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6.3k · Sep 2019
Ally Sep 2019
I rise to greet the dawn

distracting my heart

I take a sip of dark roast

and exhale

today I will

just breathe
3.0k · Aug 2019
Inside my soul
Ally Aug 2019
I find myself...thinking
about you
Beautiful lyrics

In the sound of
In the calm
of soft rain, drizzling

In all the little things
and inside the
deepest part
of my soul
973 · Aug 2019
Lonely tears
Ally Aug 2019
Do you ever,
just sit with your head in your hands
wiping your lonely tears
951 · Aug 2019
Your kiss
Ally Aug 2019
Your lips softly placed
on mine
A gentle opening
allowing our souls to collide

our arms lovingly hold
This moment
wishing it to last forever

Your lips
sealed with mine
This moment
wishing it to last forever
932 · Aug 2019
Kisses for a rainy day
Ally Aug 2019
A million memories
of a million kisses
my neck, my body...all over
kisses all the time

but, as the months
slowly turn into years
I have only fading memories
... of a few

I wished
I saved some
for these
rainy days
874 · Aug 2019
Dance with me
Ally Aug 2019
Dance with me

your hands in places

I crave you

kiss my neck

Dance with me

till the sun greets

whisper what you need

all your desires

Dance with me

the stars our only light

our bodies

the only warmth
816 · Aug 2019
A Sigh
Ally Aug 2019
a beautiful sunrise
the smell of lavender
the chill of winter
a sigh of love in my soul

in this moment
I live
I dream
I love
800 · Aug 2019
Love vs Pain
Ally Aug 2019
Beautiful lyrical words

drawing a cunning belief

of everlasting


Utter deceit

painful, heart wrenching agony

evoking more emotion

perhaps, pain is our

                                    ... elusive love affair
787 · Nov 2019
Ally Nov 2019
Your beautiful brown eyes
A window to your soul
I can tell you everything
My mommy, my friend

I know you love me, unconditionally
It is the one certainty
I have always known
Your love for me never questioned

Mommy, you are my anchor
In my happy days
And my darkest days
My mommy, I love you unconditionally
724 · Sep 2019
A little longer
Ally Sep 2019
I smile
I laugh often
slowly letting go of the hurt
and pain
you have caused
I have forgiven you
but my poetry...  still
needs me to hurt

just a little longer
699 · Sep 2019
An olive branch
Ally Sep 2019
Your mischievous gaze
your dark brown eyes, not as shiny as they should be
tell a very sad tale
straight from your heart

I offered you an
Olive branch...

Being with your broken
soul, whilst trying
to repair my own
was just hurting us more
669 · Aug 2019
The beauty of a soul
Ally Aug 2019
To look at a soul
and not seek
the face
of beauty

To look at a soul
and not need anything more than it offers
too many are judged, in such cruel,
unfair disgust

Look at the beauty of scars
pain, hurt
... despair

If you seek beauty
you will never
truly see
the beauty of a soul
635 · Aug 2019
Your loving arms
Ally Aug 2019
As another night
Slowly creeps in
The dreams I will dream
Filled with your warmth

A desire to
Just hold you
and be you
Perhaps, a little kiss

A dance
With your tender lips
As I fall asleep
In your loving arms
596 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
Infinite numbers between 0 and 1
between 0 and a million
we always want more numbers
than we actually get

So, I choose....
and beyond
570 · Dec 2019
Ally Dec 2019
My sorrow will
always find
your memory,
and smile...
560 · Nov 2019
If these walls could talk
Ally Nov 2019
There is a darkness
I have known
For longer than
I should have endured

I have not shed too many tears
Last night,
I cried myself to sleep

I dreamed of your touch,
But in my dream
You faded…
In a clouded dust storm

Forced… to turn away from you…
What – the - hell was I thinking?
I - can - not turn – away
Not – from – you, I cannot bear it

But I did… I finally did
I woke up, I step closer to
The window,
Glorious raindrops falling

My tears dancing
On my cheeks
While I smiled and said,
Goodbye, my love
From my latest book "Unforgettable" available on
539 · Oct 2019
I feel
Ally Oct 2019
Your stone-cold heart

does not match mine

not like it used to

we are worlds apart now

I made you smile

I made you dance

I made you look forward to the rain

Oh, how we soaked in love

After all, that's said and done

and then some

an emptiness many can see in me

but never really feel
537 · Oct 2019
The perfect gentleman
Ally Oct 2019
I see you through
a reflection I only wish
you could enjoy, raw and beautiful
but this is my view, for now

