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Alyssa Underwood Jun 2016
“Come, all you who are thirsty,
    come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
    come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
    without money and without cost.
Why spend money on what is not bread,
    and your labor on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good,
    and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.
Give ear and come to Me;
    listen, that you may live.
I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
    My faithful love promised to David...”

Seek the LORD while He may be found;
    call on Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake their ways
    and the unrighteous their thoughts.
Let them turn to the LORD, and He will have mercy on them,
    and to our God, for He will freely pardon.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways My ways,”
declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are My ways higher than your ways
    and My thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow
    come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
    without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
    so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is My word that goes out from My mouth:
    It will not return to Me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
You will go out in joy
    and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
    will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
    will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper,
    and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the LORD’s renown,
    for an everlasting sign,
    that will endure forever.”

~ New International Version

Out of the cradle endlessly rocking,
Out of the mocking-bird’s throat, the musical shuttle,
Out of the Ninth-month midnight,
Over the sterile sands, and the fields beyond, where the child, leaving his bed, wander’d alone, bare-headed, barefoot,
Down from the shower’d halo,
Up from the mystic play of shadows, twining and twisting as if they were alive,
Out from the patches of briers and blackberries,
From the memories of the bird that chanted to me,
From your memories, sad brother—from the fitful risings and fallings I heard,
From under that yellow half-moon, late-risen, and swollen as if with tears,
From those beginning notes of sickness and love, there in the transparent mist,
From the thousand responses of my heart, never to cease,
From the myriad thence-arous’d words,
From the word stronger and more delicious than any,
From such, as now they start, the scene revisiting,
As a flock, twittering, rising, or overhead passing,
Borne hither—ere all eludes me, hurriedly,
A man—yet by these tears a little boy again,
Throwing myself on the sand, confronting the waves,
I, chanter of pains and joys, uniter of here and hereafter,
Taking all hints to use them—but swiftly leaping beyond them,
A reminiscence sing.


Once, Paumanok,
When the snows had melted—when the lilac-scent was in the air, and the Fifth-month grass was growing,
Up this sea-shore, in some briers,
Two guests from Alabama—two together,
And their nest, and four light-green eggs, spotted with brown,
And every day the he-bird, to and fro, near at hand,
And every day the she-bird, crouch’d on her nest, silent, with bright eyes,
And every day I, a curious boy, never too close, never disturbing them,
Cautiously peering, absorbing, translating.


Shine! shine! shine!
Pour down your warmth, great Sun!
While we bask—we two together.

Two together!
Winds blow South, or winds blow North,
Day come white, or night come black,
Home, or rivers and mountains from home,
Singing all time, minding no time,
While we two keep together.


Till of a sudden,
May-be ****’d, unknown to her mate,
One forenoon the she-bird crouch’d not on the nest,
Nor return’d that afternoon, nor the next,
Nor ever appear’d again.

And thenceforward, all summer, in the sound of the sea,
And at night, under the full of the moon, in calmer weather,
Over the hoarse surging of the sea,
Or flitting from brier to brier by day,
I saw, I heard at intervals, the remaining one, the he-bird,
The solitary guest from Alabama.


Blow! blow! blow!
Blow up, sea-winds, along Paumanok’s shore!
I wait and I wait, till you blow my mate to me.


Yes, when the stars glisten’d,
All night long, on the prong of a moss-scallop’d stake,
Down, almost amid the slapping waves,
Sat the lone singer, wonderful, causing tears.

He call’d on his mate;
He pour’d forth the meanings which I, of all men, know.

Yes, my brother, I know;
The rest might not—but I have treasur’d every note;
For once, and more than once, dimly, down to the beach gliding,
Silent, avoiding the moonbeams, blending myself with the shadows,
Recalling now the obscure shapes, the echoes, the sounds and sights after their sorts,
The white arms out in the breakers tirelessly tossing,
I, with bare feet, a child, the wind wafting my hair,
Listen’d long and long.

Listen’d, to keep, to sing—now translating the notes,
Following you, my brother.


Soothe! soothe! soothe!
Close on its wave soothes the wave behind,
And again another behind, embracing and lapping, every one close,
But my love soothes not me, not me.

Low hangs the moon—it rose late;
O it is lagging—O I think it is heavy with love, with love.

O madly the sea pushes, pushes upon the land,
With love—with love.

O night! do I not see my love fluttering out there among the breakers?
What is that little black thing I see there in the white?

Loud! loud! loud!
Loud I call to you, my love!

High and clear I shoot my voice over the waves;
Surely you must know who is here, is here;
You must know who I am, my love.

Low-hanging moon!
What is that dusky spot in your brown yellow?
O it is the shape, the shape of my mate!
O moon, do not keep her from me any longer.

Land! land! O land!
Whichever way I turn, O I think you could give me my mate back again, if you only would;
For I am almost sure I see her dimly whichever way I look.

O rising stars!
Perhaps the one I want so much will rise, will rise with some of you.

O throat! O trembling throat!
Sound clearer through the atmosphere!
Pierce the woods, the earth;
Somewhere listening to catch you, must be the one I want.

