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Logan Robertson Jan 2019
a dream
in his sleep.
He caught a **** star.
For his cast had a lot of whip,
stretching his limit and rod as far as it can go.
When the rush of a bite sent him reeling he screamed for dear life as his catch jumped ahead.

Logan Robertson

Fibonacci :  1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...1 syllable, 1 syllable, 2 syllables, 3 syllables, 5 syllables, 8 syllables, 13 syllables, 21 syllables. For a total of 8 lines. Your writer is having fun in dreamland as the counting of sheep on this night came with a twist.
1.8k · Jun 2017
His Key Unlocked Her Door
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
His Key Unlocked Her Door

As the piano man plays her song
The ivories of his eyes dance along
He plays on her keys
The sweetest melodies
Rising onto his pitch her heart twang

Logan Robertson

1.8k · Apr 2017
Answering Love
Logan Robertson Apr 2017
He stopped at her rose garden to explore
Beckoning rose petals awed of colorful lore
With pillow eyes so soft
He's invited into her loft
She raced fast as he kept banging at her door

1.8k · Jul 2018
Finding Love
Logan Robertson Jul 2018
in my harbor, there's no lighthouse
so I look for a guiding light
to help me find a spouse
I pray for once that my ship sails right

the moon and stars line up
my albatross finds a blessing
and the first mate raises a cup
to a woman more than window dressing

how joyful to see the clock with a smile
as the hands of time shines good fate
here comes the bride walking down the aisle
alas arm in arm in love with my mate

if at the end of the dock lost hearts sing as one
our silhouette forever framing the moon and sun

Logan Robertson

1.8k · Jun 2017
Life's Predispositions
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
Life's Predispositions

In the chapel of his soul
and in the steeple of his mind
votive candles burn,
bright and iridescent,
red, yellow, green
and blue.
He sits in there,
a chapel for one,
in a mist
of confusion,
in a mess,
searching for answers,
as his life is waning,
like an Autumn wind
blowing the pages of his life
... stillness,
of bookmarks,
still on page one,
he hatched, once.
All around him,
and cold,
like a winter chill,
snow banks withdrawing,
his sad existence.
Still he looks up
to Jesus on the cross.
In the chapel of his soul
and in the steeple of his mind
votive candles burn,
bright and iridescent,
another rainbow stretching
it's arcs for him.
He backs away.
He bemoans life,
it's endowments on him.
His parent's mistake
on a dark, eerie
loveless night...
and their cutting words
"You were a mistake,"
that grew on him,
like barnacles
clinging to him,
eating away his buoyancy,
like a ship sinking.
In the birth of another spring,
flowers blossoms,
rivers gushing down
mountains and mountains
of pollination,
he has a lone branch
waiting ... somewhere.
Such stillness.
Such stigmatization
from his parents
loveless past.
A mistake they conceded.
It had an effect on him,
darker than the blackest sheep
that he was.
What predispositions.
When the summer harvests
fields smiling their wares,
he scowled
he scowled the corn,
the changing seasons,
his short change
of life.
Why are the birds
singing to me?
The voices
in his head
What message thou
bring to an orphan?
Still he looks up
to Jesus on the cross.
His eyes squint.
Dad, mom.
And whispers words
that don't need
to be said,

Logan Robertson

1.7k · May 2018
To My New Lover
Logan Robertson May 2018
I tiptoed into your garden delight,
with blue jays singing in my eyes.
Those little birdies,
in flight formation,
to and from
your nest.
We had met earlier at a bar,
lit the candlestick.
Now in the soft meadow,
our breaths gasping,
as the flame grew.
So wild and passionate.
Suspended passiveness,
a winner.
You clawed.
You bit.
You echoed.
Flesh ripped from my back,
black of the night screaming,
as your cat rose.
Our pent out clouds bursting into the rain.
Your tail a wagging,
beckoning the blue jays
onto another flight.
Battle wounded
but feeling good.
Those little birdies,
found flight formation,
with a zip in their wings,
to and from
your nest.
The night stretched on,
planting a seed of friendship
beyond your garden delight.
Needed rain feed our drought.
And it was a hoot to perch
outside your window sill
the next night
and next
as you cupped your hands.