At first glance, I dare not ask to dance!
Breaking down your high walls
has been a task, a frustrating challenge

You speak few words,
your time
I have to demand
but demand,  I will

For the man I see, the gentleman in you,
is worth my effort
surely one day, for you to demand
... more time with me
494 · Dec 2019
Happy New Year
Ally Dec 2019
Dearest poets

we understand each other

through our universal language

of love and compassion

Our words

our love

our pain and joy

dancing with our words

Into a beautiful 2020
451 · Aug 2019
A daydream
Ally Aug 2019
I'm stuck in a
Where love does
Where kindness is

I'm stuck in a
Running on the beach
Into your arms
Watching the amber sunset
Feeling your heartbeat

I'm stuck in a
Where your kisses
Are still warm

I'm stuck in a
Until the memory, of us
...fades away
436 · Sep 2019
To the sounds of Debussy
Ally Sep 2019
Come lie with me
hold me close . . .
don't explore

Be still
Shut out all sounds
of the world;
close your eyes

. . .Inhale
Exhale. . .

Feel my warmth
my love . . .

Touch my face;
******* lips

Our tongues dance
to the sound of Debussy;
our hands wander . . .

Our souls meet;
you are inside
Don’t leave, yet --
don't stop;
don't move

. . .Inhale
Exhale. . .

We wake
to the sound of Debussy;
you never left . . .
or even moved
431 · Dec 2019
Ally Dec 2019
Close your eyes
feel my skin
your breath on my neck
a third eye kiss

Your fingers
... linger
silky smooth

Kisses trailing my
twin pleasure
sensations rising
419 · Aug 2019
A rebel heart
Ally Aug 2019
I will not love you
I will not give a ****
I will not miss you
but, all I do is think of you

In the midnight hour
I search my heart
Three hours later
... you’re still on my mind

I pray for silence.
While I crave your touch
Your smile
Your voice

I will not love you
I will not give a ****
I will not miss you
but all I do is think of you
411 · Oct 2019
A distant memory
Ally Oct 2019
We use to dance

To the rain

The sun

The moon

The stars brightened our dark sky

Shiny whispers of forever

Dawn waves a new day

Reminding me

You will remain

A distant memory

Clouded skies

No colorful rainbows
410 · Aug 2019
Ally Aug 2019
a Memory, of words
a Thought, of words
a Touch, of words


Our connection!

We collide
With our words
Ally Sep 2019
Your acceptance of the inner
most fragile souls
you hardly notice
how you are adored

You have taught me tolerance
to guard my words
you hardly notice
the impact you had in my life

I admire your integrity
and zero tolerance for
disrespect in any form
we connected and remain in our truth

Yes, you are a queen
My brown skin queen, my friend
You hardly notice
the impact you had in my life

My Angela
My beautiful friend
My brown skin queen,
my friend... forever
386 · Sep 2019
Perky pyramids
Ally Sep 2019
love is beautiful
between perky pyramids
avoiding the heart
368 · Dec 2019
Oh, What a morning!
Ally Dec 2019
To wake up with the chirping birds,

inhaling the jasmine scents

and the sound of the rain

dancing to the song of a new dawn


grateful for

yet another

beautiful day
367 · Sep 2019
Lonely poets
Ally Sep 2019
Liquid pleasures
often, the company
lonely poets keep
when they cannot sleep
while they... weep
358 · Dec 2019
Ally Dec 2019
Although the silence

was necessary,

to heal my hurt -

my heart

and soul

aches to hear the sound

of your laughter
354 · Nov 2019
In your arms
Ally Nov 2019
I think of you
My heart racing
your desperate touch and
passionate kisses

Demanding my touch,
I willingly give to you,
You own my heart
in your arms, I belong
332 · Nov 2019
Arrows and Dandelions
Ally Nov 2019
I have many arrows
Straight through
My heart
Penetrating my soul

Every time you hurt me
I danced with
In A breeze of hope
321 · Aug 2019
Pretty words
Ally Aug 2019
As the night greets
My memories rush in