Shake out, carols!
Solitary here—the night’s carols!
Carols of lonesome love! Death’s carols!
Carols under that lagging, yellow, waning moon!
O, under that moon, where she droops almost down into the sea!
O reckless, despairing carols.

But soft! sink low;
Soft! let me just murmur;
And do you wait a moment, you husky-noised sea;
For somewhere I believe I heard my mate responding to me,
So faint—I must be still, be still to listen;
But not altogether still, for then she might not come immediately to me.

Hither, my love!
Here I am! Here!
With this just-sustain’d note I announce myself to you;
This gentle call is for you, my love, for you.

Do not be decoy’d elsewhere!
That is the whistle of the wind—it is not my voice;
That is the fluttering, the fluttering of the spray;
Those are the shadows of leaves.

O darkness! O in vain!
O I am very sick and sorrowful.

O brown halo in the sky, near the moon, drooping upon the sea!
O troubled reflection in the sea!
O throat! O throbbing heart!
O all—and I singing uselessly, uselessly all the night.

Yet I murmur, murmur on!
O murmurs—you yourselves make me continue to sing, I know not why.

O past! O life! O songs of joy!
In the air—in the woods—over fields;
Loved! loved! loved! loved! loved!
But my love no more, no more with me!
We two together no more.


The aria sinking;
All else continuing—the stars shining,
The winds blowing—the notes of the bird continuous echoing,
With angry moans the fierce old mother incessantly moaning,
On the sands of Paumanok’s shore, gray and rustling;
The yellow half-moon enlarged, sagging down, drooping, the face of the sea almost touching;
The boy extatic—with his bare feet the waves, with his hair the atmosphere dallying,
The love in the heart long pent, now loose, now at last tumultuously bursting,
The aria’s meaning, the ears, the Soul, swiftly depositing,
The strange tears down the cheeks coursing,
The colloquy there—the trio—each uttering,
The undertone—the savage old mother, incessantly crying,
To the boy’s Soul’s questions sullenly timing—some drown’d secret hissing,
To the outsetting bard of love.


Demon or bird! (said the boy’s soul,)
Is it indeed toward your mate you sing? or is it mostly to me?
For I, that was a child, my tongue’s use sleeping,
Now I have heard you,
Now in a moment I know what I am for—I awake,
And already a thousand singers—a thousand songs, clearer, louder and more sorrowful than yours,
A thousand warbling echoes have started to life within me,
Never to die.

O you singer, solitary, singing by yourself—projecting me;
O solitary me, listening—nevermore shall I cease perpetuating you;
Never more shall I escape, never more the reverberations,
Never more the cries of unsatisfied love be absent from me,
Never again leave me to be the peaceful child I was before what there, in the night,
By the sea, under the yellow and sagging moon,
The messenger there arous’d—the fire, the sweet hell within,
The unknown want, the destiny of me.

O give me the clew! (it lurks in the night here somewhere;)
O if I am to have so much, let me have more!
O a word! O what is my destination? (I fear it is henceforth chaos;)
O how joys, dreads, convolutions, human shapes, and all shapes, spring as from graves around me!
O phantoms! you cover all the land and all the sea!
O I cannot see in the dimness whether you smile or frown upon me;
O vapor, a look, a word! O well-beloved!
O you dear women’s and men’s phantoms!

A word then, (for I will conquer it,)
The word final, superior to all,
Subtle, sent up—what is it?—I listen;
Are you whispering it, and have been all the time, you sea-waves?
Is that it from your liquid rims and wet sands?


Whereto answering, the sea,
Delaying not, hurrying not,
Whisper’d me through the night, and very plainly before day-break,
Lisp’d to me the low and delicious word DEATH;
And again Death—ever Death, Death, Death,
Hissing melodious, neither like the bird, nor like my arous’d child’s heart,
But edging near, as privately for me, rustling at my feet,
Creeping thence steadily up to my ears, and laving me softly all over,
Death, Death, Death, Death, Death.

Which I do not forget,
But fuse the song of my dusky demon and brother,
That he sang to me in the moonlight on Paumanok’s gray beach,
With the thousand responsive songs, at random,
My own songs, awaked from that hour;
And with them the key, the word up from the waves,
The word of the sweetest song, and all songs,
That strong and delicious word which, creeping to my feet,
The sea whisper’d me.
Pyrrha Oct 2018
Past thick briers and dense thickets
Beyond inconsolable oceans and insufferable lakes
Amidst the roar of obstreperous winds
Within the abyss of calamity
I've let you past my obscurities into the forest of my heart

In return you promised your own so our forests would grow
Instead you left the seeds of hatred that grew amongst my trees
You used me as an exploit for your own selfish endeavors
Our love was made of rot and mold
The passion expired and you were gone