Logan Robertson

I actually love this poem yet sadden that it now sits in anonymity.
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
Tiger Wood's wins the Masters today
Another green jacket comes his way
Finally, his image stands large at the doorway
For it's been a knock and a hiatus of his cache
As the years after 2008 suffered from his play
No major championships one can say
Only gossip headlines, mugshots, and injuries in gray
Where once a phenom in his twenties on display
Such greatness and legend his star headway
His mid-thirties saw some of his luster fall  in dismay
With mostly self-injury to his ego in disarray
It was hard watching a once proud man's fall and decay
Especially one that held his world at bay
With his swagger, swoosh, and shine turning to clay
And like a good drama of accents and descents convey
With the wait and weight on his shoulders belay
He turned the storybook pages of dismay today
The pressure of his swing, swing, and putt on display
And how he uncorked his demons is a pure bouquet
After 43 years of his years, he took the fairway
Running, running, today after his prey
It was great seeing his game not get away

Logan Robertson

Along with other patrons at a McDonald's I watched the Master's this morning. I had a Big Breakfast but was in for a bigger surprise. Coffee never tasted so good. So, too, were the tears. It is days like today that you live for, and give thanks to, namely rooting for a hero and a comeback. Thank you, Tiger. To give you a perspective of how big today was-take note that of
Wood's 80 tour wins  71 came prior to 2010. In 2016, 2017 he was out with an injury. In 2013 he did well. Yet there was so much missing from his song, one his life being together (especially his relationship problems with women and caddies), that I was happy to see him sing today.
1.6k · May 2018
Peaceful Rhetoric (10 words)
Logan Robertson May 2018
can no nation rise enough
in the window
to puzzle

Logan Robertson

Play on words-connotations, innuendo, enabling this poem to be read both ways.
Logan Robertson Dec 2018
It's a Thursday evening
and over par for the course I'm sitting
in a sandtrap.
The lie is bad,
I'm  buried next to a watering hole
in the wall.
I can't get out.
The half truth is I'm a drunk
a sea of sorrows.
Even the dolphins, I shed no mercy.
The real truth is I'm ***
anchored to a barstool,
barnacles from the dead sea
hanging on the four legs.
If this bar stool ever came to life
the voice would bubble to the surface,
get me to dry dock.
How fortuitous the wind in my sails,
finding every sandtrap
and waving at the mothballs.
Blind to letting the barnacles take it's course.
Corrosion creeping up on me, like its
Who cares about the long lost voice
or the red ants at his picnic.
Or if Uncle lost his strokes he never had.
Did someone say shipwreck?
I order another double,
with fire in my eyes,
adding another burn to my stomach.
I look at the bartenderess
and my eyes don't lie.
She's my type.
My head tilts this way and that.
I see people starring back at me.
If only they knew how the ball bounces.

Logan Robertson

It was a Thursday night at the bar. I sat in my own little world. Laptop in front of me. Chips on the side. A poem that was begging to be written. So I began to type, fast, without any inhibition or cares. Edit-I read this poem again and again. I actually like it. I should do this more often, beer in one hand, words in the other. What a fun balance.
1.5k · Nov 2018
In a Shoe Box He Sits
Logan Robertson Nov 2018
In a shoe box he sits
Quietly watching the darkness
Sitting forlorned
He's a sneaker
A loafer
Tied in laces
And hidden in shine
As his eyelets sag
With hopes the light peeks in
An envelope
Finding his leather
If only he could feel a touch
A foot
A women's toes that wiggle
On those cold and lonely nights
Where inhabitation brings comfort
If only
His shoes
It could be fitted and fulfilled
Tailored and shined
And not be a beaten path
With wishful thinking
Of a women's toes that wiggle
For now though
A shoe horn would be the panacea
His hope
From being shelved
In a shoebox he sits
Looking at the darkness
At the four walls corrugated
In lost time
Of walking

