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PaperclipPoems Oct 2017
Yes, it is true
I once believed that I loved you
Just as I once believed in faries
Astrid Ember Apr 2015
Well you see,
my skin melted
into a lot of things
last summer. Even my
bones mixed with a

The fact that everything
became a liquid river
passing around my ankles
didn't help.
Time became a
cloud that a giant
walks through on his
way to get food.

My stomach and head
got a little sea-sick on
this voyage. Their ears
never really popped from
this altitude.
My body shivered from
the OD.
My skin burned and
melted with him.
Trees grabbed my
hair, leaves stained my

I had rotten skin
for bones and cracked
ribcages for flesh.
The rivers were
fire and the fish
rocks of ice.
A beast by my side
through hellfire.
Her eyes were marbles.
Her flesh cracked glass.
Her hands were iseicles.
Ripped tendons looking like
dreads hanging from her

But this is only how she
looked in Neverland.
In my geometry class
you never would of guessed
she bent time around her
fingers, squished it into liquid,
painted her nails with it.

Everything is liquid with
She could turn you into
fine wine or a **** stain
on the pants of a scared

Walking into her house
the walls are mallible
black fur.
They'll nick your change
out of your pockets.
One time it ******
her dad into it.
She said he hasn't
emerged in 5 days.
"He's changed." She says.
"He said it's a way
to Neverland but, mom
says he comes home smelling
like Narnia." She whispered.

They had eyes. The walls.
I could hear them
churning. Black liquid that
gurgled and popped like
an exploding guinea pig
in the microwave.
The fur moved like legs
on a centipede.

Everything got mixed
up and colors stopped looking
the same.

I stayed over at her
house one night,
and I swear to
God faries came.

They called my
beast a pirate.
Said she's been
off duty too
They thought I
was asleep.
In the morning
we walked out
her door and we
fell into the sky.
We fell through
The world became
white and black.

We landed in the
ocean, emerging
through the sand.
She became a
new kind of being.
Her eyes were 8-*****.
Hair, blue fire,
and her skin was
moving black smoke.

She said I looked like
something she could
get addicted to.

One night I found
my hand melted in
her hair,
my hip bones
became Lego pieces stuck
to hers.
Fingers mashed in
places they couldn't
be seen.
Her eyes kept answering
my question of "should
I keep going" with
"**** yes". Her mouth
stretched smoke that
you could lose your mind
Her body a maze
that I couldn't wait
to figure out.
We grew gills
and kept
breathing each other

She said it was
a solstice one night
as we got lost in
I asked her what
that meant.
Before I knew
it, the ocean
****** us up
and the sky
spit us out and
we fell with the
rain. We were hail
being delivered with
drumrolling thunder
and lightning.

We didn't return
to "Earthly" beings.
We stayed in the
flooded streets, gills
still only needing
the other.

She said
she had to return
to Neverland,
but she wasn't sure
if I could go.

We'd find out soon
Just how,
do we get there?
She pointed to a sky
Her see through
fingers found my skin.
She said my eyes looked
like black holes, my skin
had the milkyway trapped
beneath it.

Hopping from rain drop
to rain drop we got to
the top of that building.

We had to wait until
She told me the grass
is smooth like
the seaweed where
we're going.

That my blood would
look like northern
My mundane mind
wouldn't exist, I
wouldn't feel dead
She said we'd be like
Bonnie and Clyde.

When the sun peeked
at our side of the earth
she told me
I might not pass through.
She said that might
be her case too.

She said we'd find Neverland
if we jumped off of that
But all we found was our
bones infused in the concrete.
I was a tad bit high when I wrote this one too.
Solaces Apr 2014
Oct 12th 2016:   The day filled with beautiful beautiful oranges after the passing of a horrible storm..  I suppose God paints these oranges in the sky and atmosphere as a starting point for the relax time that has been long overdue..  "I'll just color it all orange for now and rest the colors.."  My brother and I found it a perfect time to pull out the bikes and ride in the cool the storm has left for us on these hot summer days..  And of course its time to ride through those huge lake puddles on the road!  

After a day of bike surfing we both rode home with hamburgers on our minds!!  The sun was setting and the night was being born..  We rode in right before dark..   Our mom made us the most awesome cheese burgers!  After we ate we went into our room to get down on some videogames.. Both our phones were going crazy with notifications and we both decided to see what all the fuss was about..  

The first thing we saw was pics of the moon..  At first I thought they were a different moon but it turns out it was ours..  We both went outside to see and sure enough our moon had changed.. It was a bit darker colored and had a strange glow to it..  The next strange thing was that the sun was starting to rise again! Only it was rising in the west were it had set before!  