You left me to swim my way back
To climb past my briers and thickets
To bear the violent winds
To climb out of the dark abyss
So that I may find myself once again in clutters of debris
Spread out across the shores of what remains of me
Big Virge Jul 2014
I've Been TRULY SURPRISED ... !!!
In Fact ... " MESMERISED " ....... !!!!
By The ... Volume of People ...  
Who Tell Themselves Lies ... !!!
These Acts I Believe ...
Give Liars ... " Relief " ...  
But Liars Are FOOLS ...
Who Simply ... AREN'T Cool ... !!!
And People Like These ...  
Know NOT What They Do ... ?!?
In Fact That's NOT TRUE ... !!!!
But Does Give You Some Clues ...
On Why These FAKE People ...
Don't Have ... SHINY Shoes ... !!!  
They Walk In A Mire ...
of .... " Liars for Hire " ....  
They Claim The Good Life ...
But Are NOT Richard Briers ... ?!?
They DO ...  
Make Me Laugh ... !!!
But They AIN'T Richard Pryor ... !!!!  
Their ... " Devilish Ways " ...
Will Earn Them ... " HELLS' FIRE " ... !!!!
This Thing Has NO COLOUR ... !!!
A Liar's ... A LIAR ... !!!!!
But That ISN'T ME ... !!!
Try ... Tapping My Wire ... !!!
To Think It's One Culture ...
Is Really .... " NOT COOL " .... !!!
DON'T BE  ... " A Fool " ... !!!
You're Lying To ... YOU ... !?!
To Think That ... " Your Creed " ..
Has Always Been ... " True " ...
It's Time To Move On ...
And Give You Some Proof ...  
That ... Loved Ones You Have ...
May Just ... TAINT Your View ... !!!
Those Who You Feel ...  
Would NOT ... Lie To You ...  
Does Your Family ... ?
Have A ... GENUINE Crew ... ?!?
Or Do You Have Relatives ... ?
Being .... UNTRUE ... ?!? ...
Who ... Travel Through Time ...
WITHOUT ... " Doctor Who " ... !!!
Their Ship Is UNStabLE ...  
Their Life Is .... " A Fable " ....
Kind of Like Guys ...
Who Sell ... " DODGY CABLE " ... !!!
Yeah ... Funny I Know ...
But ... Who's At YOUR Table ... ?!?
ROCKING ... Your Cradle ... !?!
I'll ... Give You A Choice ....
These Two ... Cain or Abel ... ???
Marriage Is Something ...
To Give You ... MORE Clues ...  
That ... LOVE Is A Word ...  
That ... GOOD LIARS Use ... !!!!!
DON'T ... Get It Confused ...  
This ... LOVE Thing's ABUSED ...  
By Liars Who ... USE It ...
To Get Some ... NEW Shoes ... !!!
It's Money ... You See ...
That Gives Liars GLEE ... !!!
Emotions Get Played With ...
Right To ... " Pregnancy " ... !!!  
LOVE Is A ... GREAT THING ... !!!!
When Given For FREE ... !!!!!
But MANY Now USE IT ...
To ... Fulfil Their Greed ...  
Just Look At Divorce Rates ...
Or ... Watch Your TV ...
I Really ... DON'T Care ...
If You ... Don't Want To See ... !!!!!
THE TRUTH Is This Simple ...  
It's .... REALITY .... !!!!!
We All May ... Fall Victim ...  
of Those Who Proceed ...
To ..."Hide Who They Are" ...
Behind LIES ... That They Feed ...
They're ... LYING To You ...
And ... LYING To Me ... !!!
Some of These People ...
.... Recite Poetry .... !!!
Some of These People ...
Are Rappers ... BELIEVE ... !!!
They Really Don't Know ... ?
What It Is To ... " Emcee " ... ?
This Is A MASTER ...
of .... " Ceremonies " ....  
These Are TRUE POETS ...
Like ..... " Talib Kweli " .....  
or Maybe THIS NAME ... ?
The Brother ... " Big V " ... ?!?
Or A Guy Called ... BIG VIRGE ... !?!
Okay I Mean .... ME .... !!!!!
A Man Who Speaks TRUTH ...
In This Here .... " Poetry " ....  
I DON'T Want To Be ...
Above ... Humility ... !!!!!!
I Just Want To See ...
More ... TRUE Poetry ...  
That SHUNS Foolish Pride ...  
And Liars Who Feed ...
On ... " Poetic Liars " ...
These ... " Fictional Writers " ...
Just Write For THEMSELVES ...  
To Earn A .... " FAST BUCK " ....  
From .... " Media Wealth " ....
PLEASE OPEN Your Eyes ...  
Let TRUTH Be Your Guide ...
Cos' It Really AIN'T Wise ...  
To Have A ... FAKE Guise ... !!!!!  
REMEMBER This Poem ....
... " Don't Tell Yourself Lies !!! " ...
The path to denial is lying to oneself, it's not good for yours, or, society's health ....
It's mwe Aug 2018
why do i keep questioning
thorough the shadow and the hollow

are we talking about the orbs?
the nocturnal things in the welkin?
the radiance we see in the night while we're looking up?
what are all these about?

don't stare at me
don't you dare narrowed your eyes at me
these are pensioners
after those briers and numbers;
of prickly snatching shrubs upon the wanderers
(belly laugh)

the shore laps
and that river banks
were once grilling to burst the blue,
to make me sue
as the sandpiper repursue
to eat the crumbs of Swiss cheese fondue
May 06 2018
A Haya Dec 2015
Fleeting flashes, crashes, of a desperate end
entwined into the fibers of my mind, the essence
of my blood, of my mere

Tiles blinding, the grin of a mindless maniac
upon the greedy grasp of the grim death,
yanked into the oblivion
of eternity.