Logan Robertson

For some, life isn't roses. Red blossoms on sunny days. And others, him, sit watching the barren trees of the fall. In their obscurity they are torn.
Logan Robertson Mar 2019
She kept staring at the full moon
Her friend, confidant, fixation
Regretfully, I learn later, her escape
I kept talking in eerie silence
And keeping company to no effect
She like a bird tethered in a cage
I remember that night
Solemn the scar
Fourteen years hence
We were parked along a beach in Hawaii
Paradise one would think
Man and wife
Gazing in the opposite direction
I learn later our lasting vacation
Somewhere in the distance
Happy palm trees dance to the music of the waves
Whitecaps accentuate the moonshine of the night sea
Statues of tall mountains stand sentry
Separated by a treeline
Rolling hills, bare picket fences
And a defining moment
In the darkness and contrast
I see a few horses approaching our view, us
No doubt curious
My wife jests, as her eyes, depart the moon
Her reverie, her prayer pause
As the inside of the car shrivels
My heart braces
Her words, one by one
Denouncement at its finest
As she looks back at the horses, then me
"Even the poppies are in love
They're so stable"
She says this over and over
For my effect
Her eyes glassy
Her voice but a whisper
Steel, still
Drawing the horses nearer
Where soon their eyes
And noses peek through the fences of gloom
Big and brown,
She begins to tear
Sad and red
Real childlike
Her past begins to flash
Where she says something to the effect
That she once worked the corner of 42nd steet
In San Francisco
A bombshell went off
The horses sank in their seats
Lava spewed from my head
Mount Robertson in ashes
No votive candles could save her
Or us
Her angels on her shoulder
Lost to her rescue
Only albatrosses
Sinking, us
Again in reverie
"Even the poppies are in love
They're so stable"
On and on
"I once worked the corner of 42nd Street
In San Francisco"
Her words, again, like ice
Reverberating in my mind
Where did I go wrong, I thought
Melancholy on the rocks
That night a man
And a moon cried
The sublimity of her message
The pantomime
The mock of steel
The planted seeds
The turning point
I can only gaze at the rolling hills
Now with two horses hoofing it back to safety
The darkness
The lost rebuttal and love
Her full moon
So prophetic
My teary eyes and mind could only wander
Past the happy palm trees
To the pieces of the puzzle
"You don't love me any more"
Deeply, I dug, wanting to find the answers
As her eyes and fingers quickly curled my lips
My insides a mess
She blows out my candle
Takes away the shovel
I knew
She knew
No words needed to be expressed
Only these
"Even the poppies are in love
They're so stable"
Soon it seamed,
Stitches of our love ripped apart
That car that was once parked along the beach
Paradise searching
Now more suited for a funeral procession
As we  bereave the aloha attire, hotel, vacation and then the airport
As two ships departed in bereavement
Rudderless, without sails
Our port becoming a pretense
The living room couch soon my refuge
Saturated with my tears
Faithfulness and honor
Her bi-polarity worsening
I didn't know at the time
If only I had known
Had some understanding
The winds at war
Of what was in her harbor
More of the anchors of doom
Holding her down
The barnacles, erosions of her mind
I could have helped
I will always remember that night
Fourteen years hence
Two horses short of being stable
And the battles in my mind
The tears
The waning days and months
Where the seasons and time felt lost
A year later,
A morning dawn
I looked into her vacant eyes
The stillness
She was finally at peace
No longer tethered or caged
There was a full moon the night before

Logan Robertson

My wife was the love of my life and pain. She brought insight, intrigue, and mystery. She once told me she graduated from Yale, was a former model and once dated a Saudi prince, and I believed every word. What I can surmise about her illness is that her body was a cesspool of prescriptions drugs that only made her condition worsen.
1.5k · Dec 2018
George HW Bush Remembered
Logan Robertson Dec 2018
George HW Bush has left the room
For the last time we salute his duty
Save be it the last image of his bloom
The red, white and blue  his beauty

Stars and stripes live on forever
In our heartbeats his wonderful space
We honor his service and endeavour
For preserving  our country's  better place

From dedicated soldier to president
His passion for his country took flight
For he was always there ... a present
In fighting for his country to shine bright

Now his mission over leaves us blessed
The fourty first link's mettle was impressed

Logan Robertson

Thankyou Mr. Bush for steming into a bloom, reaching heights in this garden we call life. In this country's bed of flowers, one stood always awake, watching over the others.
1.5k · Jun 2017
Couples Loving Flight
Logan Robertson Jun 2017
their passage of time
tick-tock in unison hands
thick-talk in chorus

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Jul 2019
Where Phil's ship set sails
With the biggest whales
His legend has tales
And he spouts no fails
In the depth of nails
His hammer has gales
With winding winds of hales
He keeps to his trails
Leaving quests that impales
Five consecutive NBA finals scales
With LeBron and Leonard's pails
He fetches more water to rescales
With Lakers, his thirst now flails
Bringing hope his ship prevails

