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Go ahead
Call me or message me
Tell me how you hate me

And I'll remind you
I loved you when you were afraid to be with me
Because we were only eleven and our peers opinions mattered

I'll remind you that one year later
We had our very first kiss and it was perfect
Except for the part where you moved away
And didn't tell me

I'll remind you that when you called me
I had just suffered statutory **** for the first time
And you told me you loved me for the first time
We were only twelve

I'll remind you
You stopped calling

I'll remind you
You moved back
And dated my friend for a month
And I was so happy she ended up liking girls

I'll remind you I forgave you
I tried to be friends again
I told you about my other ****
We talked about our failed relationships
We were fifteen

I'll remind you it was your idea to meet up and kiss
And how we talked for an hour before I couldn't take any more
And I kissed you and we didn't stop
We never wanted to
But you caught your breath and asked me to be yours
And as scared as I was I said yes

I'll remind you we ditched school only a few weeks later
And you told me you loved me and I never believed you more
Then in that moment by the skating rink
And I almost cried saying it back

I'll remind you that we made love
We made love everywhere and all the time

I'll remind you that three months in
You proposed to me
We were fifteen
And I said yes

I'll remind you that we broke up
On and off for stupid reasons
And that you always ended it
And I always waited for you to change your mind
And you always did

I'll remind you that at sixteen my best friend and her boyfriend
***** me and you thought I cheated
And you hid your revenge for over a year

I'll remind you that we survived months
Of long distance
And with our libido it was hard

I'll remind you when you moved in at seventeen
You promised you would stop leaving me
You would stop breaking my heart

I'll remind you that we stayed up late in the living room
Watching movies until we fell asleep there together
Because at first it was the only way we could sleep together

I'll remind you that your family's opinion of me didn't stop me
From visiting them with you one Christmas

I'll remind you that no matter how many times the darkness
Emerged from you I accepted it

I'll remind you that when we slept together you made me
Spoon you and rub your back and I always would

I'll remind you that you stopped kissing me
Stopped making love and started to pity **** me as
Youtube videos played in the background
And I would cry and go unheld

I'll remind you that you talked to her
After promising not to
Because you broke a lot of promises

I'll remind you I still forgave you

I'll remind you that one morning
You held me
Which you hadn't done in so long
And we woke up just like that
And you told me you were leaving
I didn't cry at first
But I felt every part of me break
More than it ever had before

I'll remind you
You blamed my mom
But she loved you like a son
That's just how she treats her kids

I'll remind you
You asked me out again
Not long after we had make up *** a few times
And I cried because it all felt so different

I'll remind you that with a broken heart
I ended things for the first time from eleven to eighteen

I'll remind you that I wanted to stay friends
That I wanted you to prove you loved me
Because I always stayed when you ended things
And you disappeared like you always did

I'll remind you that our story is messed up
But that we loved each other somewhere in that mess

I'll remind you that you will always be first in my heart
And that nothing can change that

I'll remind you that I forgive you
Because I love you
Because no matter what happens
You're my best friend

You were the first person to show me
Just how happy I can be

You taught me so much
And my heart,
It'll always be yours
Even when I mess up too.
Ignatius Hosiana Mar 2016
Remind me to walk out on my heart if it ever falls in love
to ignore all its whining once it's broken again
remind me to pluck it out and fry it red on a pan
and savour in the aroma of my own death
as I roast all the love away from this little piece of meat
remind me to dump my soul in boiling liquid hydrochloric acid
if I ever walk back to your arms when fooled by your charms
remind me to create an opening where all that air of reconciliation
will be ****** out my inflated soul,remind me to seal the vacuum
so that I'm eternally reminded of your treachery by the emptiness
remind me to cut my limbs off so that you won't sweep me off my feet
remind me before desire gives me wings to soar higher and higher
remember please, be the wet blanket that puts off that deadly fire
and if my lips ever dry trying to lure me into lubricating them
with the sweet oils of your imprisoning kiss
please remind me to bite and wound them so that
the wounds are infested with pus and undeserving of this your kiss
remind me the moment I cannot take my eyes off your beauty
to heat a spoke and pass it through them so that I can be blind
after all I'll still posses the glamorous visage of the mind
remind me to run back into the biting cold of my shell
if I ever find comfort in your warm embrace
remind me if I start considering forsaking my loneliness
that the warmth of your welcoming touch
and amazing company is pretty much
the disguise of the blazing fires of your hell
remind me to hit my head with a brick
a trick to stir my brain once it remembers
the better times lost instead of the ashes from those embers
remind me when my arms are frozen with constant craving
and the walls of my isolation on the fringes are caving
to rebuild the pillars and fences,to hold even tighter to my defences
to think again when I'm drunk with the wine of romance
slap me with reality when I'm staggering
and I've probably lost the firm grip on my senses
support me so that I don't fall, turn off the music
we can't have another dance,we don't deserve another chance
remind me not to walk past the twilight zone, the just friends zone
when I'm walking back to you fracture me,each and every bone
remind me of how wounded I am, poke my scars and make me bleed
show me where forth love avenue's bound to lead
when I say hello,say goodbye,treat my imploring truth as a lie
remind me if I forget, taking that path is only going to make us cry
remind me when hot amour gets hold of yours and my heart
that after the warmth melting us we are bound to fall apart
George Andres Mar 2018
i want you to remind me
how the moon and the stars above
glance and hides how shy they were
whenever your voice soothes the trees and living creatures, reverberating the paradox of joy and sadness in your giggle