Melted crystals, flowing, bubbling, calling my
name, so attractive, a sultry dessert, in a way
a sweet ending to a melancholy

Take a chance, dip a foot, gamble with fate
a sea of possibilities it is not, in the end
of the day, it is a pocket within it
a knife.

Fabric as satin to a human's touch, the feel of basking in
the brightness and hotness of the scorcher, but I ask
how, then, could the silky smooth, upon the call,
unveil a thing so sharp, morbidly used?

The graveness and grim of a place quite dimly lit
the pallor of the pretty porcelain stark against
the ripples of transparent silk afloat;

The satiny tub awaits so patient and kind
as the river's waves morbidly sharp sway
me into a merry wager, hand the despair
for a shiny-wrapped contraire, attractive.

Perhaps shall I dare for a taste, the thrill
but before, slimy tendrils curl around me
limbs encircled in a ruse of freedom.

How could I be a fool, enough to believe then
allow myself to fall into a bush of these
luscious roses, rusted, singed petals and
daggers for thorns underneath the surface
of a sublime promise and statuesque?

And thus I drown, and drown, and drown,
into a stormy ocean full of prickly briers
and as time crosses into the realm of
nothingness, vacuum, the truth sinks in;
the emptiness spans endlessly, and I will
forever float, eternally exist, nowhere else, only in the screaming white,
Chris Thomas May 2016
I am innocent, so I run
Their pursuits are foolhardy
I catch briers
On my clothes
On my flesh
On my soul

At last I stumble into a clearing
My lungs expand like a supernova
Senses disconnect one by one
Losing my sight
My taste
My smell

I collapse into oblivion
The memories blur like salt and water
An aching rises
In my stomach
In my chest
In my throat

Gather them around now
This spectacle grows like dandelions
The guillotine is being sharpened
But I am still innocent
And I am still running
Therefore, I am still free
The bush that has most briers and bitter fruit,
Wait till the frost has turned its green leaves red,
Its sweetened berries will thy palate suit,
And thou may'st find e'en there a homely bread.
Upon the hills of Salem scattered wide,
Their yellow blossoms gain the eye in Spring;
And straggling e'en upon the turnpike's side,
Their ripened branches to your hand they bring,
I 've plucked them oft in boyhood's early hour,
That then I gave such name, and thought it true;
But now I know that other fruit as sour
Grows on what now thou callest Me and You;
Yet, wilt thou wait the autumn that I see,
Will sweeter taste than these red berries be.
'Tis a bleak wild hill,--but green and bright
In the summer warmth and the mid-day light;
There's the hum of the bee and the chirp of the wren,
And the dash of the brook from the alder glen;
There's the sound of a bell from the scattered flock,
And the shade of the beech lies cool on the rock,
And fresh from the west is the free wind's breath,--
There is nothing here that speaks of death.

  Far yonder, where orchards and gardens lie,
And dwellings cluster, 'tis there men die.
They are born, they die, and are buried near,
Where the populous grave-yard lightens the bier;
For strict and close are the ties that bind
In death the children of human-kind;
Yea, stricter and closer than those of life,--
'Tis a neighbourhood that knows no strife.
They are noiselessly gathered--friend and foe--
To the still and dark assemblies below:
Without a frown or a smile they meet,
Each pale and calm in his winding-sheet;
In that sullen home of peace and gloom,
Crowded, like guests in a banquet-room.

  Yet there are graves in this lonely spot,
Two humble graves,--but I meet them not.
I have seen them,--eighteen years are past,
Since I found their place in the brambles last,--
The place where, fifty winters ago,
An aged man in his locks of snow,
And an aged matron, withered with years,
Were solemnly laid!--but not with tears.
For none, who sat by the light of their hearth,
Beheld their coffins covered with earth;
Their kindred were far, and their children dead,
When the funeral prayer was coldly said.

  Two low green hillocks, two small gray stones,
Rose over the place that held their bones;
But the grassy hillocks are levelled again,
And the keenest eye might search in vain,
'**** briers, and ferns, and paths of sheep,
For the spot where the aged couple sleep.

  Yet well might they lay, beneath the soil
Of this lonely spot, that man of toil,
And trench the strong hard mould with the *****,
Where never before a grave was made;
For he hewed the dark old woods away,
And gave the ****** fields to the day;
And the gourd and the bean, beside his door,
Bloomed where their flowers ne'er opened before;
And the maize stood up; and the bearded rye
Bent low in the breath of an unknown sky.

  'Tis said that when life is ended here,
The spirit is borne to a distant sphere;
That it visits its earthly home no more,
Nor looks on the haunts it loved before.
But why should the bodiless soul be sent
Far off, to a long, long banishment?
Talk not of the light and the living green!
It will pine for the dear familiar scene;
It will yearn, in that strange bright world, to behold
The rock and the stream it knew of old.

