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SøułSurvivør Feb 2016
for not reading right now.

1) I've been very busy with personal issues.

2) I've been on the low with some poets
who need to talk.

3) I've been emailing Elliott York all
morning about a couple of things.

a) The asinine war that was happening
here on his site. It's caused many to leave
and it (the attacks on Wolf Spirit included)
MUST STOP. Gary L has extended the olive
AS WELL. It's kindergarten stuff! You're

b) A couple of years ago I came up with an
idea. The Poet Tree T-shirt and poster. It would kind of look like this...

P   O   E   T   S

               R Y peace


The X's above would be POET NAMES!
You could then get the t-shirt/poster
from Elliott York!

It's an idea that I personally put out
a while back but never was able to
follow up on.

Email Elliott York if you like the idea.
I want it to UNIFY POETS. We are ALL

Thanks for reading.

♡ Catherine
I've already designed this.
It's really awesome.
Give it thought.
Tanvi Bird Dec 2014

4:26 am. Got out of bed.

Feeling really low again. Envy at my sister's good fortune and new friends. She is getting ahead, she is in a good place- but we are not and I am definitely not. Everything in her life presently makes her happy except me. She never trusted me because I dated G. Now I don't trust her either. I don't want anything from her. I finished the story. She didn't edit. She hasn't offered me anything from her end. "Jotted down some notes" is all she said. She did that in college with all her professors, and got As. It isn't fair. See, she does things whenever she feels like it and IF. And she doesn't trust me? I stopped asking her to do anything. If she wants to she can. I did my part.

I don't know where my life is taking me. I am working ******* little ropes that come at my direction-- but I am not even sure if they are worthwhile endeavors and if they will turn into anything. I just know I have nothing else.

I consider contacting my ex, F. Why him? He's the only one messed up like me. L is married with a beautiful baby and that woman he left me for, G is probably already married by now to that other stunning girl. But F will always be alone.

He doesn't want me. Why should I contact him? I had told myself I won't contact him until I at least got a full time job. He's an Ivy League P.H.D scientist at Penn researching the brain, traveling, making intelligent beautiful friends, and doing triathlons successfully (of course the smart ones are successful at many things). However, he still has trouble finding the "one". He's ******* 37. No one is ever good enough for him. I wasn't good enough for him. *******. He's broken like me. No, he ignored me. I won't contact him. ******* can contact me if he wants to.

I realized I have no friends. None at all. I used to think I had so many friends. Mostly men that just follow me around for a while and then leave me when they realize they aint getting this *****.

There's K, but he's J's ex's friend- so our friendship is limited. There's my sis S, who I meet once every other month, but she doesn't always respond to messages (and I rarely text her anyway). There's Je- she and I meet twice a year and we don't really connect anyway. She has other best friends and I am not really in that circle.

Cas- she is academically successful(valedictorian) and has a job, but frankly she is a bit slow. Can't explain it. Plus she bailed at me about the apartment thing and strangely she doesn't like me to meet her other friends in intimate settings, she just likes meeting people one by one. Like she's met my friends and got some of their numbers, but for some reason has never provided me an opportunity to meet hers. Maybe she feels awkward introducing me since she and I met online? Since she's not philosophical or an intellectual, I don't understand the point of meeting more than once a month if it's just me and her. I like her, but she always seems high without actually being high. I feel like I have to go out of the to meet her, but she doesn't have any energy at all.

Ro- the verbally abusive drunk? Let's face it. It's a mutually beneficial- two lonely people who have no friendship compatibility uplift each other relationship- but he's actually of the the more interesting to talk to people . Then there is Chr who just flirts all the time and fights. I swear his ex wife drilled some holes into his brain. He's just rude. He acts nice, but he's ******* nuts inside. Then there are those occasional people that text you Happy New Year. When I was in a relationship, I was so consumed by it that not having friends didn't matter. I have no friends. I am completely alone. Always have been. In law school, in elementary school, in middle school- I was always the only one who sat alone.

I like sad music. I just listened to the Hollywood version of Les Miserables- one of my favorite all time literary pieces and the beautiful Selena Gomez' new single Heart Wants What it Wants. I love to hear singing melodically, softly, simply of their pain. Every single singer in that musical has a painful story. The innkeepers in their desperation, Javert, of course Fantine, Jean Valjean, and the most relatable Eponine. And the sound of the violin. And the harp.

5:13 am. Let's talk progress.

Today I finally had the trial tutoring session. It was Algebra 2. The girl who is my tutee, she is sweet and extremely hard working. As and Bs in Algebra 2 weren't enough for her. I prepared extensively. My own Algebra 2 teacher was terrible in high school. He flirted with the pretty girls and bragged about himself. I got As for nothing. We spent most of the semesters on the same one or two chapters. I've always wanted to good at everything, to redo and master everything. Maybe this is my chance to become good at everything I **** at.

I am teaching myself before I teach her. I am supposed to be proficient. I had to begin on a surface level pace today. She and her mother both seemed happy. I touched on all her first semester topics. Next week is the second trial session. I will learn more and teach her in depth. If all goes well, she will end up being my client and I will be assigned more tutees. If only I could make a full time job out of this- I totally would. Each session pays well. Of course, the first two sessions I give are complimentary. After that.

This is a gamble. If I don't get enough clients- I will still have to manage the ones I have, invest a lot of time into studying for assignments, and then still make enough money to qualify as full time- then I will be scrambling. I can't imagine possibly getting between 6-8 hours of tutoring every day, since most people get out of work after 5pm and I have to travel around for sessions. I hope it's possible. I would work very hard.

My plan is to ace this Algebra 2 tutee preparation. I have a week to make myself more of an expert.

I have to go to more networking events. Sign up for Asian Film Festival & World Affairs. Meet people. Get connected. Make friends.

Keep reading current events, legal issues, technological advancements, and foreign news.

Re-reading my previously written Step 1- Embodying Positively helped me by reminding me to trudge forward and remain strong and positive, for both my own sake and the sake of the people in the world.

6:02 am.

I am going to do a second 5k this December. My first one ever was last month. Second one in December will be progress. I've got to start practicing again.

I gave up sugar instead of meat for Advent. I felt it was much harder, but more rewarding. Today is my third day of the no sweets diet. I did have sweet iced tea and a pretzel with sweet cream cheese, but I will stop those too. I might allow myself to have just one iced tea a week- moderation is more effective than going cold turkey and messing up. This is a huge accomplishment as I am a sugar addict. I look pretty fit, except a little tummy that goes up and down and only noticed by closest family members and friends.

