs;
theres so many to feed cuz - theyduplicatein3's...
Reverie Dawson May 2015
I know we are both human.
We both make mistakes.
But I 'am NOT your  punching bag.
You are scratching, shoving, and crushing me.
And I'm trying to run, jump and duck from all the words you throw at me.
But it seems like the ground is rumbling and turning me around back to your horrid words.
And it feels like every word that you speak brings me down.
Each word breaking and taring me slowly.
I guess I am your punching bag after all.
I'm fixed up with tape and glue, holding on by a cord.
Shofi Ahmed Nov 2020
A love buried in the depth of the earth
skipping the grave that can be lit up
and the bottom of the sea
water billows out of this abyss
netting the eyeballs of the sky.
Then the bottom of the night
was skipped likewise.

Taring the shades of black
there the moon rolls out
in the enchanting half-light.
So it had to be tucked away
only at the bottom of the earth.

Everything the all-inclusive pi  
could pop up from that safe womb there
that carries the weight of the matters  
but never shows up an equating pattern!

The nightingale scurries to the red rose
bubbling on the morning tessera
as if it mined out the treasure of the earth!
Oh it doesn't seem to be the only one scorer
upon the rose a mirror is up in the sky
‘Love’ is in the eyes of the sun!
Graff1980 May 2017
The best artistry enraptures its creator in a fugue of furious activity that is almost beyond his/her control. They are overcome with inspiration and must follow it. It is the unconscious mind ripping and taring at the fabric of the creators mind, and it is is the closest thing to ecstasy I know.
Derick Van Dusen Dec 2010
I want my life back
I want my wife back
Want everything back that I lost
Im willing to pay the ultimate cost
Put my back against the wall and then I lost it all
Wake most mornings sad I gotta face another day
Wake most nights trying to keep the tears away
I have to face the truth no matter what its become
You try and make me wait
You try to say the way its all going to go
That I wont stay but I cant I just cant do this anymore
Its taring me apart, my heart laying on the floor
Im standing at the door waiting to come into my own
My sole laid bare for all to see
But still she cant see me
From all that she read
From all that Ive said
I may as well be dead
Standing rite in front of her yet she still doesnt know me
I cant do this anymore
My heart lying at the door
Its all been a lie and its to hard to try
I cant fix it now even if I cry
Standing out in the cold with nobody to hold
Im all alone with my fears
I cant change the past nine years
I dont want to leave
I have to have some reprieve
From all the pain Ive caused
And now that I see just what your love means to me
I feel that have to run
Now that all here is done.
I wrote this back in 05 so no one go readin nothin  into it that aint there, you know who you are.
im falling.
and slowly losing breath.
taking apart everything you ever said.
holding back my fears.
dealing with the pain.
caught in the world.
where everyone's insane.
clawing at the walls.
taring apart my finger tips.
feeling so much pain.
to live or to love.
to laugh with out the past.
to feel the way i wish.
with out a spell cast.
GreenTea Jul 2011
People would think I'd be mad
or that I'd be hurt
but God put this forgiveness and love
in my heart

I can't just hid it
its too strong to bare

I'm taring at the seams
trying to hid it
I don't want to be scare

but it well not do
because through everything we've been through
I still love you
ypbs11 Feb 2015
Man bore a child to rise from a storm
to reach the heights of Godly form
Thus came from the vital womb
A crazed man; Fear he never knew

Pawnee, Pirate greatest Mountain Man
his soul journey, to tame a savage land
On a trail to the grounds of fertile water
he leads many to walking pelts of gold
when thunder from the mountains
shatters is bold heroic soul
Taring from the flesh, extracting from bone
the king of the wild from many stories known
Lashing of teeth settles on tough leather skin
eyes vanish back; Fear overtakes his men
When the violence departs by a well placed shot
the sulfur clouds like fog lift and float with the wind
Two men sit guarding their leader and friend