  'Tis a cruel creed, believe it not!
Death to the good is a milder lot.
They are here,--they are here,--that harmless pair,
In the yellow sunshine and flowing air,
In the light cloud-shadows that slowly pass,
In the sounds that rise from the murmuring grass.
They sit where their humble cottage stood,
They walk by the waving edge of the wood,
And list to the long-accustomed flow
Of the brook that wets the rocks below.
Patient, and peaceful, and passionless,
As seasons on seasons swiftly press,
They watch, and wait, and linger around,
Till the day when their bodies shall leave the ground.
Chris Thomas Nov 2017
It may surprise you to learn
That I cannot return to my genesis
Quite simply, I have no fail safe

It may leave you wanting for a whisper
But, when I open these frail, chapped lips
I have no fail safe

It may be that I am a savior in disguise
Hidden behind briers in the garden
But still, I have no fail safe

It may trigger a memory from nothing
To feel my fingers graze across your cheek
Yet, I have no fail safe

It may be a splintered crutch
That I lean on as I take the last train home
But, I have no fail safe

It may be that your delicate kiss
Is a beautiful straight-jacket
But, I have no fail safe

It may be that your unforgiving eyes
Are a glorious pair of fetters
But, I have no fail safe

It may be that the combination
Is within a world I no longer exist
Because after all this time
I still have no fail safe

John Stevens Nov 2010
( 2P or not 2P)

Poets and Pigeons,
two P's in a pod.
Some are very humble
Others think they are god.

Throw them a few crumbs
and they will peck at your feet.
They're a most grateful lot
That you will ever meet.

If the morsel is really great
They will eat out of your hand.
Pecking MORE than they can stand.

They jockey for position
on the feeding chart each day.
Numbers, NUMbers, NUMBERS
Is there any other way?

Some pigeons stand afar
not risking  getting close.
Others land on your head
In hopes they get the most.

There are those who flutter by
and leave deposits in your hair.
"There are better morsels just ahead"
As they develop a pigeon stare.

They envision better food ahead,
like cows at the wires.
It's always tastier over there
Turns out more like briers.

And so it goes in pigeon world
Juking along making their mark
  (or is that leaving their mark)
Showing others where to find
Crumbs in the vast poet (pigeon)park.

So there you have the 2P order
Oh! I think this could be me.

Or not.
Aug 2010
This has been sitting in the hopper
too long. Started this before the yogurt
hit the fan... here.
Mehtap Nov 2018
that know no religion , morals, nor mercy
Looked my way

Opened the cage of the little flapping bird in my chest and let it fly away

Bird keep it quite calm down
Hopefully I pray

Or love will rip you apart, burn you to ashes,eat your heart.
I make it stay

Oh bird, Her eyes are
spears, they're
Cold steel metal, don't bend, slow down, or waver .

Oh poor bird still singing hold yourself

Her eyes are
disguised as roses, claiming peace.

Peace left us for years now
this land is conceived with fear but it's knights are feirce

At times moans of torture

at times a sweet song of lust and Tease ,your love

All is fine when it doesn't reach your
Ears . I

was never one to surrender or lay back with ease. A rebel

stubborn rebel this little bird a beauty that leers.

My dear,
A bird will always sing.
A poem
That you shall never hear.
bri mylyn Mar 2014
who let you in
who let you back
where've you been

you used to sit around
with your feet in the weeds
I used to love you
now you're on my hands

you left me for brighter stars
parties with nothing to do
I'd look away
I wanna be around people like you

I don't think I mind if you don't
you sat in the blackberries
now you have briers at your throat

I built my shadow up from dirt
so you'd know where I'm from
if I fell and kissed the ground
at least I know you'd still come

I like to sit and wait around
for what you want and what you do
I'm the thorn in your finger
I wanna be with people like you

you stood out on the porch
you let your lungs go wild
I don't eat the fruit since you left
because you're the prodigal child

if you wanna be replaced
you can
if you wanna be replaced
you can
if you wanna be replaced
you can
Qweyku May 2018
I can only infer you
speak of my skin
this beautiful brown
this lovely melanin?

Yes. Father’s no more,
now long gone, but before
he departed he worked
himself to the bone
straying not a day
from home.

As for my colour
you must be blind
the contorted
black darkness
you perceive
has never been mine.

Why is this hue such
an affront to you?
policemen, judge, jury
school-teachers too?

Now it is said
we’re real-good actors;
for we play many a part,
but you pay no mind
to such sentiment nor
proverbial heart-to-heart.

No sah!
Mistake not my
composure for failed
advance, blink once
& I’ll lick you down
given half the chance!

But then you, your ilk
and your briers sown
would just rise again
with sated verbal abuse
& agenda obtuse.

Lawd O’ Mercy
I want off this
deadly semantic

Go home!! N * * * * r!!!
Seething; they scream!

...there goes another
coloured criminal
for being created
a shade of Eden's
dust of the ground.
melanite brown.

So, when you insult me
I can only infer,
speak of my skin;
this beautiful brown,
this lovely melanin.
Phosphorimental Oct 2014
Whiskers stir on dandelion stems
While dawn departs on fragrant winds.
“We see the sun, his shadow’s falling,”
from the treetops, cried the waling-waling.