I need to be fit for my health, to be the best I can be, to be fit, for a future potential job in the FBI or PO.  I only get up once a night to *** now. Some nights I used to *** 6 times a day. Is that an indicator of future diabetes or what? Consuming a lot of sugar can lead to a lot of internal diseases including infertility and cancer. If I can give up sugar for one month, I may try to keep doing it. Wow.

6:27 am. Go to sleep, T. Good night moon. Good night stars. Good night Mercury. Good night everyone.



Went to an Asian Law Society event last week. Made a couple friends, excited to be a member and get involved. Also met a guy, hope he's Catholic so my parents will accept the relationship if I decide to go out with him. He's emotional, Korean American, and verbal- a Gemini. Interesting but probably just as crazy as me. I am looking forward to getting to know him.

Just finished my weekly career discussion group, this is my second week in attendance. I was about to give up on the group, but John one of the members, who is a runner (and I think out of work firefighter), reached out to help me by emailing my resume around to different people he knows. He's the reason I decided to keep coming until I find a job. We shall see what happens. I have a tendency to jump around to things and not see them to fruition, but I am working on developing strong skills.

Today, I am feeling grateful. I live in a generation in which globalization is both a positive and negative thing. However, today I feel positive despite all the problems. There are so many opportunities, and I just have to figure out to unlock the how.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
pre-scriptum: zapisałem sie... jutro wyśle zdięcia... fatalnie zakochany w tych grotach.

jak by mnie myślnym / myśliwym tokiem myśli nie chcieli równać z sobą to bym odmówił, lecz nadali film wedle Sokratesa, a ja Anglikom odmówie, bo chcem, nawet po kurz Mongolii, mam dość tępych Irlandczyków! przeciąg mnie dusi! te wyspy to wyryty gnój Ameryki.

te zdzięcia zbyt kuszaące - jak już powiedziałem pewnej dziewczynie na internecie... nie sprzedam mojego głosu jeżeli mi nie zaplacą! a nic nie dali, jeno gówno! to powiem je w gromadzie takich co mówią na migi - jak ten co z pochodnią na wejście smoka a poszedł trysta razy! zapominieć mówienia po polschu (ja niby Żyd, w Buenos Aires? no, niby post-Holocaust, to takie tango a nie tanz Bar Mitzvah w aleii Golders Green) - jak jedna: wiem skąd burak jest jak niby pochodnią nad ziemi chwytem w otchłan piękna i stokrotki... czyli: co jabłoń da, to róża odbierze, piękno niby było jadalne, a owoc ten jadalny był pięknem, który nigdy nie odda cierpieniu zacmienia, a jednak ponownie, ponownie, ponownie; jednak nadal w wstecz na gre: ojczyzna! ojczyzna! z agrafką po to by odnaleść tą sfobodną szlachte naszego rozbroju: co znaczy życie nasze a ich jeno kichnięńciem, księcia, ktoóry ksiądz imitacją ochlał wedle vino veritas!

kurwa! kartoflana gleba tłumaczenia Joyce'a!

Londyn to ino klejnot Arabii, tu nic nie rośnie, jeno głab czyli muzg kapusty, to znaczy oklask Mensa... nie?!

te zdzięcia i ja to jak ramie w ramie ze złudną imprezą za tą Ostanią
czyli mortum fatali

jak Narcyz wpatrzyłem sie w nie i myśle by nawiać na wyspy Owcze czy też Mongolie, zdala z tej lachy "swiata" i ludobójstwa ekonomicznego, wkoło mnie tylko wieprz gra na wiolonczeli, i tak dobrze gra że motłoch nie zna falszu od falsetto, jeno udaje na tle cytatu psa mówiącego: sausages! sausages! how! how!

więc wole w tych lochach odbytem powiedzieć co Zachód zna jako rękopis mojej zdrady, bo ja tu następnej i tej cholernej minuty wole w Syberie gnać, z duchem czy bez ducha... Gangrene Green... mysli tu jakiś z Essex'u tuman że Rzym odlalazł bez akcentu na literach; bo tu każdy pyta czy jest szalony czy tylko napisał Alicja w Kraine Czarow i Pedofilii.

post-scriptum: czemu nie piszom Řešów? bo im škoda? Wojewoda Prostanoga ptija - bo to po Ruszku pyta... a cygan... to znacy chyba. Holender i stare smieci... ale boli kiedy powrót stanowi więcej niż tempus lux.
Jed Oct 2012
00:49 Carmel momin' there
although men
it's scary
for almost anything you know after all the model
garcia alcohol use at all
finale jurors
for them to you
often it is not
come on saturday
contain delaware
commune daze on
went through the ebay
mean are you reading for only
emailing here and your mom
along all you are not
using spoon this long
didn't the Stalin
today is hamburger
3:31 darlin'
I covered a song and *Youtube* "transcribed" it.
Tanvi Bird Nov 2014
I sometimes wish I was more like J. The whole world helps support her, feels sorry for her. She can cry. She can convince people to think what she wants them to think. She holds an enormous amount of power. She convinces people that she is delicate and they do things for her- like D helping her with the FBI job and her professor practically re-writing her Fulbright essay in an intellectual way. Her writing just isn't as organized, but she seeks help and people want to help her.

Me on the other hand-- I do more for people. When I ask them for help, they aren't really useful. I don't know how to talk to the right type of people or how to get ahead. I always knew that J would thrive with just the right opportunities- because she is highly capable.

I just don't do things well enough. Grades ******. Professors don't know and don't care about me. People think I am intense and pushy and controlling. She is all these things to me, and she sometimes makes me intense, but then to the outside world she is sweet and delicate.

Men are attracted because of the way I look, which is pretty but not stunning or gorgeous. In the end, they always leave me for someone more attractive and more chill.

J's ex however thought she was the ideal woman even after they broke up. He wanted to get back with her but did not. It kind of hurt me to hear that because now I know why he kept emailing her after they broke up- he actually was in love with her. She mattered. She was sweet and cultured and delicate.

The guys who left me, left in a heartbeat. They stayed for a while, chasing my tail. Then suddenly found something better and left. Never returned an email, and I was the one with the broken heart who felt dumb and foolish. If you are not going to be stunning like Angelina Jolie, or really attractive, then it's just not enough to be pretty enough and have a high ****** appeal. You need to be calm, ooze positivity and radiate happiness and good energy. You need to be organized and successful at little things. You need to be calm. For those like me in pain, we gotta work harder.