Death wavers over his soul like a black cloud
calling to take him to the darkest unknown
Fitzgerald and Bridger long ago they did depart
taking everything but the will of Glasses heart
Rolling to a rotting log, giving the maggots a feast
relieving him of infection, revealing scars from the beast
The greatest journey now unfolds months of crawling
return to the wilderness that he calls home
This is a true story of my favorite Mountain Man. Hugh Glass. R.I.P
He become a legend in this unbelievable tale of survival.
Read more on his life with a quick google search!
Graff1980 Aug 2015
With eyes of deep and beautiful intent she asked for language not just words. So I replied” What language would you have to elevate your soul and inspire that deep resonating force you call your creative mind. Are you looking for words imbued with force or more flowery and descriptive verse.”

There came no reply so I continued. “Say the word and I will dismember my already mutilated mind to find the right words. Find the perfect purple blossom, fold my soul into its tiny wrinkles and give it to you as a gift.”
Still silence reigned, taring at my deeply sorrow filled heart. For though I was full of affection she was not. Thus I ended” I would see the brown leaf, dried and crumbling, hear the strange music it makes, till fall winds carried the crumbled bits away, or they settled down to add another layer to this life. As a writer you remind me to look deeper into to everything, for that I thank you.”

Her reply was the quiet night. I let the truth settle. She saw no need to reply to me, I was but a broken petal. She was a blooming beauty full formed flower, an artist above my station. So I settled for my own company. A shadow sinking in the corner, with only lovely words to keep me company.
Daisy Fields Nov 2014
let me hold you, let me love you.
unconditionally, non traditionally.
i could give you a love that people die for.
a love that the gods of fate would cry for.
the suns love to shine, we would put to shame.
for my soul is a fire, and you are the flames.
i burn for you more passionately then all the stars in the sky.
your my reason to live and my reason to die.
your smile is what anchors me down,
your smile sends me straight to the clouds.
i want to give life to that light in your eyes,
let the friction of flesh slay the pain from inside.
how you shine so divine.
how your beauty leaves me blind.
not another moment can past, without showing you my heart.
its yours for the taking or taring apart.
this honesty's from deep in me,
your name laces the air i breathe.
at dusk you dance through my sweet dreams.
i love you so internally, eternally, i yearn for thee.
Ranger Jun 2015
Screaming in pain
No ones listening
Echoing in my head
The agony that is
And people watch
And people see
But no one is listening
I feel my flesh taring
My soul breaking
Mind is rushing
To dark places
Calling for help
But no one sees
Or no one cares
This razor dances
Across the skin
Lines of red liberation
To let out the pain
Is this a cry for help
Or maybe my  only
Way out
Now I bleed
Maybe now they will
See me screaming
Been holding back alot of pain lately and it  all came out at once.
I don't cut never have but I can understand why people do
Honokala Oct 2017
She walked on the outskirts of society
In a whimsical fashion flowers intertwined in her hair wearing a vintage crocheted dress taring  underneath her sleeves
barefoot and free ..
she smoked a joint , laughed at life..
and continued down the less traveled path..
Amanda Starr Sep 2013
I close my eyes and there you sit, my mind never seems to quit
I remember your touch, oh the body rush
I remember your taste, without you my times a waste
I remember your laugh, your voice
In my mind the sounds rejoice
I remember your smile, your face
With you is my only place
I will never forget
Not a time in the world i could ever regret
If i could do it over again id fix my mistakes
I would have never ran
If you could only feel my heart
Without you its taring apart
If only you knew, my words were true
In my chest i feel pain
Without my girl i always see rain
natasha Jan 2013
my life is filled
hard to breath
running away
stopping truth
waiting on you
having regrets
taring me apart
Maria Williams Jul 2016
Hope's love lost.
The weight of the universe.
In a four letter word.
Words are meaningless.
Eyes bare the soul.
Eyes lie in depths.
Deeper feeling,
Deeper regrets.
Killing noise
With substance.
Solitary confinement.
Vines bind us.
Taring deep into wrists.
Leaving a plethora
Of white slits.
Thrown out.
I'm a black plastic trash bag.
Filled with red solo cups.
A whisky lullaby
On display.
Wax paper escape.
Falling down the rabbit hole.
Graff1980 May 2016
Her beauty is unattainable
As I stretch myself taring at
The thin ****** strings that hold me back
The visor painted completely black
The horrible buildup of ear wax
And the ****** brown wash rag mouth gag
That makes me deaf, blind, and mute
While killing my sense of humor and hope
in one fell swoop to boot
Jennifer L Clark Feb 2017

                                         END IT.