i want you to remind me
how the ends will never be the means of loving and that saturating my soul with your presence is more than i could ever receive, a reality unmet with circumstances of chains upon ourselves

i want you to remind me
how long it would take to consume the universe on your palm or the life in one single breath, or the night with a hymn that lights up my way home

i want you to remind me
of remembering goodbyes and hellos
the mellow sound of now and the agonizing tomorrow swifting its way to uncanny sound of laughter and sniffed tears

i want you to remind me
that there are more to life than we ever thought of: death, absence, nothingness

i want you to remind me
that i could always see the mirror of myself in your brushed short hair, chapped lips and past you never left behind, just the like the songs i've made to remind how unusual semblance of people unites hearts and eventually tear them apart

i want you to remind me
of the days where i loved deeply and without hesitation or fear of falling behind or the anxiety of losing what i never had in the first place

i want you to remind me of the days like this
where the smile in my face meant the world, home, and happiness from your single hello or the way you tilt your head and stare and smile and laugh or when your cheeks blush and swims together with the universe in your eyes and the waters deeply engraved in your fingers how the waves strum the music in your spirit and soul

how i want you to remember,

the way i will remind you:

i will remind you of how i love seeing you mess around and make everyone happy, your vain and cuddly smile behind the tint of the sun, along the banquets of academics and artists

i will remind you of how assured i was that you were whom i prayed for to a nonexistent deity of the wind and beauty; how i wished to feel its rush as i roam around, and steep-down the wheels, continuously weighing down unafraid of a valley of morality and questions

i will remind you of the philosophy of the meaninglessness of existence and how life was never the meaning but pain of waiting for death; you made it bearable and the ample grace of your heart is what i'll keep to my future journeys of seeking what i would trade for life itself enduring the morning commutes and cruelty of mischievous eyes

i will remind you of the day i saw you, and how tall you stand as me or how shy i was whenever i was in front of the crowd, but most of the time you give me the strenght to brush off what everyone would say

i will remind you of the day, and the days to come
i will not ask for more or less, it will be enough, and i hope with that, i will be enough, and i, hope you would always remind me #
Shelly Jan 2014
Listen while you read!
We didn't care if people stared
We'd make out in a crowd somewhere
Somebody'd tell us to get a room
It's hard to believe that was me and you

Now, we keep saying that we're okay
But I don't want to settle for good, not great
I miss the way that it felt back then
I wanna feel that way again

Been so long, bet you forget
The way I used to kiss your neck
Remind me, remind me
So on fire, so in love
Way back when we couldn't get enough
Remind me, remind me

Remember the airport, dropping me off
We were kissing goodbye and we couldn't stop
I felt bad 'cause you missed your flight
But that meant we had one more night

Do you remember how it used to be
We'd turn out the lights and we didn't just sleep
Remind me, baby, remind me
So on fire, so in love
That look in your eyes that I miss so much
Remind me, baby, remind me

I wanna feel that way
I wanna hold you close
If you still love me
Don't just assume I know

Do you remember the way it felt
You mean back when we couldn't control ourselves
Remind me, remind me
All those things that you used to do
Made me fall in love with you
Remind me, baby, remind me

You'd wake up in my old T-shirt
All those mornings I was late for work
Remind me, baby, remind me
Remind me what it feels like to loose my mind in a heartbeat,
Remind me everyday what it stings me not to say

Remind me right now, before everything fades away...
Remind me that you still might be there if i need you someday.

Remind me of the sunsets,
Remind of the headsets,
Remind me of the necklace
and all the simple set backs.

Remind me of the progress, that never was enough,
Remind me of the success, never the lack of trust.

Remind me of the weight you held, before all was broken down,
Remind me of how lost I was, spread hope that I may be found....

Remind me of the days I threw away the crown...
Remind me why i stay awake, when my eyes still want to drown.
WickedHope Oct 2014
He reassures me over his plate of food that I'm not that insane

He  reminds  me to consider medication
I      remind    him that it's my life
He  reminds  me to consider eating food again
I      remind    myself I need to hide it better

He  reminds  me that I have good inside
I      remind    him that I hurt the ones I love
He  reminds  me that I've been worse
I      remind    him I've been better

He  reminds  me about how I ruined us, but that's past
I      remind    him that I ruined us in the first place
He  reminds  me we were naive
I      remind    him that it was never a game to me

He  reminds  me I have a future
I      remind    him that I have a past
He  reminds  me that I have a present
I      remind    myself that I shouldn't wait, should act
Want to do something sometime?
Or just hang out or something?
(God, I'm so bad at this... but I want more...)
You remind me of myself
Broken hearted and hoping
Looking for someone to love
Wishing that I could go back in time
To figure out what went wrong
Trying to fill the holes in my heart
With laughter, hatred, even cement
Anything that will hurt, to remind me that I feel
Anything that will remind me that pain is real