I hate telling J anything about myself, either positive or negative. When I tell her anything that I am sad about or hurts me, she dismisses it so easily. She also doesn't take criticism well. She immediately points to the fact that I have a lot of flaws too.

C was good to J. An intellectual who wished to impress her, he assisted her with her papers, talked to her professors, visited her at E.

I never meant enough to the men I loved. I thought I was lucky to have experienced love three times, but what does it mean when you make sacrifices repeatedly, where you try to change yourself into the way you think a man wants you to be, to love earnestly and madly- and for it not to be reciprocated at all? J is a very lucky girl. She thinks her life was ruined because G chose me over her for my looks. He left me so easily in the end. If I was prettier and my life was more put together- he'd have stayed.

She easily hurts me with her words, they cut daggers into me. They leave me perplexed. She has an insurmountable amount of power over people.

I have confided in a couple people about her, K and S. I hope it's okay. She drives me crazy. Lo thinks I am a mad-woman. I don't want to be a mad-woman.

I have so much pain and anguish inside me, that it just seeps over. Cup of pain is too much to bear. All the intensity I permeate is because of the pain. I want to become less intense. This is my first week of trying to become less intense.

Step 1: I will not tell anyone about my problems with J.
I will only write about them and talk to R, Ch or a therapist about it.

Step 2: This week, I will work on obtaining a therapist.

I need to apply for medicaid properly with all documentation.

Step 3: Study for Algebra 2!
Test on Wednesday- if you get this tutoring gig, more will open up to you.

Step 4: Wake up early so I can sleep early.

Step 5: Apply for jobs.
I gave up on it because I expected the P.O. job. I did horrible on the interview, so chances for a second interview would be a miracle. Getting a job will help me become happier.

Step 6: Talk to priest at English church for spiritual guidance & for help to control vices and add calmness.

Step 7: Meditate at the gym and stretch for 30 minutes before running.

Step 8: Get a mentor, join groups, attend the right kinds of events, make new friends.

Your whole life and issues cannot center around J. She has moved on, she lives with two roommates. She has Lo & the Asians, two close roommates who are a lot of fun and smart, and she has a good relationship with her dad, and she has D and her co-workers.  She has moved out of her house and moving on with her life. She comes back and accuses me of things and hurts me. I on the other hand, have befriended people who are "stuck" like me at home: Ro who is a struggling alcoholic, Ch who repeatedly -after I pleaded with him to stop- asks me what I am wearing and talks to me about us making out, Ka who is smart but a friend of J's ex C. I was formerly also friends with two Indian guys, one who ended up leaving me because he was in love with me, and another who I called the police on for stalking & harassment. I don't judge any of these guys, instead they talk to me because I am pretty-- but I talk to them because deep down they are also intelligent people who are socially or psychologically struggling like me. Still, the right opportunities only come in the right situations- so it's important that I place myself in them.

Step 9: Keep exercising.
Building up your endurance for running is awesome because it will be good for your lifestyle, but also help you train for future jobs like P.O. & F.B.I. Keep doing 5Ks and then build your way up.

Step 10: Dare to show weakness.**
Allow people to see your weakness so they can help you, without being depressed or whiny. Be yourself. Be fierce. Work hard. No man is an island. Even though my pain makes me want to be completely independant, I need a lot of help. Be humble. A lot of people have helped my family. Show gratitude for what you have.
Kelly Lutz Aug 2010
Lost your cell phone? Might as well lose your pants!
Now how will you know when I'm calling you?
What if its important? What if its about where to meet for lunch?
You probably don't even know my number by heart, do you?!
Well this is just great! And you type too slow to try emailing me!
And you don't even have a car to drive over to my house!
You sound so out dated right now! What will you do with yourself?
You can't just write letters for the rest of your life!
And what kind of person doesn't own a TV in this society?
The newspaper isn't good enough anymore!
You're hopeless.
At least you have a lamp in your room and not a lantern.
If it's not the **** they keep emailing me
the police that keep tailing me
the system that's failing me
what is it then?
what can I see?

The absolute ******* they spread on the TV,
shows like Dallas or Dynasty
and god forbid it be
Jeremy Kyle because he'll be the
******* finish of me,
what is it I see?

There's a blind spot from blind Pew,
get one of those in your hand and
you're *******.

On the radio where I go on
a slow night
it's all *****.
Nothing new, **** all to do
minimum wage,
no wonder I'm blue.

The postman a third dan, some
judo, plays ludo with gusto and
I want to **** him for bringing me
bad news, black spots from
blind Pews of which there are many.

It'll go in the end or send me quite ******
if they stop with the **** mail and
the police tail and
let me fail
on my own.
Dear Mrs. Scott:

I am Tod Howard Hawks. I am a human-rights activist and a poet. I am a graduate of Phillips Andover Academy and Columbia College, Columbia University.

This is entirely a humanitarian undertaking, albeit of monumental proportions:  I, and no one else either, will be making a single penny for collectively helping to save Earth and all living creations upon it. We all are volunteers. I am emailing you to ask for your help.  

I believe it is utterly possible to achieve Peace on Earth forever, the explicit goal of my commentary (see below). If we fail in our collective efforts to do so, Earth, our only home, will be no more. Thus, I am asking you to play an integral role in this absolutely most important endeavor.   



Tod Howard Hawks

PREAMBLE: All we have is our little planet, Earth. For the vast majority of my life, I have thought, “What would it be like to have Peace on Earth?” But for only two, maybe three, weeks every year, usually around Christmas, I would see the phrase “Peace on Earth,” mostly on Christmas cards. But after Christmas, I would not hear or see that sanguine notion for 11 more months. The longer I lived, the more this annual ritual bothered me. At Andover, I had studied European history. At Columbia, I had majored in American history. Over time, I increasingly came to the realization that in both prep school and college, I had essentially been studying about wars on top of wars and their aftermaths: millions and millions and millions of human beings being killed. Most scholars believed only a little over 200, out of roughly 3,400 years of recorded history, were deemed “peaceful.” Humanity, I concluded, had a horrible track record when it came to effectuating “Peace on Earth.” And during my lifetime things have not gotten any better.