"The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them." ~Ps. 25:14~

                   NOT EVEN ONCE...

                     THAT WHICH BEFORE NOW...I WAS BLIND TO.

               BEATING LOUDLY
                           TARING OUT MY HEART.

                            IN A SONG



"Let's All Pray Together on Our Knees"



Jennifer L. Lowman (C) 2017
Dale May 2018
Broken fields of faultless dreams,
Filled with chaos and taring screams,
Sinister laughs with bellow cries,
A shattered idea can haunt lifetimes,
For what is dreamt can be turn't,
Twisted into nightmare; A curse,
For if it fall's unfulfilled,
A dream can cast a flurry of nil's,
Of broken regret, path's and live's,
Of what could have been and what has died.

Yet of those dream's that shatter like glass,
New idea's spring from the past,
A brighter light from your bulb,
Define's a new dream that you'll behold,
For yet a broken thing doe's indeed hurt,
Wound's do heal, though not disappear,
We build on idea's to make life clear,
So hold your heart through the cloud,
And live life proud and aloud,
For the start that you will find,
Will help another with their lifeline,
For dream's give hope of better new's,
Step up your glass and think of you,
For you, the star in your own story,
Dream of life and your found glory.
mike Mar 2017
the skin around my music
Is peeling off my body
The skin is wearing thin and taring
Falling off and rotting

If I glue it back on
Will I be a song.

The music has many colors
The music is black
I cant see through the music
It's a cataract
9/23/17Idk What to feel Right Now.
I'm officially crushed.
Everything around me Is Fallen.
I'm in deeep depression.
This isn't me. Where's my love for my pets? No where.
When he broke my heart, he broke everything around me too.
I've never been this sad in my life.
I've never been this sad in my life I just can't believe it. I can't believe anything I'm in shoxk
Idk idk good bye sobriety
I just want drugs to cure me
I want no help I need nothing
I'm lost in my head for being so forgiving. I lost all happiness
I don't hate or love nothing it isn't even The Drug . It's me, it's been me. I'm so tired of feeling sad and hurt. I've done nothing ****** Up enough to be blamed for.
This was another open door for me to realize what he's worth for.
Nothing baby , he isn't ****.
For him to really have told me he works and has **** to do broke me.
He has time for others, he has Time to conversate  with a group.
When it comes to me ?
He's tired
He's the reason my Bunnies are not being cared for properly
He broke my heart and crushed the little happiness in me
Where Are the drugs? I just want to get lost and go to another dimension where only I understand and no ones in my way To judge or Hurt me in any way.
I lost all hope
I don't know anymore
All I Want is to get High and never come back
Never experience reality again
I'm tired of it all
Thank you baby for officially taring me apart
Khoisan Jun 2018
Many are the vagrants who roam
The streets of my mind
They knock on the ceiling of my scull
As I ponder their plight
Restlessly climbing into my human emotions
Taring at the twines that bind us together
As they mercifully hold on to the strings
Frantically crying out
Please forgive us... forgive us
And I did
We all make mistakes and sometimes craves forgiveness
renee Nov 2020
Walking away
From every brick I layed
A new wall I must build
One that might keep me safe
Safe in a world hell bent on self

My how this world has changed
Things will never be the same The world has gone insane
Who do you think is to blame

History of man they want to change
Taring down monuments like they are to blame
Just what is that suppose to change

Racsism is in full bloom
Thanks to a few who thought they knew
So many games they play
Of our government ------
Graff1980 Jul 2019
My heart is
a hungry beast
and growling
for something,
needing feeding
of primal desires.