The news was going crazy with this as people started to panic everywhere..  Some experts on t.v shows said that we were looking at the otherside of the moon.. Through out the month there were videos poping up on facebook of people doing strange things..  There was a kid in a town not far from here that could turn himself into a bird..  New flowers were starting to grow, flowers never seen before..  Strange things were happening..

Videos were pouring in on all the new things being found throughout the world.. Some sisters in japan found some faries flying around a river.. A family found a colony of little people in and around the mushrooms growing in the back yard.. Many strange shrines were also appearing..  This day is now called, " The turning of the moon."
Magic is once again alive..
Fenix Flight Sep 2014
Star light, star bright,
The first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight*

Star light, Star bright,
Why have you failed me tonight
I wished with all my might
Begging for this wish tonight.

My innocence has washed away
The childish wonder
has lost its luster
fading into the dark night sky

Reality has kicked in
Time to grow up
Can't be the next peter pan
Can't live among the stars any longer.

Children are believing no more
Faries, mermaids, and all the glamour.
Pirates, Treaure, Damsels in destress,
children are forgetting, turning their backs

Those wishing stars have shattered
Falling to Earth like meteors.
Their twinkle has fizzeled out
Their magic blowing away in space.
First Poem in my Poetry Book "Shattered Fairy Tales"
Elaine Powell Dec 2015
Darker than black
Sweeter than barries
More magic than faries
You're a black mamba baby
Poisonous and timid
But wild
And that look in your eyes is so loud
Howling like a beast 
Eat me up like a feast
Your vains are black 
Filled with the ink
Used for scripting your bad dreams
You and I are two black souls 
An unbeatable team
Some say you aren't right for me
And I'd say that's true
But honey it's been a long time since i've followed rules
Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Hush, don't you cry little child
your mommy will comfort you
Reality will crush you!
believe the puppet masters
they hide the truth from your sweet innocent eyes
to shelter you from the reality inside

Hush now child, dream about dancing faries
and becoming a princess
a princess bride
your Prince Charming will rescue you
from the gunshots and rapists
and thieves of hearts
drunken ******* that lie

Car crashes, gang violence
your savior will protect you!
Just pray to him
and pay your 10% in pentanence

The priest likes little boys
because he is married to god
when his animal instincts awake
You are his outlet

Go to sleep now, little one
Fuzzy dinosaurs will dance with you
and sing lullabys
while Daddy struggles with debt

Alcohol is daddy's friend
Daddy needs to escape this reality
THC in me
Daddy passes out
Flower Scent Nov 2010
My Beloved,

Let's meet in meadows of yellow shiny buttercups,

dandelions,daises,lilacs and coloured butterflies,

Let's run till dusk  in  threaded fields  of hundred golden wheats,

lay down under the little lantern  light of million  fire flies.

Let's hold hands and  walk in  parks,sit on a  wooden bench,

and make a  rainbow wish upon the destined  shooting stars,

Let's  dance cheek to cheek,bathe naked beneath water falls,

and  watch enchanting  faries use their magic glittered wands,

As feathered silk white swans pirhouette in sparkling streams,

as we get lost in secret casting spells of everlasting  melodies.

Let's wake up to the music of a  golden harped string fire ball,

warming our  blue skies ,with every early  rooster's  dawn.

Lets run to open  fields,to the shade of  old mulberry trees,

Make a picnic on a carpet made of crispy bronzing leaves,

share a velvet peach,and eat pulped ripe  strawberries,

taste red satin cherries, as woodpeckers drum their beats.

Let's write the sweetest verse and many loving words,

listen to  the sound of waltzing crickets and chirping little  birds.

and when the  sun go sleeping,the crescent moon starts peeping,

in the ebony black sky,Its then we realise there are  billion miles

of distance between the 'You and 'i',It is there I find your heart,

as your heart searches  for mine,in the place of  never ending time.

It is our special place,where  whispered thoughts join in one space,

where my blood pumps your ardent name, deeply in my veins.

It is the cherished  place, where we  travel, in many many ways,

It is the place we live and love  as one,yet not seeing face to face.
May E V Watson Apr 2014
Can you see? Can you see?!
Where the Faye roam free,
Where the earth and the sky are one in the night.
Can you see, can you see?
Where the Faries fly free,
   And dance in the light of the moon shining bright.
   *Can you hear? Can you hear?!