Logan Robertson

The Lakers brought in forner assistant coach Phil Handy from the NBA champions Toronto. One there is hope he brings in a winning  mindset, one that's contagious, especially ferreting out the best in his players. Two there is hope LeBron's drive is fueled. With five consecutive NBA finals appearances with Cleveland and Toronto he certainly has a good track record and foundation to build on with the Lakers.
Logan Robertson Jan 2019
Another wilted year went by
Hello brings hope for fresh blossoms
Weeds overgrown of yesteryear brought pain
Comfort is yearning that 2019 blasts off
On a garden of angels
Devils you be mute
Voices of evil you be lost
Find me my angels waking me up
Down wind of the albatross' wrath
Hoping angels wing now take flight on this New Year Eve
Dawn's a be a new year, a new light
Heavy are my steps as I knock on the

Logan Robertson

If a person sees themselves in the same boat I am in, 2018 Titanic like, the hope is that the tip of the iceberg has passed and that the future has wins and winds in our sails. I wish everyone at HP the very best in the coming year.
1.3k · May 2019
Memorial Day 2019
Logan Robertson May 2019
A soldier is at the plate
At bat is his countries fate
His appearance is great
Holding the freedom gate
From enemies of US' hate
Such battle, war and slate
Battle worn, scarred and dictate
He stood tall of his create
Preserving peace at harms rate
He eyes the fences of weight
Past the brave crosses of his mate
On it's scales rests this date

Logan Robertson

To the men and women upholding our countries peace, making the ultimate sacrifice, in upholding our flag-the red, white and blue-I join in with many around the country thanking you from the bottom our hearts. Thank you.
*Noted-Second to the last line I added. I think it gives the poem added depth and imagery. Surprisingly how one line can tie a poem all together.
1.3k · Dec 2018
Once a Poet Junkie
Logan Robertson Dec 2018
I'm a poet ******
That digs through the thrash
There's cans and slops
and graffiti
A pig rolling around happy in mud
I am
Who cares about vanity
Or inhibitions
When your eyes are big
The smiles wide
The teeth brown
The other side of midnight
On a empty bed
It is what it is
A leaf
Once green
Now fallen
Tumbles along
Sentences to death
Garbage here
Garbage there
Signatures on walls
Rhymes and reasons
We take this ride
I sequel
I squeal
Another can
A bottlecap
Should I a say a toothbrush
On a good day
My hooves take to the lawn
Pigs heaven one might say
Running in circles with words
An oink here
An oink there
A pig in a blanket
I really care
What's inside a hotdog

Logan Robertson

To each it's own path up the mountain. At best is the fresh air and scenery. A blossom. A flight of a lone bird.
1.2k · Jul 2019
Cheers To US Women's Soccer
Logan Robertson Jul 2019
FIFA'S World Cup a rises
To the US women's cries
On France's stage and blue skies
Tears fill the winner's eyes
Their cup runneth on highs
Where passion never dies
As the world watched their sunrises
Stunning those rays, the US plies
Over it's foes, goals and kicks lies
Each baking an apple pies
For the hunger now of the US' reprise
Proud the red, white and blue flies

Logan Robertson

Congratulations to the US women's soccer team. That's two in a row. Two apple pies for my liking.
1.2k · Jul 2019
A Sick Child Invented
Logan Robertson Jul 2019
He should have been innocent at ten
Out from his mother's den
Not like a rogue cub that's bitten
His furry experiment, a kitten
How can he be so rotten
For he purchased a ball of cotton
It's paws bracing its last amen
From a malls pet store then
To hell rides, a mortal sin
He rode that bus on the chin
With a boxed ball at his arm
That little ball of fur meant no harm
Scratching the whim of the boy
His pet was making such a noise
All those rider's eyes cast on him
Red faced and on a limb
He covered the boxes vents
So no noise to him made sense
Taking the ball of furs' breath away
How can his head be in a cloud
The devil speaking loud
As the frantic meows began to stop
It's tongue flop, flop, flop
Frozen in transit, as his kitten soon lay
It's ice floating  in his shallow  bay
Dark was the boys discovery
A lifetime of no recovery
Remembering  those pinks be crying
Trashing about and dying
That little ball of fur sitting still
Such a death, is this bitter pill
For the young boy fell off from this branch
Unforgiving of the kitten's trance