Wink awake oh dreaming rose
Brush your trestles from the briers
Till the soils of your tactics
And climb the trellis to all you aspire.

Your roses wait another day
To see how green his eyes.
Ruby hues will take their queues
From the orchids when they cry.

Dream you’ll hear a swinging gate
While working in your garden
There past the fountain, you’ll catch an image
Of someone lost within.

You know this scented presence
Though its logic reveals little
Until he steps into the garden
Of long awaiting petals.

The orchids shout to the dandelions
“time to close up, it’s after dark.”
While two cool cats curl up to nap
in the cradle of an open heart.
Little Wren Jun 2016
Laying among the saturated soils
Amidst the dry leaves and briers
The wood around me sturdy
Tulips urgent in growth
How can everything around me be so brave
When I am not.
When I am but a tightened voice, a hushed mind, I lay still and do not have the courage to whittle my way through the frost.
Resilient and beautiful in the decay of rock and withering thorn
As these things close in about me
I could only wish the transference
Into my own doubt.
Justification is a long-spent nightmare
Wasting closely by, sinking into the earth of my skull.
Catkins and the spines of gum trees hesitate in the sky
With no breeze, and no self-fulfillment
Never searching or wincing at another open sliver of bleeding heartwood.
It's funny how the moon has always been there, perchance
As it dangles now in the evening air
Full and light like a swan breaching a blue lake.
Almost breakable, almost surreal in strength.
Things grip to life in these woods.
Under my body thousands of dances for survival.
And here I feel it the most
A yearning that is not there, was never there,
Never born into me and never settled in my marrow.
Turning upward,
I speak my truth.
I can only be so much these wires of thorns
This tumult of leaves
Until I acquiesce to the night.
Dana Pohlmann Feb 2012
what is it about this landscape
early angle of light
bouncing from flat of glass to glass
in clean and eager cuts against
the visible shrouds of exhaust
expired breath of automobiles
darkly herded
swimming in their lanes
light still so separate from the dark
in the long arc of a hollow sun...
this dissonance the chilled shade whose eyes
close to brace the rising retinal burn
of an overbright disc resurrecting
illusions of warmth
what is it about this landscape
rimed with gold
that draws the wilderness in my gut
to grow hooves
to stamp and dig among the briers,
to eddy an inward sudden
too much a wayward compass,
those spooked adrenaline horses...
until I can answer this question
I cannot write the poem.
adam stanley Jul 2014
rooster-crow and the repetitive tap
of a hammer like the tick
of a clock in the distance
woke me and I followed what
was left of your voice like the tracks
of an animal to the edge of the copper
water. Though I knew there were
Cottonmouths thick as ropes, I waded
into the cool shadows and then up
a hill where trees grew, preordained, laid
out in perfect rows like headstones. When
I had reached that place where
we had left the past, and shed even
our skins for love, I saw them:
the blackberries surrounded
by briers. Supple and sparkling
as jewels. The same ones that we
had subsisted on, with bleeding
fingers, for one afternoon
of our lives. And though
I remembered all the fears
we shared like sackcloth
and ashes, and I knew
the danger of reaching
into the unknown, (it seemed
like there were serpents waiting
beneath every beautiful thing)
blindly grasping for the sweetness
that everyone longs for, and I too
have always feared those things
I cannot see,  I put my faith
in the innocence of nature. I tried
to believe in the benevolence
that exists if you go beyond
the fear, and so I found
them again: the blackberries,
the fruit not forbidden
to those who love, huge
and succulent, and so full
of grace, they were almost
too heavy to bear.
Sam Temple Aug 2017
Tangled mass of briers
chokes the trailhead leading into
a dark forest with echoing calls;
a ****** ***** wildly and their
chorus fills the valley with song
both frightening and
exhilarating to my blood.
A chill creeps through me
as the mountain stream nearby
has entered my body at the neck
traveled every inch of my vein and artery
before leaving me at the ankle
and rejoining its own meandering body.
Is it the distant buzz of chainsaw
or simply a concert of crickets, each
tiny violin poised and ready to launch
that leaves me holding my breath?   /
db cooper Dec 2014
In vision; a small girl
She scurries
Scratches on her face
From the thickets
In a yellow dress with white front
Drips of blood fall from her cheek
They stain her beauty
Her blonde hair is free
Her eyes; as pure as the sun
She runs from the world
She runs from the hate
She runs from the war
She runs from the bullies
She runs  through the stabbing briers
Despite the pain
She saves her innocents
Even if it's just for a moment
She knows
Evil dwells beyond the tree line
Looking dead and empty from the outside
Every window dark and overgrown
A picture perfect not-so-sweet abandon
Standing long forgotten and alone
Beckoning to me with secret nothings
And stories each of us may never tell
A place that life and time have long forgotten
A place of death not far from living hell

Twisted vines tattoo the sides like cancer
Cataracts of dust enslave the glass
A jagged smile of railing slats now beckons
Waiting for the worst to come to pass
The steps, askew and incomplete, sustain me
As do the missing pieces of my mind
With every step, a creak that echoes louder
Than the silence that will fill the end of time