The laughter of the lutes,and the songs of the Stars.
As they pull you to their world, too enchanted to run.
     Can you hear, Can you hear?
The songs of the Sirens trying to beguile,
   And the tunes of the Naiads calling you to drown,
Into the depths of the water, of which they both ware the Crown.
its not finished, i wanted to add, "Can you feel" for the earth, but it just hasnt come to me.
Joe Cole Dec 2013
Gather round and listen to my stories of of yesteryears, of dragons in the mountains and mermaids on the shore

Yes, these tales are true, I saw a mermaid once as she lay upon the sand, instead of legs a fishes tail in colours of every hue

Ah yes tis also true that I once entered s dragons dark lair, his eyes were like firery brimstone, the foul stench of his breath filled the air

My friends gather round a bit closer while I tell you of things in the night, I once watched five faries dancing, like fire flies lighting the dark

Now have any of you seen a unicorn? Pure white, a single horn on his head. Well I was lucky enough one to ride one. The first man ever to mount that wild beast

OK, so you think my words are the words of a fanciful fool but I have suffered from the dragon and yes, bruises when from the unicorns back I did fall

I've heard the mermaid singing sweet love songs, her songs floating out cross the sea. I've seen the dragons souring on leather wings as they float cross the sky

In my pocket a scale from the mermaids tail and a scale from the dragons dark lair. Round my neck hangs a cord that I braided. Braided from unicorns hair

My friends these stories I tell you, every word I've told you is true, I would never cheat or deceive you, with tales from my yesteryears
PK Wakefield May 2011
             are   a
          fine colour
        you are a fast
    morning i found U
  sleeping in slump and
polished heather with rust
                                              gilding just the morsels O'
                                               your canny fist of petals
                                                who hides in splendor
                                                 ed morning's vest pr
                                                  icking up your glos
                                                   sy neck to rub you
                                                    r cheeks on the fe
                                                     lt of gorgeous b
                                                      rinded sky. U
                                                       wHitE, you
                                                        are the ve
                                                         ry lust O'
                                                          ­ you R
                                                        and heavy
                                                      froli­cking wo
                                                     men as with th
                                                    eir skin you pain
                                                   t they stark and w
                                                   ith just their morse
                                                    ls very slightly ro
                                                     sy rouged and r
                                                      osy slightly he
                                                       aps of hips o'
                                                        roses and
                                                        ­     URwhIte
C Mahood Jun 2018
Faries live in the hawthorn,
Gnomes live under rocks,
Trolls stay under bridges,
And nessie’s stay in the Loughs.

Pookas come close to farmers,
Changlings come to babes,
Spirits in the mirrors,
Kelpies in the waves.

The little folk are trouble,
In the heat they bring the cold,
They trick the weary traveler,
With pots of magic gold.

They whisper on the breeze,
While hidden in the mist,
Without them doing anything,
Remind you they exist.

They write about themselves,
So we don’t think they’re real,
They carved the lines in oghm,
magic words in ancient ghael.

Yet still we leave them gifts,
Bits of whisky & pooka’s share,
We have never ever seen one,
Yet we know that they are there.
Bluejay Nov 2014
Lying here watching
All the clouds going by
I can't think of
Any better days.

~I see a unicorn~

Don't tell me that
They don't exist
Because I know they do.

~Theres a mermaid~

I've seen her before,
Swimming in the lake
And drifting through
My beautiful mind.

~Ooh twin faries~

Maybe they will
Grant me a wish.

~My favorite, the phoenix~

The soft green grass
And brilliant baby blue sky
Dotted with these friends
Are the perfect companions
For a gorgeous day...

I think I'll be back tomorrow.
An old piece. very old
Chloe Chapman Dec 2014
Where mountins are tall and river are wide,
Where mermaids swim and faries hide,
Where princesses live and dragons roar,
Where spirits dance and phoenixes soar,
Where everyone's happy and no one cries,
Where there is no pain and dreams dont lie,
I don't live in that world of fantasy,
That world of fantasy lives in me.
written in 2012 (twelve years old)
Tommy J Oct 2011
her face a world all its own
eyes of chocolate earth, full of stars and moons, comets and constellations. betwiching and bedazzling

Hair a red waterfull of love cascading down, lightdances through this red river like a thousand playfull faries, painting shades of passion, and tones of joy, your hair sings a love song to me, a harp made from a thousand red strands, plucking a silent melody heard only by my quiet heart.