You remind me of her
Staring into the open field as the stars come out
Pouring out her every emotion
Wanting me to help her, feel more like herself
To help her find her way in life
Down the broken path that she had chosen
That took her so far away, hours- even days
When she drove away, the misted look in her eye
Told me that I had failed, I couldn't help her survive

You remind me of him
We did everything in our power not to give in
Distanced ourselves from eachother, trying to cut the ties
Living seperate lives and falling in love with other people
All because the trust was uneasy, unsure
The way he looked away when I looked him in the eye
Whenver I said goodbye, because he hated those words
His hands trembling as he took a chance to live on his own
Calling me to remind me, that I wasn't alone

You remind me of them
The distant people from my past
Good and bad, happy and sad- cliche as that is, you do
You read my every movement, my every word
Like I'm some book that needs to be figured out
Or maybe you think you've already got me down
You overthink my simple words, and underthink my sentences
My emotions seeping out like blood
I'm not the person you think I am, I'm everything but that

You remind me of me
You remind me of her
You remind me of them
You remind me of everyone but yourself these days

I don't know if it's me- or if it happens to be you
But everytime you move, I see someone else
Maybe I'm hallucinating; Or maybe I'm just going crazy
But if I told that I thought you were being you
I'd be lying- but I'll be longing for the day
You keep your own identity, and I'll be whispering

You remind me of you
J Jul 2016
Remind me* what warm, sandy days in early July are like when the creases in my mattress make their mark on my skin so deep I forget how to stand up straight on my own. Remind me what 72 degrees at 50 miles per hour in my hair feels like when the shades will not open themselves and the piles of ***** dishes and wrinkled clothing have created their own escape route from my bedroom. Remind me what holding hands with someone who would rather hold your soul feels like when I crave human touch but shut out everyone that comes within a mile of my heart because I'm just so scared to break again. Remind me what hot chamomile tea on a dewey August morning tastes and smells like when I am buried in pillows and have my eyes glued to the computer screen because they're too tired to search for anything beautiful; they couldn't stand to see something beautiful anyway, because they'd deliver the message to their owner that what they see is that which she is not. Remind me what laughter, on a trampoline, at 2 in the morning, that makes my stomach hurt feels like when the nostalgia sinks deep into my skin and draws blood, and I feel as though things won't ever be as golden as they once were. So please, remind me that better days lie ahead. Remind me how it feels to work for something, to put your heart and soul into a work of art when I feel like my insides have collapsed because trial and error is my only experience with love and error seems to have ******* all hope. Remind me that it isn't me who is broken, that it is the world who needs my love and remind me that if I would stop giving up, that I could feel all of these things again. Remind me to get up and try, and try, and try again. Even when the white walls hurt my eyes and the blanket clings to my skin, remind me what it feels like to live. And don't let me lose that feeling again.
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
Is that your favourite  beat as well

Pretty cool to meet you
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.

Never had a childhood friend
Nothing close to this feeling
I love binnies too

Hi my man
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
Care for a laugh my friend
I like talking all kinds of **** too

Hi I am Dumisani
oh Hi Emmanuel
Is your name Wow
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
Malo is Venda for eight
**** I love train rides too
Train rides on old Zambia rails

For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
Too late to start over
Done danced to many a beat
My uncle said new friends
Come with new songs
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.

WE can hold hands for a moment
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
No need for fist bump
We like like each other brother
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.

For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
A friend almost like you was shot up by pigs
I carry his picture always on the left pocket
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
His name Andile Amakhwenkwe
Ado for short
Rockville evening under the apollo lights
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
A friend almost like you died
For some reason you remind me of someone I've never met.
Edward Coles Mar 2014
You remind me of a simple time,
You remind me of a lullaby,
The way you sing in blessed rhyme
And the many times I’ve made you cry.

You remind me of vintage shops,
You remind me of the word of God,
The way I wake and still taste the hops,
In this: my hangover firing squad.

You remind me of sugared wine,
You remind me of a tired sigh,
The way we sped up along the line,
And the many times I’ve made you high.

You remind me of the Happy Prince,
You remind me of a garden fence,
The way our sparks kick off the flints,
And I think of you in future tense.

You remind me of a former life,
You remind me of tomorrow’s war,
The way that in you, I saw a wife,
The way that you so swiftly
Shut the door.
DC raw love Mar 2015
I walk the streets of Japan till I get lost
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

Getting a graveyard tan carrying a cross
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like studying faces in a parking lot
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like driving backwards in the fog
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like gypsy moths and radio talk
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like gospel music and canned applause
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like colorful clothing in the sun
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like hammering nails and speaking in tongues
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like throwing my voice and breaking guitars
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

I like playing in the sand what's mine is ours
If it doesn't remind me of anything

Bend and shape me
I love the way you are

Slow and sweetly
Like never before

Calm and sleeping
We won't stir up the past

So descretely
We won't look back

The things that I've loved the things that I've lost
The things I've held sacred that I've dropped