The door, now long ajar and slightly canted
Much like my eyes, half open to the truth
Sees through me, as I gaze into forever
Caressing every shadow of my youth
The surface, cracked and scarred like distant memories
Much like the hide of demons yet to be
Becomes as braille beneath my trailing fingers
And whispers, “Come…,” as fate opens to me

The corner shaves an arc on dusty floorboards
Motes now rise and sway, as if entranced
Every footfall landing past the threshold
Conjures more to join this ghostly dance
Etching upon stillness a reminder
That even the forgotten tend to change
Emphasizing time as an illusion
Every passing moment soon estranged

Traversing through each room, the memories linger
Linger but a moment do I dare
For in each dusty corner lies a shadow
Lying not, while hungry and aware
Every hallway stretches on eternal
No trace of salvation upon the stairs
Nothing here but promises now hollow
Forcing me out into fresher air

Wading through the overgrowth and briers
Working my way ‘round this haggard shell
The cellar door awakens now from nowhere
Hinting both to heaven and to hell
Standing here in waiting, not in wonder
Not knowing how I know what soon will be
The cellar door extends its invitation
As it opens ever slowly unto me

Stepping into darkness disillusioned
Emptiness extends its open arms
Embracing me despite the separation
Beckoning me further in its charm
Crying, not in fear, but in elation
I stagger through my tears to my demise
The death of everything I had forsaken
Forgotten like the past I had disguised

In the furthest corner of my conscience
Crouching in the corner of the tomb
The child of devastation smiles sweetly
Driving every darkness from the gloom
Fighting not the chains that hold him captive
No longer forgotten and alone
For I have come to free him from the memories
And together, we will find our way back home
This has been a creative work in progress for a while now, and may still yet find change.
Anthony Pierre Sep 2020
Slave of briers courts
regal, purple, velvet robe
Picture perfect rose
The Black Prince is a beautiful rose
We. Wallow. In our degradation. Until. Our hearts become. Callus.  Within. ,
Love. the. evil. We have become , and hate the good.

". Bar ram you to your clan , your. Fleece be true. , sheep be true bar ram you "

Buckingham. Palace. 1837. a. Young. Queen. Victoria.  Salutes. her people
". Never let them know how hard it is to bear ma'am. ' Lord Melbournes words  ringing in her  Majesty's ears.

'. But. You. My. Friends are a. Royal priesthood , a chosen people , nation set apart. ".
" never surrender ""
Though. Friends mock , and Pitt.  May  call. ,  loneliness. Rear its ugly head .
Wondering minds persist ,
my God is ever near ,
Abba. Father never let my heart tepid be .

It's  2002. Ashford. Railway station one Saturday  morn
How late. My train would be.
'. There's more to life than work Phil '.  a. Fair. Maden said to me.
How right she was  , that Sunday eve  my heart. Danced for joy ,
" two  lost sheep " sat. Side by side ,  and bound themselves to thee.
Though I walk through the valley of death  ,
With thicket. And thorn on each side ,
And briers on either side .
Light. and love will. Follow

'. " Prone to wander bind thy wandering heart to thee "
      I find  myself  a traveller in a stage coach  peering
Over my fellow travellers. Scroll  .
and  weep over what I. had once wrote. , and bemoan
What I had become .

If. The mountains be carried into the sea ,
and I. trust not in chariots , and gold ,
and friends who mock my God ,
Or  flee to more pressing. encounters
take refuge in thee.

I. Shall. Hate evil  and cling to the good .
Don't. Be lonely ,
Iron shall strike Iron again ,
and walk through my Saviors. Open gate  full of rich pasture ,
And turn my eye from shallow things .

It's. 1779. and the Greyhound. Sinking fast
" Oh Lord have Mercy I. Cry as a sailor is tossed over board ,
In front of my very own eye .
Save a wretch like me "

With the spirit of Redmond  in 92. To Finnish his race
May our fleece be true bar ram you x
Dedicated. To. All Christians. With eating disorders.  And. Mental health issues. .
Chris Saitta Aug 2020
They said passing by me that they would put out their eyes,
The clouds did as they died across the battlefield,
As the gauzy horses stanched the wept blood,
As the thorns, gnats, and briers, wound into
A dove’s nest of bayonets and knives,
The clouds died in insurrection,
And the night breathed freely and the stars cleared the mud.
Reposting since I cannot see whether this posts or not.  No idea why this site is wonky again?
Isaiah Caleb Mar 2017
I like the lycianthes there, although I know they’re weeds
I like their pleasant purple hues, and watercolor leaves.

The Daffodils were simple things; yellow, later white,
Little puffs of breeze-borne smoke, ethereal at night.