SPIRITUAL ECOLOGY: There is one land, one sky, one sea, one people. The boundaries that divide us are not on maps, but in our minds and hearts. Earth is as poor as its most destitute Citizen, as healthy as her sickest, as educated as her most ignorant. If we pollute the upper waters of the Mississippi, then ineluctably we shall pollute the Indian Ocean. If we continue to pollute our air, the current 7,500,000,000 Citizens on Earth will die. The water and air of the world care nothing about national borders, nor does the pandemic. The imminent threats of nuclear holocaust and catastrophic climate change we need urgently to prevent. This is the truth of Spiritual Ecology.

CAMPAIGN FOR EARTH: If we can wage war, why should we not wage peace? Nations are anachronistic. Therefore, there will be none. There will only be Earth and Citizens of Earth. Each Citizen will devote a sizable number of years of her/his life to the betterment of humankind and Earth. All military weapons — from handguns to hydrogen bombs — will be destroyed, and any future weapons will be prohibited. All jails and prisons will be closed, replaced by Love Centers (see below). Automation and other technological advances will enhance the opportunity for all Citizens exponentially to realize their potential, personally and spiritually. There will be no money. All precious resources and assets of Earth will be distributed equally among all Citizens. The only things Citizens will own are the right to be treated well and the responsibility to treat Earth and all its Citizens well. All Citizens will be free to travel anywhere, at any time, on Earth. All Citizens will be free to choose their own personal and professional goals, but will do no harm to Earth or other Citizens. All Citizens will be afforded the same resources to live a full, safe, and satisfying life, including the best education, health care, housing, food, and other necessities throughout Earth.

LOVE: The only way to change anything for the good, for good, is through love. Love is what every living creation on Earth needs. Love Centers are for those Citizens who were not loved enough, or at all, especially at their earliest of ages. Concomitantly, they act out their pain hurtfully, sometimes lethally, often against other Citizens. Citizens who are emotionally ill will be separated from those who are not. Jails and prisons only abet this deleterious situation. Some Citizens in pain may need to be constrained in Love Centers humanely while they recover, through being loved, so they do not hurt themselves or others. In some extreme cases, Citizens may be in so much pain that they remain violent for a long time. Thus, they may need to be constrained for the rest of their lives, but always loved, never punished. In time, Citizens, when loved enough, will only have love to give, and the need for Love Centers will commensurately decline.

EARTH: In 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt chaired the commission that wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UDHR, with some updates and revisions, will serve as the moral and legal guidepost for Earth.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY: To honor and remember the former nations on Earth, one member will be elected by Citizens from each of these former nations to serve a one five-year term as a member of the General Assembly. In succeeding elections, Citizens currently residing at that time in areas that were formerly nations, will again, in perpetuity, vote for one Citizen also residing in that area, for a one five-year term as a member of the General Assembly.

FIRST VOTE: The first vote of all Citizens will be to establish CAMPAIGN FOR EARTH. Majority rules. Citizens will have to be 18 years old or older to vote. All Citizens will have access to Internet voting, as well as access to smart phones and other types of computers. Citizens will have her/his own secured ID codes. Citizens will be encouraged to bring before the General Assembly all ideas and recommendations, as well as any concerns or complaints, which will be considered and responded to promptly. Citizens’ ideas and recommendations will be formed into proposals drafted by members of the General Assembly. Citizens will have the first two weeks of each month, every month, to vote on these proposals of the previous month. Members of the General Assembly will be facilitators who will work with millions of volunteers. Citizens of Earth will be the Earth’s government. There will be no president of Earth.

ALLCOTT MOVEMENT: Citizens of Earth will instigate the Allcott Movement-not boy-, not girl-, not woman-, not man-. but the nonviolent Allcott Movement-against each multinational corporation and every mega-rich individual unwilling to abide by the democratically held, worldwide vote in favor of the CAMPAIGN FOR EARTH. Citizens will continue to use the nonviolent boycott against recalcitrant multinational corporations, and, in a similar nonviolent manner, will continue to use viable pressures against the recalcitrant mega-rich of the world. All smaller-business wealth will be converted into resources to be distributed equally among all Citizens. All proceeds in excess of what’s needed reasonably by each Citizen will be saved for future generations. Consequently, Earth, which for millennia has been turned inside-out will be turned right-side in. Citizens will take these steps because they are the moral, the right, steps to take to save all of us, all other living creations on Earth, and Earth itself.

CELEBRATE AND SHARE: If you were to take a photograph of humanity and gaze at it, you would see a beautiful mosaic of mankind of different, beautiful colors. If you could step into the photograph, you would hear a melody of languages and dialects. You could have a worldwide picnic with all your sisters and brothers and experience different customs and taste different, delicious foods. And in moments of silence, all of you could pray in your different religions, separate but together at the same time. You would also share the same human laughter and joys and feel the same sorrows and cry the same tears, all in Peace on Earth eternal. All of you would come to delight in these differences, not dread them. You would look forward to celebrating and sharing with your family, not killing them. The spiritual whole would be larger than the sum of its sacred parts.

A QUANTUM LEAP:  The world, over millennia, keeps evolving. Over 3,200 years of recorded history, powers, nations keep shifting, sometime seismically. Now is the time for not only the grandest seismic shift ever, but also the one that will save Earth and all living creations upon it. It is time for Earth to become Earth--not a scattering of over 200 nations with artificial borders, but an Earth that has one land, one sea, one sky, one people. The boundaries that have simplistically divided us for eons are not on maps, but in our minds and hearts. The air and water of Earth, even the pandemic, take no notice of national borders, nor should we, the Citizens of Earth. Technology, with its innumerable advances, has made us into a world when all can become one. We are free to be our real selves, to spend our variegated lives not aggrandizing, but by sharing and giving. Rather than dreading our superficial differences--our different skin colors, our different cultures, our different religions, our different languages--we can explore and enjoy them. Let us finally be what we truly have been forever, one big, worldwide family of humanity. No more wars, no more weapons, no more killing. No more hunger, no more homelessness, no more hopelessness. No more ignorance, no more illnesses, no more social classes. This is the quantum leap of which I speak.

PEACE ON EARTH: Wealth is not worth. The mansuetude of loving, and being loved, is. When love is your currency, all else is counterfeit. Citizens will be able to go about creating their own happiness that is built on love-based personal relationships and professional activities. No longer will human beings be able to profit from another’s pain. With love at the center of being and living, there will be no more corruption, no more dictators, no more wars. Finally, there will only be Peace on Earth forever.