I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need
Matthew Hedden Apr 2019
Remind you; present soul
your embers hiding among ash.
Remind you; present feet
struggle to touch--
troubled with lonesome direction,
aimless in their grasp;
far from being graces' kiss.
Remind you; O sun
thy light a conquerer
reveal scars of existence.
Remind you; you
sleep not of tire, or escape,
rest as perfect reflection
and polish thy loves
to dull scars of existence.
Remind you; peace
like a dawn light folds
and ease thy fear.
Remind you; ancient wisdom
thy knowledge and fame
is as just its face
once your carrier is entombed.
Remind you; worlds
your's is just as doomed
as high love is fatal upon fall.
Remind you; words
as just comparison,
Renaming fear;
to truth.
And remind you; the road;
Thy road you are a spirit
of eternity.
Julia Nov 2015
When the time comes for me to finally let go
I have forgotten how to
When the time comes for me to finally let go
there are scars
scratches from my nails digging into the last piece
the realization that this probably meant nothing to you
the sorrys
why was i always the one saying sorry?
When the time comes for me to finally let go
bring band aids for the tips of my fingers
the claw marks can stay
don’t let me forget what happened that night in september
don’t let his words cover my mouth again

you were always in my mind
the constant reminder
you said i was beautiful but you loved her more

When the time comes for me to finally let go
remind me of the bad things
remind me of the stares when he laughed to his friends about my feelings
remind me of the nights he would ask me to be with him
because she was not
remind me of the 3ams, sitting on my bathroom floor
clutching my knees and
shaking because I knew she owned your nights
remind me of every poem ever written
tell me that they don’t always have to be about you
they never were about you

and remind me there are more important things
theres always something more important

When the time comes for me to finally let go
take me back to the high school hallway
one earbud in my ear, one in yours
falling in love with a carefully drawn character
show me what was wrong
remind me of the pictures of her that he had slipped into the pocket of his ripped jeans
remind me i was not special
i was not her

When the time comes for me to finally let go you are imprinted in my mind
a fantasy, an angel, a perfect person
remind me of what you are not
remind me of what i don't have to be
because i never had to be her
i was only me

when the time comes, when it finally comes, remind me how one day this will be easy
one day i will not think about the cracks you left in my skeleton
calling them love letters
one day it will only be me
and one day i will accept that
i am only
still a draft with no title!!!!
Terry O'Leary Jan 2014
I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(the reasons why you’ll never know),
whisked away in winter’s winds, your sleeping sighs remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Well, I’ve often made my way
within the dark before the day,
but it’s never that I’ve ever felt this lonely.
So I leave this parting note,
the first farewell I ever wrote,
though these lines embody more than farewell only.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go,
’n what I’ll find you’ll never know,
concealed in clouds of untamed clover, tussled hair reminds me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Alas, my love has grown too strong
for I’ve lain with you so long
with your every need perceived, though never spoken.
’n as I try to disengage,
I’m like a tiger in a cage,
hesitating ’fore a padlock hanging broken.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(across a bridge you’ll never know),
to quench abandoned burning hills, your yearning lips remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Should you wake and shed a tear
finding me no longer here,
save your weeping for another, not so ghostly.
’n if you scan the spangled sky,
as you ache when asking why,
realize ’twas really you I wanted mostly.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(reshuffling cards you’ll never know),
defying fate beneath the stars, your diamond eyes remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Shun the shadows in the late
disappearing through your gate,
aghast and groping through their early morning sorrows,
like the echoes of my thought,
flitting, fleeting, overwrought,
as reflected in the realms of vague tomorrows.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(’n what I’ll see you’ll never know),
pursuing pebbles on a beach, your freckled nose reminds me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Should you glimpse a troubled form
within a restless ruby storm,
turn your collar 'gainst the wind and never follow.
For by then it’s much too late
(yes the distance far too great)
and you’d only find the feathers of a swallow.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(along a road you’ll never know),
adrift on half-forbidden paths, your slender back reminds me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Should you yearn once more to tease,
unleash your breath upon a breeze
’n let the whispered winds of yesterday caress me,
and perchance recall the time
(when our love was in its prime),
I relied upon your laughter to possess me.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(’n it’s so hard you’ll never know),
entwined in twirls of fortune’s wheel, embracing arms remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Once I was yours and you were mine
sipping pearls of purple wine –
except these haunting hints, there’ll be no spectres chasing.
’n if the flashbacks grow acute,
I’ll strum the strings upon my lute
subduing bygone ancient ghosts, still standing, facing.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go,
’n what I’ll hear you’ll never know,
though echoed in a thousand drums, your throbbing ******* remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Well, the candle by my side
has now melted down and died,
though its fire blazes on within the mirror.
And the clock behind the door
is throbbing, pounding with a roar,
as my moment to depart approaches nearer.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(along a shore you’ll never know),
engulfed in deep and distant tides, your restless thighs remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

But I’ll take along the ring,
the one you carved for me in spring,
though it journeyed as an orphan on my finger.
And I’ll hang it from my neck
while I ***** a lonesome trek,
as a keepsake of your ardor, while it lingers.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(’n what I’ll see you’ll never know),
immersed in fields of flowers wild, your amber eyes remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Now I’ll kiss your sleeping eyes
ere I mount the blushing skies
as I bid farewell, adieu, in morning’s splendour.
Then I’ll fade within the haze,
immured in miles of my own maze
as I wander, breaking chains of love’s surrender.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go,
’n when I rue you’ll never know
the pulsing passions of the past and shadows that remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
till the phantoms start a’ fading far behind me.
Meg B Jun 2015
Shall I ever have a bad day
I remind myself of the way
the green of the trees compliments
the violet of the nighttime southern summer sky;