Logan Robertson

The writers pen takes the readers down a path that's dark and cold, where ***** of fire replace ***** of cotton. Sadly. He does imagine and create the day, of that child looking into the cardboard box. The stillness. The kitten's elongated body rigid to the touch. All the while his bay losing depth, life, and sunshine, as the years continued on. The part of the poem that I like is the boy fell off a branch but first he was faced with a limb.
1.2k · Dec 2018
A Worm's Weigh
Logan Robertson Dec 2018
A Worm's Weigh (haiku)

A worm scales a tree
It sways to a robins way
Balance is nature

Logan Robertson

It's a Wednesday night. I'm sitting at a bar. The bartender asks if everything okay. I nod yes. I look back at my at my laptop and the quick poem I wrote. I smile. Life can be worse.
Logan Robertson Dec 2018
My lost love
Hated me.
She blinded my daze.
Knights in me would storm
Sunny shores of hers.
Hymns of my love were light
Dark were her fires.
Water colors of our love never bled
Clotted on a unfinished canvas.
Immaterial of me, she blossomed.
Weeds of our life brushed sad.
Happiness gone from our marriage
Divorce, soon, and found.
Lost, like two gold fish at war
Piecing the bubbles to the surface.
Bottom of the tank, I fell ahead
Tails of hers wagged happily.
Sadly I swam away
Towards more ... emptiness.

Logan Robertson

We were so even in the beggining. The moon sang our song. There were lyrics in our steps. Our world was perfect. Then it crashed, oddly. Like watching a bad movie. We had front row seats and could not, for the life of me, change the script.
Note-Did you notice how every
sentence ends and begins with
antonyms/and or wordplay? In the poem
How I Wish 2019 Brings Blossoms I try this technique again.
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
I sit at the window sill
Summoning for spring's till
Of thickets of green mandates fill
The procession and succession with frill
All rise with new blossoms being a thrill
My spring garden fitting the bill
For the little birdies that mill
With their pleas of a worms swill
First, let's arrest the lingering winter chill
The deliberating ill
Citing that bitter bitter pill
That sentences my grief's overspill
With the last backlog of snow on the hill
Of the icy roads that overkill
Free my hammer from waiting still
For the arrival of springs shrill
And the exit of winter's will
My eyes hold court for the first daffodil

Logan Robertson

When spring arrives here in Anchorage, snow and ice turn to slush,
the blue transition from black and gray. and hibernating bears come out of their dens-not that I want to meet them. It's the time of year that the oven
warms with an apple pie, and the aroma of summer is around the corner. This birthing never gets old and one looks forward as the child springs forth in all of us.
1.1k · Jan 2019
Knock On Wood She Be
Logan Robertson Jan 2019
There she would be
Under a spruce tree
Wild and free
Like sand at sea
Holding the waves frenzy
Filled with so much spree
Scenic and capri
Down to earth to thee
The rain and sun give her glee
Moon and stars zzz
Her roots are key
The door to the tree
A foundation to the marque
It's branches and leaves agree
Knock on wood she be

Logan Robertson

Applaud the efforts of the Audubon and other conservativation groups that save the forest and trees. This preservation preserves the carbon, which the lack of such, as we're seeing, contributes to climate change. The roots of the tree goes beyond majestic, myopic and metaphors it can make man moralize.
Logan Robertson Aug 2018
Jack shot clouds with his gun when having fun
Storm on said, Jill, while his rain made her spun
Once his gun cocked
Jill's insides rocked
She sang for more shots of her clouds than the sun

Logan Robertson

1.0k · Jul 2018
Another Lonely Month Went By
Logan Robertson Jul 2018
another June swept by
on see-saws, I cry
tears dwell my mind's eye
for playgrounds bone dry
my clouds puff the sky
rings of black sheep sigh
one by one nearby
no pasture to ply
my mind went awry
with no wool let fly
the beaten path, aye
the days, months, years lie
lie waiting to die
banzai to July
another month to pry
I sit and watch shy
for a piece of pie

Logan Robertson

1.0k · Sep 2018
Moon Crosses Sea (10 words)
Logan Robertson Sep 2018
moon crosses sea
gracefully she bows head
act of contrition