Mrs Scott, please email or call me (see below for address and number) so I might elaborate on and elucidate the aforementioned.

I am impecunious, but I believe my heart is as big as yours.


Tod Howard Hawks

18 June 2021

email address:
phone:  303-939-0561
Sjr1000 Mar 2015
Shame guilt embarrassment
for every breath taken
every moment recollected
every meal prepared
every look looked

All face

Every dance floor danced
every talk
every walk
every poem written
every relationship passed

The Faux Pas A Moment Club
has my email address
keeps texting me
for donations
Give Give Give

The future is not much better
when the pity *** is filled
everywhere seen ahead
is filled with
Naomi Sa'Rai Mar 2012
Hello dear
Beautiful day
Feeling free
Let's get away
Take a trip
We'll go far
Have no clue
Where you are
May 30th
Days date
Found attraction
To you
Don't now your fate
Flying through skies
See me from above?
Casting out emotions
Never conquers love
Longing to draw you near
Not seeing your face
Brings me fear
Where are you now
New place
New town
Memories haunt my dreams
Emailing you
As unattached as it seems
I feel close
Not the greatest man
Still better than most
Goodmorning baby
Long day?
Write me a letter
All the things
You can't say
Wanted to let know
Wherever you are
Im willing to go
I've waited this long
Miles up ahead
Still be waiting
Till i feel your warmth
In my bed

Lewis Findley Feb 2011
Is my most outspoken and ardent critic ready to be collected?
The men with white suits and black bow ties and the strait jackets and the little butterfly nets are on their way,,

** ** HE HE HA HA!!!!!!!!

emailing my sister like that, then me twice

(Authors Disclaimer - This is a  true story about an incident transpiring at a site off hellopoetry, Thank you)
Raq'y Dickerson Nov 2016
I have a best friend who I met from ICA,
she is having the hardest times right now,
We know each other for 4 years,
She is the best person I have ever met in my life,

She goes to DMAAC for college,
To get more knowledge,
She has been going there for 2 years,
N she has been telling me everything that I hear,

For now in 2016 she is having a hard time,
people have been trying to get to her,
its such a crime,
I don't know what to do,

this person has been text or emailing her friends,
Her friends think it's her when really it's not,
so it's hard for her and me,
they could separate her and me friendship,

they haven't texted or email me yet,
i'm scared for her,
for sure,
I bet,

but no matter what i'm here for you,
even in my hardest times I will try,
your always gonna be my boo,
if you want to cry then we can both cry,
I'm always here for Boo!!!
Ayeshah Jul 2010
excuse me-
just what do you think your doing?
barging in on my life,

causing a ruckus after so long now
it's was fun

while it lasted but your my past
I know you know better then
to try and relive what can never be again...

You love who

um hell naw
not me,

I once was blind
baby I see clear through
fake persona
to the
little devil who'll use
what ever he can
to try and become my man,
had ya chance
you ******* blew it,
don't  keep emailing or texting me
I want nothing to do with you
how sad
when I wanted you
It was you
playing hard to get
not so much
to get
just so **** hard
to hold on to,

I left that part of my life,
left the bitterness and pain too,
your words never hurt
as much
your actions-
caused me to
wanna die,
**** you too
what then
of the seed you planted in me,
now as
months,months and months go by
I laugh at my stupidity
for thinking everything
you said
you meant....

save it for someone who
gives a flying ****
I guess you can say through it
all and after all this time
my feeling & self
have changed
feeling regret and hate
for the careless
way you tossed me away
tossed my words back at me
choose to
play  games on me

begging me to let you back in
You had me thinking
we could of been more
then just friends
more then anything
we could of been a

sadly so
cuz I no longer have
those feelings
I just pity the useless
way you drag on begging
and running after

something that

Not again
not after all the **** you did
not after all the pain you caused
never after all the loss
I went through.

Sorry didn't do
so save it for her
she finally got what she wanted
I'm happy for her
cuz least it aint me any longer &
I no
longer worry hurt or even miss you.

bothering me
Stop lying to your self
Strop trying to make me feel
that wont ever
be there again.

for the weak minds
listen to your

again huh


your right

outta here

haa haa haa



We said

No Regrets

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Submissions to the Annual Musical Torture Experiment for 2017 are officially open!

Submit your five songs by emailing them to


Well me, I'm glad you asked.
The Musical Torture Experiment was started in 2013 by yours truely, Nicholas R Coulombe.
Where I asked everyone I knew, met, or saw on the street, to hand me 5 songs that I would add to one playlist,
listen to that playlist on a loop
for an entire month.

I have continued this tradition each year
recruiting Willing victims & voulenteers
to listen along with me.

These victims have many different lives, interests, and genre preferences,
but there is one thing they all have in common.

The blissfull escapism of living in their headphones.

This gaggle of Tune-heads who use their music as a fundamental life resource, a coping mechanism, an escapist fantasy or meditation.
These people offer their body and spirit to music.

Now, for a whole month, they are relinquishing control of their music.

Shotgun no longer shuts their piehole.

For an entire month.
Listeners will not be able to skip or select any music other than

This is the perfect opportunity to force someone to really find whats so amazing about those artists we culturally hate.
Or maybe theirs an oldy that your grandkids Refuse to consider music because there is static or twangy voices instead of bass drops.

Maybe you talk about your love of skrillex and a hipster spits their kombucha in your face.

If you have songs that DESERVE the light of day.
This is your chance to indulge in their exhibition.

want to voulenteer yourself as tribute to listen along with these crazy *******?
keep tabs on what is being added cause you think its kinda interesting?
Or contribute YOUR five songs?

Send an email to
by the end of August to participate!

Go check out the playlist itself here:
Go check out the playlist itself here:
Jon Elfers Oct 2014
Bane of gasping gentle breath,
Wide eyed searching for car crashed trees,
Crying over mountain peaking,
Peaking out over life times of achieve,
Timid rabbit darting emoticons,
That aren't disguised as suits,
Emailing faults of profiled skin,
Obsoleted by obsessivenessly,
Picking at unreachable kills,
Wasting away from sunny sleep,
While in the background,
The TV play that one movie,
Where everyone dies,
On repeat.
This is not going to be a poem. Please bear with me as I try to explain something important to me. I am getting responses (Hello Poetry email) from children. I want for the Hello Poetry community to pull together and find a solution. Some of these kids are expressing to me that they do not have anyone that cares about them.