Shall I ever feel lesser
I remind myself of the way
my mother appears
as her eyes well with tears
of pride and joy;

Shall I ever experience a sense of emptiness
I remind myself of the sound
of my dad's laugh,
of the way my brother always gets
my references;

Shall I ever have a moment of doubt
I remind myself of the reverberations
that hollow your insides
when the guy you like kisses you for
the first time;

Shall I ever forget my purpose
I remind myself of the way it felt
when I saw my nanny's husband on my
graduation day;

Shall I ever doubt the future
I remind myself of
the way I moved on from
my deepest love;

Shall I ever feel weak
I remind myself of
my first days in D.C. as I
stumbled aimlessly through streets
with which I was unfamiliar;

Shall I ever be devoured by ambiguity
I remind myself of
the peace I have felt as I
watch the steady ripples of
the Ohio;

Shall I ever get lost
I remind myself of the
paths I have forged,
of the arms that
extend open;
I may seek resurrection mother nature
offers me
in the sand
I have felt in my toes,
of the grass that has tickled
my back,
of the sunsets that have moved
my soul,
in the water bodies that have sung
me to sleep;
I may be reborn in
the rifts of my
favorite songs,
in the quotes of
my favorite movies,
in the words of
timeless poems;
in the love the world extends
I shall never go without
I shall never truly become lost
for the world always
finds me.
Urmila May 2015
Maybe I remind you, of the love you once had
Maybe I remind you, how vulnerable you once were,
Maybe I remind you, of things you forgot you could feel,
Maybe I remind you, of a wound you thought had healed,
Maybe I remind you, of the pain you ignore,
Maybe I remind you, of the insanity you escape,
Maybe I remind you,
Maybe I remind you, of everything you want to forget,
Maybe I remind you, of an old regret,
Maybe I remind you,
You are human
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
please remind me how much you love me
how much you want me
how much you care about me
remind me of all the things that make your heart race
and the things that make you smile
remind me of the future we want
and how happy we'll be once we're together
please remind me
because i can't feel anything
please remind me
so i don't forget you're real
please remind me
so i don't drift away from you
please remind me
so i don't push you away
please remind me

gf Apr 2014
I don't know why I bother
thinking of someone
who doesn't even think of me.

I remind myself of this at night,
when I think about how it would feel
for him to text me something dumb,
like a good night text, or some
stupid existential question when he's high.
I remind myself of this when
my phone stays silent throughout the night.

I remind myself of this in the day,
when someone says something stupid in class
and he laughs so hard that he goes red-faced,
and smiles so hard that it touches his eyes.

I remind myself of this when
he mentions his girl in casual conversation,
and how he looks happy when he says it.
I remind myself to look unphased.
I remind myself to carry on.

I remind myself that there will
be no good night texts, or existential ramblings.
I remind myself that I shouldn't
look at him when the whole class laughs.
I remind myself that he's happy with her.
I remind myself that I was never seen.
Z May 2018
You remind me of my favorite song.
You remind me of my favorite movie,
my favorite place.
Staring into the perfect view of the beach, along with the perfect view of you
You remind me of comfort,
when you watch videos of dogs and
other simple, silly things.
A fun and crazy person
I always wanted to be.
When i see you dancing your favorite song
Like no one is watching.
You remind me of happiness,
when i see your smiles.
You remind me of how annoying you are,
when you flood my inbox with random messages.
You remind me of my favorite shirt,
when you wear it as if it's your own.
You remind me of the late nights,
when we have long conversations.
Maybe it's the look in your eyes.
Maybe it's your melodious laugh.
Maybe it's everything you do,
that reminds me of how beautiful life can be.
You remind me of everything i love
and everything i love, is you.

But the one i love, doesn't exist,
and i don't know if it ever will.
You're a figment of my imagination.
I created you in my mind
as perfect as you can possibly be,
and i fell inlove with the thought of you.
You dont exist and you may never will.

You now reminds me of the nights
I struggle against sleep
You now reminds me of everything
I can't and will never have
You remind me of the pain that love brings.
You remind me of everything i love,
and everything i love will never be me
if i don't have you.
k Aug 2018
Even though ten years feels like a lifetime, I feel as though I can reach back and remember the way my heart skipped beats for you. I feel as though I am still jumping out of my chair and onto my bed because I was scared to tell you the way I felt but I just pressed the send button and Lord knows I can't be around my phone when I send risky texts. It's as if I can reach into the very back of my mind and remember a time that we were happy...

And over the years we spent together, through the good and the bad, I will always remember the things you taught me. I'm not sure where it went wrong, though I'm sure your opinion differs. I'm not one to be boastful or pretend I'm better than anyone else, but that's where you'd tell me I'm wrong.

I'll get this out of the way now, I'm sorry I cheated on you and honestly, yes, I regret it. Should I have? No. Did I? Yeah, I did. It was not grown up of me and being scared to tell you isn't an excuse. I understand your grudge.