Logan Robertson

994 · Sep 2018
My Little Dear Come With Me
Logan Robertson Sep 2018
My little dear
Is that you I see running
Up a creek
Past splashes of blue
Through blends of green
In the heat of the black night
Laying out crumbs
For me to see
As the creek creaks
As you dear dares
Wandering wonderings
In a lea of clovers
You pull my fate
Two leaves of effigy
I love him
I love him not
Pluck, peel, pass
Shuck, seal, stress
Why, my little dear
Do you bob your tail
Pass the buck
Flutter those chocolates
And you love me
And you love me not
If only
If only the creek could sing
The music calming the blues
The grass is just as green on my side
And the black of the night
Had a new day
... And dawn
For us,
My little dear

Logan Robertson

I guess not.
970 · Aug 2018
Michael Jackson Limerick
Logan Robertson Aug 2018
Michael Jackson sang Billy Jean
Made the audience swoon and preen
There his hands stood
Dare he knocks on wood
A grab of crotch departs of his gene

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Nov 2018
Another volcano erupts
Masked as a mass shooting
Thousand Oaks is disrupts
By a gunman executing

Twelve innocent lives taken
Bloodshed rocked the mountain
Tremors of tears  are foresaken
As the sadness mounts in

In the afterglow of the sorry night
A hero officer is lauded
For responding with all his might
His ultimate sacrifice duly applauded

As many of the bar patrons ran in fear
While smokebombs and bullets sprayed the air
The evil gunmen with his calculated stare
Left the victims without a prayer

In the aftermath sits cratered questions
With depths far reaching as to why
Many innocents lives lost, echo
Their indelible voices still cry

For we're resigned to sitting  in all  normacy
With no foresight on stopping the flow
As another mass shooter festers in dormacy
And this is so sickening to watch it blow

Logan Robertson
Pray for the victims, survivors and those affected by the Thousand Oaks shooting. Pray for us all.
962 · Mar 2019
School Time Crush
Logan Robertson Mar 2019
The best part of the school year was sitting behind Sarah. She wrote with the best handwriting, especially as my eyes copied her test. I would rove with my eyes, inconspicuously, at her paper. She was my conspirator with nice big round circles around the letters. It was a rush. It was like fishing up a river and all the fish jumping in the basket. For when she caught a king salmon, I caught one, too. In time I had a crush on her. Not because of fish and compassion. For she had such mystery behind those chocolates that melted my insides, and she was very tall like me. Plus she had heart, especially if I needed paper and pen, which was often. There were times she would watch me put my homework in my back pocket and hold a grin. I like that. Did I say she was cute? A few times we'd talk after class, and like a landed fish, I was biting on her hook. One day the rapids turned and I gathered all my pent up courage and asked her to the bunny hop. It would be fun, I pleaded. She looked back into my peering eyes, her lips a singing. Those black bears on the river standing watch, letting out a huge roar.

Logan Robertson

Inspired from following a poetry contest at PS, titled a schooltime crush. I read all the entry's and it gave me the motivation to give it a try. Note-In this poems introduction I write how being the recepient of Sarah's windfall, where the river fish are jumping in my bssket so to speak. When she catches a big king I catch one. Of course I'm jesting in my writing. But to the black bears fishing the river, standing watch, are seeing that me and Sarah are getting closer they let out a roar in protest because more fish will soon be jumping into my basket. That's where my imagination takes me.
949 · Jun 2020
Has Hello Poetry Fallen?
Logan Robertson Jun 2020
For almost 2 days, now, I have been wondering what has been going on.

I can't upvote and comment on poems, and most poems that I see posted have no view counts.

By now one would have hoped that the fallen would gotten back on their feet.

I just wish there was a voice out there, somewhere, instead of speculating.