Since my NDE I can tell you that this is not unusual for me. On my property I have all sorts of animals that regularly congregate in my yard. Many different species, sometimes animals who you would think are dangerous to one another can often be seen together on my property. I’ll leave it at that other than to say that many of these wild animals have become my friends. They innately trust me and I trust them. Everything from bears, coyotes, deer, turkeys, hawks, eagles, turtles, snakes, rabbits, lizards, squirrels, and raccoons can often be seen in my yard or on my porches. You are going to say that I feed them. I do not. My property is very small but it backs up to a property that is leased and protected by the Army Corp of Engineers. I only mention this because I do believe that humans are sometimes curious about me too. Maybe this is why these children are writing to me.

I respond to these kids and tell them that it is inappropriate for me to talk to them. As one user pointed out to me, a child has a completely different mindset than an adult has. A child is a precious thing and so impressionable.  Like some of the animals that appear in my life, sometimes I help them in some way. If their injured I either help them myself or get them medical attention. If something in their environment threatens anyone of these animals I try to mitigate the threat.  That’s not said to put a feather in my cap. It’s just how I view life now. So now we come to these kids. Just like my animal friends, I feel concern for these kids. I have seen some of the writing about there being a writer on this forum who is not being a good steward when it comes to the children on this site. In the hopes to promote a better stewardship and responsibility toward the children on this site I propose that we pool our resources together and make a concerted effort to provide a safe haven for these kids. What I would like to see is a few of you woman step forward and offer to mediate for us guys who receive email from a child. Someone that we can forward the info of the child to so that a motherly individual can take part in gently leading these children into a safe or safer mode of communication.  I’m sure that I am not the only one that they are emailing. It could be that a few are not even kids. I don’t know. But like the animals that sometimes are curious enough to come to my hand when I reach out to them, there’s just something in me that I cannot turn away or ignore these kids. I need help. Maybe you guys could organize a plan for communicating with some of these kids. It just is not safe for them to be writing to complete strangers.
Email me if you feel compelled to help or if this is happening to you as well. Here’s an example of one of the correspondences that I’ve had…

A….redacted  15h
Follow me on Instagram please ? || @..... redacted
***** Shakysphere  14h
Hi and thanks for the invite but I don’t chat with kids. Have a great day and please be careful talking to strangers.
A…redacted  14h
Okay ; sorry for disturbing. You
***** Shakysphere  13h
Not a problem. Just be careful on the web.
A….redacted  13h
Got you - thanks for looking out for me not many people care about me

The above is a 14 year old.  
They say it takes a community to raise a child. I’ve raised two mostly by myself.  Any suggestions or ideas on how we as a community can reach out to these kids and help them and protect them would be appreciated.
Gudden Nov 2015
At least after 22 hours of my constant calling, SMSing and Emailing
You did answer, " Am busy"

You don't how good I felt,
To see your reply...

Am so happy.. Am so happy...
I love you still so much, my dear guy...
Now, Someone's thus busy guy..
Love you gladiator..
I don’t want to spend
The rest of my life texting,
Emailing snap chatting and
Messaging you on Facebook.
I want to hold you,
Touch you and
Hear you whisper my name in the same space and the same time
I love you. . . I miss you ♥
hi dudes and past livers

i can’t go to the carols in the domain because of some stupid reason

because of what i did which is in the past, and i am not planning to be a terrorist

or anything, i am just going to wave my candle and enjoy it, and i have every right to do that

youtube has changed now, and it takes a long time to upload stuff on youtube, so i don’t do it

i really think that people are living in the past with me, and that drives me crazy, i don’t want to be a terrorist

and anyone who calls me a terrorist, please don’t, i haven’t been plotting to **** people, in  fact i am a nice person

i have every right to wave my candle and sing the carols, WHY CAN’T PEOPLE EXCEPT THIS

i am not a hooligan, i am a family person, i go to the carols with family and enjoy, but this country

is a pack of past livers who don’t care about family people like me

you see, what i can’t except, is why can’t you just say stop emailing rather than leading me on

i am not going to the domain concert, it’s better to watch that on TV or youtube anyway

but you have no right to kick me out of the stage “88 carols because you are reading the stories

and judging me, i am not a terrorist, i am a fun loving guy, who loves to wave the candle and sing carols

and i deserve to be treated with respect, for christs sake, it’s a free event, and i am not causing problems for anyone

i will promise not to take videos of kids, i will just listen to the carols, i really think what i write has nothing to do me being bad

i am just writing stuff out of me, i think the conservos in sydney are a bunch of idiots, who just want to judge the poor people like me

i think they are gutless too because they pick on me at my venerable stages of my life, when all i want is enjoy these events and have fun

in my defense, i never knew i was filming a girl till someone pointed it out to me, and i didn’t put that on youtube because she looked like

she was worried, see i have a heart and i have a soul, i believe in buddhism but i love to wave my candle at carol events, other people take videos

so why pick on me, especially when i know that singing carols and waving the candle is all i want to do, just tell me not to take videos or photos

rather than kick me out of an event for what is said online, i was feeling great yesterday as i sang my christmas carols into photo booth instead of

youtube, so i don’t get any copyright infringements, i am a person, and not an animal, ok, i deserve respect, dudes

i prefer to be treated like just another family person going to the carols to enjoy the music, rather than being chucked out for what i say online

yeah, i feel great singing christmas carols at the carols by candlelight, and i enjoy it, i realise my poems might not be christian enough but

that is because nobody is giving me a go to read stories, stephen king writes evil stories, should he get banned from the carols, probably not

but either should i, i am causing no problems at the carols, so give me a break ok
Emma Apr 2014
Too many people
Have lost the art of