I will admit, that person and the one after were a way to fill some sad void. I think the first was more a release and the second more a "I'm free" kind of thing. No, it wasn't serious even if in the moment I thought they were. I'm trying to "man up" and let you know, not so you can say you told me so, but so you understand.

Let's, as two conscious adults, run through some points in our lives together. First, let me start off by saying I know I ****** up. I understand sometimes I would blow up out of anger, I would give you attitude, I was annoyed, I was annoying, I was emotional. There were times I gave to you things you did not deserve... and I've addressed these things many times and I can only say "sorry" so much before it dissolves so meaninglessly off of my tongue.

This is not a game of "well, I did this BUT you did this to me." It never has been. This is a reminder that you tore me down, you broke me, you held things inside of me hostage.

My family and I combined gave you thousands of dollars. $10 here, $50 there, $100 somewhere else... those things add up. We made sure you went to school, both high school and college. We made sure you had heat, a place to shower, warm food, a place to sleep. We did as much as we could, depending on the circumstances. We made sure your birthdays weren't dull. We made sure when your not-so-there parents would show up again, to remind you it wasn't worth the anger.  We made sure to pick you up when you would fall and it wasn't out of pity or the "opportunity to fix someone less fortunate." It was genuine, we all wanted the best for you because we saw the best IN you.

And wherever things turned south, let me remind you the times I had to plead to workout because I was ashamed of my body. Let me remind you of the times I went out on a limb and spent more money than I needed to "because I had a steady job," while you sat on every penny you had. Let me remind you of all the times I warned you that I was exhausted, but would instead be screamed at because you wanted to go on a walk at 10 p.m. Let me remind you of all the times I sat in front a mirror crying and you would only get more frustrated. Let me remind you of the countless times you would throw me under the bus to make yourself look better. Let me remind you of the the emotional ******* you put me through and I would still apologize for. Let's talk about all the double standards. Let me remind you that no matter how mad you made me, I never made it the public's problem.

Let me remind you that even though you had "put" me through so much, I still wouldn't leave because I was afraid to lose my best friend.

As I said before, being scared isn't and never will be an excuse... but I was afraid and even though you did so much for me, the bad just started to outweigh the good.

And now, almost a year later, you and I have both moved onto to new people. I want to start by saying if your happy, then me too. I only want what is best for you and that isn't me. (No, not because I cheated on you, boo hoo) I'm not the best because we don't click like that and we tried and it didn't work.

How many times, a year later, can you tweet a different variation of, "imagine clinging onto someone because you don't want to be alone?"

How many times, a year later, after you've unfollowed me... can you check my twitter to only be so mad about me finally being happy? How many times can you convince yourself that I only want to be with people who "give me attention?" Yeah, that's nice, from my boyfriend. For a very long time, though you wouldn't be aware because you weren't there, he didn't give me the time of day. I wouldn't say I am with him because he's the one giving me the most attention. I would say you are clinging onto hope that I don't need him because for whatever reason, you'd rather see me miserable.

I know the two before were stupid. I admit that with my whole heart and I used my head to think about why, and I gave you those reasons somewhere in the mix of words up there.

But YOU were not my happiness. No one is. I still struggle and you know that. I, frankly, am just sick of you undermining me because you thought you gave me the world when instead you made mine crumble.

Keep my name out of your mouth for the love of God. As much as I want to be the bigger person, sometimes it takes a lot to not text you about the things you say about me on the internet. I carry on. You should too.
i'm not too sure where to post this, so i chose here. I just need to get this stuff off my chest, we will never ave a civil discussion because you can do no wrong.
Deana Luna Oct 2013
And isn't it funny being alone?
I can never tell if it makes me more depressed or less.
I am the least social butterfly.
Who am I kidding.
I have not yet grown wings.
I am just a caterpillar making my way among the brightly colored orangeredyellow leaves.

I hate and love everything.
And everything I love with a fiery passion, I invariably hate with the same fire for making me feel this much.
******* all.

Every person and thing I have loved:
you have all controlled me.
And that thought in itself is terrifying.
Is it-- was it-- supposed to be that scary?
Am I doing all this wrong? Anyone care to take the wheel for a bit?

I am not an adult.
I will become one once I stop writing love poems.

I am the last bird to fly south for the winter.
I am the last insect to hear the sprinkler system go off. So here I am.

Drowning because I was dreaming.

And I will drown in every last tear I shed.
In every sip of red wine.
Every drop of blood I spill.
And every shower I take to sob quietly and in peace.
I will drown in the plethora of emotions I feel.
I will drown in love and in hate.

Lie me down on cold brick to prove to me how stable I can feel.
Float me along a river with your hands pushing up my back to show me there will always be something keeping me breathing.

remind me remind me remind me remind me remind me remind me remind m e for I will convince myself that I've forgotten.
Nikhil Batheja Oct 2012
Don't remind me of her...
Not that i will die... But i may just fall into several pieces and start to cry...
Don't remind me of her... Not that i will regret...but i may go into the past and try to remind her what she tends to forget
Don't remind me of her... Not that i will feel bad that she left... But i may just sit and think about all the times that she returned...
Don't remind me of her...
Not that i hate her... But i may just tell you how much i love her and show you i lost...
Don't remind me of her...
Not that i have forgot her face... But i may just recall it and smoke a picture of her...