Logan Robertson

Update-Today marks the sixth day of being in the dark. The lump in my throat has gotten bigger. I
feel choked and can't swallow the wheels falling off
of this site. Some poem submissions appear to be normal, some not. I just tried reposting Elliot's and Darrel Langstrom's last poems which are very foretelling of where we are today and I hit a snag. My hands, now, are up in the air and I don't like that feeling.
938 · Jan 2021
Logan Robertson Jan 2021

It works. I tried posting earlier, 2x, and received the message 502 Bad Gateway and for two days the poem
I posted had zero views. I was puzzled.
In fact I was saddened. In my view something not right with this site.
915 · Oct 2017
Perfect Storm (10 words)
Logan Robertson Oct 2017
Perfect Storm

Two clouds
spontaneous night
warmth's housing
shuddering rains

Logan Robertson

888 · Jun 2019
Beth Chapman Remembered
Logan Robertson Jun 2019
I can see a pod of whales
Off into the Oahu horizon
Where the sea touches the sky
Where on this day nature takes it's course
There's a calmness in the palms
Up above the Koolau Mountains
Rising to it's feet
Below the stretches of white sand beaches
Bowing it's head
Clouds shedding a tear
A rainbow hugging the sky
One last time
Kisses and love abound
Many moons ago life was good
For the Chapman's
A successful show, partnership,
Branches on the tree
His, hers, humanity and mankind
Especially the underdog
Today Beth passed away
A turning leaf, still green
And in the summer of her life
I can phantom those pod of whales, forever
Out in the horizon
Where my teary eyes can't see
And where my heart wants to be
Her husband, Dwayne, and family taking Beth home

Logan Robertson

I was sadden to hear of Beth's passing. She was special in how she touched me- a little rough around the edges but with a big heart. She will be missed.
Logan Robertson Dec 2018
As the moon and stars teeter
Totter  became deeply sweeter

Logan Robertson

Those Story Book Memories (10 words)

A cliff hanger held the air
On that maiden voyage
843 · May 2018
Jack's Dream (limerick)
Logan Robertson May 2018
jack sought a *** of gold in his dream
jill rose from the bottom of his stream
like a hooked fish
she jumped his dish
riches nice, but silver gave him a scream

Logan Robertson

838 · May 2018
Amiss in Whitewash
Logan Robertson May 2018
life spent
on misses
dressed in rogue love
love of
****** saw
his eyes of dark
the river
rapid's descent
his eyes
wander wide
as the whitewash

Logan Robertson

Thank you for visiting. This poem is a lantern (1,2,3,4,1) (?). Each makes a statement with double meanings, including the title, with all four tied together. Often I think I lose many readers (see the views) because they don't understand my poetry (story of my life). To July nothing will ever change.
815 · Jan 2019
Trump's Anthem
Logan Robertson Jan 2019
From the cast of Trump
Throes a country tis of thee
Oh say can you see

Logan Robertson

From Trumps deliverance/role/mold/infirmity comes pain/(play on word- throw) on his whims/teeters/tooters/totters
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
If Hillary somehow taken Trump's sauce
Found her ladle before her e-mails loss
Dumped all the macaroni
From the plate of Trump phoney
Our stomachs now would not ache, turn and toss

Logan Robertson

Hillary had the kitchen sink, was a huge favorite on betting sites and had the presidential election won in her back pocket. When it counted the most- the debates, defending the discrepancy regarding her e-mails she became doe eyed and became the hunted.
Logan Robertson Sep 2020
Under the big tent Sally's circus came alive
Cotton candy lady gave the first clown a vibe
She grabbed his hands, too sweet
Her marching bands in heat
One clown in the bush is worth two acts to arrive

Logan Robertson


Sally's bird in hand soared to the moon and back. Meanwhile a loud speaker overhead (?) continuously paged for cotton candy lady to return to her booth.
787 · Mar 2019
Dare She Lies
Logan Robertson Mar 2019
Dare she lies
With a three inch putt
Tap in birdie
For sure
With a **** in her eyes
She looked askance
How can this be
It was a beautiful drive
Straight down the fairway
A pitch and a roll
Fortuitous is the bounce ...  swing
Now standing abreast on the green
She takes the putter to bed
One under par

Logan Robertson

Oh my!
767 · May 2019
Spring Haiku
Logan Robertson May 2019
in the face of spring~
tulips eye the first rain drop~
ahead of sunshine~

Logan Robertson

759 · Sep 2017
Restless Encounter
Logan Robertson Sep 2017
Restless Encounter

Returned from the graveyard shift
I needed a lift
Puppy eyes shut
Barks abut

I couldn't sleep
So I counted sheep
One, two, three, four
There's  a knock at the door

It's an old cougar
That wants to borrow sugar
Coast was clear
I had no fear

Two hours later
The gator was catered
It's back to sleep
Counting sheep

Halfway to fourty
Lawn mower sounds, oh lordly
Two hours later
The gator's  a hater