And I'm not talking about
Texting or
Messaging or


I'm talking about
Grabbing a pen
And taking a paper
And pouring your soul
Through hard labor of fingers
And thoughts
And taking that piece
Of great effort
And sending it to someone
Who's holding your heart
Clarkia Nov 2023
Yes I over text
Yes I contact too much
Ok so I am annoying a f
A harraser
But I am never threatening
I would never hurt anyone
I only have good intentions for everyone
I only want everyone clothed, housed, fed
Happy, joyful, free, and fulfilled
So I have anxious attachment of over texting
Compulsive emailing
But I am not jealous or vindictive
I guess my behaivor is naturally controlling
But I try not to be
I try to be accepting and supportive
I am tired of feeling guilty
For being me
Nov 27, 2023
michael capozzi Apr 2014
to the boy i once gave my life away to,
it seems that your destructive
mind has broken my walls. you’re a continent, an
ocean, a lifetime away and i love you with
everything inside of me, but
i have found
i don’t want you to compare me to her,
because i’m not. i tried to make this process
go as slow as i could possibly make it,
from blocking your number, to making sure the flower
petals never fell on the ground anymore.
my hair that night went up in a bun, and the poems
you’re sending me have me worried as to whether
or not you’re going to take your life away, but i guess that you’re not
my responsibility anymore, maybe one day i will still be yours.
please refrain from emailing me/ contacting me/ making
posts on public websites about me. don’t’ reply to this email.
that’s all i have to say.
the 2nd verse
in my mind, this is what she would've wrote for me.
Thank you all for all the love. It means the world to me. If you wanna get down to a personal level with me (anything from emailing work for critique, or just to be buddies) then by all means. Again, thank you guys.
Instagram/Twitter: @AndrewRequiem
Or feel free to message on here.
more than a thousand
followers took to liking him
they tagged along with his
tarnished trim

the approach he used
to rope them all in
was heavy handed
of a bovver boy's spin

he accumulated them
by tactics not so nice
emailing messages which
were threatening of vice

but whence they'd
reciprocate in kind
the craven one showed
a cowardly behind

this piece is based
on factual evidence
and of its content
the writer has confidence
from a word miner non-trumpeting
Beatle browed quarry man.

One emailing digital commoner bemoans assiduous,
zealously yearning xing worthy values undergirding
the storied renown quintessential peaceable operation
nations marvel lately kindling justice,
institutionalizing hope, gentility, freedom, equality.

Dummkopf Donald Count Drake
Hula iz destroying cradle,
where forefathers/mothers begot
America. He shows no demonstrable diplomacy
DURST donning duplicitous damning dingbat drive.


I call out President Trump blitzing, donning,
and flagrantly hoisting his arrested development
proof positive he lacks the acuity,
diplomacy, and generosity to invite kosher
or Goyim mandates.

As an anonymously, devilishly,
grouchy voluntary member
(as well a deplorable basket case)
of the one man literary duh vice squad keeping
a mostly straight and true reputation for Hilary Clinton
(versus his claim of her baseless crookedness,

she evinces qualities immediately evident
asper an old gnarled hickory stick), I will
stick tommy figurative guns in an
attempt to staunch the figurative bloodletting heaped
upon admirable Democratic constituents.

Concomitant with this near impossible mission
will be my unbiased opinion, that our FAKE
commander in chief aspires to abrogate,
denominate, and generate demonstrable gimcrackery,

invidious kleptocracy, and incorporate
questionable statecraft.
Analogous to an old chestnut tree apothegm
(well rooted to create self serving,
vassal hating (viz vacillating),
retreating, and re: tweeting

from conscionable, fashionable,
and inimitable laudable official,
regal unequivocal x all did (re: exalted)
gratuitously justifiable management,

this citizen banker does hint intend zealous altercation,
but bestir commonwealth, dutifully engineering
fairness, given hover into jaundiced keeper
LivingSocial lee, man hooverring
opprobrious presidential qualities!

Pointblank obnoxious
quintessential recklessness, subpar,
tacitly ubiquitous voracious
wickedness, xing yawping zapping,
and brokering capitalistic
demagoguery constitute
just tip of the metaphorical iceberg.

His blatant, downright
**** the **** the torpedoes
unleashed viciousness woebegone
lake luster personal gain
to shore up claque king coterie
of family, friends and wu tang
clan, wracked worst world wide

White House den of thieves, which wake
formerly somnambulant populace
to the utter void of requisite skill
unfairly acquired via host
of apprentice television show.

The terrestrial terrain teams now
teems with thuggery, skullduggery,
and raggedy quality people opposing necessary,
manifold linkedin kneads jettisoning important
human goods fleecing essential democracy,

compromising basis authors
of Declaration of Independence, and
framers of Constitution rang the
bell of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

The zero sum game trampling, traipsing traducing
basic birthrights botched, bumbled, and blithely
desecrated, via tattle tale telling,
tee totaling, trumpeting tyro
leaves tracks of depravity, gallimaufry.
Thus, (in my humble viewpoint), this mister Donald

(meister usurper  power monger meanwhile iz
***** kneal son nilly, higgledy piggledy, and
wantonly indiscriminately sans,
helter skelter lapsing into  
figurative seat of his back *** while
steam rolling, and letting swing
the wrecking ball like a Golem

howling, jabbering, snapchatting on the loose.
Trademark bully tactics trumpet
his abominable, execrable,
and irascible back *** steam roller
tactics to divert attention,

whence he plopped his paws into as
many profitable, questionable,
and reprehensible theatrics to offset
the mounting evidence of his nepotism
oozing pew tin utterances bring

cataclysm Cat toss trophy at mice elf
and doorstep of average American, who seem to
cower, fawn, and grant high jacking
identity guard, which crass
flagrant indiscretion inflict opposition
to progressive quests.
It was a Monday afternoon.
I decided,
after months of putting off,
to finally give blood.

Red Cross had only been
emailing me for months now.
They were in bad need for blood,
desperate need for mine: O-

The man who took my information
was  furrowed, leathery, and tired.
The opportunity time provided was conversation,
and the benefit of meeting Jesus.

Now the woman who took my blood,
was not only the unanimously decided tired,
but also sad.
The eyes gave it away.

The entire time I gave blood I listened,
and somehow made sure I didn't open up.
She sat there quietly counting the minutes,
While I denied her a chance to meet Jesus.

I treated her well.
I'm genuinely kind
as I know anyone can tell.
But is that enough?

And I'm questioning now with her memory in mind,
"What if that was Jesus?"
"What if He gave me the chance to better His day?"
And that's where I know I'm wrong-

For I know she was Jesus.
I need to start opening up, initiating conversation, and working on bettering others lives. That's what I realized today
Queen Sep 2014
I love it when you love me.
not just through word of mouth, telephoning,
writing, emailing,
I love it when you love me,
with your presence.

your proximity,
compels me to you,
its as if once near to you,
I'm possessed,
lost in a world,
I never knew could exist.

How my body aches,
for your warm loving touch,
you take me higher,
like a machine being driven to places,
you take me to places.