Please don't remind me of her...
Waverly Feb 2012
You remind me
of a wet New York,
a summer of oily
lights on the roads,
of concerts in the park
and the white, loving claustrophobia
in the sky,
you remind me
of standing at a window
fourteen floors up
watching cars on FDR
in the darkness,
hoping that one of them
is yours,
you remind me of
always, you remind me
a confidante
in an alleyway
stale with garbage
you remind me
of subways
and dark knowledge the length and width
of a city
always, you remind me
of crossing a bridge
over grey water
and pewter boats.

It is hard for me to let go
of the city
even as it dampens
in the slate rain;
and the stretched clouds
are pulled down
over the highrises of love.
Triiniity Mar 2014
You remind me so much of myself. Rewind; back in time just to help you through hell. You sound like I do. Regretful, resentful, forgetful and full of spite. Remind me of home. Remind me of home. Remind me of home.

Just a cycle. Red walls; open eyes. They hated you then, but they sure miss you now.

Scary isn't it? Knowing that life isn't as great as they make it sound. "You're unfit. Mean, hurtful, mental. Gross all around." I'll save you time and and put myself in the ground. Remind me of home. Remind me of home. Remind me of home.

Just a cycle. Red walls; open eyes. They hated you then, but they sure love you now.

Two people in the same place. Dead before our time. Heaven within your heart, but hell with mine. Your friends hate you for leaving. But they never noticed your arms and legs bleeding. Remind me of home. Remind me of home. Remind me of my own.

Just a cycle, that can't be broken. Speak out for those who died unspoken.
Remind me not, remind me not,
  Of those beloved, those vanish’d hours,
    When all my soul was given to thee;
Hours that may never be forgot,
  Till Time unnerves our vital powers,
    And thou and I shall cease to be.

Can I forget—canst thou forget,
  When playing with thy golden hair,
    How quick thy fluttering heart did move?
Oh! by my soul, I see thee yet,
  With eyes so languid, breast so fair,
    And lips, though silent, breathing love.

When thus reclining on my breast,
Those eyes threw back a glance so sweet,
    As half reproach’d yet rais’d desire,
And still we near and nearer prest,
  And still our glowing lips would meet,
  As if in kisses to expire.

And then those pensive eyes would close,
  And bid their lids each other seek,
    Veiling the azure orbs below;
While their long lashes’ darken’d gloss
  Seem’d stealing o’er thy brilliant cheek,
    Like raven’s plumage smooth’d on snow.

I dreamt last night our love return’d,
  And, sooth to say, that very dream
    Was sweeter in its phantasy,
Than if for other hearts I burn’d,
  For eyes that ne’er like thine could beam
    In Rapture’s wild reality.

Then tell me not, remind me not,
  Of hours which, though for ever gone,
    Can still a pleasing dream restore,
Till thou and I shall be forgot,
  And senseless, as the mouldering stone
    Which tells that we shall be no more.
vanessa Jan 2014
The shattered pieces of glass on the floor remind me of what you did to my heart, they remind me of the pain but they also remind that somewhere between being broken over you my gut began to grow back together in the midst of missing you because you had done your damage however one day I met a boy who kissed like he had a secret and he was very quick to remind me I was not less than you he was quick to remind me I was stronger than any war ever fought and he was quick to remind me I was more beautiful than I thought
He was quick to remind me velvet is a lot like skin and that it's okay to be afraid of the dark
Although I'm a master at being left he taught me that painful lesson too, just like you only a mire month later
Boaz Priestly Jan 2016
dear you
before you take my mother out after work
keep her for three and a half more hours
than she would usually be
please remind her
that she isn’t like you
and has a family at home
waiting for her
with hungry bellies
and open arms

please remind her
that she has a son
that has literally not seen her
for three days
he needs her
and he wants to know
why she can’t even look at him
he needs to know
where his mother went
the one that used to
let him wear his favorite purple
footie pajamas and rainboots
as they walked down to the store
for ice cream bars
and held him
when the nightmares got too bad

dear you
before you take my mother out after work
and send her home
in your bright orange jacket
reeking of you and liquor
please remind her
that she has a husband
who has loved her
for seven years
even though she continually drove him away
she has a husband
whose eyes light up when he sees her
she has a husband
who broke down his barriers
so he could hug her
and hold her close
without that ever-present fear of
her slipping away

please remind her
how happy he makes her
how happy she makes him
and the house that he lived in alone
for so long
is finally more than just a shelter
against the elements
it is a home
but it can’t be that without her
dear you
before you take my mother out after work
please remind her to at least
call her son or her husband
to tell them that she won’t be home
to make dinner
and that her son will get to eat
a store bought dinner
for the second night in a row
and then it just sits there
and stares at him
screaming that she isn’t at home

please remind her
that she has people to
come home to
a husband
a daughter
and a son

please remind her
that she has a family ******
and we need her

please remind her
that even though
she can’t look her son in the eye
he will always need his mother