The wild briers stabbed at me, as I walked out that day,
And yet they were the first to bring the green into the gray

I like the weeds, though others don’t, I realized it just now.
And to think I only realized it under an arbor’s bough.
Kelsey Mar 2017
This is what I remember:
The planks leaned against the wall
would fall if we weren't careful
Tarzan swinging on the frayed black snakes
that coiled around the beams
because if they could still power florescents  
no one ever told us.
We shattered the old windows stacked in the briers
to make our new home shimmer
when we set the hay ablaze
because if they were going to use them for the house
no one ever told us.
We heard dad call the
pit of snakes insulation
but we killed them all with shovels,
couldn't risk it.
Never knowing the real snakes
were slipping under the front door
and though big brothers might have known
we were fighting the wrong war
no one ever told us.
Or maybe we don't remember
when you said to be careful in the barn
but to go ahead and play out there
and not to hurry home.
Intentions lay shattered and scattered about
Now remnants of what could not be
The veil rent asunder, revealing all doubt
And the face we tried hard not to see
The beautiful thistle amidst scores of thorns
Still ****** us, and begs us to bleed
Just as the dreams that we still so adore
Sometimes sprout from the darkest of seeds
When even hope falters, and faith seems a lie
When demons rejoice, and angels doth cry
And every step draws the conclusion much further away
Every tear that resides behind eyes
Far too weary to open upon their demise
Will still succumb to the fall despite their dismay
The death of mortality’s endless charade
Lingers on as the lifeless continue to fade
Far beneath the parading of ghosts who continue to try
The cries of the broken a sweet serenade
Such an effortless potion that swiftly invades
The hearts of those who still refuse to die

The phantom progression of wanting the need
Still continues to tear at the soul
Ignoring the loss and the pain as it feeds
Upon every ounce of control
As the broken rise up from the fathomless ashes
Still screaming, and daring to dream
Holding to hope as it wails and it gnashes
Knowing nothing is all that it seems
While our time slips away with each grain through the glass
Our tears come and go, as the dew on the grass
And the frost of our frozen emotions still flees with the sun
We fall, and we rise, sprouting forth from the seeds
Of our failures and losses, and sweetly we bleed
Our journey through dark disenchantment now scarcely begun
Our every dream has been nearer than far
But none of us know just how close that we are
Until we dare to take just one step more
This thicket of briers now slowing us down
But protects the great beauty of what may be found
To be the very thing worth dying for
Kelsey Feb 2017
Why is everything always about money with you?
My best friend asks as we lean out
over the railing of the tattered tree house
my mom built before she left.
I'm offering to jump for fifteen dollars.
We are eleven years old and the summer heat
is turning us into real *******.
I tilt my head backwards to see the earth upside down
there are rusted bikes and shattered plastic buckets
splashed green from when we used to mow and faded from the sun.
There are walnuts and sticks that look like warty spears.
About twenty feet from the intended landing zone
a possum rots in the laser light slipping through the dark maple canopy.
Two days ago I bet the gang I would kiss it.
A breeze warms and cools us at the same time,
wafting the possum stench as we wave with it.
The support beams are rotting.
Last week we spray painted the worst spots
pink and green and dark purple.
We wrote our names too.
Sometimes we save our quarters for new wood.
Sometimes we laugh and smash the bowing boards.
Do termites love each other?
The neighbor girl told me they're going to Disney Land,
and last summer her dad bought her a second pony.
I have more dogs but no one's impressed.
I'm not actually sure that's a possum.
The horse broke its leg a few years back.
Mom tried to burn him but
Mr. Graber says animals are 70% water.
We picked through the bones until briers took over.
My shirt is stretched out in the neck
with a graphic of an 80's cartoon I've never heard of.
I'm not joking when I call it a hand-me-sixth.
As though I'd taken the jump
the wind is knocked right out of me.
I realize I've been staring.
I mean it to come out brave and angry but it comes as a squeak,
because I don't have any.
Because we don't have any.
Every time I see you, I’m captivated by you,
Imagine an Orchid growing through thorns,
Amidst the briers and pains of this life,
A flower as lovely as you was born,

Know, your smile’s my reason to smile,
I’d endure many seasons, walk many miles
To be near you, if only for a short while,
My heart could bear the trial,

But what it can not do, or live through:
Searching for what it can not find,
My puzzled heart’s in a bind, it seems,
It can’t judge reality from the dream—

The dream: plant you in my heart’s garden,
Reality: you’ll flourish right where you are,
For you are a lovely Orchid,
To be admired solely from afar.
Lauren Jul 2019
In the depths of sleep, where improbable comes alive,
Where fantasies unfurl and our wildest reveries do strive,

No, I’d never dreamed of you.

The eyes I’d dreamed were azure; vibrant drops, matching sapphires,
Framed like lovely rose bushes with long lashes like briers.
But your eyes are burnt umber, pools of darkness yet they shine,
A synthesis of tenderness and humor by design,

But I’d never dreamed of you

I’d imagined locks of gold, corn silk glinting all aglow.
Flowing tresses without waves; straight as arrows from their bows.
But your tresses are russet, luscious curls like untamed vines,
Dancing in the summer breeze, begetting longing and repine.

Still I’d never dreamed of you.

I’d dreamed up arms to hold me, but they’d depart when I’d wake.
Dream hands could not swipe my tears; impart solace past daybreak.
You’re not what I expected, envisioned or sought after,
But each day in your presence, sates me with blissful laughter.
Yes, dreams cannot construct one’s life; cannot return one’s love,

So though I’d never dreamed of you,
your love was quite enough.

— The End —