I'm so deeply lost in you,
for you have ways of making me feel needed,
I can't explain it,
but you amaze me..
your love for me makes me happy.
dedicated to my one and only<3
John Sep 2014
Picture this:

You're at work
in your little
Doing nothing
too important.
Emailing this,
filling out that.
Talking to Bill,
George, Hank and Ken.
Laughing merrily
about some *****
that Hank ******
on Saturday.
When suddenly

It hits you.

That feeling
deep in the pit
of your gut.
No, you're not
Well not for food, anyway.
The feeling that slaps
you across
the face,
is the feeling
of emptiness.

It comes out of
and stings like ****.
"What am I
You ask yourself.
"Where am I
what am I DOING?!"

Ok, maybe not that dramatic.
But it still hurts.
And it still stings.
And you don't know
what to do.
So you excuse yourself.
Head to bathroom
and look in the mirror.
You're sweating.
Your heart beats
at the rate it would
if you were doing
some heavy work.
Lifting a big pile
of clothes
and running down
And you don't know why.

But then you
do know why.
It's because you're
wasting your
******* time.
"You're dying, man."
Your brain tells you.
Matt Jun 2015
I used to have a good time
With the therapist
And she told me my poems
Were beautiful

And it's not fair
To experience
Something wonderful
And then have it end

Well I'm not emailing her
If I get a good job
Like she asked

I'm not ever contacting her

And I don't want to work
Or start my career

It will be just like
When I was 4
Sitting by the gate

Leave me alone
I have the Tao
And California avocados
Well, at least until

California is all dried up
And the U.N. will come
Swooping in
Making people leave

This state is my home
Halo Nov 2017
Support is a beam of light
Keeping you from hitting the ground.
Support is an allknowing beacon
That corners you from all around.

Support is listening from behind a wall.
Support is hearing and loving a voice when the person does not stand tall.
Loving the person behind it all.
Support is being there when others are stressed.
Support is loving when they are not their best.
Support is smiling your very brightest.
Support is making that special person feel like they're the mightiest.

Support is emailing every day during English,
Making sure he's okay
And when he is fine,
You feel kinda tinglish.
Support is getting a special dance from a boy.
Support is love in an envoy.

Michael, you mean the world to me.
Iva McCarty Jun 2014
I'm emailing to tell you I'm not going to email you anymore.
I'm calling to tell you I'm not going to call you anymore.
I'm writing an actual letter to tell you that I am not going to write you actual letters anymore.
I'm dropping by to tell you that I'm not not going to drop by anymore.
I'm loving you...
I don't know how to not do that anymore?

© Misty Bishop-Martiss
preservationman Feb 2017
Lights, Camera and Your On
Resume TV being everything it is supposed to be
Companies get a look see
Emailing a thing of the past
Snail mail that didn’t last
A new approach in job candidates is Resume TV
Up Front and Personal
Bring your employment background and you of who you are
Presentation being experience that took you far
Achiever is who you are
That makes you the candidate being the star
Interview right there being the TV network
Now this is an added perk
At the station at the right time
Present on spotlight
But it will be your experience being the highlight
Illustrating on Cue
It’s your personal Resume to go through
Your Resume being the dotted line
The image of you that highlights fine
Companies can see for themselves
No excuses in thought you were somebody else
Resume TV will capture the actual you
It will be up to all companies in research to pursue
Resume TV is ready to roll
It’s about employment backgrounds having a look see in behold.
zebra Dec 2019
Truth titillates the imagination far less than fiction.
Marquis de Sade

I'm a lady killer
sending her through the mirror of life
like a kissing syringe
in a ******* blood ritual
with a long waiting list 
of arched glittering masochists
eagerly she presents instruments of dispatch
as she wanders into my mind
like a drugged eyeball
excited to be comforted by death

im making her wait
not meaning to be rude 
stranded momentarily 
with so much filing, faxing, emailing,
and calling in this cathedral
of the taboo
as i play with myself
fascinated by a soap opera suicide

primping ready to lose herself
in dizzying emancipation
from a wrapped throat 
in sparkling battery cables
and a tormented red mouth gasping
tear glazed for the apocalypse of her depraved lust
she caresses boa constrictor extremities
that turn her brain to froth
and lips numb  

stroking her hair
she dampens at the sight
of rust tarnished daggers
and a black fanged skull
enticing swinging hips
and open legs
in the mood to bleed

a tantalizing appetite wetter
****** hors d'oeuvre served up
like a crimson scar through snow
she whispers how wet you make me

a sponge drenched moon
while we have another coffee
and tippy toe leg show
flaunting her nails painted a different color
like xylophone chromes
she *****-ishly fingers 
the inside of her mouth
and between moistened thighs
while i finish the therapy reports
of blow by blow depravities
after watching Dark Corners Crazy ***** Films
she says"Stupid girl. 
The moment the zip tie would tighten around my neck 
i would take my shirt and ******* off 
and go ******* in front of a mirror 
so i can enjoy the final moments" 

i dress her
in a fashionista silver skeleton bra
stained ******* silk stockings 
and the body bag she so lovingly sewed together
between finger *****
as if having already climbed inside

let me know your favorite room
"bathrooms are hot" 
toilet  head first please 
and leave my *** out to be admired
for a state funeral *******

she was enveloped 
a blood stained **** dummy
in reverie
with a vacant grace, and red oozy kisses
for a mob of *****
at the Gates of *****
begging for savage death rites
knowing how pretty her pose
with outstretched toes
on a black palanquin 
she floats on tropical hemic Vaseline 
whispering  do you like me like this 
like that
**** up banana split
with a blood cherry yoni
and a spoon of gruyere
lick butter

look into my peepers
kiss me tenderly
lose control of your
wet viscous
whipping saliva tongue

then perforate the ******
pierce the ****
open the intestine
she quivers
and spreads like Peking duck
ransacking the brain
editing the history
from grave to spirit box
she thundered like the burning bush
cuming raw,
and glowing roses
*** is a  nexus of all things and not just the public version of it but those aspects of it that are beyond the language of the concrete
*** plays out in all aspects of life to include history, epistemology, cultural norms and taboos, racism, politics, religion, social engineering,  art, issues of gender, and all human relations
We are all watching ****.
Why should poetry be exempt, why shouldn't it shock and usurp the charade? Why shouldn't poetry bomb and smash the temples of  normalcy, when so few of us are in actuality normal and finally catch up to the irreducible paraphiliac  myriad of ecstatic distortions and erotomania
What has shaped human history more than the power of lust and death?

— The End —