It is white shredded bits
of paper
for the taring
and sharing
of ash
as it burns fast,
by the embers
that rise
to fires in the eyes
of those
we long to touch.

When I awake
and quake
the tremors
of ecstasy
seeing my sweet fantasy
coming to life
the beast’s
slowly recedes
and I am free
to be
a rational me.

the hunger returns
for the next in line
of eternal
Banele Msimango Dec 2020
Taring my temple apart and laying it down at your feet. Emotions, heartaches, anger, happiness, love, desires all laid down in simpler paragraphs. Giving you my final chapter for your last chance to understand me.
Take my heartache with you as leave.
kitty hart Jan 2021
Walking through the mucky trench
The sound of the duckboards creaking under my feet
I think to myself why this is happening
Why I am here

I hear the men shouting behind me
I see the people getting some rest in the dug outs
Commanders shouting orders as men go up and over the parapet
Yelling as they run into no man’s land

The sound of gunfire and explosions
They sound so distant to me
I try to block the sound of men in agony in the communication trench
the agony of the blood pounding in my ears driving me forward

I stand next to a man who I consider my best friend down in the trenches
He looks over at me and gives me a thumbs up
I hope to myself that this will all be over soon
I hope that I will be able to make it

At that moment before we left
The world stood still
Everything was quiet
Birds sung a song of hope in the distance

However that doesn’t last long
My heart begins to pound as I hear the whistle blow making us move forward
We climb up the ladders and over the sandbags
We run into battle

We cross over the barbed wire
Some getting caught
Others helping others over
The sound of my flesh taring as it glides by a sharp edge

I think about my wife
My daughter
Sitting at home in sadness as the wonder
Will I make it

I hold tight to my helmet
The men around me yell as they fire their guns
Some not as lucky
I look back seeing the last of the brave people running behind me

The constant gunfire no longer making my ears ring
I hold onto the cross that was in my hand
The man beside me is wounded and down
But my feet compel me forward

My friend from before was caught in a fire
I run to him hoping to save his life
All he told me was to keep going
I left him alone to die there

I continue to run as more and more solders are shot down
And in a moment of realization a land mine was set off
I was thrown into the air about ten feet
And in the one last second I was alive
I felt the presence of my father telling me everything was alright
I wrote this poem for my Modern history class
Lye Feb 2020
L | oving girls
E | ven if people object
S | taring into each other’s eyes
B | eing together
I  | n a world where love is love
A| nd you’re accepted for who you are
N| obody can tell you to be someone else
Acrostic poem
Warisha Mar 2021
Walking down the street,
On a gloomy evening.
I saw you,
My world flipped,
It made me feel like the sky when the sun returns on rainy day.

Eyes deep as ocean,
that met mine taring my soul apart.
Your eyes that gave me thousands of butterflies.

Your cute bunny smile,
that made my heart skip a beat.

Your eyes, smile,
made me wander what I look like in your eyes.

I'll never forget that smile, eye contact, which made my soul catch fire.
Sara M Dec 2018
At night my sister and I
Stared at those plastic stars
That have been plastered on our ceiling
Since we were young
Wishing that the warmth of our love
Was enough
And she didn't have to look for more
In the wine glasses filled to the brim
Coming home late at night
Screaming knives into my heart
Taring me down into the little sparkle
She claimed to see in her eye
But now I just wasn't as bright
They say drunk words
Are sober thoughts
So maybe that's why it hurts so bad
Or maybe its because
Your parents are supposed to love you
And when they don't
Can anyone really?
This is a poem about my experience with my mom's alcoholism.
Graff1980 May 2020
The best artistry enraptures its creator in a fugue of furious activity that is almost beyond his/her control. They are overcome with inspiration and must follow it. It is the unconscious mind ripping and taring at the fabric of the creators mind, and it is is the closest thing to ecstasy I know.

— The End —