What seem like a life time ago
Feels like just yesterday
Our last goodbye
Not a final one, but still

When I was
All you thought about
Dreamed about
When I was, enough

These days
You prefer
My silent presence
And that's what will remain

I don't need
... silence
I love words
Pretty ones too
307 · Aug 2019
A beautiful rainbow
Ally Aug 2019
Living through
The darkness
The grief
The loss

It's a way
Of dealing
With all that's
Lost forever

Even though the
Memories won't fade
It's a beautiful thing
To see a rainbow

All the colours
Tender words
             A comforting hug

For the lonely
For the sad
A smile is almost
As beautiful as a rainbow
302 · Sep 2019
Here, with me
Ally Sep 2019
I think of you
in the morn'
afternoon naps
empty cuddles

You are here
with me always
even when you're not
I feel your arms

Do you think of me too?
It simply does not matter!
301 · Aug 2019
Her silence
Ally Aug 2019
It is sometimes impossible
to explain the stories
to all the scars
of a broken heart

try to listen to
her ... silence
only then will you truly understand
300 · Aug 2019
One glance
Ally Aug 2019
I turn to look at you
just one glance
its not perfect
somewhat broken

I look at you
all of you
you look at me, but you don't really see me
im a little bent

and you
just ... love that
289 · Sep 2019
The beauty in pain
Ally Sep 2019
The beauty in
a journey traveled,
often reflecting
our pain
our loss,
but it is in these
moments we reflect
The beauty in pain
Ally Sep 2019
a sunflower smile
on this windy sunny day
with hope of some rain
279 · Aug 2019
In separate lives
Ally Aug 2019
Unsettling reminders
Painful memories
Heartfelt tears

Beautiful bond
Soulful hearts

We exist
For each other separate lives
278 · Aug 2019
My precious gift to you
Ally Aug 2019
I give you my words
treasure them
I give you my mind
always be kind

I give you my heart
but it will surely die
So instead hold on to my soul
it's the most precious gift of all
275 · Aug 2019
Infinite beauty
Ally Aug 2019
A plum blossom greets
infinite beauty in morn'
while birds sit and wait
270 · Aug 2019
A journey
Ally Aug 2019
I get a little troubled… often
so close to giving up
tears that
won't turn to happy ones

I know I have
to pick up the
shattered mirror
and keep moving

Being broken isn't graceful
it's a journey
to restore my soul
... from the inside
262 · Dec 2019
Glorious rainfall (Haiku)
Ally Dec 2019
Leaves falling so slow
Every white petal muddy
Evergreen grasslands
(Visit my FB page "Haiku from my soul to yours")
259 · Apr 2020
A Tartan Prayer - Haiku
Ally Apr 2020
A silent night sky
sound of bagpipes feintly heard
Amazing grace ~Pray
258 · Sep 2019
Ally Sep 2019
We dance and glide to a love song

                                                 our romantic hearts
slowly moving closer

                                                 soft whispers,
carelessly making promises

                                                 of beautiful tomorrows
250 · Mar 2020
I rest my soul
Ally Mar 2020
My love
I want to wake up
feeling your arms
around me

My love
paint your rainbow kisses
On my silky skin

My love
let's dance in the pouring rain
and blow kisses
at the moonlight

My love
I rest my soul on your heart
while you pull me closer
we embrace a peaceful slumber

My love
I rest my soul on your heart

My love, oh, my love
I rest my soul on your heart

My love
I give you my heart

My love
I rest my soul on your heart
248 · Dec 2019
Ally Dec 2019
I am distracted by the notion
of love
and a little hope
and everything
in between
245 · Aug 2019
My son, Jaden
Ally Aug 2019
Your emerald eyes

a window to your beautiful soul

your sensitivity to mankind

zero tolerance for the unkind

Writing about you

is harder than any poem I have ever written

you are

the purest soul

You amaze me

every single moment

your commitment

to your dreams

I am blessed

to be in your presence

even more blessed

to be your mommy,

                     I love you

                                      ... unconditionally
244 · Dec 2019
Ocean eyes
Ally Dec 2019
I often stare
into your ocean eyes
emotional waves...
crashing through my heart
and soothing
my soul
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