It's back to sleep
Counting sheep
Twist and turned twenty five
And more unneeded jive

Alarm clock set for wrong time
Chime, chime, chime
Can you believe that
The gator spat

It's back to sleep
Counting sheep
I see her in the lea
Playing with me

Her wool a nice set
As my gator's lip wet
And this time the wifely returns
My insides want to burn, burn, burn

My gator sighs
As she says hi
Hi I weep, weep, weep
Please I need some sleep

She looks (esoteric) at me
With that look of plea, plea, plea
She wants her sugar fix, too
My gator singing it's blue

My eyes want to close
But there she blows
Chime, chime, chime
Wifely having a good time

On top of the train track
Gators attacked
His sheep counting on him
To stop the bedlam

Logan Robertson

Logan Robertson Mar 2019
Their peering eyes sit at the window sill-
Looking in they get their thrill-
A mother's brimming mess they are still-
Trolling HP gives them their fill-
Their calling card speaks ill-
Of good poets swallowing their bitter pill-
Eliot needs to stop this unwanted chill-
Of trolls riding the thumbs down, drill-
Their actions take a good community through the mill-
And ****** if I am going to watch the blades spill-

Logan Robertson

When many voices speak up it should shake the tree. I write today, inspired by all the ones carrying a torch.
Logan Robertson Sep 2019
Sally's heart sings nights of slow romance
Where eyes and tongues are tapered in dance
Kisses, one at a time
Lasting embraces in rhyme
As women's duet, she changed her stance

Logan Robertson

681 · Oct 2017
She Walked Out
Logan Robertson Oct 2017
She Walked Out

she blew bubbles in the air
I blinked
why so cutting and unforgiving
its just me
filled with her residual
and every time I opened my mouth
she blew bigger bubbles
suppressing my rebuttal
I blinked
and I swear one landed in my mouth
and butterflies sang a nice tune
but she need not know this
the sweetness
my hidden gravitation towards her
because she walked out
I look out the window, now
with her residual
still bubbling inside me
and it hurts

Logan Robertson

655 · Sep 2019
Farm Pigs Go To Market
Logan Robertson Sep 2019
One regret
for all those farm pigs
wiggling their toes
one last time
on that ride
to the market
wiggling, wiggling
like there's no  tomorrow
taking in the waning hours
thoughts of their sow
and babies left behind
gasping the last breath of air
and life
the ride, the death march
the winding turns
the roar of a diesel engine
the small cracks in the crate
light filtering in
bringing tears to their eyes
the saddest eyes ever
and the final curtain
for somehow they know
the fattening
destiny's child
this piggy went to market
was a storybook fable
facing all around them
the others know, too
their hearts beating
when the truck stops
not for coffee this time …
squeals  abound
the crates perspiring, thrashing
the bounty of life
on the dinner table
the cruelty of such
for no cargo is overturned
as the hum of death
sound of the blades
soon rises above the prayers
darkness kicks in
taking in the ecosystem
as wiggling toes stop

Logan Robertson

This poem tugs at my heart, for the reality of such, is not made up. The first cavemen had the right idea.
Logan Robertson May 2017
wrapped up in her rising heat his gift bowed ribbons
625 · Jul 2017
Facing Closed Doors
Logan Robertson Jul 2017
he looked at her
with distant eyes
his past flame
iridescent and loving
him just dying for her heat
if she only knew
for monkeys fall now
on his life
swinging on his sorrow
those sneaks
his eyes stare at the moon
and his lips murmur why
to all the men out there
laughing, why?
for whispers heard now
she plays the fiddle
lone bed groans same song and dance
soloist's  bow squeaks
how swell life turns
on bated axis
he finds a wall
and knocks his head into it
it hurts
not at her independence
and playing to her own beat
no ...
for all the men out there
facing, facing
closed doors

Logan Robertson
Logan Robertson Apr 2019
Such creaking of old
                            clutched hands,
  wrinkles expressed
                               mark transient veins of time.

Logan Robertson

I think as one ages they go up the proverbial creek. The days at the rivers mouth, in it's
longevity, come winding down from the mountain. I see this analogy in nature. I see my hands. The verbage expressed holds two meanings here, regretfully.
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