lips a seductive dance, played out by passion and desire, how many hidden secrets do they hold. every word spoken a dazzling tango. if only my lips could dance with yours, this dance is kiss and a kiss is everlasting bliss.
DJL Oct 2017
I am lost in a world where griffins fly and the faries flutter through the trees,
I am lost in a world where mermaids inhabit the lake,
where dragons are curled around mountains and magic is complete real

I am lost in a world where I am free, a prince/ss that does not need saving because I have saved myself

I am lost in my own mind,
so please, do not disturb
Akira Chinen May 2017
Her eyes were cast from the colors of the blue faries of lost tales and her hair was made from the soft flames that forged the first poems of love
She was the the beauty of the smile of truth and the pure madness of dreams of desire
Her voice held the gift of kindness and the gentle warmth of compassion and grace
And he was a lonely word that could only love her while trapped on a page of a story to never be read
johnny solstice Jun 2019
In my fairy garden
the bubbles fly so high
they blow into the atmosphere
and neutralise the sky

My fairy bubbles help my skin
they soften and they glow
they transmutate the sea-life
till extinction bids them "Go"

My lovely fairy bubbles
take my washday blues away
they saunter down my plughole
and drift into the bay

They poison and they modify
with each outgoing tide
They brighten up the logos
in the land of paranoid

Well my whites are so much whiter
since I bought my fairy friend
I give no **** for politics
I flush it round the bend

My clothes must be the cleanest
like the ones on my T.V.
A speck of dust a fleck of mud
is social leprosy

So lets all use our faries
and wash our blues away
let's forget about the ocean
and the price that we must pay

As the sea-life gets much rarer
from the toxic fairy sludge
ask yourself some questions
give your conscience a little nudge

This is the land of plenty
for all and not just one
Your cleaning and your preening
are blotting out the sun

"......for hands that do dishes
may one day grab your throat.... Mind-Need-Fancy-Snake-****....."
Akira Chinen Oct 2015
If you're going to love someone, love them completely and madly and give them the entirety of your heart and fill that heart with the true song of love and sew wings on its back and let your love soar freely and bravely and let it block out the sun and  comfort the aches of the moon  and let its every beat lay down a brick to build a road that will out last time itself
Do all of this and more
Otherwise all your "I Love You" 's are nothing more than an empty breath and a shallow action, the poor reading of a fairy tale full of more woe than wonder, more faries of ill intent than dragons of light and hope,  a story destined to end in sobs  and heartache  and tragedy
leinstinct Apr 2018
they flew together
never to look back
dreams aligned to face
the roller-coaster of life
they chased the winds of pleasure
two women and a dream
they embraced the love of nature
their souls purified with melody
all they had
and all they needed
each other and nothing else
dancing on the way
like faries of the sunshine  
embracing love
embracing pain
passing yellow flowers
towards the hill of destiny
two women


Akira Chinen Nov 2017
She is the soft sultry perfection of beauty
and has the charm and  seduction of poetry
from forbidden realms
and he wants to read every word waiting in the blood of her kiss
and trace every slow syllable
of lust and pleasure echoing from her throart
her heart beat is the song the gods make sacrifices too
her skin is the silk canvas of loves endless dreams
her eyes could swallow the sun
and outshine every star of the night
the curves of her hips and ******* and smile
make every moon blue and envious
she teaches fire to dance
and faries the art of mischief
she is neither here or there
and is always part
of anything that is beautiful
Akira Chinen May 2017
She keeps a feather in her copy of Peter Pan to bookmark the chapter "Do you belive in faries" so she can always remember love and magic are only difficult if you stop believing
based on a true story except she's a he and he's a me...
Twinkle shining grace
Butterflies whispy lace
Unicorns, faries, and stormy seas
Contemplative yous and mes
Star shine, moon, and
Lemondrop lace
Sail our ship all over the place
Laughter and giggles and filling with glee
Sadness, darkness,
Scraped up knee
Heart tug, lady bug
Someone pulling out the rug
Space junk, rock punk
And Billy the Kid
History, horses
Heartbreaking divorces
College courses, too
Don't forget about
The heartbreak of me and you
I think I've got it covered
The poem is done, of course
Anything I add now
I would just have to force
wizmorrison Jun 2019
Shimmering stars glittering to the sky;
The night's music are mystically bright,
The cold breeze are enchantedly sailing,
Moon trumpeting like mystic faries dancing,
This night are really interesting!
Universe Poems Oct 2020
Where have all the fairies gone
out of sight, leaving your mind
In a fluttering dark light
focus, and you will see
the fluttering of the faries
In full sight to be.

© 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney

— The End —