please remind her
that even though the liquor is
warm in her she has a son at home
that is so
sick and tired
of raising himself
There we go! An edited, more realistic poem. Because, I haven't voluntarily hugged my mother in years. And, I've never been one for that whole touchy feely thing. I hold grudges. I hold my broken edges tight.
atticus Feb 2016
you remind me of the first flower blooming on a lovely, spring day
its petals sprouting out all around the bud of the flower
creating something wonderful

you remind me of morning dew
the little droplets of moisture resting upon the grass
when your bare feet touch it, it tickles and you cant help but laugh

you remind me of the stars
because when i look at you, there are a billions of reasons why i love you

you remind me of poetry
when i kiss you, the words i want to write about you are placed on my tongue
so when i speak them, they fall out of my mouth with ease

you remind me of all of the things in life that i love
and that terrifies me
'll Never Fall In Love Again Lyrics
from Close To You

"I'll Never Fall In Love Again" is track #1 on the album Close To You. It was written by Bacharach, Burt / David, Hal.
Here to remind you, here to remind you
Here to remind you, here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love
A girl with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again

What do you get when you kiss a guy
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia
After you do, he'll never phone you
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again

Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad, I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So far, at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again

Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad, I'm out
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm have here to remind you
Here to remind you, here to remind you, oh, here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So far, at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again, I'll never fall in love again
Alicia Strong Jan 2013
These same four walls remind me
that my friends have all moved on,
and these same four walls remind me,
that the road I walk is long.

These same four walls remind me
of how easily I weep,
and these same four walls remind me
of how little I find sleep.

These same four walls remind me
that they're a cage around my heart,
and these same four walls remind me
that my life has come apart.

But these same four walls remind me
that walls can be knocked down.
And these same four walls remind me
that you can smile, or choose to frown.
mk Oct 2017

you remind me of home

the way your eyes look down
when you walk
but straight into mine
when you talk
you listen
to me
and that's more
than i can say
for anyone
on any day
you ask me
about my family
about my heart
about my hurt

and then there's the silence

you put on my favorite song
and close your eyes
you say nothing
you said nothing
you didn't touch me
or offer to
you stayed close enough
for comfort
and far enough
for peace
you let the music
tell me it was
going to be okay

the other day
you told me about your family
how you just lost your home
i understood

you remind me of home

you make jokes in arabic
attempt to speak urdu
make fun of english
your accent is
local enough to
it is foreign enough
to love.

let's eat maggi noodles
and talk about life

let's sing simple songs

i think of you
and i think

i think soft.

let's stay far enough
for it to not hurt
let's stay close enough
for it to not hurt

you remind me of home
you remind me of home
you remind me of home

this isn't love, it's admiration
Kendra Feener Jan 2014
if there is anything that is unfair, it's the way my eyelids twitch restlessly desperate for sleep while my brain refuses to be at peace. and my lack of ability to deal with my feelings in ways other than these nonsense paragraphs, that have an endless amount of errors, that i dare to call poetry. or how i am unrealistic with myself. like when i think that my favorite flowers are the purple pansies i used to plant in my grandmothers garden when i was a little girl. but those flowers wilted and her garden was dug up when her house was sold. those flowers have been making my stomach turn and causing me to choke back tears since the year she died, when i was just thirteen. those flowers remind me of lost things and aches in my heart.
but there are may flowers, which only come once a year. and with them come new beginnings and fresh starts. and every year i wait through the april showers, and they never let me down. they remind me of patience and that good things come in time, and even the greyest of days can lead to something beautiful. they remind me of hope.
if there is anything that is unfair, its your eyes. because your eyes remind me of may flowers, and may flowers remind me of hope, and hope is a four letter word, but so is lies. And hope only comes once a year, and new mind sets only happen in may. but your eyes are there in january, when i'm supposed to still have a four month wait for my hopeful new start. and in september, when my new start isn't so new anymore. your eyes are like may flowers that never die, and  may flowers that never die remind me of hope that never dies.... and hope is a four letter word. and so is lies. and so is hurt.
but so is love.
and maybe i'm being unrealistic with myself again, but that's the word i'm going to go with. because love reminds me of better days and better days remind me of you. because days are always better with may flowers and your may flowers never die.
jumbled thoughts.
January 29th, 2014.
Nicole Dawn Jun 2015
Remind me;

What does joy feel like?
Why is it so desired?
Does it even exist?

Remind me;

What does content sleep feel like?
Do you dream?
Can you remember anything?

Remind me;

What does peace feel like?
Does it ever change?
Is it really that good?

Remind me;

What does innocence feel like?
Do you care about things still?
Are there still some who feel it?

I'll remind you;
Not knowing these
I'm being serious in this, I'm not sure what these feel like. Please comment below if you have a good (or any) description of any of these
Kim Denise Sep 2015
You remind me of  mountains,
the kind of scenery
people tell stories about.

You remind me of rivers,
shallow when you're above,
but the moment you step and walk,
it suddenly deepens.

You remind me of bicycles,
the thing that needs falling
before learning.
The thing you can never forget.

You remind me of my old favorite song,
a part of you is always familiar.

You remind me of a lot of things.

I wonder if I remind you of something.
Is it a good thing?
a good memory?

I hope so.

I miss you.

— The End —